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26632 Posts
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it's also pretty inline with statements he's made before and during his campaign and also while governor, so i don't think there is a coordinated plan or conspiracy

(but thinking there is does not come close to "birtherism")

also, a governor or president vetoing something knowing that votes exist for the veto to be overruled is not really "something big", it's not scandalous at all.

[Edited on June 3, 2015 at 9:34 AM. Reason : .]

6/3/2015 9:33:23 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Ag-gag overturned
3 day minimum waiting period for abortions.

6/3/2015 10:02:16 PM

All American
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maybe this was a ploy to push through the abortion waiting period.

6/4/2015 12:16:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
So thinking that the Republican governor meeting with the Republican representatives and senators and saying I need to veto this so I can win the next election but you guys can override it right?.

That is on par with believing that there are fake newspaper birth announcements and fake birth certificates from doctors and whatever else the birthers need to believe to make Obama not American."

Hahaha what? [NO].

Stuff like that is routine in politics.

6/4/2015 9:38:30 AM

All American
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^ I missed the question mark at the end. I was addressing someone say that they were equivalent. which is absurd.

6/4/2015 12:33:28 PM

All American
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New Chairman elected today - Hasan Harnett. The "establishment" candidate was suprisingly rebuked.

6/6/2015 6:00:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"stop the Hillary Clinton – Roy Cooper machine"


6/6/2015 6:35:05 PM

Burn it all down.
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veto for the same-sex marriage thing has been overturned.

6/11/2015 10:52:23 AM

All American
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fucking pathetic

6/11/2015 12:28:16 PM

All American
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It's a good thing... civil rights for the gays is becoming increasingly supported by voters, and this just shows the voters who not to vote for, come election time.

It's a short term victory, but it just hastens the irrelevancy of the current brand of republicans.

6/11/2015 12:58:46 PM

50084 Posts
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FFS North Carolina.

^ eh it's still a long time away. The huckleberries and zealots who these clowns represent aren't anywhere close yet. Wouldn't surprise me if 80-90% of those in favor of civil rights for LGBT are in cities.

[Edited on June 11, 2015 at 1:27 PM. Reason : X]

6/11/2015 1:26:06 PM

26632 Posts
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but even the republicans who support civil rights (i.e. basically just young people), still won't vote against the party to get them out of power

6/11/2015 1:29:41 PM

Burn it all down.
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How does this not set up a dangerous precedent on other things not related to gay marriage? NC Guard member with weekend duty? My religion says I can't work on the Sabbath.

6/11/2015 1:45:02 PM

26632 Posts
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the law isn't that broad

[Edited on June 11, 2015 at 1:46 PM. Reason : and also it's not a court decision]

6/11/2015 1:46:34 PM

All American
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Hmm... Weeks before the NC voter ID law goes back to federal court, republican leadership brings a bill to the floor (and passes it) that softens the ID law and allows provisions for folks without ID to vote under certain circumstances. Little to no public notice or discussion.

I'm fine with the ultimate result, but are they admitting that the original law wasn't going to get through the appeal unscathed?

6/22/2015 8:45:10 PM

All American
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Vote on Tuesday to remove the rebel flag, seems like people are expecting it to pass... we'll see.

6/23/2015 10:27:13 AM

play so hard
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What does that have to do with NC?

6/23/2015 12:17:59 PM

All American
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^^^ Per the conservative mediasphere, NCDOT is to blame:

Basically, allegation is that NCDOT failed to provide free ID's to people who didn't already have state issued ID's. Lots of conservative voters very unhappy with this outcome since it essentially guts the primary motivation of the law - photo ID.

[Edited on June 23, 2015 at 12:56 PM. Reason : ...]

6/23/2015 12:55:36 PM

All American
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I love that anytime Tata's name is mentioned, its typically followed by mentioning him hawking his books somewhere lol. Guy kinda screws up everything he touches it seems. That seems to be a common trait of McCrory appointees.

6/23/2015 1:21:04 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Lots of conservative voters very unhappy with this outcome since it essentially guts the primary motivation of the law - photo ID."

lol bro, that's not the motivation

6/23/2015 1:39:42 PM

All American
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You're right, racism. Thanks for making a worthwhile contribution to the conversation.

6/23/2015 1:41:37 PM

26632 Posts
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also not racism

6/23/2015 2:01:59 PM

All American
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6/29/2015 2:17:05 PM

All American
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Yet somehow people like "The River Keepers" get labeled as wackos and extremists...

6/29/2015 3:17:39 PM

All American
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They went ahead and passed the re-structuring of Greensboro's city council yesterday. These people are ridiculous.

[Edited on July 4, 2015 at 10:37 AM. Reason : []

7/4/2015 10:36:45 AM

All American
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It was defeated on the first vote, then an emergency caucus meeting, then it passed. I'd like to know what threats/promises were made during that caucus meeting. Definitely minus credibility on this move speaking as a Republican.

7/4/2015 3:03:53 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Trump Leads GOP Field in North Carolina

7/9/2015 1:07:44 AM

All American
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He's gotten by far the most media coverage, not too surprising he's recognized so much.

If Sanders got nearly as much airtime, i wonder what people would think about him?

I guess that's the free market at work though, when it comes to what the media chooses to report...

7/9/2015 1:31:09 AM

All American
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Sketchy. I'd really like to see this develop into something significant. I'll give credit to the rest of the board of elections for seemingly doing the right things so far-we wouldn't want to create any doubt about the legitimacy of our elections!

7/11/2015 10:16:31 PM

All American
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These assholes have a supermajority and can't pass a budget on time.

