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All American
31922 Posts
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^^^^ it's creepy that I saw someone on the bus?

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 12:44 PM. Reason : ]

3/11/2013 12:44:21 PM

45908 Posts
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It's easy to not break in to private property and not steal things. I don't feel bad for her.

3/11/2013 12:47:44 PM

41742 Posts
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It looks like anything < $1000 in value = Felony Larceny in NC.

3/11/2013 12:59:32 PM

68205 Posts
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not if you're an addict with a serious problem

i am in the camp that addiction is a disease. i have several family members with addiction issues. addiction runs deep on both sides of my family.

opiate addicts live in a world of hell and they have little control unless they seek help.

3/11/2013 1:00:01 PM

45908 Posts
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It's easy not to inject drugs. I don't feel sorry for her.

3/11/2013 1:00:42 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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shes fuckin gangsta as hell

she went from fraud to kick doors

i was hopin shed get back on the right track but obviously shes gettin worse and worse shes fuckin herself over

3/11/2013 1:01:50 PM

All American
52662 Posts
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^^^Fair enough, but she's not about to get her tits hammered for drug offenses. She's gonna get it for burglary and theft, and that's pretty clear cut.

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 1:03 PM. Reason : ^^ prob popping pills...not necessarily shooting H]

3/11/2013 1:02:35 PM

68205 Posts
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burglary and theft has a direct correlation with opiate addiction.

i wouldnt wish an opiate addiction on my worst enemy.

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 1:10 PM. Reason : sdf]

3/11/2013 1:10:21 PM

11583 Posts
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gun nuts think addiction is a choice


3/11/2013 1:12:23 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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gunzz speaks to what I know as well. It is something that takes over their brain and it DESTROYS their body so to function they do stupid shit. The self inflicted health problems blow my mind.

3/11/2013 1:13:08 PM

All American
2314 Posts
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Why doesn't this broad pull a Begonias and take up money to FDT?

Easier than breaking into houses, etc.

3/11/2013 1:16:05 PM

All American
52662 Posts
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It's unfortunate, but what're you gonna do? Excuse her breaking into houses and stealing shit?

3/11/2013 1:16:10 PM

26632 Posts
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A lot of opiate addicts don't seek it out to start, a lot of times the addiction starts from prescribed pain killers for an injury or illness and gets out of control from their. We just had a guy leave the company for a 9 month furlough to go to rehab for addiction that was caused from painkillers prescribed after surgery. The difference is he has money and support, it doesn't look like she has that.

3/11/2013 1:17:19 PM

11583 Posts
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if only someone with a CCW had been around to shoot her

would have saved taxpayers some money and there would be one less junkie

3/11/2013 1:18:50 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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^^or because they start blowing pot

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 1:19 PM. Reason : d]

3/11/2013 1:19:28 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"It's unfortunate, but what're you gonna do? Excuse her breaking into houses and stealing shit?


If we had better drug laws and health care, they could treat the addiction from the start as a health issue instead of a criminal one, that would hopefully stop the problem before it turned into breaking and entering and larceny. When it gets to that point, a court date, fines, probation, and even jail time aren't going to help much. Its a health issue.

3/11/2013 1:20:21 PM

Double Entendre
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I'm personally still angry with some of the shit my sister has pulled and most of it is inflicted upon my family. The thing that I have to constantly tell myself is that she is mentally not there anymore. RM needs to go to fucking prison but that still didn't fix my sister. My sister has gone three times and just got out and I think she is doing shit again. I don't know what will help people that don't want to get help.

3/11/2013 1:20:32 PM

41742 Posts
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She is still on probation from the charges on Page 1.

3/11/2013 1:30:57 PM

15294 Posts
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I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/11/2013 1:37:03 PM

All American
2695 Posts
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She is a good person at heart with a serious addiction issue. gunzz is right. When she is not under the influence she is a cool person. She has the intelligence to make something of her life.

I added her as a "friend" on FB awhile back...within a couple of days of adding her I had
a couple of root canals done and posted a status update about it. She immediately
replied saying that she would come over and "help me keep my apartment clean" and help
"watch over my dog" while I was recovering.
I had never met her in person before this so naturally my guard went
up and I said I appreciated the offer but I had to decline.

I am afraid that this latest pinch might be the point of no return for her.
I hope I am wrong and that she is able to turn things around but for her to do that would take drastic life changes which would include stepping away from the "Lila" personality and getting rid of the base of friends/family that continue to enable her addiction.

TL;DR: She needs help and I hope she gets it but I feel it might be too late.

3/11/2013 1:48:02 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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you probably could have gotten a beej out of it.

just sayin...

3/11/2013 1:49:58 PM

All American
2695 Posts
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^ Not worth me worrying about my radio collection walking out the door

3/11/2013 1:53:05 PM

41742 Posts
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I got hooked on that show "The First 48" for a while. There are plenty of episodes where some girl that is strung out on some shit sets up robberies/burglaries not intending on anyone getting killed or even hurt and people do. For some reason people can be more trusting of females when they really shouldn't be.

I would not want anyone with a major drug problem in my house "cleaning" either.

