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Yea, it boggles my mind that there are people that actually exist with a differing opinion from mine.

10/13/2006 2:23:51 PM

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i dont assume that you are the same person as sarijoul and boonedocks or other people who tend to have similar opinions as yourself but oh well

10/13/2006 2:26:25 PM

All American
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why dont you just admit that you are Boonedocks alias...weall know post alot on the same have similar styles...and you have like...identical of thoes names should be suspended...

...also...please note how similar my style is to treetwistas...

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 2:36 PM. Reason : asdf]

10/13/2006 2:35:53 PM

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I wouldn't put it past anyone on this site, especially someone who just doesn't come off as very bright whatsoever, to post under two different names and craft two different styles to try to sell the point (especially when they go through the trouble to point it out).

10/13/2006 2:40:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I wouldn't put it past anyone on this site, especially someone who just doesn't come off as very bright whatsoever, to post under two different names and craft two different styles to try to sell the point (especially when they go through the trouble to point it out)."

10/13/2006 2:43:38 PM

All American
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10/13/2006 2:46:28 PM

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I have pictures of myself in the gallery. Where are your pics trikk?

10/13/2006 2:57:26 PM

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according to the site stats:

Quote :
"Total Registered Users: 26877 "

but we all know thats bullshit and there are really like 5 users

btw I am State409c

10/13/2006 3:00:44 PM

All American
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im actually treetwista and state409c....i confess

10/13/2006 3:03:22 PM

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I'm (we're) also Synapse...I just made that "TreeTwista posts of brilliance" thread to draw more attention to me (us)

10/13/2006 3:04:41 PM

All American
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i do have a pic on here...its me during a race...check it

10/13/2006 3:06:26 PM

148898 Posts
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hey thats a picture of me!

10/13/2006 3:07:24 PM

19558 Posts
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You're either the same person or you work together or something. It's blatantly obvious, moreso with how worked up you are over the idea.

10/13/2006 3:10:43 PM

All American
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haha....see...when treetwista decides not to post under doesnt a while though i will probably get on here and claim that state409c is not really us...and we are not i....and state409 is us...

wait...what?? guys didnt see that^ onecoming did you...see...

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 3:12 PM. Reason : asdf]

10/13/2006 3:10:56 PM

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10/13/2006 3:16:59 PM

All American
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To Smath74: Relatively speaking, gas is cheap.

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 3:24 PM. Reason : ^]

10/13/2006 3:21:17 PM

19558 Posts
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Does it bother you (or either of you, be it may) that you are the dumbest posters in TSB?

10/13/2006 3:21:21 PM

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hey why did I just call myself the dumbest poster?

hang on I gotta log out TreeTwista10 and log in State409c

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 3:24 PM. Reason : .]

10/13/2006 3:23:54 PM

19558 Posts
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So you don't refute your utter stupidity?

10/13/2006 3:29:52 PM

All American
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What is going on here and why is treetard still allowed to post?

10/13/2006 3:42:27 PM

All American
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Sorry guys...ill stop posting under State409c....for now

10/13/2006 4:07:08 PM

All American
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The gas prices are relatively cheap to what Hooksaw? The highest they've ever been? Yes. Relatively cheap to what most people would call a "normal" price? No

And even though I don't think we can credit the price to Bush, just for the sake of this topic you've brought up, lets try again: Gas prices are higher since Bush got into office. No they are not the highest they have ever been, so relative to 2 months ago, yes, they are lower. But if you are going to give credit to Bush for the prices lowering, than you have to give him credit for going that high in the first place.

It's like, if you handed me $100 and I dropped it all on a windy day, but then I was able to pick up $50 and give it back to you. The next words out of your mouth aren't going to be, "Damn man, good job picking up the $50, that was tubular" More likely it would be, "That was totally bogus of you to drop all that money, and now you've lost $50...thanks a lot dick"

And yes, you would be talking like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

10/13/2006 4:21:13 PM

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Why are treetard and tard311 still allowed to post?

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 4:23 PM. Reason : oh shit wrong name]

10/13/2006 4:22:56 PM

All American
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Forgive him for assuming you were the same person.

It's not that you're both idiots, it's that you're both idiots with the exact same idiotic mannerisms.

10/13/2006 4:25:55 PM

148898 Posts
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^,^^,^^^^,^^^^Why am I asking myself to forgive myself for my own posts?

10/13/2006 4:28:59 PM

All American
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boonedocks...your an idiot

10/13/2006 4:31:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"your an idiot"

10/13/2006 4:34:00 PM

148898 Posts
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Quote :
"From : boonedocks
To : TreeTwista10
Received : Friday October 13, 2006 at 11:29 AM
Subject : Re: yo

haha yeah those people think we're all different! lol"

10/13/2006 4:34:44 PM

All American
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When insulting someone's intelligence, try to use correct grammar

10/13/2006 4:35:29 PM

148898 Posts
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is that how the mature people insult the intelligence of others?

