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All American
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Quote :
"I don't get how conservatives can go on-and-on about how repulsive Hillary is, she's a hawk, corrupt, fake, how could anyone be so dumb as to vote for her, blah blah blah. And it's like, look at your own god-damn party. Everything you feel for Hillary I feel 10x for every fucking candidate the brain dead GOP has produced this cycle. I will GLADLY hold my nose and vote for the polished turd Hillary over whichever Indian food diaper the GOP ends up choosing.

You have to remove the stick from your own eye before you can point out the splinter in others. And yet, all we get from intelligent conservatives I meet and know, is a shrug and acknowledgement that their shit has gone off the deep end, they then immediately pivot into a rant about how terrible Hillary is.

Hey man why do you hate America, Freedom, and Capitalism. If you didn't listen to BBC you'd know that each GOP candidate struggles everyday in his attempt to win the nomination so they he can protect the Amurican Dream and get rid of all the scary turrists. Most of all the Republican candidates are not socialist and are looking out for the cornerstone of our society which is the Sanctity of Marriage. Yeah you LIBERALS don't have values and are going to hell along with anyone smoking the Devils Lettuce in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and DC.

2/26/2016 11:07:53 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't get how conservatives can go on-and-on about how repulsive Hillary is, she's a hawk, corrupt, fake, how could anyone be so dumb as to vote for her, blah blah blah. And it's like, look at your own god-damn party."

You do understand that the GOP is the party that campaigns on strong National Defense? The issue isn't whether you agree with her National security policies, the issue is that she will campaign and be reported as a candidate who will avoid war, which isn't consistent with her history or donations. She is a hypocrite, and her supporters are too.

It would be like if Cruz received twice as much donations from Planned Parenthood than any other democrat.

2/26/2016 3:07:46 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"Talk to me after Super Tuesday. I ain't saying it's over, but it's not looking good for ol Bern."

FWIW Bernie will be fine losing Super Tuesday. It's factored into their strategy. There are 40 primaries/caucuses after Tuesday, many of them are already favorable toward Bernie, and he hasn't even begun to campaign in most of the ones that aren't.

National polls are steadily moving in his favor the more people learn about him. Not even close to over.

2/26/2016 7:18:48 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
" You do understand that the GOP is the party that campaigns on strong National Defense? The issue isn't whether you agree with her National security policies, the issue is that she will campaign and be reported as a candidate who will avoid war, which isn't consistent with her history or donations. She is a hypocrite, and her supporters are too.

It would be like if Cruz received twice as much donations from Planned Parenthood than any other democrat.

Thats just false. Every democrat i can remember has been interventionist. A lot of them, including hillary, voted for the iraq war. She is a hypocrite but this isn't why.

2/26/2016 7:35:30 PM

The E Man
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Quote :



2/27/2016 9:13:44 PM

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In a state that neither of them would win

2/27/2016 11:39:08 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Like that matters in this context

2/28/2016 1:01:52 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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it was an even more convincing win than was projected. i thought Sanders was "organizing" and making inroads?

2/28/2016 1:33:38 AM

The E Man
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The bible belt is never going to give sanders a chance

2/28/2016 5:07:26 AM

All American
6788 Posts
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But from what I read on here he was really gaining ground with the African American voters. Guess that just meant he was gaining ground with the African American voters excluding SC.

2/28/2016 8:21:26 AM

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The vice chair of the DNC just resigned to endorse Sanders. I think that's a pretty good sign that it's far from over.

2/28/2016 10:32:03 AM

26632 Posts
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Sanders had no chance in SC, he never did, it's not surprising that voters stayed home instead of waiting in line for what had no chance of being close. SC is not a surprise, it doesn't change anything, it's exactly what was expected.

2/28/2016 11:41:22 AM

play so hard
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2/28/2016 11:42:45 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I support Sanders.
I have donated money to his campaign.
I will continue to support him and go out and vote for him in a few weeks.

That being said, unless their are some surprises on Tuesday, I think it's over.

