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All American
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Quote :
"Having just read a full and in-depth synopsis of the shooting script of the upcoming "Batman" from yesterday's source, its time to share some small light on the spoiler details which will hopefully quell all the rampant speculation that will no doubt continue unless something like this is done. First off to those wondering I don't have the script or any pages from it - even if I did there's not a cat's chance in hell of me doing anything other than glancing over it and then locking it away in a drawer. I almost never read scripts because I don't like to be spoiled, and they are the studio's copyright so those who post scripts online whether it be a single page or the full baby, you are breaking all sorts of laws.

Reviews of scripts are fine, but again like most I don't want to be spoiled too much, thus what follows is tailored to that taste - there is some spoiler stuff here, almost all of it from the opening third or so, but what I've included doesn't have any real bearing on the plot, is stuff you're already familiar with and/or you'll find revealed in the film's trailers or official notes in any case. There's a few clever twists and jibes in the script, none of which I want to ruin for anyone

I was sent a multi-page breakdown/major spoiler review by this source and have since independently confirmed its genuine. The breakdown fits in with and spells out clearer the rumours heard so far, adds some whole new angles and is understandably critical about a number of points. In Nolan's hands it should be VERY different from what we come to expect from a "Batman" film (it took me a while to get used to it but I quite liked it).

After penning this item I have since deleted that breakdown as well so please don't ask me for or about it as I no longer have it. Like Warners, I don't want to see this spoiled but I will clear up some of the talk and lingering questions. This is a one-off as well, there won't be follow-up pieces or any more new details revealed although I will be able to shoot down inaccurate speculation as it comes up:

- All the characters mentioned so far are in it - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Alfred, Jim Gordon, DA asst. prosecutor Rachel, Jonathan Crane, and Ra's Al Ghul.

- Other characters include Ra's protege Ducard, Wayne Enterprise's Applied Science Dept. head Lucius Fox, mob boss Falcone, acting Wayne Enterprise head Earle, and various crims & law officials and a bunch of ninjas.

- There's no link or mention of the previous film's events, this not only ignores them completely but restarts the franchise as its essentially an 'origin' movie which changes elements such as the 'parents being shot' and 'how Bruce found the cave and took up the mantle' subplots.

- Despite the filming in London, almost all of the film is set around Gotham City (there's no mention of London) though there's numerous flashbacks to the past and early on the footage is set around a mountain monastery in China.

- The first portion of the film swaps between flashbacks and the present. In the past we see stuff we're all familiar with from the comics and earlier movies - Bruce as a child with his father Thomas Wayne, the famous alley shooting of his parents, being cared for by a younger Alfred, meeting regular beat cop Jim Gordon, etc. In the present its Wayne mano-a-mano fighting with Ducard whose 'training/testing' him as such for his master Ra's Al-Ghul whose watching from the shadows. This is no doubt the sequence being filmed in Iceland at the start of production

- With Ra's Al-Ghul he does have insidious plans but there seems to be no mention of immortality, the Lazarus Pit, or Talia. His sub-ordinate Ducard is an interesting character with a clever connection to his master.

- One subplot has Wayne Enterprise head Earle trying to take over the company and using his influence on public officials. Its revealed Gordon in the present is a Sargeant. There's also a small storyline about a mob boss whom Bruce has a personal score to settle with.

- One element I like is the discovery of the cave and its various entrances and the clever finding of the Batsuit described as "prototype spandex body armour". The Batman in full costume however doesn't appear for a while on screen (once he's there, he's there in force) which is a clever move and keeps one in anticipation.

- The Scarecrow is referred to only as Jonathan Crane who is the head of medicine at Arkham Asylum. There's a clever origin story to the fear toxin, and at certain points he covers his head in a sack/mask for protection.

- The second half (basically once the 'origin' elements are over) are more like a Batman movie we know but some cool new stuff and shots too which I won't spoil. Suffice it to say there's an elaborate plan which will wreak chaos on downtown Gotham. Key characters get drugged, Alfred pops in at the right time and place to save his master and offer wise counsel, and so on.

- Action fans will be happy with an extensive Batmobile chase through the streets, alleys and 'other surfaces' of Gotham. A decaying monorail system built by Thomas Wayne serves as the backdrop for some story elements.