10/13/2006 4:38:13 PM

All American
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hahaha...grammar....your an idiot

10/13/2006 4:39:23 PM

All American
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No, mature people tend to insult people by trolling the internets while at a dead-end IT job.

10/13/2006 4:48:03 PM

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Quote :
"the internets"

PS: Has your History major landed you a non-dead-end job yet?

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 5:01 PM. Reason : .]

10/13/2006 4:58:49 PM

All American
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I'm teaching, so it's landed me one with plenty of opportunities for advancement. Thanks for your concern.

Though I must admit, having a carreer that requires so little of you that you can make 100 posts a day while on the job must be nice in its own special way.

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 5:17 PM. Reason : .]

10/13/2006 5:16:26 PM

All American
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trolling the internets?? that sounds like you boonedocks!! YAY!!!

10/13/2006 5:25:39 PM

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^^yes i admit some days its nice to be able to dick around on thewolfweb

course yesterday for example i left charlotte at 8am, drove to charleston, got lunch, worked til 9:45pm and drove back to charlotte

but you know what my job is, seeing how we are aliases and all

10/13/2006 6:01:54 PM

All American
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i like how bush fanatics always beg to give bush credit when something goes good for the country but refuse to take responsibility when something fucks up

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 7:00 PM. Reason : l]

10/13/2006 6:59:38 PM

39171 Posts
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i guess he also gets credit for the years of shittiness?

10/13/2006 8:00:02 PM

All American
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To ElGimpy: "relatively: adverb 1. in a relative manner: a relatively small difference" ( Relative to recent prices and relative to predictions of $4 per gallon gas for 2006 by Chicken Noodle News et al, gas prices are certainly lower. Considering the current world supply and demand chains, I would call around $2 a gallon not only normal but cheap. Gas prices may not be where we want them to be, but they are close.

You will note well my initial post was clear that I do not necessarily think that President Bush should get credit for the current economy. He doesn't control it--and that's my point. Many left-wingers were, however, blaming Bush for everything from the economy to global warming, and they continue to do so. If giving the credit is wrong, then laying the blame is, too. Intellectual consistency demands it.

[Edited on October 13, 2006 at 8:07 PM. Reason : []

10/13/2006 8:06:21 PM

19558 Posts
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You gotta hand it to twista and trick daddy, despite the glaring evidence of their stupidity, they still post here. I guess I wouldn't post a pic of myself either if my idol was twista.

10/13/2006 8:38:35 PM

39171 Posts
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trikk lu da kids?

10/13/2006 8:55:48 PM

All American
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how could I forget this?

10/13/2006 10:03:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i like how bush fanatics always beg to give bush credit when something goes good for the country but refuse to take responsibility when something fucks up

i like how the left wing always condemns bush when something goes wrong for the country, but refuse to give him credit when something goes right

10/13/2006 10:23:28 PM

All American
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i give credit where credit is due

10/13/2006 11:03:48 PM

All American
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apparently not

10/13/2006 11:28:09 PM

All American
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^^^^ To me, the overspending is something that one could blame President Bush for--to a point. He has some control over discretionary spending, and he campaigned on smaller government.

Two articles critical of Bush on the abovementioned issues:

I do not believe in blind faith. And I say blame Bush for the things that he can control, not for the things he cannot. Then, we can have an honest debate in the arena of ideas and may the best ideology win. If the Republicans adhere to a truly conservative ideology, however, they will undoubtedly come out on top.

10/14/2006 12:47:48 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You gotta hand it to twista and trick daddy, despite the glaring evidence of their stupidity, they still post here."

ok you clown...right just admitted that you know we are different people....cut the crap...

and in spite of being completely called out you will probaby still continue to say that we are the same person...its to be expected from an intellectual midget who was better off posting the lounge and in chit chat...please revert back to your old ways and only come back to the soap box when you learn to make a real arguement

10/14/2006 1:13:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I do not believe in blind faith. And I say blame Bush for the things that he can control, not for the things he cannot. Then, we can have an honest debate in the arena of ideas and may the best ideology win. If the Republicans adhere to a truly conservative ideology, however, they will undoubtedly come out on top.

that has to be the smartest thing i've read in this thread and should apply to all politicians

[Edited on October 14, 2006 at 2:39 AM. Reason : l]

10/14/2006 2:39:07 AM

All American
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10/14/2006 3:35:12 AM

19558 Posts
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Quote :
"its to be expected from an intellectual midget who was better off posting the lounge and in chit chat...please revert back to your old ways and only come back to the soap box when you learn to make a real arguement"

I've been making real arguments for weeks, you're just too drunknloaded to figure it out.

10/14/2006 8:31:58 AM

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