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 Message Boards » » How was your 2010? Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
All American
1165 Posts
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-Hiked over 100 miles on the AT alone
-Am up to 10 miles for running (as opposed to my 2 last year)
-Finalized my divorce
-Good job with a pay raise
-Joined adult kickball
-Saw some great concerts
-Friends are always awesome

-Gained 10lbs
-had some untimely deaths for family members

So all in all, tres bien, can't complain, tho I think 2011 is going to be more awesome.

11/23/2010 12:59:20 PM

All American
1171 Posts
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Quote :
"engaged, masters, job, met Wintermute"

You did?

2010 was a C+, I worked too damn much this year.

11/23/2010 9:30:36 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"Social: B+: I had a bunch of friends, lost all of then gained a bunch more."

Sounds like there's an interesting story there. Care to share?

11/23/2010 9:46:25 PM

All American
2174 Posts
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great year -
promoted at work
lived in the forest for 3 months
hiked three peaks (st. helens, sisters, adams)
single all year long! (new years res)
lost 20 lbs (probably from living in the forest)
bought my parents a cabin (lifelong dream)

11/23/2010 10:36:51 PM

All American
1487 Posts
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Sister got married in January
Bought a new car
Quit my old bartending job of 4 years to become a bar manager at a new restaurant
Graduated from college (BA in Linguistics)
Got into graduate school and started my Master's (MA in English Composition)
Did a lot of traveling (NYC, XCC road trip from DC to SF, Vegas, Argentina/Brazil)
Best man in my best friend's wedding
Met a lot of new cool people
Started seeing someone I really like

Gained some weight
Had my house broken into while I was home
New job didn't pan out, owner lost his business and I was unemployed for a few months. Wound up getting a crappy serving job that I hated, but eventually quit and started something else. Was beyond BROKE for the first time since like high school. Never had to borrow money from anyone in my entire life, and it was a hard pillow to swallow. Paid people back right away, but still was very humbling.
Really good friend of mine died a few weeks ago. SUCKED
Economy has been really shitty and I have had a hard time with finances.
Drifted apart from a lot of friends, guess they weren't as good of friends as I thought
Had a terrible break up that took a while to get over. Lost friends in the process.

Overall: 6.5/10

A lot of things that should have felt like the major milestones were long overdue. Not having as much money as I'm used to having made it hard to enjoy a lot of things- trips and weddings suck when you're strapped for cash.

2011 should be a lot more stable and better. This year was truly a rollercoaster and I'm not especially sad to see it go.

[Edited on November 23, 2010 at 11:02 PM. Reason : asdf]

11/23/2010 11:01:55 PM

All American
3608 Posts
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I like this format

Money: B with the job woes that I have had, my wife and I have been unable to save money in the last half of the year which could lead to problems if I don't land something soon. Thankfully, for the time being her job can support us.

Career: C The first half of the year was great as I was working in a contract job doing exactly what I wanted to professionally. That experience was supposed to be solid for me to apply for jobs following my contract, however, that hasn't panned out as I have had a number of interviews but nothing has stuck. Starting to worry a little about being unemployed for so long.

Family: B Mixed for the year. My grandfather passed away in January, which has been really tough for everyone in the family to deal with. Mom's illness seems to be stable but not really improving. Grandmother seems to be getting worse off since my grandfather passed. Relationship with my family has really gotten stronger and as such I feel that this category is a bit stronger that my initial though.

Social life/Friends: A Have a tight knit group of friends that I hang out with routinely with a strong personality mix. Also, took over as President of a local chapter of a national non-profit, so that keeps me socially engaged, especially since I am currently unemployed. Only if it paid. Overall great year in the social area.

Love/Sex: A+ Marriage has improved even more this year that it had in the past. Wife and I share a solid hobby that gives us time together working on it up to 10 hours a week. The stuff we have learned in this hobby has immensely helped our marriage and helped to maintain a strong bond when dealing with the challenges we face. We get to travel through our hobby pretty often which allows us to see places we have never been.

Overall, that's a 3.26 so I would rank that a pretty good year.

[Edited on November 24, 2010 at 12:42 AM. Reason : bold]

11/24/2010 12:41:11 AM

19447 Posts
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You should share what your awesome life-improving hobby is.

11/24/2010 1:06:35 AM

All American
3608 Posts
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I should have..but now 30 mins is up...

Anyways, the wife and I are competitive ballroom dancers which resulted in learning a ton about understanding each other and how we work physically, but also, mentally. Gaining a better understanding through dance has translated to the general everyday relationship.

11/24/2010 1:18:10 AM

All American
3791 Posts
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^ That's awesome. Too cute.

