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"rolling stone"

11/5/2005 10:56:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Chuck is still a horrible coach, and the pattern

continues. "

Yes, horrible coach. We should fire him, rehire Mike O'Cain, and go back to getting recruits stolen from us to schools like Akron.

Shut up. We're a talented team with no QB. Shit happens. It will get better

11/5/2005 10:58:48 PM

All American
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Corso took State as his upset win on Friday night's gameday show. Herbstreit took Arizona over UCLA so both were right on this week.

11/5/2005 10:59:57 PM

694 Posts
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^^fuck you, you shut up asshole. People like you are the reason why we suck. B/c moron like you are stubborn and won't make changes for the better.

11/5/2005 11:02:35 PM

All American
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Chuck has beaten FSU more times than any other school in the ACC so he might be doing something right.

All it takes for some teams is one or two key players to put them over the hump.

11/5/2005 11:04:40 PM

All American
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damn that was a great game. I was talk about the defense really stepping up!!1

11/5/2005 11:05:28 PM

All American
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kinda ironic that unc has beaten both teams to upset fsu

11/5/2005 11:06:11 PM

694 Posts
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okay, so lose to everyone else but fsu each year If we can beat fsu, we should be able to

atleast make a run for the conference. makes no sense to lose to unc, wake, clemson ahhh fuck it u get

the picture.

11/5/2005 11:06:51 PM

patent pending
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I was in Charleston today at the Kings Street Grille cheering on the pack. There were several other red clad NC State fans there as shocked and excited as I was

11/5/2005 11:08:09 PM

All American
14415 Posts
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edit post're a fucking idiot.

Who the hell would you hire smart guy? Who the hell could do better given our QB situation. We had a ironclad QB who never missed a damn snap.... our other QB's couldn't get any reps... and it wound up biting us.

Our defense is great. Our RB's are young but very talented (And another talented one just left early), our WR's are very good.... so why the hell should we get rid of Amato?

You're one of those fucktards that think we're gonna magically be national champions overnight because we ate Lucky Charms for breakfast.... it doesn't happen that way. Football teams take time... and it's really fucking hard to win games when you don't have a decent QB (Ask Tennessee).

Our entire team is talented, but not playing with much heart becuase it's fucking worthless with a lame duck QB under center. We get decent QB play we'd be a helluva team... and trading coaches would do absolutely nothing. Some QB's are busts... some aren't.

Amato has both been outcoached and outcoached others.... he's no Dick Sheridan at this point, but he's still learning and attempting to get over the hump.

Fuck you... it's not going to happen overnight. Every time a team of ours doesn't have a winning season asshats like you start calling for his head becuase you don't know shit about what type of a change that is or how hard it is to build a program from a perennial doormat. He's been here 5 years and shown drastic improvements from what we've had before.... yes our season sucks.... but what you forget is that we could do a helluva lot worse. We want an alumnus (So he doesn't leave if he is successful) and a winner. Chucks teams have shown flashes... it's a matter of putting it together. Hard to do that without a leader on offense

News flash: Not many coaches could win with our situation. We have a talented guy coming in next year and Stone is young.... it will get better. Our team is very talented, and with a decent QB we'd be very good.

Like I said, shut up until you can make an intellectual comment on why exactly you think NC State can and should do better, in a faster manner, than what Chuck Amato is doing. Every coach goes through it..... There aren't many coaches who turn programs around overnight. If they do.... then they leave to go elsewhere.

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:16 PM. Reason : sds]

11/5/2005 11:14:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^fuck you, you shut up asshole. People like you are the reason why we suck. B/c moron like you are stubborn and won't make changes for the better.


Dude, thats one of the most reasonable posters on this message board. You get the fuck out of here with your negativity after a good win....and was a good win no matter how you look at it. Its people like you that give us a bad name and ruin the fan experience for the rest of us, so do us all a favor and go kill yourself.

