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All American
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Quote :
"to be fair, the "niggar" sign isn't racist."

7/18/2010 10:11:18 PM

All American
3093 Posts
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Quote :
"it is a sad state of affairs in America when people equate "passing bills" to "effectiveness.""

Well, presumably it was all legislation that he wanted passed ... Just admit that he's effective at getting the major portions of his agenda implimented ...

7/18/2010 10:36:27 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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he's effective at fucking the nation over, yes. he's done a good job of that. but I'm not sure that's anything to be proud of.

dubya was effective at pissing people off. he was effective at blowing up brown people. and he was effective at blowing shit tons of money. but that doesn't make him an effective leader

7/18/2010 10:46:26 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"well, when you've got shit tons of oil coming your way, I'd say there's a fucking impact to the environment that's gonna happen either fucking way, dipshit.

now, instead of stagnant water, a problem which is solved by simply demolishing the fucking berms, you have tons of oil in the marshes. hmmm, which one would have been worse. I wonder...


you are a joke... if the Army Corp had been allowed to put the islands up bypassing the standard review process you would have been here bitching about how OBama hates the Army Corp and the environment and is telling scientists how to do their jobs, and didn't learn his lesson from the oil spill, etc.. I can't tell if you are just a hack and don't realize how delusional you are (read this thread for more info: ) or if you just get your jollies from blindly shilling for the GOP.

Not to mention they are building the barriers now too:

On top of that, unemployment is lower since Obama took office, and the stock market is doing MUCH better. If that's Obama screwing the nation in your delusional eyes, I don't know how you managed through the Bush years.

[Edited on July 18, 2010 at 11:40 PM. Reason : ]

7/18/2010 11:37:16 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ Keep telling yourself that last part.

Quote :
"Confidence in President Obama has reached a new low, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll out today. Overall, six in ten say they have just some or no confidence in him to make the right decisions for the country's future, a negative shift since January of this year and a near-reversal from the numbers at the 100-day mark of his term."

And liberals often confuse legislation with effectiveness and activity with action. This is nothing new.

7/19/2010 5:42:30 AM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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yes. they are building the berms... TOO FUCKING LATE. durrrrrr.

Quote :
"if the Army Corp had been allowed to put the islands up bypassing the standard review process you would have been here bitching about how OBama hates the Army Corp"

does not compute... not surprising that you are grasping at invisible straws now

7/19/2010 9:09:17 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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7/20/2010 1:23:56 PM

All American
51923 Posts
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hey can someone tell me what word occurs most frequently in the high end of the y-axis on hooksaw's graph there

7/20/2010 1:26:29 PM

All American
16957 Posts
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That's not really the side of the graph that is interesting or noteworthy. The interesting data in the graph is lower down the Y-axis as you see large demographic groups with significant erosion in support for Obama.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 1:35 PM. Reason : ]

7/20/2010 1:34:28 PM

All American
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Obama flip-flopped--just as I predicted he would (with multiple sources from multiple political viewpoints):

Obama's mixed message on New York mosque helps no-one
1 hour ago

Barack Obama backtracks over Ground Zero mosque support
August 15, 2010

'This Week' Transcript
August 15, 2010

Quote :
"[Christianne AMANPOUR]: So I guess, is that, do you think, what caused the backtracking?"

Quote :
"[Matthew] DOWD: I think they figured out this is a real political problem they have. And I think they either had a tin ear at the beginning of this and how it was going to come across or they mishandled it totally from the beginning, because if they understood, I think, the public on this, where two-thirds of the public say they have a right but two-thirds of the public say don't do it, he would have given a speech going directly to those points, instead of saying – one day saying they have the right and the next day saying I didn't necessarily say it was the right thing to do."

Quote :
"[David IGNATIUS:] I was sort of sorry that he was trying to walk it back in these more nuanced comments yesterday."

Quote :
"[Cokie ROBERTS:] But the -- but the political issue will continue, because even though the president's remarks Friday night started a firestorm, I think the backtracking is even worse, because, you know, you can make a case that what he said Friday night is just a matter of fact, it is an American right, but to keep -- to keep saying, well, now I'm not sure about this, and then what tomorrow is like..."

Some of you will attempt to argue that this is not yet another in a long sad line of Obama's flip-flops---you'll be wrong. Most of the media types listed above don't like to be so direct as to use the term "flip-flop"--but make no mistake that this is exactly what they mean.

[Edited on August 16, 2010 at 6:04 AM. Reason : And there are many more legitimate sources out there saying the same thing. ]

8/16/2010 6:02:21 AM

Potty Mouth
571 Posts
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This just in, politician goes political, story at 7.

8/16/2010 7:05:07 AM

All American
3666 Posts
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Obama loses for assuming Americans understand the difference between "having rights" and "being right".

8/16/2010 8:57:39 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ Ah, yes, the typical "people are stupid" argument--except that it's total bull:

Quote :
"The CNN/Opinion Research survey showed that 68 percent oppose the plan to build the mosque, compared to 29 percent who favor it."

Quote :
"A majority of all political groups polled oppose the mosque. Forty-three percent of Democrats support it and 54 percent say they are opposed. Eighty-two percent of Republicans are against the mosque, as opposed to just 17 percent who support it.

A whopping 70 percent of independents are against the mosque, compared to 24 percent who support it."

There's must be a lot of them dummies of all political types--and plenty who voted for Obama, too. Furthermore, even though most Americans don't want the New York mosque to be be built, they still support the right of those involved to build it (I just can't find the poll right now--but it's about 60%).