11/24/2010 9:27:55 AM

All American
43383 Posts
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Quote :
"Money: B
Career: B-
Sex: D
Love: D

Though the last two are looking up...then again I've said that several times this year "

Looking at what I posted last year, I was dead wrong with my comment

Anyway, this year:

Money: C (lower rating than last year b/c despite 2 years of significant quarterly growth my company isn't giving out raises or promotions to anyone)
Career: B - (no change from last year: not thrilled with what I do but trying to take it more seriously)
Sex: C+ (definitely more interesting than last year, though these (more or less) flings are getting old and not what I want)
Love: D (Same as the last 5 years or so...I must be doing it wrong)

11/24/2010 10:15:43 AM

Thots and Prayers
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Job: After 8 years as an engineer, I made the leap to management. New challenges, new aggravations, more responsibility, and after several months, the initial net pay cut has changed to hit the break even point. I don't work weekends anymore, so it's ultimately a net gain. A

Love: Wife and I had our 5 year anniversary this year. Wife is on year 3 of anesthesia residency. Her hours went up and I see her a lot less, and when she is home, she's usually too exhausted for it to be quality time. Sometimes I get fed up with literally doing all the chores at home, 90% of the childcare, and being the primary breadwinner, but I knew it would be this way beforehand, so I shouldn't complain. 1.5 years left until the light at the end of the tunnel. B-

Friends: With the new job, wife's crazy hours, and a three year old, haven't been able to make much time for friends, and starting to feel like my friends and I are drifting away (none of them have kids), but that's not their fault. C

Family: spending a lot more time with family, especially extended family this year. I've grown really close to most of my wife's family, even though one of her brothers is now attending UNC. I really couldn't ask for a better family situation. My daughter turns 3 next week, and she's pretty much the most awesome thing in my life. A+

11/24/2010 10:38:32 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
4865 Posts
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Job: Job is going well, I am 100% commission. I eat what I kill. Job has been kinda shitty over the past 18 months (love my job, just not making the money I want), but that is starting to turn around. I should be closing on a $2.4M property in December, netting me a $24K commission, as well as another $2.1M property, netting me $18K. I am planning on selling one other building (just received offers on), which will net me another $11K. Basically, I went from $35K this and last year (minus December) to making $52K in December/January alone. I have other investors in tow, so I expect to kill it this year. I am a commercial real estate broker. I expect to make around $60K this year and closer to $80K next year at this rate... A- (based on year's end)

Love: Couldn't be happier. I married the love of my life in June of this year. We had been together for 5 years and lived together for 3. Our son (100 lb choclolate lab) turns 2 on New Year's Eve and he is great. A

Friends: I have too many to count...NOT. The friends that I have are awesome, are always there for me and continue to be a big part of my life. I no longer party 5 nights a week, since I graduated 3.5 years ago, but am happy where I/we are. A

Family: I love my family. I have the best family in the world. My parents are very supportive and active in our lives and I speak with them on a daily basis. My older brother is happily married to a wonderful bride, my little brother is finishing up his masters in Arizona, so life is pretty good. The only blurb is that my dad has a growth in his stomach, which is likely cancer. Unfortunately, we can't confirm that it is cancer or treat it without taking a biopsy. Because of where it is, they won't biopsy it, so that is adding some stress to our lives. This is the only hiccup in an other stellar family A-

All in all, Life is Good.

[Edited on November 24, 2010 at 10:50 AM. Reason : ]

11/24/2010 10:49:16 AM

All American
9625 Posts
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better than the previous two years...thats about all i can say about it

12/5/2010 1:26:17 AM

All American
6733 Posts
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Quote :
"I'll just have you know that eraser is going to cry himself to sleep tonight."

Haha. Not quite.

I am still trying to grade this year. The end of 2010 really kindof snuck up on me because it's been a very busy year and I think 2011 will be even more so. I'll figure it out in the next couple of days.

12/9/2010 8:22:51 AM

All American
8112 Posts
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Career: Changed jobs early this year, coming from the State to the private sector. Making a decent bit more and enjoying more of what I do...the career path is more in line with what I had in mind in school. A

Money: Oh don't even get me going. Not good. D -

Friends: Due to circumstances beyond our control and some personal issues, hasn't been a good year for hanging with friends. Limited time available on both ends. C -

Family: We increased our clan +1 when my son was born in January. Amazing amazing amazing experience, but I can safely say I could've waited. My wife's pregnancy was the most hellish experience on we still have not recovered from physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. A

Overall, I could do with forgetting everything about 2010 except for Riley.

12/9/2010 9:28:56 AM

Agent 0
All American
5677 Posts
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Job: Job still going well. Not as challenging as I would like, but the money is above what I need to live comfortably so I don't have many fiscal worries and it is also going to allow me to start law school in the evenings next year while still keeping a steady and sufficient income. Still some room to grow and get promoted too, so I'm not plateauing while I am in law school the next 4 years. B+

Love: Clocking in just over a year in my current relationship. She's wonderful, although 3 years younger than me and only a two years removed from law school herself, so she is still adjusting to "adult life", and it's made for a little bit of a rough year in some respects. However, the relationship is fundamentally solid, and some of the struggles we've dealt with have only further solidified things and brought us closer together. She's also helped me grow as a person, which is invaluable. A

Friends: I am not the type of person to keep up with a lot of people, but the people I do stay in touch with are great as always. A

Family: Only saw my family twice this year, neither time in Raleigh and haven't been home to Raleigh since Christmas of last year. Looking forward to coming back, even though I don't particularly miss NC, it's nice knowing where things are and remembering what things used to be like growing up. But nobody died [yet], so, A

[Edited on December 9, 2010 at 3:32 PM. Reason : .]