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:17 PM. Reason : haha get em^]

11/5/2005 11:15:51 PM

All American
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all this bickering.....why don't we celebrate!!1


11/5/2005 11:19:15 PM

694 Posts
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So honestly, none of you were among the masses screaming "fire Chuck, fire Chuck" like two weeks

ago???yeah right dick riders. So predictable, bunch of assholes You wolfAApack and you

PackBacker can go fuck yourselfs silly with a horse dick. True we have an abundance of talent.

Our defense is not great (you haven't been watching this team, you're either blind or retarded) Amato

sucks, and has been down hill since River departure, who said anything about over night??? Dude speak

the truth bc you're in denial

11/5/2005 11:24:50 PM

All American
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PackBacker, don't mind these kids. They think they're all master-of-the-universe NCAA 2006 wizards who somehow believe that their demi-godly formula for success on a video game can translate to real-life, flash in the pan solutions.

Quote :
"Stone did not win the game for us,"

Look, I'm sick of you fucking fucktards making comments like this.
Everyone who saw, witnessed, or otherwise partook of this game knows Stone did not win it for us. We know that if Stone is a fraction of what Rivers was, then it's an astronomically small fraction. But what Stone DID NOT do was put the team in a vulnerable position via interceptions, fumbles, bad decisions, or any other form of negative ball control.

Jay Davis did the exact opposite far too many times over the last 1.5 years. It's a fucking amazing breath of fresh air knowing that so far, we haven't had to worry about our quarterback shitting the game away with Stone.

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:26 PM. Reason : ]

11/5/2005 11:25:37 PM

All American
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^^no douche bag...I was not screaming fire Amato a few weeks ago. I said he needed to make a change in some way or another...not really thinking QB change...just something. I did say taht he needed to go if we didnt turn the season around.

I'l give you credit though n00b, I lauged my ass of at that last post.

11/5/2005 11:32:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So honestly, none of you were among the masses screaming "fire Chuck, fire Chuck" like two weeks


Nope. Chuck has some proving to do and I don't think he walks on water... but he's shown that he can field a good team.

I remember 3 years ago...Rivers senior year... everyone was screaming fire Chuck becuase our defense sucked so bad. Look it up: I said we'd struggle starting 3 freshmen and a sophmore on the defensive line, but that in a few years, our D would be nasty.... it was just a matter of experience... not coaching... not talent. Too bad Rivers couldn't have come at a later time

Well shit, look what happened. We led the nation in defense and are about 25th right now.... despite our defense basically pitching a tent on the field becuase they're always out there.

Our defense is good if they actually have a reason to play. Their swagger is shot... they're pissed about the offense not doing their part.... as are all of the fans.

Chucks not the messiah, but this team lost it's identity with Rivers and has to find itself. Our QB's are terrible, but that's all we're missing to be a very good team.

Quote :

sucks, and has been down hill since River departure, who said anything about over night??? "

So tell me... how does Amato suck?

Now if we had a decent QB...all of this talent... and still got ran off of the field.... then I would agree. Like I said, you can't win with a ridiculously terrible QB. It's a funk we're in...and it's a funk we'll hopefully get out of. It is Amato's fault that we don't have a capable QB, but every team has their troubles. We don't have the luxury of going 5-deep with Blue Chip QB's like the powerhouses do. Someone will emerge, and hopefully it will be when our D is still strong. Chuck went out and got Mark Trestman.... a super super QB coach with a track record to prove it (At the Univ. of Miami.... his QB's were Steve Walsh, Vinny Testaverde, and Bernie Kosar)

We will be fine. Step back from the ledge. I'm not happy with this season either.... if we were getting walked on at every position, then I might agree with you. We're not. We suck at one position... problem is that it's THE position you must have a capable leader in order to win games.

Sucks for us. Someone will step up down the road.

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:40 PM. Reason : sdfsd]

11/5/2005 11:39:01 PM

694 Posts
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seriously, like i said. Im proud that we won tonight. But its like a bitter-sweet feeling. This only takes

Chuck out of the hot seat. C'mon dude, half-way thru the season and we just now discover this freak

at rb?!?!?!?!?! The season is still not turned around. The fuckin season is over. This is our second losing

season, with all this "talent". But let me stop before i ruin this win for some of you Wagon-Dick riders.

