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best gottfriend
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i don't know much about the situation, but i would wager any amount that his decision has very little to do w/ the party scene and very much to do w/ the basketball team.

it's not like he's went to visit uga.

4/26/2011 10:52:54 PM

In Pressed Silk
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^^^^if that's all you did in raleigh, that's your fault

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 10:55 PM. Reason : in response to the 25 person apartment beer pong party]

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 10:55 PM. Reason : .]

4/26/2011 10:53:05 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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the basketball team was never good though. maybe if he could find some other reason to stay he would stay. he was only here because of lowe. We have nothing else to offer. Our other players were here because herb ran a unique offense. Any top players before herb were paid to come here plain and simple.

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 11:04 PM. Reason : lets see]

4/26/2011 10:57:40 PM

The Stubby
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The E Man clearly missed out on a lot at State. I'm not even the most outgoing type, but I had a blast being in Raleigh; my only regret is not doing more when I had the chance before doing the 9-5 thing.

On-topic: I'm still a little surprised Harrow's leaving, and honestly it's just disappointing to me. I don't see it making a huge difference for us either way; we're not going to suck just because he left, and we're not going to suddenly wake up in a Final Four either. It seems foolish to me to take the chance of transferring and potentially setting yourself back. It doesn't add up unless he thinks his Pine Time will be that much greater next season.

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 10:59 PM. Reason : ^ You Mad?]

4/26/2011 10:58:06 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Yeah, you're probably on borrowed time saying stupid shit like that. NyM410 is itching to drop the ban hamma.

4/26/2011 10:59:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
" If drinking busch out of a 5 dollar red cup and playing beer pong in an apartment with 25 people is a good time to you then great. The problem is, that can be found in every US town of more than 50k. Basically every d1 school."

Your college experience must have sucked. If that's all you did then .

4/26/2011 11:02:41 PM

The E Man
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It works out if you are from a small town or haven't experienced another good school which is the situation for most of the people at state but when you are being recruited by other good schools raleigh can't compete. Its not even close. Go to Chapel Hill, Gainseville, and Lexington then get back with me.
Quote :
"Your college experience must have sucked. If that's all you did then ."

Half of it did suck because I went to a shithole college. Good academics but a shithole of a place to be.

4/26/2011 11:03:58 PM

In Pressed Silk
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this has gotten out of control

4/26/2011 11:07:18 PM

All American
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^^ What the hell is in Lexington, Gainesville, or Chapel Hill that is so much better than Raleigh? Raleigh has basically the same shit available. If you're just talking about the party scene, then ok, but since when is the party scene at the top of every recruits check list?

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 11:07 PM. Reason : .]

4/26/2011 11:07:20 PM

In Pressed Silk
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don't even bother...the only thing Harrow was looking for was bangin parties with bangin bitches, couldn't find it in raleigh, so decided to transfer

by the way, if you have ever been to Gainesville, FL, you would likely rank it as a more awful place to be than Raleigh...the campus is nice, as is the scenery, but holy fuck that place is a goddamn dump

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 11:10 PM. Reason : .]

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 11:11 PM. Reason : again]

4/26/2011 11:09:24 PM

tommy wiseau
All American
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this is just kind of sad and seems like an immature move

I'll be rooting for him wherever he ends up

4/26/2011 11:09:56 PM

All American
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^^ yeah seriously. Gainville's biggest attraction for basketball recruits is Billy Mother Fuckin' Donovan. He's accounted for like 90% of their NCAA appearances.

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 11:13 PM. Reason : and the hot girls, but FSU's are better ]

4/26/2011 11:12:52 PM

The E Man
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Almost all of the SEC towns (besides vandy) are a "dump" off campus but holy hell they throwdown and the schools are great places to be with great student services and no transportation crisis.

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 11:14 PM. Reason : Raleigh doesn't have the charm of the South and lacks the entertainment of the north]

4/26/2011 11:13:54 PM

In Pressed Silk
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i found a crack pipe in a hotel parking lot in yeah, i guess they do know how to throw down

in all seriousness, Harrow is not leaving because he's looking for entertainment and party scenes

this argument needs to end

4/26/2011 11:18:24 PM

The E Man
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Why is Harrow leaving? Why isn't Calipari here?