12/9/2010 3:28:35 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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Job: Meh...this is kinda tough. I guess I expected to be a little further along in my legal career by this point, but it's been hindered by the fact that I don't want to give up the security that my bartending job provides. I physically can only put in so many hours while I'm still bartending...but bartending has paid the bills for so long, that I just can't give it up right now. That being said, it's definitely starting to look up towards the end of the year. I'm about to settle a HUGE case that will give me plenty of cushion and money to set aside, I've got a few little cases I'm working on, and I'm about to have my first client that is going to put me on a monthly retainer (although it's not big, I can still get paid more if I do more work). So although I'll make some good money in the upcoming months, I still need to have more consistent work. Bartending money is great as always and I've also gotten two really nice restaurant consulting jobs. Which means I got hired to tell a couple bars what they're doing wrong (in one case a place that was still open) or what they need to do right (I made the drink menu (cocktails, beer, wine) for two places and trained the bar staff for another). All in all...not a bad year, but I'm holding myself to high standards for the legal gig. C+

Money: Bought my first house. Had to put about $10K down initially for everything, but have probably spent an additional $5-$6K on more stuff. That took a nice chunk out of my savings, and for the first time I've been taking money out of savings every month instead of putting in. Hopefully that will end with December, but you never know with a house (crossing fingers). But I'm about to settle a big case that should put most of that money back and then some and next year I have the $8K I'm getting back for first time Home Buyers tax credit and a good friend is setting up to give me back about $10K I loaned him three years back to start his own practice. So although my money took a HUGE hit this year, the outlook is good (crosses fingers again). C

Love: Sheesh...where to begin. The last two years have been a rollercoaster, but I think (and HOPE), that it has finally settled down. Started the year in a very serious relationship. Probably around March/April came to the realization that we just weren't the best fit. Sucked because I really did love and care about the girl a lot...just could see that maybe we didn't have the smoothest road ahead of us. At the same time, an old interest came back into the picture and I made a rather quick transition. That caused some friction that I won't go into detail (except to say there was no cheating)...but it was not a fun situation. Currently dating the "old interest" and things are going great. I don't make predictions or try and look into the future too much, but I can't find anything wrong with this girl or the relationship that gives me any doubts. I personally just have to get over the hump that there will be no more girls for the rest of my life at some point. So a very up and down year of love... B-

Friends: I've got too many friends and not enough time to hang out with any of them. I mean, if I only have a couple friends, I still wouldn't have enough time to hang out with those few. That being said, when I do have the time, I make my rounds. And my friends are AWESOME. Whenever my girlfriend meets a new friend, she always goes, "I really really like him/her." I also try my best to stay in contact with my old friends that live far away...would really like to get to see them, but have to get the job settled first. B

Family: My circle of family is pretty small...just my Mom's side of the family with a small relationship with my dad. Grandma died on Mom's side of the family this year...which sucked pretty bad. Grandfather died a few years ago and I was very close to him, so she was a big part of that family. But other than that, I'm doing great with the mom, sis, bro-in-law, mom's hubby. Not that close with dad, but he did get married for the 3rd and final time this year and he seems extremely I'm happy about that. B+

Not a bad year. The house and job have been stressful, but hopefully that will all shore up next year.

12/9/2010 4:05:40 PM


21814 Posts
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Job: Still unemployed F-

Love: Relationship/Engagement went under C-

Friends: Found some of the greatest friends I've ever had, truly life-long friends. A+

Family: My mother was diagnosed with incurable ovarian cancer. Cancer and chemotherapy has completely devastated her body and her energy. F-

This year sucked!

12/9/2010 5:56:13 PM

All American
8349 Posts
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Job: Still employed. Boss is awesome.
Love: Met a girl who knows calculus.
Friends: They are just as awesome as they've always been.

5 music festivals (SXSW, Bonnaroo, ATP NY, Hopscotch, Moogfest)
Sold the hybrid, bought an S2000

12/11/2010 9:01:44 PM

All American
9417 Posts
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Pretty good - Economy went further into the shitter, I got a 17% raise over last year's 11% and a bigass bonus.

12/11/2010 9:33:40 PM

All American
8349 Posts
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In 2 years your pay went up 30%. I'd say that's pretty amazing.

12/11/2010 9:36:46 PM

All American
4445 Posts
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lost weight
lost the girl i love
lost my grandpa
about to lose my dad

12/11/2010 9:51:52 PM

All American
1146 Posts
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Series of ups and downs...

Was basically pushed into quitting my job, but I would have anyway.
Had an awesome baby boy who was six weeks premature, but is doing great now.
Serious financial stress from said baby's hospital stay, which was happily resolved.
Moved up to Massachusetts, where I knew no one.
Made some pretty cool new friends who have a boy my son's age.

Every negative has some kind of positive to accompany it. Looking at those makes this an overall positive year.

12/11/2010 10:09:36 PM

All American
7496 Posts
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Job: A... 10+ years and still happy to walk in the door... get to travel, have amazing clients, feels like home and is more fun than most can imagine legally getting paid to do.