11/5/2005 11:39:17 PM

209 Posts
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anyone snap any pictures of the crazyness that i missed on campus??

11/5/2005 11:41:49 PM

All American
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YAY!!! we can beat BC too, i was at the unc game today, they are overrated... but we do lose to sucky teams so we'll see. what if we go 7-4,,, hey it could happen

11/5/2005 11:42:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"C'mon dude, half-way thru the season and we just now discover this freak

at rb?!?!?!?!?! "

Hello Willis McGahee

Hello Willie Parker (Who never played at UNC, was 3rd string, and at one point led the NFL in rushing his rookie year with the Steelers... still very good)

The list goes on and on. We have a lot of very capable backs... Rivers was told he'd never be a college QB with that throwing motion and that he'd make a better tight end. You never know until they get on the field

Quote :
"This only takes

Chuck out of the hot seat"

I dont think Chuck was ever in danger of losing his job from any sane Wolfpack fans. He did have a lot of questions to answer and corrections to make

Quote :
"The fuckin season is over. This is our second losing

season, with all this "talent""

The fuckin season pretty much is over, I agree

This is our second losing season with all of this talent. It's also our second season without a capable QB...see a pattern? We wouldn't even be having this conversation with a semi-capable QB. You don't realize how bad our QB's all. We banked on Stone.... he, thus far, has been a bust.

We are one KEY position away from being an 8-9 win team

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:46 PM. Reason : sdfsd]

11/5/2005 11:42:55 PM

694 Posts
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Amato sucks for the following reasons;
(1)he can go get the talent, but he fails at developing them
(2)his cupcake scheduling back fires year after year, totally screwing us of "potential rankings". This is so b/c they fail at preparing us for tough games ahead.
(3)unstable office (he fires and hires key staff members every year)
(4) consecutive unc...lose... nuff said. no excuse for that

this is why he fucking sucks. Now, you tell me why he does not suck

11/5/2005 11:46:33 PM

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umm injuries did not lead to the discovery of our running that whole willis mcgahee thing is

useless. ( matter fact, basically the same with everyone you mentioned) We discovered this dude b/c we were getting our asses handled by a garbage as So Miss team. totally diff situation. come again

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:51 PM. Reason : .]

11/5/2005 11:49:23 PM

All American
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I dont know why some people want Chuck gone so bad. At least we compete in most games. We have been blown out what...4/5 times in his 6 years? He's not that bad, we just dont have any depth.

I've got news for you man...If Chuck goes, this program is set back 4...maybe 5 years at the least. Someone might be able to come in here and coach us to a good season their first year...just by firing the players up...but down the road it will kill us. Look at what happend at ND with Wilingham (of course I think he got fucked). 11-3 his first year then what after that?

Be careful what you wish for, because sometimes that shit backfires and this team is right back to where it was in the 90's

11/5/2005 11:50:51 PM

All American
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How can we have a losing season when we're 4-4..?

Losing record in the ACC perhaps? Meh, it happens the ACC isn't a rollover conference anymore.

PackBacker, I coulda swore that you thought Chuck had to go, but I'll double check that one.

On further review, he said that Chuck sucked because he couldn't hire a competent staff. So I suppose he never said that Chuck had to go.

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:55 PM. Reason : research]

11/5/2005 11:51:59 PM

All American
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Every human on the face of this earth has reasons why they suck and don't suck.

I bet you've sucked from time to time. Fire yourself.

11/5/2005 11:52:29 PM

All American
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^^^^ injuries or inconsistency, that's non sequitur.

we went through a very talented RB pool and have found the hot RB at the moment.
is he the man now and down the road? i can't say, you can't say, nobody can say. of course we hope he keeps his level of play up, but that's the benefit of having depth. if he struggles, we work in the next guy.

the problem is that while that's an easy jump to make at RB, its much different when switching QBs.

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:54 PM. Reason : ^^]

11/5/2005 11:53:51 PM

All American
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^^I tried to suggest that he go kill himself...obviously he isnt listening.

