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All American
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the only thing more hackneyed and stilted than your posts in this thread is the guardian

[Edited on December 10, 2012 at 6:44 PM. Reason : no wai! the guardian nominated an american traitor for POY!?!?]

12/10/2012 6:42:48 PM

All American
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The next step is a Nobel Peace Prize.

12/10/2012 10:39:59 PM

All American
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Looks like Assange will become a senator before Manning.

12/13/2012 1:38:26 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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hackneyed and stilted

12/13/2012 9:45:22 PM

All American
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[Edited on December 15, 2012 at 1:42 PM. Reason : .]

12/15/2012 1:41:32 PM

All American
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Manning has now spent 10% of his life in jail.

One million new documents have been prepared to be leaked.

Assange and Manning are true American heroes! Their sacrifices will be rewarded.

[Edited on December 21, 2012 at 12:45 PM. Reason : .]

12/21/2012 12:43:12 PM

All American
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hackneyed and stilted

12/21/2012 9:27:40 PM

All American
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Thanks for the bttt!

This thread is really going to blow up next year. I can't wait.

12/21/2012 10:59:51 PM

All American
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hackneyed and stilted

12/21/2012 11:16:54 PM

All American
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The other American hero facing life as a political prisoner:

Protest scheduled for U.S. embassy over Manning's persecution:

1/5/2013 2:41:49 PM

All American
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A giant crowdfunding website has launched to avoid government and private blockades and funnel money to wikileaks and other whistleblower/anti-American organizations.

$144,000 raised just this week.

The best part is your entry onto the terrorist watchlist is tax deductible!

[Edited on January 5, 2013 at 4:50 PM. Reason : .]

1/5/2013 4:49:23 PM

All American
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NBC News is a treacherous organization whose leaders should be arrested and held in solitary confinement.

The daughter of the Prime Minister of India should be extradited to the U.S. to stand trial.

2/6/2013 10:24:26 AM

All American
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No warrant necessary for government to seize and access online accounts of Wikileaks supporters. Complete secrecy and unaccountability upheld in court.

2/7/2013 7:20:35 PM

All American
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The government must now prove that wikileaks information directly aided the enemy. They claim Osama Bin Laden had wikileaks downloads on his home computer. However, to prove this, they will now have to call as witnesses the Navy Seals that summarily executed him unarmed in his pajamas. Their testimony will likely differ from the official White House version of events, so the prosecution has requested the entire proceedings be held in a closed, censored courtroom.

4/14/2013 10:21:02 PM

2953 Posts
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Court orders Visa partner to allow donations to WikiLeaks

Quote :
"WikiLeaks may soon be able to accept donations again, now that the Icelandic Supreme Court has ruled that the blockade on donations imposed by local Visa partner Valitor is illegal and has ordered the company to pay huge fines if it doesn't change its ways."

4/24/2013 5:15:30 PM

All American
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Drumhead trial in progress.

Spectators wearing shirts with the word "TRUTH" on them forced to disrobe.

Most of trial expected to be censored.

God Bless America.

6/5/2013 10:20:39 AM

All American
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Manning will pay for exposing truth without question. I wonder how long Assange will remain in that embassy.

6/5/2013 12:12:17 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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What do you all think the sentence will be?

6/5/2013 3:08:09 PM

All American
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Life, of course. Same as that lunatic GI that went AWOL and killed a bunch of afghan civilians. What was he thinking? Everyone knows it's better to kill civilians by air.

[Edited on June 5, 2013 at 3:57 PM. Reason : .]

6/5/2013 3:53:36 PM

All American
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If you've ever donated to wikileaks or even participated in their chatrooms then google has likely surrendered your emails and data.

6/22/2013 7:00:54 PM

All American
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Verdict expected soon

7/30/2013 11:25:34 AM

All American
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Not guilty of aiding the enemy.

7/30/2013 1:12:45 PM

50084 Posts
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Can we ban smc now that his troll worldview has been crushed?

7/30/2013 1:12:58 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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Quote :
"The Associated Press @AP

BREAKING: US Army Pfc Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy for giving secrets to WikiLeaks."


7/30/2013 1:13:04 PM

All American
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Don't get too excited. The only thing this means is he won't be killed for what he did.

I believe he was still convicted of nearly every lesser charge he faced, so will still probably spend his entire life in prison.

Military prison I believe, where he will continue to be tortured the rest of his days.