8/16/2010 10:29:02 AM

All American
11770 Posts
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Quote :
"even though most Americans don't want the New York mosque to be be built, they still support the right of those involved to build it (I just can't find the poll right now--but it's about 60%)."

So, Obama is just like 60% of the population in believing that the Constitution provides them the right to build but also believes that it isn't the politically correct thing to do given current mindset of most Americans.

You don't even support your own attacking thoughts on the President.

8/16/2010 10:37:35 AM

All American
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^ Except that most others have been consistent--Obama had to flippity-flop to get there. And many still aren't sure what he means or even that he's sure what he means.

I mean, come on, Obama has a loong history of flip-flops--whether some of you choose to admit it or not. This is not a newsflash.

8/16/2010 10:44:48 AM

All American
11770 Posts
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how did he flip-flop? The first statement is that they have a right (privilege)to do build. The second statement is that HE doesn't believe it's the right (correct) thing to do.

8/16/2010 10:47:36 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ See ^x7.

Did they all make it up?

8/16/2010 10:58:21 AM

All American
11770 Posts
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they are trying to make a story out of nothing, just like you're trying to turn this into a big deal and call it a flip-flop when it's two seperate and non-related statements, one about fact and the other about a personal opinion.

8/16/2010 11:34:52 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ Yeah, well, a whole lot of people appear to be making a "story out of nothing" today, it seems.

National Review: Obama Fumbles Mosque Question
August 16, 2010

See you in November!

8/16/2010 11:49:48 AM

1606 Posts
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Want healthy feet? Say goodbye to those flip flops
Quote :

Cases of heel pain surge in summer, when people wear flimsy shoes like flip flops and run more than usual on hard surfaces, leading to plantar fasciitis.


•Avoid very high heels and shoes with no support.

•Maintain a healthy weight.

•Don't go barefoot on hard surfaces.

•Warm up before activity.

•Change your running shoes after about 500 miles. Worn-out shoes lack support.


•Rest. Stay off your feet or switch to low- or no-impact workouts like biking or swimming.

•Put your feet up and ice the soles several times a day. Try using water frozen in a paper cup.

•Add sole supports to your shoes or get doctor-prescribed orthotics.

•Stretch. With your hands against a wall and both feet on the floor, extend one leg behind you to stretch your calf, Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. Repeat with the other leg.

•Use splints to keep your feet in a neutral position during sleep.

•Physical therapy.


•Nonsteroidal medications like ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve).

•Corticosteroids, applied as a solution on the skin with an electric current or as an injection.

If these treatments don't work, doctors may try shock wave therapy or, in the most severe cases, surgery to detach the plantar fascia.

• Sources: Mayo Clinic, Institute for Sports Medicine at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, National Institutes for Health, American Academy of Family Physicians, interviews.

8/16/2010 11:58:18 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Thanks for your input.

8/16/2010 12:01:24 PM

All American
710 Posts
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Why is it so bad to change your mind on something. Everyone does it. Compromise is how politics get done. You can't compromise unless you flip flop a little.

Oh and just for fun

8/16/2010 12:21:00 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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There's something to be said for holding true to your convictions, or you know... having convictions to begin with. When you're the president and your party controls both houses you should be able to show a little backbone and not constantly waffle.

8/16/2010 12:24:20 PM

1606 Posts
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these are my favorite flip-flops

8/16/2010 12:29:11 PM

All American
710 Posts
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^ I just got some red ones like that for tailgating season. See we all here love flip-flops.

8/16/2010 12:33:15 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"Thanks for your input."

8/16/2010 12:34:02 PM

1606 Posts
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flip-flops are great but crowded urinals make me nervous

8/16/2010 12:36:58 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Must be tough being insecure.


8/16/2010 12:37:25 PM

1606 Posts
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no i wear a 13

8/16/2010 12:38:44 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Gotta love how hooksaw thinks the bigotry of Americans will push Obama out of office

Even better how he relishes it

8/16/2010 1:11:47 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ All who disagree with Obama and/or about the New York mosque are not bigots.

[Edited on August 16, 2010 at 1:16 PM. Reason : Check the polls.]

8/16/2010 1:15:29 PM

1606 Posts
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i bet i can find someone in the news who calls them bigots then all i have to do is quote them in bold and its undeniably true

8/16/2010 1:16:40 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"Thanks for your input."

8/16/2010 1:17:31 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"All who disagree with Obama and/or about the New York mosque are not bigots.

Your evidence for this is what, the number of people who oppose it? LOL

[Edited on August 16, 2010 at 1:17 PM. Reason : .]

8/16/2010 1:17:48 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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Harry Reid weighs in on N.Y. mosque: It 'should be built someplace else'
August 16, 2010

Is Harry Reid a bigot? Are 54 percent of Democrats, 82 percent of Republicans, and 70 percent of independents of the 1,009 people polled who said they are against the proposal all bigots?

8/16/2010 8:20:15 PM

1606 Posts
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are you fucking serious? you already posted this in two different threads, both being more relevant. one post was enough. what the fuck does obama flip-flops have to do with reids opinion on this? what a joke.

8/16/2010 11:11:20 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Been hearing/seeing comments that reflect this message a lot lately as a flip flop.

8/25/2010 2:41:22 AM

All American
3624 Posts
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Exactly. That's not a flip, a flop, or a flip-flop.

Quote :
"Is Harry Reid a bigot? Are 54 percent of Democrats, 82 percent of Republicans, and 70 percent of independents of the 1,009 people polled who said they are against the proposal all bigots?"

Yes. For the last time, yes.
Why do you keep asking? Do you not think that's the case? What's your deal?

[Edited on August 25, 2010 at 3:36 AM. Reason : ]

8/25/2010 3:34:30 AM

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