2/28/2016 12:07:17 PM

?? ????? ??
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Th national polling is now within 5 points, and one poll even had them tied.

Hillary is up 39-14 in committed delegates, when the magic number is 2,383. Even with 500+ superdelegates, they aren't locked in until the convention and those votes will jump if public opinion sways.

2/28/2016 12:34:58 PM

The E Man
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So i guess being a jew hurts you a lot more with those people than being black helped. The exit poll also showed that they thought hillary was more trustworthy and honest.

2/28/2016 12:35:02 PM

26632 Posts
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^^ at least one poll even has Sanders leading by more than the margin of error

2/28/2016 1:10:22 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
" it's exactly what was expected."

no. he lost by much worse than predicted. when sanders won earlier by a bit more than expected, it was considered a moral victory and a 'sign' that the revolution was coming. why have the goal posts moved so much, so quickly?

2/28/2016 1:39:59 PM

?? ????? ??
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^Combine the New Hampshire thrashing with Hillary winning by no where near as much as predicted in Nevada and Iowa, in fact both being incredibly tight races, for her to only dominate in 1 of 4 states has to still be pretty disappointing. Add to that the national polling trend and there is no reason to think Bernie is close to done. Hillary supporters just want him to be, and want his supporters to stay home on Tuesday.

Hopefully the SC results will energize his base to get out and work harder and not be the demoralizing hit the Clinton campaign (and DNC) wants it to be.

2/28/2016 2:13:04 PM

The E Man
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hillary is going to dominate in the south but thats misleading because those are the most conservative states which the GOP will carry 90% of in the general.

2/28/2016 2:20:44 PM

?? ????? ??
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^It hurts Bernie in the primary, but it is not a reflection of how Bernie would do in the general.

Because states can split their votes, "winning" 3 of 4 primaries really doesn't mean much at this point.

[Edited on February 28, 2016 at 2:35 PM. Reason : -]

2/28/2016 2:28:40 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Quote :
"Th national polling is now within 5 points, and one poll even had them tied. "

Which means absolutely nothing. National polls are worthless.

2/28/2016 2:33:09 PM

?? ????? ??
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This poll should mean plenty:

Bernie now showing higher electability than Hillary. Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich are all preferred over her. So she has to hope Trump is her opponent, and Trump has to hope that she is his.

2/28/2016 2:39:27 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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While those things are interesting it really is so dependent on the states with our elections that national opinion is rather worthless.

2/28/2016 2:53:19 PM

26632 Posts
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Trump will steal votes from democrats as he pivots away from energizing the idiots and moves his rhetoric to the general if clinton is the nominee

2/28/2016 3:23:43 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Here's how I see this playing out:

Sanders isn't going to win. The Clinton machine is too powerful. To make matters worse, young people aren't voting in high enough numbers, and black voters aren't buying what Sanders is selling.

Despite this harsh reality, Sanders supporters will continue to tear down Clinton right up until the point where it is mathematically impossible for Sanders to win. Some of the supporters will move over to Clinton, some will just become apathetic and withdraw.

Then comes the general election. At this point, Clinton is going to be in rough shape. She's just had to deal with a year of political assault from the base of both parties. The far left don't respect her and won't get energized. The entirety of the right hate her more than Obama. She's also been dealing with investigations from the FBI for a year, playing into the widely held belief that she's a cutthroat, power hungry criminal.

Meanwhile, Trump - who clinched the GOP nomination early on - has had a solid 6 months to shore up support from Democrats. Not the educated progressive, of course - they'd vote for Hitler himself before casting a vote for Trump - but the uneducated base, they'll fall for Trump's populism hook line and sinker.

2/28/2016 7:27:41 PM

8379 Posts
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The main reason why Clinton will have lost so many progressive votes (if she wins the nomination) is because of how dirty and dishonest her campaign has been. I will not vote for Trump, but I also don't want to hear Clinton lie to me for 8 years, so I don't know what that means. Hoping Sanders pulls it off or something in the emails fucks her over.