Lowe was only here because he went here. Harrow was only here for Lowe.

Quote :
Lowe was the only reason to come to state and now he's gone..."

4/26/2011 11:26:13 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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You are so goddamn dumb. And your face is ugly. And you're fat with complexion issues.

4/26/2011 11:28:08 PM

Forgetful Jones
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College is what you make of it

and Busch Light really? there were dozens of keggers every Friday and Saturday night all around town and you went to the ones with Busch Fucking Light?

4/26/2011 11:28:49 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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He could never be a Warrior.

4/26/2011 11:29:23 PM

All American
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^^ They've moved away from the kegger model since that whole keg permit thing.

4/26/2011 11:34:24 PM

In Pressed Silk
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i'm sure Harrow will reveal why he left at some point, he's very open on Facebook/Twitter

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 11:37 PM. Reason : ^that was some BS btw, glad i was 21 well after that happened]

4/26/2011 11:36:15 PM

All American
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Keg permit? I don't even know what that is, but it sounds like I should be glad it wasn't used while I was in college.

BTW if you're arguing about the under 21 scene, what's your argument for Chapel Hill? They have lots of great bars in easy walking distance for most students but what's the difference for people under 21?

4/26/2011 11:42:52 PM

In Pressed Silk
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i think it was something like you had to register your keg, and if/when police showed up they could determine who purchased it, and that person would be criminally responsible if anyone under 21 was drinking off said keg

4/26/2011 11:44:51 PM

The E Man
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^^The schools is a better college atmosphere. Everyone knows this. Why should I have to explain it? They just know how to do it. Great events thrown by the university itself, great student organizations and slammin parties. Its part of the culture there.

[Edited on April 26, 2011 at 11:48 PM. Reason : any recruit understands that already]

4/26/2011 11:47:49 PM

All American
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dude, gtfo and transfer w/ harrow if you're going to be a whiney bitch...the majority of 35,000 students a year disagree with you

4/26/2011 11:51:17 PM

All American
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peace brah. What a pussy thing to do. I feel no sadness that his melo-dramatic ass is gone. Atleast now we won't have to worry about fans bringing up his bitched out twitter and facebook "Woe is me" updates.

4/26/2011 11:53:28 PM

37709 Posts
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Wow, Kentucky? What a fucking sell-out.

4/26/2011 11:54:04 PM

All American
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The parties I went to in Chapel Hill were basically identical to the ones in Raleigh

Franklin Street is better than Hillsborough Street, but that's about all the advantage I see.

4/26/2011 11:54:45 PM

56200 Posts
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I agree with The E Man that Raleigh is about as boring of a city as you can have for the its size, but, I also think that had absolutely nothing to do with Harrow leaving.

4/27/2011 12:11:11 AM

Sink the Flagship
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you're fucking crazy. I don't know why so many people hate on Raleigh it's a damn fine place to live and there is a great night life. maybe if you aren't 21 I could see that, but I doubt any varsity player would have trouble getting into a bar around here

and as far as the keg permit, Raleigh police policy is that if they come the first time it's a warning and you clear the party or at least settle it down and you're good. if they come the second time it's your dumbass fault and they give you a citation. Several other states arrest underage drinkers on site (SC for example) and would have much harsher penalties on the person "aiding and abetting" i.e. buying the keg

he transferred because we don't have a realistic, non-1983 shot at the NCAA championship in the next three years and Kentucky has an excellent shot. period. hell, if I were him I'd do the same thing. you only go to college once and as much as it sucks for us it was better for him personally (so long as he starts)

[Edited on April 27, 2011 at 12:26 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on April 27, 2011 at 12:27 AM. Reason : chapmionship]

4/27/2011 12:23:22 AM

56200 Posts
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I have been to many many colleges, mostly in the SE, but a few elsewhere, and the "scene" around NC State was by far the worst. I have talked to several other people I know that went to other schools for undergrad and then came to State, they all said the same thing. The one thing State does really good is tailgating for football, but thats it. And once again, this is purely from a "college going out club/bar scene" angle.

