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 Message Boards » » click here if you were a CHASS major or is one Page [1]  
All American
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for all chass majors it is said that you would get 3 extra hours of math credit for free upon completion of MA 114,121,131,or 141, with a C or better which I did in MA 121 in fall 08 and they have still not given me the credit. they said on the packet they give it to me when I finish the course. but it has been almost 2 years now. has anyone who has been a chass major ever gotten their credit and when did you get it? or do you need to contact your adviser and manually have them give you the credit. thanks

2/18/2010 12:16:57 PM

All American
7841 Posts
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I clicked... but I shouldn't have. Is that like pushing the "don't push button"? Will the world blow up now?

I think you need to go speak to an advisor. They should know right away.

[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 12:21 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2010 12:21:43 PM

All American
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I was a CHASS major and took MA141 and 241 which are both 4 credit courses. The math courses they require CHASS majors to take are 3 credit hour courses.

If you take MA141, 241, and 242, you'd wind up with 3 additional hours, but they'd mainly count towards your free electives, not some "math credit".

I don't know why you think you would get 3 extra hours of "math credit" for completing courses that are required of your major. I get the feeling you misunderstood something.

[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 12:35 PM. Reason : .]

2/18/2010 12:35:14 PM

All American
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Yeah, it just doesn't...


...add up.

2/18/2010 12:39:09 PM

All American
547 Posts
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no i am afraid you did

For a freshman who places into MA 114 or one of the calculus courses MA 121, 131, or 141 at NC State, taking thatcourse at NC State and earning a C or better on the first attempt will earn an extra three hours of mathematics credit. (Theadditional three hours of credit will not be given if a student attempts a lower level math course before taking MA 114, 121,131, or 141 or if MA 114, 121, 131, or 141 is taken at another institution.) In programs that require Statistics as a secondmath course, the extra three hours of mathematics credit can be used as free elective credit.

[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 12:47 PM. Reason :]

[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 12:52 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2010 12:45:05 PM

All American
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good news:

i received an email and they said my degree audit ahould be updated in a week with the credits

topic over then

2/18/2010 12:50:17 PM

All American
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I'm clearly a CHASS major, because I can't get past the blatant error in the title.

2/18/2010 1:00:04 PM

All American
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i wasn't a chass major, but i couldn't make it past that blatant error either...

[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 2:28 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2010 2:27:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm clearly a CHASS major, because I can't get past the blatant error in the title."

I used to wonder why there were people in COM 240 that freaked out when the professor said we had to do the mean, mode, and median of a group of 5 numbers.

Not anymore though.

2/18/2010 2:46:00 PM

All American
547 Posts
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I clicked... but I shouldn't have. Is that like pushing the "don't push button"? Will the world blow up now?

the point of writing "click here" was so that people who are not chass majors don't need to click since they would not know or doesn't concern them anyway so why not write click here?

2/18/2010 3:49:15 PM

All American
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^ i'm not a CHASS major nor was i ever. But i know a lot of people who were, and I know people who work for CHASS. Depending on the question, I would have talked to someone who actually worked in CHASS and found a legit answer for you.

when i first read this i thought "this kid has to be retarded if he thinks they're just handing out credit."

Then I read what Stein said and thought, "well that makes sense. 9 credits vs 12, that's where the extra 3 are coming from. The OP is just kinda misunderstanding that."

But then I read the actual policy. And the way it reads, they're really giving students an additional 3hrs of math credit for passing MA114, 121, 131, or 141 on the first try as a freshman with a C or better. They're basically giving them credit for MA111 and letting them use it toward their math requirement.

Assuming this is true/the policy isn't just poorly written, I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's one thing to substitute one course for another, but giving them credit for something they never did doesn't quite seem right to me.

[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 4:04 PM. Reason : .]

2/18/2010 3:54:07 PM

All American
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yeah free credits are nice, also it helps when you are trying to be a senior one semester early

and for all CHASS majors:

you need to send a email to have the department's dean manually upload the 3 credits to your account or you may never get the credits, that is the catch. also if you never read the packet then you may not even know about it and waste time taking another math when you could of got it free

[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 4:08 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2010 4:07:09 PM

All American
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Quote :



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2/18/2010 4:16:43 PM

All American
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back in the day i got credit for eng 111 after completing 113, so it's not really a new idea

2/18/2010 4:27:58 PM

All American
7841 Posts
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Quote :
"the point of writing "click here" was so that people who are not chass majors don't need to click since they would not know or doesn't concern them anyway so why not write click here?"

I wasn't trying to hate on you. Don't take this message board too seriously, or it will eat you alive.

2/18/2010 4:33:46 PM

All American
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^^ yeah, I believe that came about when they changed it from needing both ENG111 and 112 to just needing ENG111z or whatever. 113 wasn't a requirement, but if you placed into it and passed, you were also given 3hrs for 111 i think. And now I think it's like ENG100 and ENG101 or something. Not really sure, it's been a long time since I was a freshman... I took 111 and 112 if that helps date it.

I guess it's no different than placing out of a language requirement. Just kinda odd that instead of simply placing out, they only give the credit if the student takes and passes a different class. If I take Spanish 2 w/o previously taking Spanish 1, I don't get credit for Spanish 1. At least we didn't when I was a freshman.

imo it should work like this: You place into MA114 or higher. Fine, we'll knock off 3hrs of your required math credits. But if you take something below MA114, it doesn't meet your leftover required math credits. They can count as free electives, but not math.