[Edited on February 28, 2016 at 7:46 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2016 7:45:29 PM

The E Man
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I'm a green party member anyway and voting for Stein again if Sanders isn't nominated.

2/28/2016 8:09:40 PM

26632 Posts
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^^^ this is what I'm expecting, except you can't blame Sanders supporters for not supporting a corporatist war-hawk, that's not their fault (also i'm expecting that at least one of the 4 active investigations against clinton will become a little hotter which will also contribute to apathetic voters)

^^ you vote 3rd party or you don't vote

2/28/2016 8:12:38 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"^^^ this is what I'm expecting, except you can't blame Sanders supporters for not supporting a corporatist war-hawk, that's not their fault (also i'm expecting that at least one of the 4 active investigations against clinton will become a little hotter which will also contribute to apathetic voters)"

I don't mean to blame them - it's a crappy situation to be in. I empathize, in 2008 and 2012 when I supported Ron Paul, I felt like I didn't have a dog in the race once the primary was decided.

Curious though - do you think Trump is less of a corporatist and war hawk than Clinton? He's certainly less of a war hawk. He is obviously a business tycoon himself, but it remains to be seen how much he could be influenced by corporate donors, if at all.

2/28/2016 8:26:49 PM

26632 Posts
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i don't think he is going to be tough on wall-street, or push for new regulations or anything like that, but he is definitely not as beholden to corporate interests as Clinton. in areas of industries where he has interests and business connections i expect him to be an oligarch just the same, but i'm not as convinced that he will have the same interests in industries like defense or telecom (although i don't know much about his business yet)

i think we will get a better idea of what trump will be after he wins the nomination, even then you will still need to cut through his BS

2/28/2016 8:42:25 PM

50084 Posts
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I probably will vote Dem just so the idiots across the aisle don't get to control all three chambers and skull fuck the country with regressive social bullshit but am not a really big fan of Hillary.

That said, has she ran a dirty campaign in the least? Doesn't seem so to me. Just seems more like Bernie people, much like Trump, get pissy real easy..

Quote :
"Curious though - do you think Trump is less of a corporatist and war hawk than Clinton? He's certainly less of a war hawk. He is obviously a business tycoon himself, but it remains to be seen how much he could be influenced by corporate donors, if at all."

It's fairly obvious that he doesn't have the liquidity to take on the establishment Dem machine by himself. He will be leaning heavily on the Republican elite when push comes to shove..

[Edited on February 28, 2016 at 9:51 PM. Reason : X]

2/28/2016 9:48:50 PM

?? ????? ??
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If there's any chance of Trump winning, I hope it at least energizes every kind of liberal to get out and vote for a democratic congress. That's more important to me than who the president is.

2/29/2016 1:35:21 AM

All American
5057 Posts
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^^Her campaign constantly takes his comments out of context in the most devious ways which they use to use the "sexism" card. The Killer Mike controversy is prime example of this.

Also, early on, Bernie was being drowned out by "Black Lives Matter" protesters at many of his speeches, and I remember hearing that the protesters in question were shown to have strong ties to a Clinton Super PAC.

Then you have Madeleine Albright saying "there’s a special place in hell for women" who vote Bernie over Hillary, and Hillary defending this by saying "Well good grief, we’re getting offended by everything these days".

This time around, Hillary is sending her goon squad to do the dirty work for her. She learned from 2008.

2/29/2016 5:51:32 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Quote :
"... Hillary will have taken over 5 times more money from weapons manufacturers than her republican opponent. Yet, she will still be presented as the candidate of "peace"."

The far-left seems more willing to criticize Hillary Clinton for her hawkishness than the center-left.

2/29/2016 5:52:42 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
"He did shockingly well in Iowa when polls up to the day before had him as a double digit dog. The guy from Vermont doing well in New Hampshire is not a surprise, how well he is doing in demos that were thought to be safe for Hillary is a surprise.