3/11/2013 2:00:07 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"It's unfortunate, but what're you gonna do? Excuse her breaking into houses and stealing shit?"

treatment if the person is willing to accept it. prison is not always the best place for a junkie to be as

drugs are easily obtainable from what i read and have heard from an uncle who was a prison guard.

3/11/2013 2:09:13 PM

21952 Posts
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Treatment only works if the person is ready and willing. You can force someone into treatment, but it's not going to be successful if the isn't a true desire for change.

3/11/2013 2:18:01 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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I mean its hard to stay away from drugs and that life but its pretty easy too

I see basketball players do it all the time. They get out of the troubled life with no real family and follow the right path.

3/11/2013 2:20:37 PM

41742 Posts
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One also has to wonder... If someone is willing to break in a property knowing the owner can legally shoot them dead for doing it, at what point does that person actually draw the line on what they will or will not do?

3/11/2013 2:21:00 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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edit post are you saying he could have gotten more than a beej?

I mean, I'm not confident about that but you have a pretty good point...

3/11/2013 2:23:05 PM

All American
2314 Posts
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All I know is I have percocets and a messy apartment......

3/11/2013 2:23:54 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
2638 Posts
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I met her once about a photo project she wanted to do. She seemed like a genuinely nice person, though she never responded when I followed up about the project. I hope she's able to find some support and turn this around before she ends up on a faces of meth poster.

3/11/2013 2:24:35 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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shes a complete doll and cool to chat with

but god damn man, shes gotta clean up. I dont imagine shes pursuing her passions anymore when that shit used to make her so happy

3/11/2013 4:01:52 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :

i am in the camp that addiction is a disease. i have several family members with addiction issues. addiction runs deep on both sides of my family.

While it may be a disease, it's mostly self-imposed. Sorta like diabetes. We ALL have to pay for the consequences, and most of us are pissed when it's not really our fault we have to clean up the mess.

I can only feel so sorry for someone, even when they seem to be genuinely trying to clean up their act and take responsibility for their actions.

I have a cousin who's a heroin addict. He gets clean for awhile, and then it's back to the streets and gutter. I can't count the number of times he's been to rehab. A few years ago, I REALLY thought he'd kicked it for good. He was clean for a few years and even started a successful business. Had a nice condo, car, GF, everything. Well, guess where he is AGAIN: back to the same self-destructive, selfish, bullshit he's been pulling all of his life. He's made it pretty clear that getting loaded on heroin is the best thing in the world. How fucking pathetic is that?

Sorry, but when you've got some clean time, perspective, the trust/support of your family and your body is no longer physically dependent on a substance, you are the only one to blame for your piss poor choices in life. Blame it all on the 'disease' if you want, but I just call it like it is: you love to get fucking high.

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 4:11 PM. Reason : .]

3/11/2013 4:09:27 PM

15294 Posts
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Quote :
"self-imposed. Sorta like diabetes."


I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/11/2013 4:11:44 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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fat people who refuse to exercise and have horrible eating habits get diabetes.

what's so hard to understand?

3/11/2013 4:13:21 PM

15294 Posts
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k you are trolling

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/11/2013 4:14:31 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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not at all

both are selfish and self destructive, while entirely preventable

both also cost people a lot of fucking money to 'fix'

i'll also throw compulsive gamblers into the mix while I'm at it...

did I mention I have a lot of fucked up/irresponsible family members?

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 4:18 PM. Reason : .]

3/11/2013 4:15:58 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Quote :
"not at all

the international troll's response

3/11/2013 4:17:18 PM

15294 Posts
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Quote :

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/11/2013 4:17:22 PM

26632 Posts
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Type 2 only, but yes

3/11/2013 4:17:40 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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obviously I meant type 2 only

it's not your fault if you're born that way

3/11/2013 4:19:01 PM

26632 Posts
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i recently learned that crazy anti-vaccine retards think whooping cough vaccines cause type 1 diabetes despite no evidence of it

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 4:22 PM. Reason : because God or something]

3/11/2013 4:22:20 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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in twenty years there will be type 3 diabetes

you heard it here first

3/11/2013 4:26:12 PM

68205 Posts
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lol ... self imposed.

while i will agree that in some cases the addiction is self imposed but "according to the disease model, the onset and development of addiction are influenced though genetic predisposition and environmental factors"

3/11/2013 4:26:38 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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ill believe that as much as i believe Detox and Site3 will ever come to existence

3/11/2013 4:27:16 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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there is a type 1.5 diabetes.

3/11/2013 4:27:47 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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if you're clean for several years and pick up the needle again, it's because you REALLY like getting high

sorry. that's self imposed to me

3/11/2013 4:28:39 PM

15294 Posts
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The insulin needle?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/11/2013 4:30:38 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"if you're clean for several years and pick up the needle again, it's because you REALLY like getting high"

you dumb yo

3/11/2013 4:31:21 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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but one of the reasons why i never tried heroin in the first place is that i knew if i did, i'd probably never stop

so, i gotta thank my cousin for that one

anyway, best of luck to this chick. i'm sure she'll be fine

[Edited on March 11, 2013 at 4:35 PM. Reason : .]

3/11/2013 4:33:47 PM

26632 Posts
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i'm assuming all the people around you are a big reason you never tried heroin too, most people don't decide one day that they are going to go find someone who can get them some heroin so they can get high

3/11/2013 4:35:01 PM

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