[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 4:52 PM. Reason : .]

2/18/2010 4:47:42 PM

All American
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Quote :



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[Edited on February 18, 2010 at 4:50 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2010 4:50:17 PM

All American
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As a CHASS graduate, I am ashamed of this thread title.

2/18/2010 5:30:48 PM

All American
6116 Posts
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As a CHASS graduate high school graduate human being, I am ashamed of this thread title.

2/18/2010 5:46:42 PM

supple anteater
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As a CHASS graduate, I could care less about the title since it got the point across. I don't miss MA 114 or 141 though, or any of the other MA classes I took in undergrad.

In grad school I'm now stuck in budgeting, grant writing, and statistics so I'm getting more math than I want even without any of them being MA classes. Okay grant writing is actually kind of cool, but the others, not so much.

2/18/2010 5:53:38 PM

207 Posts
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i guess i is one... dumbass...

2/18/2010 6:28:30 PM

All American
4790 Posts
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Quote :



2/18/2010 9:43:14 PM

13178 Posts
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Quote :
"could care less"

2/19/2010 12:00:29 AM

State Oz
All American
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I'm a proud CHASS student.

2/19/2010 12:50:59 AM

All American
1058 Posts
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Quote :
"click here if you were a CHASS major or is one "

Today we are all ashamed of CHASS majors at NCSU

2/19/2010 2:00:58 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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2/19/2010 5:46:28 PM

All American
5162 Posts
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Quote :
TodayEveryday we are all ashamed of CHASS majors at NCSU"

2/20/2010 7:29:17 PM

Flying Tiger
All American
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I were a CHASS major.

2/20/2010 8:02:57 PM

supple anteater
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^^CHASS is the 2nd largest college at State, other than turning out engineers, turning out CHASS-holes is a big part of what we do. Don't hate.

According to the CHASS website we have "more than 5,000 students, 600 faculty and staff, and close to 30,000 alumni." From State's website I saw "With 12 colleges representing all major academic disciplines, a student population of more than 31,000." CHASS has 5 k of that, engineering has 8 k, so that leaves 10 colleges to split the left overs. I looked at the other college website's About Us sections, but only CHASS & Engineering cared to prominently display their numbers, in an easy to find way, so far as I could tell form a cursory glance.

[Edited on February 20, 2010 at 8:16 PM. Reason : .]

2/20/2010 8:06:00 PM

All American
547 Posts
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sorry but chass is actually the 3rd largest and has less than 5,000 students it seems


[Edited on February 20, 2010 at 9:15 PM. Reason : maybe someone should email them and tell them to change it]

2/20/2010 9:11:33 PM

supple anteater
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^Thanks for sharing that breakdown, that was exactly the kind of numbers I was trying to find. Interesting to see that only 3 of the colleges come close to the 5k + range.

I notice those stop at 5th year. Is that because there are currently no 6th year undergrads at State, or because they stopped counting at that point. I have known more than one 6th year undergrad in my time.

Based on the site you shared, CHASS, on the whole, has being going up in numbers the past several years with 4,948 last year being the highest number listed. Either they are counting differently, or they have more recent numbers. I doubt they'd change their website based on a fluctuation of 52 students when they're rounding to the nearest thousand though.

I see 104 students listed under the college "Provost Office." Anyone know what they study?

2/20/2010 10:25:13 PM

All American
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lifelong education majors?

[Edited on February 20, 2010 at 11:05 PM. Reason :]

2/20/2010 10:54:01 PM

supple anteater
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The 104 are listed as a separate college from the life-longers in the fall 09 report.

College All Students
Provost's Office 104
Ag & Life Sci 5,465
Design 759
Education 1,962
Engineering 8,368
Natural Res 1,459
Humanities & Soc Sci 4,948
Phy & Math Sci 1,539
Textiles 1,095
Vet Medicine 403
Management 3,196
Undergrad Acad Pgms 1,417
Ag Institute 351
Lifelong Ed 2,753
Total 33,819

2/20/2010 11:33:49 PM

All American
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PAMS up on it!

2/20/2010 11:53:16 PM

Arranging the blocks
3072 Posts
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That's too many people getting free credits.

2/21/2010 6:51:01 AM

All American
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not everyone in chass gets free credits for math. only the ones who place in 114 or above on the placement test and then successfully complete it with a C or better and a lot of them don't so they take lower level maths. also like i said you need to remember or know to email the dean and have them manually give you the credits and how many people think know to do that?

2/21/2010 12:10:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"only the ones who place in 114 or above on the placement test and then successfully complete it with a C or better and a lot of them don't "

I find that really hard to believe and looking at grade distributions, it looks like on average more than 80% pass with a C or better.

2/21/2010 7:10:39 PM

All American
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to be fair, i would hope you could pull a C in that course if you are a college student. I helped tutor a girl taking that class at one point and I was surprised how basic it was, especially considering the fact there was a lower class that some people had to take who didnt place into this one.

2/22/2010 9:29:27 AM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » click here if you were a CHASS major or is one Page [1]  
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