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All American
22925 Posts
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Civil Rights extend to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. It says nothing about mental patients.

Also, it doesn't state "race, color, religion, desired sex, or national origin.

5/18/2016 6:05:56 PM

8379 Posts
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Have you ever met a real transgender person, or are you getting your impression from tabloids about Caitlin Jenner? Have you ever made an actual attempt to understand them as people?

5/18/2016 6:14:37 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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I worked with one. And we had lengthy discussions about the whole process. AFAIK, he even had reassignment surgery. This was female to male btw.

Look, I don't doubt that transgender folk can go about leading 100% normal lives outside of their whole transgender issue. Schizophrenics can also lead pretty normal lives.

5/18/2016 6:19:34 PM

8379 Posts
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Are gay people mental patients too?

Does this person strike you as mentally unstable?

I'm just confused why you are deciding to paint transgender people with the Caitlin Jenner brush vs. The Laverne Cox brush.

[Edited on May 18, 2016 at 6:23 PM. Reason : .]

5/18/2016 6:22:35 PM

All American
38975 Posts
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it's pretty damn sad that after more than a year of being given reason after reason of why transgendered people don't have a mental illness, you're still loud and proud with your ignorance.

like, what do you really get out of being an asshole? does it make you feel good? do you not think it'd make you feel better to have empathy for those who aren't like you? or if you just treated them with respect and dignity? at this point, you're really going out of your way to not like someone just because you're ignorant.

5/18/2016 6:28:55 PM

8379 Posts
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I mean shit, even if you consider them mentally unstable, which is ridiculous, what do you get out of denigrating them on a regular basis? You're just an asshole bully.

5/18/2016 6:31:34 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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Republicans have pretty much doubled down on transgender bathroom issues as the new social wedge issue. The gay marriage debate is over, religious liberty isn't getting the press it once was, those abortion videos were a fiasco, so they need something new to preach about and motivate people to the polls.

if you identify with republican policies, you're gonna get sucked into believing, or convince yourself into believing that their policy on transgender folks is right too. It's a coping mechanism that keeps a person from tearing down their worldview and what they "know to be true"

5/18/2016 6:39:37 PM

50084 Posts
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Back on topic. Seeing Trumps list of justices basically means that a vote for Trump is a vote against everything Bernie Sanders stands for.

Basically a who's who of highly conservative, pro-Citizens United, pro-life judges.

5/18/2016 7:45:16 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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he's bluffin

5/18/2016 7:51:52 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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If that is the case, then he can go ahead and count out any of those mythical Bernie for Trump supporters.

5/18/2016 8:07:24 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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There will be Bernie people who vote for Trump. It's not going to be in large numbers, but it may be 2 or 3% of the total voters. A lot of the working class, union types who vote based on job protection, being anti-globalization etc. could go with Trump.

They sure as hell aren't all going to vote for Hillary. A lot of the people who voted in KY's primary for example and voted "not committed" are probably voting for Trump.

They aren't mythical, but he's not pulling a lot of Bernie people and she isn't going to get all of them. A significant portion will vote for Hillary/against Trump, another big chunk will stay home, some will vote Libertarian and Green, and some will vote for Trump. The Bernie voters are a pretty diverse bunch with different priorities.

5/18/2016 8:14:20 PM

All American
33752 Posts
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Quote :
"Civil Rights extend to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. It says nothing about mental patients.

Also, it doesn't state "race, color, religion, desired sex, or national origin.

LOL, so who wrote these rules on who civil rights extend to? They extend to whoever society says they extend to, and society is clearly pushing for accepting people with a gender identity that differs from their biology.

5/18/2016 8:26:00 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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This is how facism comes to America

5/18/2016 10:06:05 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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Part of that article goes into the very thing the founders tried to prevent, which is voting with passion. The same could be said for Bernie supports.

5/19/2016 8:57:11 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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Yeah, you could replace a lot of that article with Bernie/Democrat party.

I am as much of a #nevertrump as anyone, but the argument that Trumps cult of personality is anything new is ridiculous. Obama ran a very similar campaign, appealing to the marginalized with #Hope and #Change. I don't recall anyone (legitimately) being concerned about the nations downward slope into fascism in 2008.

The fact is, we still have a system of checks and balances that will prevent our degradation to Nazi-America, like so many liberals are hysterically claiming.

5/19/2016 9:39:10 AM

50084 Posts
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Who is really claiming that? I'm sure some are but its not wide spread.

I'm sure it's a bit to do with the bump from being the presumptive GOP candidate now but the RCP average is now Clinton +3.5 and the last two show Trump winning (of course they are Fox News and Rasmussen) but it's close regardless.

5/19/2016 11:05:01 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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I mean, it's directly in the headline of the article we are referring to.

5/19/2016 3:06:32 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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He knocked out two Hispanic candidates. Unbelievable! I thought the new POTUS must be a Hispanic but I was wrong! This is a political Kungfu movie!