Love: B-...Meh - define "love"..... I'm having fun - - aside from that, who the heck cares.....

Friends: B.... Schedules are harder to manage & we don't get to travel together as much, but still as supportive and amazing as they ever were. Still have regular social agenda - that's a plus....

Family:A... Couldn't ask for better - - except for that one.... and if you ignore something long enough, it eventually goes away.

Life in general: A - Better than I deserve

12/11/2010 11:01:44 PM

11149 Posts
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Job: I don't really like my job, but it pays the bills and after it is all said and done, it could be a lot worse. C

Love: A+++++ Will continue to date. We moved in to a nice house together and so far it has been great.

Friends: D My bff moved to Alabama and I moved to Charlotte. I don't have any here except for my boyfriend. But people at work keep asking me to go out with them so maybe I will soon C

Family: I love my family and wish I could spend more time with them. A

Random: I dislocated my shoulder at the beginning of the year and it still gives me trouble. I adopted a kitten and he is awesome.

12/11/2010 11:33:19 PM

41738 Posts
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Job: I don't really like my job, but it pays the bills and after it is all said and done, it could be a lot worse. C

Love: I became engaged this year, spoda be married this time next year.

Friends: B I have awesome friends, the unfortunate thing is work, relationships, life, sleep and everything else takes away from time with friends these days.

Other: The economy continues to be shit. It is projected to be shit next year too. This sucks for anyone who works in sales (myself).

12/11/2010 11:55:50 PM

All American
1791 Posts
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Job: Got a promotion and more defined position with a great and somewhat stable company.
Love: My best friend and I got engaged! We'll be married in October
Friends: They're awesome, especially since they voluntarily choose to put up with me!
Family: We've grown closer, even more after the engagement.
Other: I lost over 30 lbs which I really think helped out with my promotion! I got a new car for the first time. My dogs are happy and healthy and have been all year.

12/12/2010 10:30:19 AM

All American
19598 Posts
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Job: I landed a new job last month thanks for a friend that suggested I apply and put in a great word for me. Just put in my first week there and I really like it. Much more professional job where I think I will be more appreciated, supported, and not so stressed out. I really liked my old job and boss, but we were critically understaffed and my boss only got permission to increase staff when I was offered my new job. There was no room for growth there, so while it was the start down my career path, it was never going to be forever. 35% raise FTW!

Love: No complaints here. My wife and I are still as close as ever, even after almost 8 years together, and she is extremely excited about the move to the Triangle that the new job will open. My boys are doing great and they are also ready for a move to a better place. Just worried how the week long separation during the week will affect us for the next few months 'till we sell our house. First weekend home has been great though!


This year I have been able to get up with some friends that I have not seen in a while, and hopefully this move will only increase that in 2011. One stepped up for me with the job help and then let me stay with him for December, so that has been awesome of him. My former roommate from State also told me that I could rent his spare bedroom for the next few months till the house is sold or rent, so that was great. I haven't talked to my friends much in the last few years, so I am looking forward to seeing them more when we get to the Triangle, and the things they have done to help me out make me realize how fortunate I am.


Somewhat mixed bag. My family has been great. They are very supportive of the new job, and my brother and his family live in the Triangle, so I will hopefully see them more too. My sis-in-law even works where I am at now. But the mother-in-law and some of her family are very pessimistic about this move and doing everything they can to derail it or put doubts in my wife's head about how it will go. The main motive behind this is that my mother-in-law lives around the corner and stays home, so she helps with homeschooling (b/c we live in Halifax County, which educationally blows) and watching them. She is EXTREMELY overprotective of them and thinks that we are going to ruin them by letting them out in the real world. They are both very smart, but they are socially stunted, and need to get out more. I think that Orange County public schools will be a good environment, and my wife agrees. But she is trying to throw religion and everything else she can into the argument to make my wife think that its a bad idea. It doesn't help she is an only child, so basically the in-law thinks she will have nothing to do in her life if my wife and her grandchildren move away.


My son broke his leg, which really sucked. Probably the worst part of the year. Hated to see him in pain. Also with no raise for almost 3 years and price of everything going up, we have not put as much money away as I normally like.

So all in all, its been a pretty good year. I think 2011 will bring some very positive changes, and will present some difficulties too, but I think we are moving in the right direction.

12/12/2010 12:45:02 PM

All American
9256 Posts
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Job: Started off in a job I had been in for about a year and a half and was getting tired of it. Changed things up (same company) in May and wasn't really happy with that either. Quit in September to start a business with my wife which is up and running now, but not making as much money as we had hoped yet. However, landed a 100% telecommute gig with almost no effort a couple weeks ago paying as much (potentially more) as I was making earlier in the year. All in all, A-

Love: Married 7 years in April, still very happy. A

Social: Not much changed on that front B

Family: Oldest turned 4 this year, youngest is currently 18 months. Very challenging at times! However the change in jobs gave me about 3 months of significant time to spend with them which has been very good. B+

Health: Arguably in the best shape of my life, I've lost probably 15-20 lbs since the beginning of the year (4" less in the waist), no major issues this year (unlike brain surgery last year) for me or my family. A+

All in all, a solid year with a few moments of anxiety but it all worked out in the end. I see this year as setting the stage for the next 3-5 and building a lot of momentum from a financial standpoint. Would buy from again A++++.

