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All American
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it would be like if the electrician I hired to come add a circuit breaker pretended like he could design a microprocessor, because, hey, he knows about electricity maaaaan...

gtfo of here with your BS trade skills. college is about theory, not practice. just because you can wire up a few routers and know how packets work doesn't mean you know networking theory.

11/7/2009 9:58:04 PM

All American
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Im not going to troll you. This isnt Chit Chat like I said. You wannt debate the aspects of the CCNA over a beer, PM me. Otherwise give some professional advice or go back to CC.

11/7/2009 10:01:42 PM

All American
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here's some professional advice: you're gonna be depressed once you land a job.

also, if you feel the need to get three professors fired, the problem is you - not them. you're not a precious little snowflake. i just wish i could be there the first time something blows up in your face at work... Actually strike that, I feel horrible for your coworkers because you're obviously going to sell them up the river and pretend its all their fault.

you'll deserve the job you finally end up with 10 yrs from now.

ROFL... I just looked up CCNA... its not even "tuff" its lvl 2 out of 4. Lame. you don't know jack shit dumbass. swingin your CCNA around like its some hot shit go smoke some dope with your wake tech friends - i'm sure you can impress them with your trade certificates

[Edited on November 7, 2009 at 10:18 PM. Reason : s]

11/7/2009 10:14:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Ok first I have had practical experience getting 2 profs removed from teaching"

Then why do you need advice? Seems like you're quite accomplished at ruining people's livelihoods.

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"one got fired and the other left shortly there after."

Like notches on your belt... congratulations.

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"they are just getting too old and cant keep up"

There's nothing quite as nauseating as some young buck who thinks he knows more than the "old guy"... Such a cliche. Don't be that guy. You're not 15yo anymore.... You should have some respect for the wisdom and knowledge that transcends the latest hot scripting language or specification.

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"Bashing wasn't asked for."

Right, you just wanted some sympathy because you obviously deserve it after ruining two people's livelihoods and gunning for a third. Clearly, you are the victim here and we should help you in your quest to wreak havoc among the esteemed faculty of our alma mater.

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"CCNA does mean something"

No. Not really. It's pretty pathetic and juvenile actually. I guess if you were in a midwestern town (population 1500) then you could be proud of it... (maybe?)

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"having a CCNA means ive seen some shit/have some basic background in this"

ooooo the mid-twenties guy has "seen some shit" god you've got a lot of learning left, don't ya. I'm getting the idea you're a hopeless egomaniac though... At this point in your life, with an attitude like this, you'll probably never grow out of it.

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"not some freshman with no practical experience"

Again with the appeals to the wake tech crowd. Give it up... no one gives a crap that you ran a few ethernet cables IRL.

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"Yes we went and talked to the prof. He totally fubared the tests. Ive now an A with most others. Dean's office is also looking into the test."

Congrats - you got what you wanted but are out for blood - you want this old guy put out to pasture huh... Replace him with someone with real qualifications like a CCNA. Forget this PhD research crap - that's for old people. Ruby on Rails is where its at!!! If you haven't set up a cisco network and twistie-tied some cat-6 cables then you're just dumb as shit.

11/7/2009 10:37:23 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"CCNA does mean something"


sorry..but while it's def on the road to "meaning" doesn't mean much beyond you know basic networking in and of itself. it + a ton of experience..sure. it, by itself, to a bunch of college students.. sorry, it doesn't mean much.

11/7/2009 11:35:36 PM

All American
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But don't forget, he's "seen some shit"

[Edited on November 8, 2009 at 12:26 AM. Reason : s]

11/8/2009 12:25:59 AM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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Quote :
"also, if you feel the need to get three professors fired, the problem is you - not them."

11/8/2009 1:18:13 AM

All American
5087 Posts
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In master_yoda's defense...I find it hard to believe you ^ didn't encounter at least 3 professors that needed to be terminated from teaching positions while you were in school. Maybe you don't run into "I don't give a fuck about teaching, my research is my God types" in whatever major you had. But that shit is running rampant in engineering and ECE is easily one of the worst.

11/8/2009 5:44:11 PM

All American
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I had some shitty professors, but I never tried to get any of them fired and I sure as shit never thought I knew more than them.

I'm sorry that some professors care more about their research than they do about you, the precious snowflake. Here's a clue - you're the center of your mama's life - not everyone else's. Your education is your responsibility - you have to take ownership of it. If I felt like I wasn't getting good explanations, I would camp out in the professor's office hours. Sometimes they were very condescending to me... You know what? I could give an F if they think I am stupid - I just kept asking them questions until it was clear to me. If they had crappy office hours or were total flakes, then I went to other professors and quizzed them. Most of them are very helpful if it looks like you have a burning desire to learn. If it looks like you're just swinging your trade skills around and looking to prove how you're right about everything then it doesn't surprise me that you get blown off or crappy customer service.

You're dealing with huge egos here... You gotta know how to handle a huge ego. And guess what else - undergrads don't have license to operate a large ego.

for the record, I was an ECE major

[Edited on November 8, 2009 at 7:37 PM. Reason : s]

11/8/2009 7:28:20 PM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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^^believe it. of my nearly 6 years of college, I've only had one professor who I absolutely loathed, and that was in grad school. did I try and get her fired? no. just because I have personal beef with someone doesn't mean that she hasn't helped other people in the program. I let her and my adviser know how I felt, and then I moved on.

[Edited on November 8, 2009 at 7:35 PM. Reason : .]