Clinton will win SC, maybe even by a wide margin as predicted, but if it's 60-40 or closer this thing will turn nasty in a hurry."

It was a pretty bad thrashing, the democratic machine really kicked ass in SC. There's zero chance it goes Democrat in the general, but it was a pretty significant win. If she can win the black vote by that wide a margin consistently it's all but over. Bernie needs to put more into mobilizing black youth and talk more about his record on crime. A big Achilles's heel for her is the crime bill her husband signed and her consistent support of police and tough on crime measures. As has been pointed out repeatedly, while blacks tend to vote D by a HUGE margin, they're actually quite conservative in a lot of ways on many social issues. It's a hard demo for someone as far left as Bernie.

Super Tuesday will be interesting, SC was a big blow. Had he made it closer things might look different. Still, it's only one state, but if the Democratic machine is as successful in other southern states as they were in SC it's over for Bernie.

2/29/2016 7:31:46 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Also, early on, Bernie was being drowned out by "Black Lives Matter" protesters at many of his speeches, and I remember hearing that the protesters in question were shown to have strong ties to a Clinton Super PAC."

was there more than the one speech?

2/29/2016 7:32:10 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Remember that time Bernie was interrupted by an angry black youth, but he shook her hand and let her take the microphone? And then the time Hillary was interrupted by and angry black youth, and she yelled at her?

I haven't really bought into Killer Mike as a strong advocate for Sanders, but he sums it up pretty nicely here:

2/29/2016 8:26:22 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Quote :
"Hillary will have taken over 5 times more money from weapons manufacturers than her republican opponent."

Hillary doesn't have a Republican opponent. There are 3 Republicans candidates remaining (sorry Ben Carson) and it's not yet clear who will be the nominee. The three current Republican candidates have received $126,217 to Hillary's $155,340. Add in Bush or Carson and they've easily collected more than Hillary.

Industry PACs play all sides and they're clearly doing that here: $272,147 to Republican and $207,675 to Democratic candidates. Hillary has received more as an individual candidate because she is the most likely candidate for either party, and has been for the entire cycle.

Quote :
"The far-left seems more willing to criticize Hillary Clinton for her hawkishness than the center-left."

Also, the sky is blue. Who knew?

2/29/2016 8:30:30 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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Debbie Wassername Schultz filing a bill to delay the CFPB's payday lender rules. The Third-Way turds are getting brazen with the imminent election of Hillary. SMH. Bernie needs to come out strong against this shit and let us see if Hillary can invent some "neutral sounding" stance

3/1/2016 12:47:15 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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^I'm hoping this finally pushes Elizabeth Warren over the edge to endorse Bernie. If she could come out and say it while they are voting in Massachusetts it will go a long way.

3/1/2016 2:03:55 PM

26632 Posts
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Warren is too old to consider a future run, if she wants to be in a position of influence she won't get there by endorsing sanders, her only hope is to try to gain favor with clinton

3/1/2016 2:31:15 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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shes a coward anyway

3/1/2016 6:27:38 PM

8379 Posts
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My last hope is that she's waiting until after Super Tuesday to give him a boost.

3/1/2016 6:31:25 PM

26632 Posts
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lol, well that would be a fucking terrible strategy

3/1/2016 6:43:37 PM

8379 Posts
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idk man I'm just moving the goalposts every time she fails to endorse. time to throw in the towel for warren?

3/1/2016 6:45:00 PM

26632 Posts
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if she thinks that she can have influence in a clinton administration then i'm not prepared to call her a coward yet

3/1/2016 6:46:20 PM

8379 Posts
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I'd call that pretty weaksauce. We might not see another candidate like Bernie for a long time. All in.

3/1/2016 6:58:43 PM

?? ????? ??
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Her biggest influence is obviously in Massachusetts, so her endorsement doesn't mean as much now.

3/1/2016 8:40:58 PM

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I'm waiting to caucus in Denver right now, supposed to have started almost an hour ago. There were two lines about 1/4 mile each down the road.

3/1/2016 9:50:46 PM

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