- The coda includes mention of one of the Dark Knight's most famous villains - its pretty easy to guess which one.

Opinion: In the end this is one of those stories which at first glance will shock you, but then give time to process I think you'll come to really like it - fans of the comic especially should go nuts for this. With the Batman live-action movies we've become used to formula - Bats in costume hunting down a wildly costumed baddie who gets far more character development than our hero, and a dark twisted gothic fantasy sense.

That's all out the window, in this Batman really is the focus of the movie with the villains taking a sidestep. The villains themselves aren't garishly colourful or obsessively dark pastel-clothed freaks, they actually seem to be believable nutters and their connection is a quite clever twist even if their ultimate motives still feel underdone.

The love interest isn't a screaming helpless girl and how they handle it especially towards the end is quite mature, but she's not a particularly interesting character either. Alfred is handled nicely, Gordon especially seems to get some good stuff here. Even some of the plain human side characters like Lucius, Earle, Falcone, etc. are going to be interesting to see onscreen.

The action towards the end admittedly gets overly theatrical, but otherwise its quite shocking how un-blockbusterish this is, it plays more like an old-fashioned movie which allows its story to unfold than a big action spectacle - indeed the closest film I can think of in comparison is the first "Superman" and even to some extent "Spider-Man", in other words its very much a restart right from the beginning. With Nolan in charge it'll be interesting to see how it all turns out.

1/8/2004 8:05:40 PM

All American
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I don't much care for the sound of this. It seems to me that they're trying to de-emphasize some of the outlandishness that isn't really that outlandish, and in very awkward ways.

1/8/2004 8:09:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"its essentially an 'origin' movie which changes elements such as the 'parents being shot' and 'how Bruce found the cave and took up the mantle' subplots.

fuck it, i'm not watching it

1/8/2004 8:10:43 PM

All American
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1/8/2004 8:11:41 PM

All American
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hey, its gotta be better than the last two

1/8/2004 8:15:11 PM

All American
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there's no excuse to change the origin

1/8/2004 8:15:55 PM

All American
51889 Posts
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edit post people say you loved Burton's first one so much, and he drastically changed the origin....

1/8/2004 8:16:27 PM

All American
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that's bc it was the first good comic movie

i was never a huge superman movie fan

1/8/2004 8:20:10 PM

Tom Joad
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i'll wait for the costume and see what i think

1/8/2004 8:20:25 PM

All American
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1/8/2004 8:23:24 PM

All American
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you're all gonna see it, don't even try to bullshit

1/8/2004 8:24:18 PM

All American
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stfu, i'll kill you

1/8/2004 8:24:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"With Ra's Al-Ghul he does have insidious plans but there seems to be no mention of immortality, the Lazarus Pit, or Talia. His sub-ordinate Ducard is an interesting character with a clever connection to his master."


Quote :
"Its revealed Gordon in the present is a Sargeant."

Sargeant Gordon just doesn't sound right

are they going to show scarecrow as scarecrow or just crane with a bag over his head in one scene? that bag better look super badass during that scene.

despite it seeming like a completely unnecessary and redundant movie with weaker villians, i'll definitely see it. i mean it can't be as bad as underworld.

1/8/2004 8:35:40 PM

Tom Joad
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i think gordon was a captain in year one

1/8/2004 8:39:04 PM

All American
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1. all this is is basically modernized year one
so its not like they are "changing the origin"...
it says in there somewhere that the parents are still gon' be shot, and thats really all that matters...hell, the fucking joker killed his parents in the tim burton one, so you can all stfu about "changing the origin"

2. we all complained when we heard wolverine wasn't gonna wear yellow tights with blue friggin briefs, that this leather thing would be stupid...but we all also laughed when cyclops made the joke about them
trying to rationalize the immortality is something that is probably best left off screen
with so much to tackle in this flick, it would almost be like
"batman: hey, whats that bubbling pool of acid?"
"al ghul: oh that, thats the immortality pool, wanna dip?"
and then they would go back to whatever they were doing at the moment....

i'm just really happy that it looks like cillian murhpy is gonna get some major screen time, he really really impressed me with 28 days later
so once again, nolan = teh wins

1/9/2004 5:49:24 AM

All American
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yeah, gordon was just a captain in year one(best batman story arc ever). this movie sounds a whole lot more interesting than the neon filled joel shumacher movies. the movie being good depends on whether they can pull it off or not. from the sound of it I think it has a lot of potential. but who knows? it could suck, but it could be great. we'll just have to wait and see. I still wish they would've done year one and then followed with a movie on the complete other end of the spectrum like "the dark knight returns." mix shit up in the batman universe.