11/8/2009 7:34:23 PM

309 Posts
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I think it's hilarious that the OP is taking personal credit for someone leaving NCSU. Probably the Profs. just left for a job at another school (or a higher paying job in industry.) And you got someone fired? Get real, because students complain about teaching all of the time, and it doesn't get faculty fired. If someone did actually unwillingly lose their job (and I think the credibility that it even happened is quite debatable,) it's much more likely for a reason completely unrelated to you.

11/8/2009 8:20:04 PM

All American
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the OP deserves every last bit of shit given to him in this and any subsequent threads

11/8/2009 9:14:36 PM

Starting Lineup
64 Posts
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Also, in his defense, I've had Dr. Nilsson for ECE 570 (same class at grad level). And he's the worst piece of crap professor on the face of the earth.

Useless at lecture, can't answer a question, doesn't speak above a mumble, etc etc...

11/8/2009 9:42:53 PM

All American
3481 Posts
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Quote :
"I find it hard to believe you ^ didn't encounter at least 3 professors that needed to be terminated from teaching positions while you were in school. "

looking back at things those professors where the ones who prepared me the most

11/8/2009 11:32:29 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm sorry that some professors care more about their research than they do about you, the precious snowflake. Here's a clue - you're the center of your mama's life - not everyone else's. Your education is your responsibility - you have to take ownership of it."

Oh, I see. I'm supposed to pay $6000 a year and teach everything to myself. You probably didn't pay a dime for your own tuition did you? GTFO with that bullshit.

I did have to teach myself a lot of stuff and have the pieces of paper and skills to prove it. But just turning a blind eye to professors not teaching shit is stupid. Why should the taxpayers pay them to teach if they don't teach? They should stop putting people into teaching positions that obviously don't give a damn. If they're damned good researchers then I'm fine with paying their salaries with taxpayer money, just don't force them into teaching a class if they suck at it. Research is incredibly useful, but I also felt incredibly cheated (as in cheated out of my hard earned money) by the ineptitude of several of my professors over the years.

[Edited on November 9, 2009 at 9:37 PM. Reason : .]

11/9/2009 9:35:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Get real, because students complain about teaching all of the time, and it doesn't get faculty fired."

Dr. Ma in MAE i think got fired because she absolutely sucked balls at teaching. In here last semester she "lost" all their test and gave them all an A. I had her and she was completely worthless.

11/9/2009 9:57:12 PM

Thots and Prayers
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Quote :
"CCNA does mean something"

Yeah it means you can do basic subnetting and can spell a few acronyms. Seriously, CCNA level knowledge is nothing. Nobody at Cisco is impressed by a CCNA. That's the shit that non-technical people who work in marketing have so they can pretend to know what they're taking about.

I hope to god the curriculum in NCSU engineering classes hasn't become so watered down that CCNA level knowledge would be relevant. It wasn't that way when I was in school, and if it is now then they must just hand out engineering degrees to anyone with a pulse.

11/9/2009 10:03:13 PM

All American
3481 Posts
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Quote :
"Dr. Ma in MAE i think got fired because she absolutely sucked balls at teaching. In here last semester she "lost" all their test and gave them all an A. I had her and she was completely worthless."

Dr. Ma was terrible, she was who I was talking about earlier. I had heard she improved the next semester, guess it didnt last long.

11/9/2009 10:13:13 PM

All American
7620 Posts
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Master_Yoda, take this as a learning opportunity to avoid giving too much information where / when possible. I'd wager a good 75% of the responses in this thread are jumping all over the CCNA part, whereas, had you just cut off and ended with the first half the sentence, you wouldn't be receiving nearly the flak you are now.

Solinari, you offer some interesting comments, but they are a bit trollish / personal attack and ruin your points rather than validate them.

Mods, please move this thread to Soap Box. What started as a genuine inquiry has somehow changed direction in a hurry and now is a waste of a thread in Study Hall.

[Edited on November 9, 2009 at 10:32 PM. Reason : .]

11/9/2009 10:30:32 PM

All American
16957 Posts
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Oh I guess you misunderstood my goals... I did not intend to counsel master_yoda. I think he's a douchebag and the attacks were deliberate and in my opinion merited. I'm sorry if this kid is too fragile to handle some well deserved internet scolding. I think whatever hurt feelings he may have are completely overwhelmed by the fact that he got two professors fired and made an attempt at a third - all because he has a big fat sexy ccna.

If he misses my message because he's butt hurt by my tone - why do I care. I'd be perfectly happy if he kept going on his current trajectory

11/9/2009 10:48:46 PM

All American
888 Posts
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This is rich. Students have essentially no control of who teaches what in the department. Classes like ECE 200, 220, and 331 are taught by a rotating group of professors. The department does not fire professors because students come whining to the dean. ECE professors bring in big research money, which is far more important to the department than high test grades.

The fact that you actually believe that you "have had practical experience getting 2 profs removed from teaching" is very telling about your maturity level and quite funny.

11/9/2009 10:58:35 PM

All American
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^ I agree that he's delusional, but the fact that he believes he's done such a nasty thing and not only feels bad about it, but is actually proud of it, qualifies him for all the social stigma that he would get if he actually did such a thing

11/9/2009 11:04:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dr. Ma was terrible, she was who I was talking about earlier. I had heard she improved the next semester, guess it didnt last long."

I think she got fired the semester after i had her.

11/9/2009 11:30:50 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"hotshot ccna up in here... best give him an A+ network+. "

Get it?

Get it?

11/10/2009 1:58:47 AM

All American
1673 Posts
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Good advice coming from this thread from "smart" people who say things:

Quote :
"sell them up the river"


11/21/2009 10:16:16 AM

All American
16957 Posts
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not if the market is upstream.

11/21/2009 10:30:10 AM

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