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:54 PM. Reason : ]

11/5/2005 11:54:26 PM

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see, now you guys are just being fuckin stupid

11/5/2005 11:55:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"(1)he can go get the talent, but he fails at developing them

Ahah... you lost me there.

Manny Lawson had only played football for 2 years when he signed here. We were his only offer. He's a future first rounder.

TJ Williams, I Believe we were his only major offer

Shit... too many to list:
Dantonio Burnette
Marcus Hudson
Andre Maddux
Jerricho Cotchery

I could go on and on. Amato has made nobodies exceptional players.... you make no sense on that one.

Quote :
"(2)his cupcake scheduling back fires year after year, totally screwing us of "potential rankings". This is so b/c they fail at preparing us for tough games ahead.

Thats valid. A lot of that fell into our laps. We were supposed to play VT this season (Before they joined the ACC).... and Louisville. We played OSU...we play Tennessee next year (I think.. maybe 2 years).... we were supposed to play Notre Dame.

Some of these patsy games are from cancellations with all of the conference switching. Our schedule is weak, but many teams are built on that kind of scheduling (See: Kansas State. K-State is actually the 2nd losingest program in Div-1A history but built itself up by schedule years of patsies so they could brag about having a bloated record)

Either way, we've delivered in some big games and underdelivered in others. I would have been very happy with our original schedule this season.

Quote :
"(3)unstable office (he fires and hires key staff members every year)"

I totally agree, but not reason to fire him at this point. He has made some questionable coaching hires.... but a positive of all of this is that some of these that left had gone on to better things (Norm Chow - We can't compete with USC.... Marty Galbraith - Arizona Cardinals, Herring - Highest paid DC in NCAA football history...which was a little premature, etc)

Quote :
"(4) consecutive unc...lose... nuff said. no excuse for that"

I agree.

Our talent level dwarfs them. Again, our QB play hurt us... but we should have won these past two years.

This is one of Chucks big negatives. I still think you're looking past a shitload of positives that completely outweigh the negatives.

[Edited on November 5, 2005 at 11:59 PM. Reason : sdfs]

11/5/2005 11:56:25 PM

All American
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Bunting knows how to make that talent overachieve.

11/5/2005 11:58:06 PM

All American
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quote]PackBacker, I coulda swore that you thought Chuck had to go, but I'll double check that one.[/quote]

I may have... but it might have been out of spite from a stupid loss.

I do believe that he can do some really good things here if he has the time. A few years of no-qb's to choose from frustrates the hell out of me, probably makes me say things I dont mean, but I never truly wanted to fire Chuck

11/5/2005 11:58:24 PM

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Please tell me, what are the positives????? what should we done now oh great wise ones??? i seek you for forbidden knowledge???

11/5/2005 11:59:18 PM

All American
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don't be a faggot. NC State has always been very average at football. We are not gonna be able to hire a coach like Spurrier or Beamer to lead us to a national championship.

Get used to it. At this point, it would be like hitting the lottery for us to become title contenders year in and year out.

Amato has problems, but he does bring in a lot of talent. He is still learning, and maybe if he learns a little humility he will become a great coach capable of holding onto great coordinators like Chow and Herring.

11/6/2005 12:02:17 AM

All American
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Amato does not fire key staff members. As a matter of fact, one of the things Amato strives for is consistency in the coaching staff. We have been lucky to hire some big name coaches in the past. Problem is, they come here as a stepping stone to bigger, higher paying jobs.(see norm chow). The coaches we hired this off season have signed long term contracts. Tresman has made it public that he wants to stay here. His offense is fine...its just we have to bring up the QB situation when we talk about him. He has obviously proven that he is not afraid to run the ball though, so there goes that knock against him. Anyway...i really think Amato deserves a year or 2 more if he can close out this season...just to see what these new coaches can do with our undeveloped tallent...they only had 7 months or so before this season.