1/9/2004 8:39:25 AM

All American
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<-is skeptical but also excited...Ra's Al Ghul and Scarecrow are two of my favorite villians.

and yeah...bitching about changing the origin is just retarded. Tim Burton changed some serious stuff but most either let it slide because the movie rocked or (as I think is the case here) most of us were too young to know the difference...

costumes had better rock. none of this shinny blue fake nipple shit...

Ra's Al Ghul doesn't need the immortality or Lazarus pit to be a good villian. he was always good because he's smart. he is bruce wayne/batman on the bad guys side and so makes a perfect match for bruce/batman. can't be worse than underworld...and I got tricked into seeing that steaming pile of shit...

1/9/2004 12:33:48 PM

All American
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^yeah, I'd rather have a more human villain like the joker was in the first batman.

1/9/2004 12:48:06 PM

All American
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Like, i don't even care if he is immortal
but i think it would be too much to explain it in this movie...

the biggest reason why the first batman is the best: one damn bad guy...

am i wrong?

hell, batman & robin turned the man who broke tha bat's back into the fuckin abominiable snowman...."which way did he go george which way did he go"
and i don't wanna see two highly respectable bad guys get pissed on so we can sell little kids more toys...

Quote :
"you want braniac to wrassle some polar bears?"

1/9/2004 1:17:09 PM

All American
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I agree. one villain is the way to go.

1/9/2004 1:21:22 PM

All American
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are we even sure al ghul is actually a "villain"
Quote :
"With Ra's Al-Ghul he does have insidious plans"

yeah, he has plans, but are we meant to expect some big knock down fight or something?

i think if they're smart, unlike burton, they won't kill him after this one movie
let him be almost like the friggin emporer in star wars, always close to stopping/revealing him, but only doing away with his underlings...

and plus, we gotta get talia at some point...

now granted i don't want to never ever see another bat villain, but i think letting al ghul play in the back for a while would be good for the new and improved franchise...

1/9/2004 2:38:40 PM

All American
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nah, he's not cool enough to keep around for more than one movie. scarecrow would've been my choice. you could do a lto with all the hallucenigenic gas shit that he has. could be really trippy. I would've thought that would be right up tim burtons alley.

1/9/2004 4:55:17 PM

All American
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How the fuck are you gonna say that Ra's al Ghul isn't cool enough to keep around for more than one movie? He's an epic-level nemesis, the kind of guy you keep around for maybe THREE movies!

1/9/2004 4:58:50 PM

All American
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it would be sweet if they alluded to metropolis and a mysterious man in a cape or something

that way people will be all the more psyched out for the superman movie and then the crossover

1/9/2004 4:59:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I would've thought that would be right up tim burtons alley."

tim burton probably has never heard of the scarecrow....
batman has to have been a paycheck movie for him, just like pota...
i love listening to kevin smith talk about burton...

and i still despise the crossover idea...
the only way it would work is the way it did in dark knight returns...
and well, i guess instead of reds, supes could have been duped into fighting towel heads, and we could be back in business...

man, i would like to actually see that now...
seeing supes taken down by a nuke, clinging to the only bit of earth sun he can find....oh that'd be hot...

but DC is having toooo much trouble even finding a superman, let alone making the pre-crossover trilogy...

1/9/2004 6:03:53 PM

Tom Joad
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the regan years was a pretty intergral aspect of dark night returns, in my opinion

1/9/2004 9:43:18 PM

All American
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not to argue, just to get a better understanding

how so?
i never really looked at it that closely, so i've never seen it

1/9/2004 9:46:40 PM

Tom Joad
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just re-read it and you'll see what i mean

i don't think the story would be the same if reagan's pawn, superman was out figthing "terrorists" instead of the red army

1/9/2004 9:48:49 PM

All American
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i guess...
but in a way, i think batman would almost technically be a terrorist....