4/27/2011 12:27:28 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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You've established your stance on the issue time and time again. Doesn't mean you're an authority on the subject.

4/27/2011 12:32:44 AM

In Pressed Silk
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Athens, GA is one of the most spectacular places i have ever been

4/27/2011 12:33:17 AM

56200 Posts
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^^ a new discussion came up... and I think having been to many many different campus (and not just once per campus) and around State for 5 years makes me just as much of an authority as anyone else, if not more so...

^ I hate UGA, but yes, Athens is amazing.

4/27/2011 12:34:59 AM

Forgetful Jones
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keg permits? god damn son

im as glad that i went to college before that shit as i am glad that i went to high school before they installed cameras in the woods

4/27/2011 12:35:34 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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I've been to one more campus than you. Trust me, you could learn a ton from my knowledge.

4/27/2011 12:36:32 AM

56200 Posts
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you got me

4/27/2011 12:37:43 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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4/27/2011 12:37:56 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :
"I have been to many many colleges, mostly in the SE, but a few elsewhere, and the "scene" around NC State was by far the worst."

it pains me to admit, but having taken a few grad visits to schools of comparable size to nc state, i have to say that this was remarkably apparent. now granted i will argue for a good while that downtown and glenwood south, as repulsive as that street may be to my personal taste, make for a decent town; they're just too far away from campus.

although i remember hating virginia tech when i looked at it for undergrad, so that place sucks too from what i recall from 2005.

4/27/2011 12:38:12 AM

In Pressed Silk
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haha there isn't shit at VT

4/27/2011 12:38:47 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Yeah, NO ONE will argue the campus/Hillsborough bar scene is legit. But there are 100 bars within 5 miles of campus.

4/27/2011 12:39:50 AM

In Pressed Silk
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eh, a bar is a bar, and if there is some poon to be had, i'm all set

4/27/2011 12:41:17 AM

56200 Posts
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example number 1, the one I am of course most familiar with: Knoxville is a shithole compared to Raleigh, and UT is smaller than State, not by much but it is... and Knoxville is smaller than Raleigh... but there were/are three times as many bars/clubs around campus at UT than Raleigh, and every night of the week there were several places packed.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason SO many kids at State just wanted to stay home and drink... maybe because so many of the large student apartment buildings were away from campus?

[Edited on April 27, 2011 at 12:44 AM. Reason : d]

4/27/2011 12:43:26 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Quote :
"Yeah, NO ONE will argue the campus/Hillsborough bar scene is legit. But there are 100 bars within 5 miles of campus."

4/27/2011 12:44:14 AM

best gottfriend
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yeah but you have to drive to them. it's a combination of bars being too far away in one direction and the majority of students living too far away in the other direction. it makes for a pretty lame college atmosphere, and this is coming from the only person alive who genuinely enjoys our campus. this is a huge picture so i'll just link to it, but i love this stretch of campus, and the areas around it are just as pleasant, as are most of the dorm areas.
the lee/sullivan area kind of sucks, as does the brickyard, but there are a lot of places on campus that i think look just as nice as any other campus i've seen. i think it's just that the roads don't bother me.

but the point remains, that the scene around campus is certifiably lame, and i blame it on the stupid undergrads for living down in bumfuck tryon.

4/27/2011 12:45:10 AM

56200 Posts
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^^ 5 miles is a HUGE distance when you have students who want to walk to things

^ exactly

[Edited on April 27, 2011 at 12:45 AM. Reason : f]

4/27/2011 12:45:17 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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No doubt. Raleigh is not Knoxville, Athens, Chapel Hill, etc....Raleigh is pretty much ATL light. Yeah, I said it JB.

4/27/2011 12:46:40 AM

56200 Posts
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parts of it definitely are

4/27/2011 12:47:55 AM

In Pressed Silk
2978 Posts
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but no varsity in raleigh

"Whaddya have Whaddya have Whaddya have?!?!?!?!?"

shut up and let me look at the menu first

4/27/2011 12:49:06 AM

56200 Posts
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haha you must answer immediately honkey

4/27/2011 12:49:43 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Most overrated place on the planet.

4/27/2011 12:50:24 AM

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