5/19/2016 4:16:52 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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Quote :
"The fact is, we still have a system of checks and balances that will prevent our degradation to Nazi-America, like so many liberals are hysterically claiming."

do what now?

5/19/2016 6:06:25 PM

50084 Posts
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Finally the media pushed back on Trumps Iraq/Libya lies.

Scarborough, after the interview, finally mentioned he was on the record as wanting to go in and oust Qadaffi. About time someone called him on this particular lie.

5/20/2016 11:43:14 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Clinton called him unqualified to be president and now the mantra is "well he's older than 35, natural born, etc so he's qualified." bullshit. all that means is he is eligible.

I'm fucking eligible to go run the 100m sprint in Rio this year for the United States. doesn't mean I'm remotely qualified to do it.

5/20/2016 3:52:35 PM

All American
11307 Posts
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edit post community organizer b.s. for this one?

5/20/2016 3:54:17 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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What a mendacious multiple-time-backtracking hypocrite

5/21/2016 3:10:35 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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the article is shit tho. heres why.

trump isn't ridiculing investors for paying no taxes. he's not ridiculing people for using loopholes.

he's ridiculing the system for allowing the loopholes to exist in the first place.

in a capitalist society, people are going to do what makes the most money regardless of whats right or wrong for the country. Its the governments job to force people to do the right thing if the country feels like the right thing must be done.

5/21/2016 4:22:04 AM

50084 Posts
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This seems bad and potentially fraudulent.

[Edited on May 25, 2016 at 12:16 PM. Reason : ^ b4c and this guy... tells you all you need to know]

5/25/2016 12:16:00 PM

All American
10665 Posts
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^that's way too complicated for a trump supporter to understand or care about

5/25/2016 1:19:16 PM

434 Posts
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Quote :
"There will be Bernie people who vote for Trump. It's not going to be in large numbers, but it may be 2 or 3% of the total voters. A lot of the working class, union types who vote based on job protection, being anti-globalization etc. could go with Trump."

Is this supported by any data or just posting opinion?

Because there are polls ranging from 10-20% of Bernie would be voters backing Trump

5/25/2016 1:58:01 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Is this supported by any data or just posting opinion? "

Yes it's supported by historical precedent, and lots of it.

Quote :
"Because there are polls ranging from 10-20% of Bernie would be voters backing Trump"

Like those polls matter now. Talk to me in November.

Quote :
"In July 2008, 54 percent of Clinton voters said they wouldn't support Barack Obama in a general election. (They even had a nickname, "PUMAs" — "party unity my ass," the 2008 analog to today's "Bernie or bust-ers.")

Ultimately, however, nine in 10 Democrats ended up voting for Obama over John McCain, according to the Nation. Similar threats were made — and later failed to materialize — from the supporters of Howard Dean in 2004, according to Abramowitz.

"Just about every time there's a closely contested nomination battle, the supporters of the candidate who appear to be losing threaten to walk out," Abramowitz said. "Then they don't.""

[Edited on May 25, 2016 at 2:39 PM. Reason : The fact that we're only talking about 10-20% and it's only May is proof the argument is dumb.]

5/25/2016 2:25:43 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Warren is not who we thought she was. She cowardly wouldn't run because she's been fake the whole time then she was too busy to play any role in the primary. Now, she's just a puppet for Clinton hitting Trump on the things Hillary can't talk about without being an obvious hypocrite. If you really cared, you would've endorsed a candidate in the primary. Just another democrat.

5/25/2016 4:43:11 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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Warren called out Trump for saying a housing bust would benefit him. Meanwhile, Warren herself was a big real estate speculator/flipper.

I don't care though, if she's not in jail I still may vote for Hillary.

5/25/2016 6:26:41 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Really great idea to tell a bunch of Californians that there's no drought. Glad he solved the problem by simply stating that one doesn't exist in the first place.

5/28/2016 12:03:38 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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ITT I learned flipping 5 houses makes you a "big real estate speculator"

5/28/2016 5:07:10 PM

50084 Posts
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^^ lol he is such an idiot. How anyone has bought in to his bullshit is beyond me.

5/29/2016 8:45:33 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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He knows his audience. The Central Valley is full of billboards declaring the drought to be a manufactured crisis, save our farmers, etc. Go north and they turn into Jefferson signs.

5/30/2016 12:14:45 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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While this might be true, the average Californian knows better. It's not like most ag/farm folks believe the drought doesn't exist- they just are pissed that they have to ration what resources they have left. And to be fair, the average civilian uses wayyyy less water than industrial farmers, so you're not going to get a ton of sympathy from me, nor the average Californian. It's not like Trump has a shot at winning CA in the first place, so it really doesn't matter what he says anyway.

5/30/2016 12:36:46 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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he doesn't laterally mean there is no drought. he means that the water crisis is not being caused by the draught and is being caused by environmentalists. They could easily divert the sacremento river and have plenty of water. Thats what he means by "there is no drought".

