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 Message Boards » » MAE dynamics or CE dynamics? Page [1]  
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Howdy howdy, changing major to ME which means time to pick up the slack (dynamics, diff eg) this summer. Anyone recommend MAE or CE dynamics for a summer session? I have taken solids in CE and statics in MAE and both seemed quite the cake walk. Tanks yehs

2/12/2010 2:36:33 PM

476 Posts
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I took statics as a CE, then switched to ME. MAE dynamics (from what I hear) is harder than the CE dynamics. Last time I checked, MAE will accept CE dynamics as a substitute though. It's up to you if you think it's a good idea.

2/12/2010 2:46:45 PM

All American
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i dont think ME allows the CE equivalent of 208. someone correct me if i am wrong but i think years back it had been decided that for ME's, they had to take ME designated courses and no equivalents would be allowed.

^ he contradicts me so i'm not sure now. certainly something to check with ME firsthand!

[Edited on February 12, 2010 at 2:48 PM. Reason : .]

2/12/2010 2:47:48 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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this is always a tough question b/c there are very few people who have taken both of them and that makes it hard to find a good objective comparison. the greener grass thing takes over and everyone wants to claim that the other major has it easier.

with that said, if solids and statics were easy, then i doubt you'll have much trouble in dynamics, no matter which major you take it through.

2/12/2010 2:49:29 PM

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^^ It was a couple years ago when I asked about statics and dynamics and solids. It sounded like it was something they didn't want put in print, but they would do it.

2/12/2010 2:51:20 PM

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Still, if you're switching to MAE, I'd go ahead and do their version of it. Dynamics was my least favorite class in engineering, but you gotta do it!

2/12/2010 2:57:19 PM

All American
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I was a BME major and took both MAE and CE dynamics CE was much easier for me because the questions seemed more practical. Also, doing an accelerated summer dynamics course with working full time was VERY rough... so if you have a job or are taking several other classes, I would consider taking it in a longer semester.
I took mae statics, and i enjoyed that. Took Mae solids...didn't really enjoy that.

Take thermo I over the summer, though. That class was a lot easier than I expected.

[Edited on February 12, 2010 at 4:09 PM. Reason : ]

2/12/2010 4:05:22 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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Quote :
"CE was much easier for me because the questions seemed more practical."

a lot of that depends on the teacher, too

2/12/2010 4:13:01 PM

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I was talking to a CE professor who taught CE 215 who used to teach MAE 208. The classes, for the most part, are the same. If I recall correctly, CE 215 doesn't get into a lot of angular moment stuff. He also said that there was talk about dropping CE 215 from the curriculum, but that hasn't happened yet.

Honestly, I would take MAE 208 over CE215. CE 215 seemed like a joke, since they do cut some stuff out.

As far as if they're interchangeable, you should e-mail an ME advisor and ask.

2/12/2010 5:27:28 PM

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katiencbabe, yeah that is where I was trying to get at. From what I hear dynamics is pretty rough and wasn't sure an accelerated session was doable when taking other classes/ job. But anyways, thanks for the input people.

2/12/2010 6:01:45 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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there are ME advisors that answer emails?

if you actually want an answer, your best bet is to catch heeter in her office and ask her

2/12/2010 8:26:01 PM

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you right. you right.

2/12/2010 8:57:57 PM

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^^ She's always answered mine within 24 hrs. Now, Tran on the other hand....

2/12/2010 10:30:56 PM

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