12/12/2010 1:16:37 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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Job: F, because I still don't have one. Admittedly being back in school I didn't look as hard as I know I should have, but one way or the other I'll have something this time next year or be dead in a gutter, because if I can't even convince the Peace Corps to let me work for peanuts with a Masters in International Studies I'm going to eat a bullet.

If one assumes that "school is my job," it's more like a B+. Had a good year, produced some good stuff.

Love: C-. I had a, ah, arrangement that was self destructive that ended, finally. But not only have I been unable to advance with other people, the fundamental problems with my personality and situation have remained largely in the shitter.

Social: A+. My circle of friends has expanded somewhat and I generally get to spend a lot of time around people I enjoy.

Family: B-. Mom has had some problems, and my horrible asshole of a grandfather still refuses to shuffle his mortal coil. But, hey, everyone else whose death might have been considered timely died years ago, and nobody for whom it would seem untimely bought the plot this year, so that's cool.

Health: C. I've lost some weight and I smoke less, and my diet has improved. But exercise is still pretty much a nonstarter and there's always my emphatic and undiminished approval of alcohol, although anybody who knew me before that started might argue that that is for the better.

Overall...C, I guess. Not a bad year by any means, but I don't think I'd pay to do it over again.

12/13/2010 3:14:53 AM

All American
9855 Posts
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Quote :
"I lost over 30 lbs which I really think helped out with my promotion!"

are you a sales rep or something?

12/17/2010 12:56:11 PM

498 Posts
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Job: My first full year at my permanent job. Good money, good hours, and challenging projects that I have learned a lot from. No complaints here. A

Family: All my family is at least 9 hours away, which sucks because I have grown distant from a few of them since moving to NC. However got to see most of my dad's side of the family in August for the first time in over 3 years, which was awesome. C+

Love: Live-in girlfriend had to move for a job, and we ended up breaking up after 2 and a half years. Shitty at first, but I have kinda come to enjoy being single for the first time in a while. Been casually dating with varying degrees of luck. B-

Friends: A lot of my good friends that I went to grad school with moved away this past year, which BLOWS. But I have expanded my circle of friends to include people outside of school and it's been a lot of fun. B+

Health: Started running and eating healthier...ended up losing something like 60 lbs, dropped two shirt sizes and 5 inches off my waist. Below 200 lbs for the first time in...well, a long time. A++++++

12/17/2010 6:43:11 PM

All American
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It has been good, will be great if I get the job I just had a second interview for (with the hiring manger this time and her deputy). She said I should find out before Xmas! It will be a promotion!

[Edited on December 18, 2010 at 11:51 AM. Reason : w]

12/18/2010 11:49:14 AM

All American
11472 Posts
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Okay year.

Worked out more this year than probably the past 3 years so that was good. Lost about 5-10 lbs, still in good shape overall for a 32 year old.

Job got more and more stressful as the year progressed which sucked ass. Only pay raise was a crappy 3% merit raise that everyone got. Workload increased probably 35% too.

Wife and I had some problems, but we're still doing well. My daughter is growing up great.

Spent too much money (new car, new computer, new furniture, new riding lawn mower, but no debt other than the car), probably could have done better on the diet, and I did not get as many projects done around the house as I liked, but overall 2010 was an average year.

I give it a C.

12/18/2010 12:00:56 PM

All American
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Going to be completely honest, hopefully I won't regret posting this

Health: D/F+, Physical Health: Still having bad headaches that include stress, sinus, barometric pressure, tension, cluster, and migraine. The cluster I'm not completely sure about, all I know is that there is excruciating pain behind either left or right eye and the eyelid droops which is scary as fuck and it waters so bad. Having trouble sleeping, no matter how much or how little sleep I'm still the same amount of tired. Mental Health: Anxiety attacks getting worse and worse, either go to sleep with panic attacks or they happen as soon as I feel myself wake in the morning. My hands shake. It frustrates me greatly.

Money: C, The huge paycut I had to take with my job has really hurt, I have no savings and it's been extremely stressful. An outstanding man and HR fought hard to get me as much of a raise as they could (I -do- work for the State ). Has been helpful but still working really hard on trying to at least break even every month. I'm just grateful it's better, even if it's just a little bit and that they gave enough of a shit to get me a raise in the first place.

Job: F, hoping for better even if it ends up a D. I spent the last 2.5 years in the most miserable job I have ever had (I apologize for bitching about it on here, but didn't really have an outlet). I am starting a new job on Monday that should be much better and I am very grateful I was able to get out of that situation.

Love: Switches between A+ and F-. A+ when I'm able to see him, F- when I can't. It's a hopeless situation I've found myself in but it's the happiest thing in my life right now.

Family: A+, My family is wonderful and is always there for me I love them dearly I am grateful to have them and appreciate them. Have re-connected with my brother as he distanced himself from the entire family for a long time, I'm glad to have him around again!