You guys speak for northern california but there is a consevative heart of california that this antienvironmentalism, antiimmigration bs has a strong appeal to. Its not all hippies and mexicans. These people know what he's talking about and he's only trailing hillary by single digits. Not everyone is in farming but it directly effects the whole economy and you also have the people who are recently reacting to san bernadino and kathryn steinle. They will all vote for trump.

5/30/2016 1:06:21 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Who gives a shit? He's not going to win CA. All those idiots can vote for him if they want. Btw, that rally was a joke. The auditorium was half empty.

[Edited on May 30, 2016 at 1:45 PM. Reason : .]

5/30/2016 1:28:46 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"He's not going to run"

Quote :
"He's not going to win any primaries"

Quote :
"He's not going to beat rubio in florida"

Quote :
"He's not going to get the nomination"

Quote :
"He's not going to beat cruz in indiana"

At the very least, he will make democrats dump a ton of money into California, and make Hilary court California voters at the expense of less liberal voters in ohio, pennsylvania and florida.

5/30/2016 4:17:31 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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5/30/2016 5:47:56 PM

50084 Posts
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Earl up in here defending his guy again

5/30/2016 6:39:54 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Trump is already ridiculous enough so Its really annoying when people twist his words and make up shit about his policies. Its also annoying how they talk about how his business practices weren't good for this country. Well no shit. His job was to do what was best for his business at the time. Thats just more evidence that he knows what he's doing. If he was president, his job would be to do what is best for the country. It takes credibility away from all of us who are anti trump. You are only making his supporters more passionate.

[Edited on May 30, 2016 at 6:52 PM. Reason : /rant]

5/30/2016 6:52:03 PM

All American
11890 Posts
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Quote :
"At the very least, he will make democrats dump a ton of money into California, and make Hilary court California voters at the expense of less liberal voters in ohio, pennsylvania and florida."

LOL! What are you talking about? California is so far left that the liberals don't have to invest too much in that State to win it. If Clinton never visits the state of California, she'll still win it in a landslide.

5/30/2016 7:27:37 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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California is dominated by democrats but it has a much larger conservative population than most people think. Its only been 13 years since they elected a republican governor. I'm not saying he's going to win but if they don't put in work, turnout would be too low to win. The republican parts of the state are politically enthused.

5/30/2016 8:01:10 PM

All American
33752 Posts
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Quote :
"Its also annoying how they talk about how his business practices weren't good for this country. Well no shit. His job was to do what was best for his business at the time. Thats just more evidence that he knows what he's doing. If he was president, his job would be to do what is best for the country. It takes credibility away from all of us who are anti trump. You are only making "

This completely misses the point of pointing this out. It's not to suggest trump is not aware of the problems, it's to demonstrate why trump wouldn't be invested in fixing the problems. He's going to implement policies that help his business when he leaves office, which means more workers rights abuses, tax breaks for the wealthy, and loopholes across the board. Cheney did it, Mcrory is doing it, this is rampant across all levels of government , and trump won't be any different.

And trump uses a shotgun approach to business development using bankruptcy as a safety net. He doesn't have this option for the country, but this isn't going to stop him from trying.

I know anyone with more than 3 brains cells to run together realizes what a disaster trump would be, but you're giving trump supporters too much credit.

5/30/2016 8:47:20 PM

All American
33752 Posts
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Faced with fraud case, Trump brings up judge's 'Mexican' heritage

This is a bit worrisome... Trump basically painting the judge as anti-american for his latino heritage using similar smear tactics to McCarthyism and the Red Scare.

5/31/2016 1:57:07 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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even better is them calling protesters gathering outside places he's speaking "criminal rallies"

[Edited on May 31, 2016 at 9:24 AM. Reason : .]

5/31/2016 9:24:39 AM

All American
33752 Posts
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Does Trump not know what fascism is, or does he know and not care? Either possibility is pretty terrifying.

5/31/2016 9:54:25 AM

50084 Posts
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Thanks for the demographic lesson Earl.

Can you give me some dinner recommendation for Walnut Creek since you obviously know more about California than us.

5/31/2016 10:56:49 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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cali is less than 30% registered republican. but a bernie supporter looking at a map and saying "wow that's a lot of red" is about as deep as they get

5/31/2016 5:29:40 PM

All American
33752 Posts
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Funny how Trump lied about donating money to veterans for months, then just before documents are released from his corrupt Trump University business scheme, then he finally donates the money.

Seems like he's using veterans as the doormat to wipe off the scummy dealings with Trump University.

Quote :
"The documents released Tuesday include internal company manuals, called “playbooks,” which show that instructors were advised to aggressively steer prospective customers toward the most expensive courses. The playbooks advised staff members to collect “personalized information” about participants to help close sales. One example: “Are they a single parent of three children that may need money for food?”"

[Edited on May 31, 2016 at 8:49 PM. Reason : ]

5/31/2016 8:48:00 PM

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