11/6/2005 12:05:05 AM

All American
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Quote :
"1 it was #3 that almost cost us the safety, and 2 he was out of the endzone when he intercepted the pass so technically he went out in out in out"

hey i didnt read the rest of the thread but i hope youre kidding. he was a few feet into the endzone when we intercepted that pass in the 4th

11/6/2005 12:08:45 AM

1964 Posts
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i didnt know the coach made the schedule?

11/6/2005 12:08:46 AM

694 Posts
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what baffles me is all the support now!!!! This guy still needs to be fired, i don't care what none of you say. It dosn't take a fuckin light year to turn a program around!!! are you serious. stop taking up for him, all he is going to do now is pull out those red shoes and the oakleys again.

I support our players, but not Amato

11/6/2005 12:09:50 AM

All American
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ok just STFU you faggot

Did anyone notice the coaches yelling at Heath on the INT at the end to take a knee?

11/6/2005 12:11:14 AM

All American
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Chuck has a big ego. He is hard to work with. These are well-known facts within the program. I think Norm was the only coach to leave for a better program.

ok, one other coordinator left for the NFL...I can't remember who.

[Edited on November 6, 2005 at 12:14 AM. Reason : 1]

11/6/2005 12:12:45 AM

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And won't stfu. dont change the subject dickhead

11/6/2005 12:13:00 AM

All American
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1) Fan participation - Carter Finley is always packed, attendance and interest are through the roof, and C-F has become a notoriously tough place to play (well, when we fielded a decent team). Years ago, we could have cared less

2) Talent - You do realize that we have never...ever... had this much talent in Raleigh. Not under Sheridan, not under Holtz, never. Im telling you, with a QB we'd be a helluva team

3) Team Play - Sure.. we've lost some games under Chuck. We're still competitive in every game just about (despite lack of D in years past/ lack of O recently). We used to get spanked by teams like Baylor and Furman. We're now actually a respectable team...even at 3-3.

4) Can coach both sides of the ball - We've had a great offense and a great defense. We can do both.... we just haven't put them together yet. We're not a deep enough team to lose great players and reload...that comes with time

5) IT TAKES TIME - It is hard as hell to build a football program. It's not like basketball where 6-7 players can do it. In football you have to have 44+ (That's two deep on both sides of the ball... not including kickers, punters, sp. teams, long snappers, etc.). You can't expect to be world beaters overnight...especially from such a shitty program throughout history. If you're Florida, yes.. NC Chucks task is much like Beamer's at VT. Go check out Beamer's stats from when he first started out... makes Chuck look like Allah.

Shit, I'm through with this. It's pointless. There's a lot of positives and negatives. I'm just not ready to ditch a coach over bad QB play when everywhere else plays so well. I seriously don't think you watched NC State football before Chuck Amato got here. Looked like the friggin 11 Stooges...we're much better off than we were then. The ACC is a ridiculously hard conference these days... we have a very good team with a glaring weakness.

11/6/2005 12:14:09 AM

All American
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^^^Herring left for $texas at Arkansas...Mazzpwnt left for more money at Ole Miss...i think the fans ran him out of town though....Amato publicly stated he wanted to keep him.

[Edited on November 6, 2005 at 12:15 AM. Reason : ]

11/6/2005 12:14:59 AM

All American
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Quote :
"It dosn't take a fuckin light year to turn a program around!!!"

You realize Beamer didn't won more than 6 games something like 2 times in his first 10 years.

Bowden didn't build FSU overnight.

It took Mike Price like 14 years to get Wazzu to where he had them.

Geez. 5 years and you're comparing it to a light year.

11/6/2005 12:17:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^^^Herring left for $texas at Arkansas...Mazzpwnt left for more money at Ole Miss...i think the fans ran him out of town though....Amato publicly stated he wanted to keep him."

We paid Herring $150,000 per year with a one-year contract.