Social life: I know some of you can vouch for this one, that because of my (now previous) Job it has suffered greatly. I should be able to actually go out and see friends now with the coming new year!!

Quote :
"I realize that there are definitely people here who've had a lot worse things happen to them, and that I should be grateful to be alive, have a decent paying job, and a warm pillow to lay my head on...and believe me, I am.

But if there's a God in Heaven, I don't want to have another year like this ever."


[Edited on December 18, 2010 at 1:45 PM. Reason : Jesus, how many times can I say "grateful"]

12/18/2010 1:43:33 PM

All American
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I'll just list the good things...

Put an offer in on a house with my girlfriend earlier this week and it was accepted. I'm doing things a little out of order, but should be proposing by the end of this month.

Went to California last week for training and hung out with an old coworker and friend in San Francisco and Pebble Beach.

Started a new job at NetApp in August, which is an amazing company to work for. Three jobs in one year was certainly trying at times, but I'm now doing much better than I ever was at IBM.

Went to France for a long vacation (Provence, Nice, Annecy, Chamonix, Paris).

Worked a contract position in April at Itron. Was on easy street there and played ALOT of ping pong with the indian guys in the department.

Made it halfway through the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge.

Did some couch surfing in Boone and a hike in Virginia with massive amounts of Wild Ponies.

I refrained from playing any World of Warcraft. for the second year in a row. I think I'm cured!

[Edited on December 18, 2010 at 3:28 PM. Reason : :]

12/18/2010 3:22:53 PM

All American
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Job - A+ Left the company I was working for and started up my own business. I have more in savings than ever and I could today not work for one year and still not change my family's standard of living.

Love - A I am married to a wonderful woman who takes care of all of my needs.

Friends - B I have good friends from college and high school that I do not get to see often. I work to much and they live to far away. I did get to see them all a few times this year.

Family- A+ Awesome parents who live 11 houses down the street. A wonderful wife and the greatest baby alive. My daughter and wife have made life awesome.

This has been one of the best years for work, family, and spiritually. I would do 2010 all over again any time.

12/18/2010 6:00:52 PM

begonias is my boo
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love: same as ever. cod and i are getting hitched. so i guess the grade i put here will be a reflection of our relationship: C- (ahaha)

job well school is my job. spring semester was AWESOME all a's and 1 B. and that B was in a class that was only like 2 or 3 credit hours . however second semester was like 3 c's 2 b's and an A. gonna have to bring it by averaging the first semester (A) and second semester (B-) and factoring in my summer rotatioin that went great (A) i would say: solid B+

friends: i've reconnected with two people who fell out of touch a few years ago (albiet for good reasons at the time), but now every time i talk to her on the phone i laugh my ass off and its been really good for me. ive gotten closer to people ive wanted to get closer too and things are good however i did go almost completely MIA for about 6 weeks each semester for school which but a strain on some relationsships (which at the same time weren't strong enough to begin with, otherwise being MIA wouldn't have been a prob). So i give it a sold A/A-

family: there have been a lot, lot, lot of family issues since about august. lots. and then the whole thing with my grand parents went down. i wont go into everything but i would like to give this one a D because of the shittiness of the past 3-4 months (which have shown in my grades) but since my grandparents are still here and the family is FINALLY coming together.... i will give it an B+.

life overall: this year has been a whirlwind. but what year isn't?
i got to go to paris, im freaking out about wedding planning, i gained weight, i lost it, i gained it back. cody and i fught. and we laughed until we cried. im here. im not broke (well not homeless aha). i have friends. i can't complain but so much.


12/18/2010 6:18:43 PM

All American
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Job: Been with the same company for somewhere between 2-3 years. More good than bad. Still trying to decide if I.T. is the right path for me in life. On the side I have been beta testing radios/scanners for an International Communications Company which has given me additional positive fodder for the resume if I ever did decide to try something else All in all, B

Love: Did the bachelor thing for most of the last year and dated little here & there but kind of miss being in a relationship. Hopefully something will work out at some point but not forcing anything. C

Social: Not much changed on that front. I do my thing and have my friends B

Family: Good & Bad. Closer than ever to my natural sister who is 27 but strained a little with other sisters & brother. Just different belief systems and all that. And I always have my dog Bongo who is considered family of course B

Health: Doing allright. I really need to get back running though. Miss doing that. B

Overall a pretty decent year and I look forward to seeing what 2011 holds

I hope 2011 is the best year yet for all here at T-dub

12/18/2010 8:11:16 PM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
" I've been a lot more outgoing in the past few months, and I plan on being even more so in the next few. My love life sucks."

I posted that on 12/01/2006, which was three weeks (to the day) before I went on the first date with the woman who is now my wife. My super hot wife who is crazy out of my league. Our first anniversary was in October and we're crazy in love like Jay Z and Beyonce.

My year was fucking great, honestly. It's had its ups and downs, some asshole friends causing teh supar dramz, but, you know, shit happens. I'm too old for that shit so I cut 'em off.