1/9/2004 10:16:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the regan years was a pretty intergral aspect of dark night returns, in my opinion


i get it. growing up, the world outside of my home seemed so gloomy and uptight... i guess i thought of it as "dark"

then bush came along and turned it into a happy circus and vomitted on foreign people

1/9/2004 10:24:05 PM

All American
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i guess i was too young to really see the reagan world as dark and spooky...

1/9/2004 10:37:30 PM

All American
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i still think that reagan was the antichrist who must have just slept in and missed the apocalypse. that's the only good thing about him.

1/9/2004 10:57:49 PM

All American
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Official title of the new movie is Batman: Intimidation and will be released in 2005.

1/22/2004 2:43:11 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Michael Caine as Alfred...the guy from 'American Psycho' as Batman

1/22/2004 3:52:43 PM

All American
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sounds good to me

1/22/2004 3:55:44 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I can see Bale pulling off both Bruce Wayne and Batman, very well

1/22/2004 4:10:10 PM

All American
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plz tell me this isn't news to anyone...

^p.s., he has apparently buffed up a considerable amount
which is impressive since his american psycho physique was pretty impressive

[Edited on January 22, 2004 at 6:16 PM. Reason : bale]

1/22/2004 6:15:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"plz tell me this isn't news to anyone..."

What are you talking about? Because the title, they just officially confirmed recently -- the casting stuff is old though.

1/22/2004 8:08:22 PM

All American
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welcome to september...
the real news today is that they are trying to get morpheus to play lucious fox; and apparently, nolan is determined to get chris cooper for gordon, which is a reallllly good choice that i would have never thought of...

[Edited on January 22, 2004 at 8:49 PM. Reason : new casting news]

1/22/2004 8:46:33 PM

All American
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^I didn't realize there were any actors by the name of Morpheus. Of course, maybe you're refering to Lawrence Fishbourne?

1/22/2004 10:12:28 PM

All American
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wait, the matrix was a movie, those people are just actors? holy crap...this totally changes meh worldview

1/23/2004 12:53:49 AM

All American
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new news

1. morgan freeman is now up for gordon, since chris cooper is adamant at not doing it

2. the batmobile is not going to be a monster truck related vehicle

and my favorite, but kinda suprising

3. guy pierce is being heavily talked about for the role of harvey dent
but now i'm pissed, because if he was gonna be in this movie, he should surely have been nolan's batman...

2/2/2004 12:52:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the batmobile is not going to be a monster truck related vehicle"

was it going to be?

2/2/2004 1:04:15 AM


47844 Posts
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k so someone told me aronofsky is rumored to direct the next batman.

2/2/2004 1:08:47 AM

All American
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they are doing some stuff in iceland
and there were rumors about a vehicle that has monster truck wheels on the back, and formula 1 tires on the front...

but its gonna be more like the standard batmobile

^he was rumored to be in line for "batman: year one"
but that basically got shitcanned when chris nolan [memento] came in to "reimage" the franchise
so if you were sad that he was gonna do it, he isn't gonna do it

and if you're a fan of arofonsky, his film "the fountain" which was torpedoed by brad pitt is rumored to be going back into production...

[Edited on February 2, 2004 at 1:11 AM. Reason : arofonsky]

2/2/2004 1:09:37 AM

All American
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why you would change the traditional batmobile makes no sense to me, especially to a monster truck thing. I would have never thought of that ever.

2/2/2004 1:12:03 AM

All American
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it was just one of the movie sites catching a whiff of something and wanting to be the first to have it online...

a la the recent "beyonce as lois lane" rumors...

2/2/2004 1:13:56 AM


47844 Posts
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oh thank jesus

2/2/2004 1:14:03 AM

All American
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whats wrong with directing a batman movie?
tim burton did it, and he is still a very accomplished director...

2/2/2004 1:15:09 AM


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i don't care for burton

i love aronofsky

it just doesn't seem a likely next move after pi and requiem

2/2/2004 1:16:45 AM

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