8/11/2015 11:43:24 AM

All American
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Trying to repeal current riparian buffer regulations

8/14/2015 1:27:23 PM

26632 Posts
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the constitutional amendment that limits taxes and spending is pretty terrifying

8/14/2015 1:42:44 PM

All American
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^^SMH. If I understand the legislative process correctly, this has now come to a committee to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of this bill, apparently they are kinda far apart since the Senate version didn't receive a single vote in the house, Wow! If I understand the process it could be a race between the budget and this bill. If the budget is passed first then the session ends and the resolved bill won't get a vote??? Anyone?

^agree. Similar bills in other states (although I don't think they were constitutional amendments) have ended pretty badly.


DENR has released preliminary data associated with the Solar Bees out in Jordan Lake that were supposed to be helping with the nutrient pollution/algae. No conclusion included, but it doesn't look like there was a significant effect - most of the monitoring sites still saw too many exceedances and would be classified as impaired.

8/18/2015 4:11:09 PM

All American
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You mean jiggling some water didn't magically remove the proponderence of upstream effluent? *gasp*

8/18/2015 4:37:04 PM

All American
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These budget shenanigans are approaching a level of being undemocratic. While the negotiating committees are pretty big, lots of the deals are basically being handled between Berger and Dollar/Moore, in mostly secret, and they aren't releasing details to the public (and perhaps not even to their respective chambers). I recognize that budget stuff is often an exercise in sausage making, but the problem is that the budget is so completely late, that when they finally do put it to a vote, both houses will be so desperate that passing it will pretty much be the only option no matter how shitty it is. Seems like there is a high probability it will be passed before most voters, and possibly even most of the GA, can even read it.

it just aint right.

8/26/2015 10:47:39 AM

All American
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As I understand it, the senate will vote on the budget (with tax provisions?) sometime tomorrow? The bill is allegedly 500+ pages long, but won't be released until 8am. DEMOCRACY!!

I think the House has a rule that requires the budget to be publicly available for 72 hours before a vote, unless the rule is waived by the Speaker.

All of this so thy can get it out before the 18th

9/14/2015 8:45:47 PM

All American
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All I heard on NPR was about the education measures, but I can not get any word (and neither can those voting on it apparently) as to how fucked our air quality and water habitats are going to be after this.

9/14/2015 9:01:05 PM

All American
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tactics like this should be struck down by the courts... i'm no (state or US) constitutional law expert, but this can not be in the spirit of the framework that guides our lawmaking. things like this or "you have to pass the bill to see what's in it" just serves to increase the perceived (and actual) corruptness of government (and yes all parties are guilty of shit like this)

9/14/2015 9:25:19 PM

All American
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glad to see that they're gleefully continuing to be the worst

9/15/2015 10:55:10 PM

All American
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^ They're the Islamic State without the genocide.

9/15/2015 11:13:17 PM

All American
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Oh goodie! More water jigglers and beach destroyers!

9/16/2015 9:10:23 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Glad I got out of dodge.....

Land of bible thumpers and where the environment is a silly thing perfect for dumping industrial waste because corporations are people too!!!

9/17/2015 1:14:58 AM

All American
11313 Posts
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believe me...we're glad you left too!

9/17/2015 4:27:56 PM

All American
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Bill just passed that allows party leadership in the house and senate to create their own political funds. Some see it as a way around the NCGOP funds, since apparently none of the rich folks trust the new NCGOP Chair.

The real world effect will be leadership will be able to solicit donations, that they'll have direct control of, even while debate is taking place on the floor. They can then allow votes to proceed or primary whomever doesn't get in line, seems like it could maybe, just maybe be prone to corruption, or maybe that's a feature.

9/26/2015 6:09:09 PM

All American
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I have yet to be able to find answers to my questions about ^. I agree that it's troubling - another example of why late session legislation pushed through with limited debate is dangerous.

Would this bill affect contributions made directly to favored candidates instead of to the local or state party organizations based on local party members being unhappy with the direction of both local and state party organizations? Will contributions be limited in some way by normal campaign finance rules, or will these new affiliated groups be able to accept unlimited contributions from sources both inside and outside the state? i.e., how will these affiliated organizations, if created, raise money?

9/29/2015 10:00:19 AM

All American
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I seriously doubt many in the legislator even really understand how its going to work. You probably know more about campaign finance than I do. My understanding is that while the legislator is in session NC has limits on lobbyist giving to campaigns, this law would allow leadership, and only leadership, to receive unlimited funds from anyone while in session. Its clearly so they can solicit money from PACs and lobbyists while legislation is pending during the session.

So long as you are not a lobbyist you should still be able to give money to your favorite candidate at anytime during the year.

Jim Black was not that long ago, of course republicans would never do anything like that, atleast that was their platform right after those shenanigans. I guess its best to just legalize and institutionalize the process to keep the AG off your back.

10/3/2015 10:20:56 AM

All American
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But fear not. Fetal tissue won't be sold in NC.

10/3/2015 1:16:43 PM

All American
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[Edited on October 5, 2015 at 6:16 PM. Reason : wrong thread]

10/5/2015 6:14:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"On Facebook, Butner displayed a photo taken at one demonstration in Raleigh and noted the black participants. "I GUESS THE WHITE FOLK COULD NOT GET OFF BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY BEING PRODUCTIVE GOOD CITIZENS," Butner wrote in 2013.

Butner also commented on Twitter about Oprah Winfrey receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom: "@Oprah WELL YOU GOT YOUR MOF THANKS TO YOUR BLACK PREZ AND A LOT OF WHITE WOMEN. CAN YOU EVER DO ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN?""

10/15/2015 9:10:52 AM

All American
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Unc BOG infighting over the new UNC Pres (don't forget that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the original Pres). Everything the NCGOP touches just turns to complete shit. Please Jesus let the ship be righted in 2016.

10/17/2015 11:15:38 AM

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