I started back school in the spring semester (while still working full time). I've taken 5 classes so far and have gotten an A+ in all five. FUCK YEAH. I've got a couple of years of schoolin' left to do, but, you know, I'm gonna kill that shit. I'm gonna kill it all over the place.

So yeah. Rad year.

12/20/2010 10:54:02 PM

40407 Posts
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five A+s?

damn son, slow down

12/21/2010 2:53:06 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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Job: Started off the year w/o one & collecting unemployment. The job market, of course, sucked, and I never got as much as a call or email back on any of the jobs I applied for. Eventually I picked up a babysitting gig which was at first sporadic, and then I went full time in the summer when the kids were out of school. It had it's moments, but I eventually (FINALLY!) found a job in my field and despite initial reservations have really enjoyed it. B

Love: Love is good Beginning of the year we took our belated honeymoon to Key West and had a wonderful time. He was really supportive when I was out of work, and we were able to make the best of the situation and still be ok. Celebrated our 1 yr anniversary in June which we will never forget b/c of the Oliver Twist open mic night with a Culps-esque couple that was TERRIBLE wearing matching outfits and really weird animal hats Now we're expecting a baby in 2011 A+

Social: Took a trip w/ my best friend to NYC--great trip! Became closer/better friends to a few as well And I found closure for the loss of the friend in 2009 which was I'm better off w/o. A

Family: This is a big one for 2010. My grandparents are getting up there, and have had health problems off and on. My mema has lost 40 lbs in the past 3 months, and they've discovered something is up w/ her kidneys. It's not bad enough to go on dialysis, but it could be. My granddaddy also seems to be sick a lot and after his sister passed unexpectedly early this year, he was hospitalized w/ pneumonia. Luckily he got better. My poppop is also in an out of the dr a lot with intestinal issues. Nana has luckily been very healthy.

Majority of the year was still strained from the end of 2009 on my side of the family. There was even a time where things were tense w/ Justin and I which stunk (that got better pretty quick luckily). However, since Thanksgiving things have really been looking up and I've had one of the best holidays in awhile b/c of it. I'm really thankful for the way our family is headed right now, and I can only hope that things continue to get better. B-

Health: My health is good! I'm pregnant and my thyroid levels are in check so we're just plugging along A

Overall A-

[Edited on December 26, 2010 at 8:24 PM. Reason : ]

12/26/2010 8:21:16 PM

All American
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12/26/2010 10:07:32 PM

All American
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Spirituality: Embraced Zen. Not so much for religious reasons, because Zen doesn't really take that approach - but as far as a paradigm shift and lifestyle re-adjustment, it's done well for me. A

Family: No deaths, but my grandmother's health got a bit worse. Knowing that, I can't possibly give this an A - even despite my relationship growing with my mother and brother, my uncle's prosperity, and the near-total elimination of my dad from my life (this is a good thing). B

Friends: My friends are still my same awesome friends. I have a good group around me and I don't feel like I thank them enough. Even my distant friendships improved this year. I got to do a good amount of traveling to be with some of them for some time, and many came here to New Orleans to enjoy what we have to offer. I look forward to much more of this in 2011. A+

Love: Ever the patient person I am, I've put up another year of mostly empty travels. I do, however, have prospects now that I didn't have a year ago, so that's promising. I didn't spend too much time groveling over one particular woman as I did in 2008, and I didn't make myself inaccessible as I did for a stretch of 2009. I think I found a balance that just needs to actually be applied to someone as a relationship partner, but I also don't wanna just rush into something. B-

Job: Hard to believe I was on the verge of quitting or transferring out of my department this time a year ago. New management above me trusted my intelligence and eagerness to help the department run more smoothly, and I've found a sense of belonging rather than just filling a role as I had been previously. It's still not my ideal job, but at least now I can point to things I've done, changes I've imparted, etc. A-

Other: The Saints won the Super Bowl. I made it through jury duty and managed to mostly enjoy it. I was able to increase my credit line. I've watched a friend's music career really take off. I met Muse's bassist, Chris. I have nearly 13,000 mp3s. I'm rehabbing a faulty knee. Didn't gain any weight and may have even lost a bit. Didn't wanna include this in love, but I eluded a stalker situation; this girl just didn't GET that we would not have been compatible as relationship partners and still speaks about me as though there's a possibility there - but I've washed my hands of it.

Overall: A

Very good year, I accomplished a lot and set the table to accomplish a lot more. I can't wait to see what 2011 brings.

12/31/2010 8:16:08 AM

All American
7631 Posts
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Quote :
engaged, masters, job, met badboyben

2011 needs more retirement."

We did? I don't remember meeting you.

I've been out of my work most of the year. I only worked in September and October on a short-term contract. Hopefully, things will get better in 2011.

I also went to New Mexico and Colorado for the first time in June. It was a good trip with some nice experiences.

[Edited on December 31, 2010 at 9:14 AM. Reason : ..]

12/31/2010 9:10:29 AM

All American
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Money: A+ Best year money wise, ever. Downside is that I never get any time to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Guess I'll have one hell of a retirement?

Career: A Entering 4th year of self employment. Sales more than doubled again, from 2009, and 2011, will easily double again. I only took 1 day off all of last year. Started a 2nd company to keep up with demand. VERY difficult to find qualified people or people that actually want to work and learn.