Nutt and Arkansas offered him $350,000 per yer with 3 year guaranteed contract. He's now a millionaire just by signing his name. The highest contract offer for ANY coordinator in NCAA history (Yep, including Norm Chow! (I think Norm got paid almost that much per year, but was only under one year contracts). Dumb move by Arkansas becuase Herring cashed in on the talent Chuck assembled, but he ran with the money. I would have too.... we weren't going to offer that... we shouldn't have. Herring wasn't that good. (He was good, but no coordinator is worth 1/4 Mil per year. That's more than half non-BCS Div-1 head coaches make)

Mazzone "left for Ole Miss"...and Chuck publicly stated he wanted to keep him (Becuase lets face it, he's not going to say "this guy sucks" and ruin his career). For everything I've heard, we helped Mazzone pack his bags. He would have been out regardless

[Edited on November 6, 2005 at 12:23 AM. Reason : sdfsd]

11/6/2005 12:20:56 AM

694 Posts
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ya'll give bitch-tits too much credit man...the platform in which he came in on was set by O'cain who recruied players like Adrian wilson, K rob, Phil rivers, dantonio b, b williams, Lavarr Fisher. He took over at a good point. true indeed, Raleigh has never seen so much talent. But we must win, point blank. And we are not doing that anymore. Everyone on TWW wanted to kill Chuck about 2 weeks ago. I laughed my ass off at some of ya'll post about how much we suck, chuck this, napoleon chuck shit. Now its a change of heart. All im asking is why the change of heart?? why overnight change of heart??

[Edited on November 6, 2005 at 12:24 AM. Reason : .]

11/6/2005 12:24:04 AM

All American
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11/6/2005 12:24:39 AM

All American
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^^^Yeah...I have no doubt that he was run out of town, but smart move by Amato to stay out of it....publicly at least.

^^Shut the fuck up...nobody in this thread right now was screaming for chuck's head. You get the fuck out of here.

[Edited on November 6, 2005 at 12:26 AM. Reason : ]

11/6/2005 12:24:53 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the platform in which he came in on was set by O'cain who recruied players like Adrian wilson, K rob, Phil rivers, dantonio b, b williams"

So you think that a few decent players make a team? In a major conference, you have to have solid players... not only at every position... but at the two and three deep.

Every team has good players that can win a few games. Our talent level... talent that Chuck has recruited.... dwarfs that of the OCain years. We are much much MUCH more solid at just about every position than during the Ocain years.

Like I said.... Chuck apparently couldn't evaluate QB's. Trestman can. We'll be fine. Chucks job at FSU was to find diamonds in the rough and bring them in. He's doing that here... no name players making great players at just about every position....except QB. Enter Marc Trestman for that reason (And he signed him to a 3 year deal...the first ever for an NC State assistant). As I said.... in his 3 years as a Miami assistant he coached Bernie Kosar, Heisman winner Vinny Testaverde, and Steve Walsh before bolting for the NFL. He's got a great eye for QB talent apparently.... and he's here as long as we're willing to keep him.

If this shit is still going on a few years down the road, then I'll be on the fire Chuck bandwagon

Quote :
"I laughed my ass off at some of ya'll post about how much we suck, chuck this, napoleon chuck shit. Now its a change of heart. All im asking is why the change of heart?? why overnight change of heart??

You generalize way too much. There are people that do that. Everyone is frustrated and I've had some not-so-nice things to say as well. I'm not hopping back on the Chuck wagon... he has a lot to prove

Having a lot to prove and firing someone are two completely different things.

[Edited on November 6, 2005 at 12:35 AM. Reason : sdfs]

11/6/2005 12:33:32 AM

All American
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In related news I hate Mike O'Cain.... he wasn't a good coach whatsoever... but more importantly after every UNC game he'd go to midfield and hug Carl Torbush.

At least Amato hates UNC like the plague.

11/6/2005 12:39:19 AM

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so basically what you're saying wasting my time arguing with a bunch of emotionally opinionated sissys??? If you guys are gonna make your opinions based on "spite" and heat of the moment shit, then...what can i say? Speak the truth, and save the spite and emotions for your girlfriends, we dont need that shit. i respect you for your support of whore-tits, but those of you who jump back and forth, back and forth, b/c we won "one" good game honestly this season.
1)we shouldn't have beat GT (grace of god)
2)okay, we won straight up tonight against fsu
the rest of our wins come from cupcakes. lets put things in perspective man, you cant blame that shit all on jay davis.

11/6/2005 12:41:35 AM

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