Family: C- Status quo. Not nearly a priority to me or to them.

Social Life/Friends: C Only taking one day off in a year, and travel all over the continent puts a damper on maintaining friendships, but I have made a lot of new friends and met a couple of TWWers that I've wanted to meet for a while.

Love/Sex: B By virtue of travel and meeting new people, the sex has markedly increased this year, which is fine, but the love portion of this equation has not.

Health: C Got into a bad wreck, totaled car. Left me with a concussion and reinjury of rotator cuff. Still no recovery from the loss of my smell and taste from the whole Zicam debacle (not that it's likely to ever change) Blood pressure, weight, etc. are all fantastic, per the Doc.

1/1/2011 4:47:26 PM

1394 Posts
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ehh, I picked up a bunch of volunteer experience and took a bunch of classes. A tired old relationship finally died which is a good thing, but i think i might have lost her as a friend in the process. the least amount of drinking I've ever done because i finally getting serious about life. broke my arm right in front of a girl I has crush on, dunno if is good or bad. expenses almost zero, profit boring and steady these days. I guess it was a good year all around. 2011 is gonna be WAY better almost guaranteed.

1/1/2011 6:08:17 PM

All American
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The Good: Won tickets to Hopscotch and Lady Gaga, went to NYC with my best friend, went to Alaska for a wedding and got to hang out on a glacier, had 5 year anniversary with boyfriend. Though I am unemployed I am still financially doing alright, had a lot of time to do whatever I wanted and relax.

The Bad: Was hit by a car/had all sorts of other bad things happen to me and a few people around me, was laid off multiple times, broke up with boyfriend.

The Weird: I now have a story where I get to yell "bloody cunt muncher" really loudly

1/1/2011 6:22:16 PM

All American
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Even though "last year" is technically 2010, here I use it to refer to 2009. And "this year" is 2010, of course.

Money: C- Better than last year, considering that I was unemployed for all of that year. But I wasn't really able to squirrel away all that much money. The only major expense I've had this year was having to buy a new car.

Career: C- I started a job at the very beginning of this year with a company that's considered itself a "start-up" for over a decade. It didn't pay very much, but I figured that things might pick up and I was grateful to get the experience. Well surprise surprise, that boat started sinking almost as soon as it left harbor. I had taken all the abuse I could stand after roughly 6 months, so I quit. I moved back in with mommy and daddy, and for several months I blew the few interviews I could manage to get. Finally I found another job near the end of October. It pays even less (mostly because they're keeping me part-time), but it's work and it's something to do besides mope all day, and I'm liking the job.

Family: C Relationship-wise everything's cool, but we've had health problems up the wazoo. My dad had a ruptured disc that he had to have operated on, but he's doing fine now. My sister has severe back problems and now has to get monthly shots for the pain. My grandfather recenly passed away; I haven't seen him in person for at least a decade, but I have only fond memories of him. There has been a tiny amount of drama surrounding dividing up the inheritance, however. And now we've recently found out that my 20-something cousin developed some very advanced cancer out of the blue (no risk factors, no early warning signs, nada). Even with treatment, it's extremely unlikely that she'll still be alive in 2 years.

Social Life/Friends: B- No change. No new friends, but neither have I lost any current friends. I have a couple of buddies that I don't get to see as often as I'd like, though.

Love/Sex: N/A Forever alone.

Health: A- No health problems to speak of. I could stand to lose some weight, and to that end I have been doing some work on a treadmill. The holidays have made me very lazy, though. I'll have to get back into it.

Overall: C+ It's been a roller-coaster ride this year, which seems to be everyone else's experience. Hopefully 2011 will be better, but I know that I don't have that kind of luck.

[Edited on January 1, 2011 at 8:00 PM. Reason : blah]

1/1/2011 7:57:43 PM

All American
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Job: Mostly, school is my job and I posted my first 4.0 ever in my first semester of grad school. Working as a TA in BIO 181 and while I was reading my classevals, found out my students didn't hate me. Got a lot of good suggestions that I was ready to look into anyway. A

Love: At the end of 2009, met the man I'm going to marry. Realized such this past year. He is everything I've ever wanted and I am extremely lucky. A+

Friends: Got out of touch with many of my friends from my 4 years of undergrad. This especially sucks since we all still live in Raleigh, but I think it might end up being for the better. I put in some effort earlier in the year to re-ignite the friendships, but they weren't really reciprocated. Giving up on trying. Hung out much more with bf's friends, and many of them are super nice, but they're all older than me and think I'm too naive about some things. B-

Family: Everyone's still here and doing well. Bro is going back to school this year and I'm super excited about that. A+

Other: Got into 5/6 graduate programs I applied to and ended up with a great advisor at State and I'm getting paid to go to school. State had a fun football season this year. My cat scared me to death and had to go to an after hours emergency clinic because he wasn't breathing well at all. He was diagnosed with asthma, put on steroids and has been perfect since. I got a Dyson for Christmas, and a Nook for my birthday! B

1/1/2011 8:24:20 PM

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