7/30/2013 1:16:11 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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. . . . . well that was unexpected . . . . . .

[Edited on July 30, 2013 at 1:16 PM. Reason : ^oh]

7/30/2013 1:16:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Can we ban smc now that his troll worldview has been crushed?"

Why? I find his dead-pan humor more interesting than the rank stupidity that often gets posted on this board.

7/30/2013 1:17:09 PM

All American
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Where have all the cowboys gone?

7/30/2013 1:18:09 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Whistleblowers: 120+ years in prison.

Cause the deaths of thousands of innocent people: secret service protection for the remainder of your life, free health care, and 200,000 guaranteed annual salary, adjusted for cost of living of course.

This is the world we live in. Courage and integrity is punished, brutality is applauded, and nothing will change because the people will not recognize that they're ruled by evil men.

7/30/2013 2:26:23 PM

All American
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I'm so disappointed that he's not going to be executed. Oh well, we fried Ethel thrice to make up for it.

[Edited on July 30, 2013 at 6:31 PM. Reason : .]

7/30/2013 6:28:35 PM

All American
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You're a whistleblower if you release pertinent information that the public should know about. You're not a whistleblower if you just release every single classified document you have access to whether the public and the rest of the world should see them or not.

Snowden :: Whistleblower as Manning :: Attention whore

[Edited on July 30, 2013 at 6:44 PM. Reason : although Snowden also seems like an attention whore, I'd still call him a whistleblower]

7/30/2013 6:42:52 PM

All American
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that's obviously your interpretation and an argument that hangs on semantics.

You can fairly, in my opinion, make the argument that Manning wantonly leaked information not pertinent to public discussion; you cannot however simply use that subjective reasoning to distinguish between attention whore and whistleblower.

If your only argument against Manning is that he was not concise with his leaked information, then you're completely missing the bigger picture.

7/30/2013 7:05:45 PM

All American
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If you walk away from all of this and are asking yourself whether or not Manning should be called a whistleblower rather than asking yourself if the US military should be blowing holes in vans administering first aid to victims of a firefight, then you are completely missing the fucking point.

7/30/2013 7:13:34 PM

2953 Posts
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At the time Manning's documents first came out they were revolutionary. He no doubt inspired Snowden. However Snowden definitely improved on the methods of disclosure by taking his time, choosing established and vetted collaborators, and most importantly selectively disclosing his documents. There was a definite benefit to this strategy as Wikileaks and Manning had already proven through the media that the government's primary response to the leaks was to ignore the revelations and blame/smear the whistleblower. They also primary employed the emotionally charged argument that leaking national secrets puts our national security at risk. Snowden took great care to avoid making this mistake by selectively disclosing only documents that would appear harmless to an intelligent critical thinker. He still has undisclosed documents so we will see.

In hindsight Manning should have taken the steps that Snowden did with his disclosures. Snowden has played his cards almost perfectly thus far. Leaker enthusiasts like me know what mistakes he could have made. 1000+ days of detainment without trial under torturous conditions ala Manning is but one outcome. The stakes are high in the fight to expose corruption among the world's strongest powers. At this point Wikileaks is essentially neutralized with Julian being holed up in the Equadorian embassy for the forseeable future, with his organization Wikileaks being underfunded and currently reduced to a few glorified social media accounts and nothing more. For all intents and purposes Wikileaks is neutralized.

Manning did it wrong but I respect him and he is a hero. I think his heart is in the right place. I hope he does not receive a long sentence. But Mr Snowden has changed the game and future whistleblowers would be wise to learn from Manning's mistakes.

7/30/2013 8:27:18 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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Quote :
"If your only argument against Manning is that he was not concise with his leaked information, then you're completely missing the bigger picture."

It wasn't just that he was not concise. He leaked information that made it difficult for America to even conduct basic diplomacy.

7/31/2013 12:36:17 AM

2953 Posts
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For those interested DemocracyNow held an interview today with Julian Assange to talk about the Manning verdict, Snowden's future, and the purported sealed indictment of Assange.

7/31/2013 1:41:38 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 31, 2013 at 3:12 PM. Reason : probably the wrong thread....]

7/31/2013 3:11:06 PM

All American
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Sentence coming tomorrow morning, faces up to 90 years, prosecutors requested at least 60:

8/20/2013 3:05:39 PM

All American
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35 years looks to be his sentence as per various news outlets.

8/21/2013 10:29:03 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^ with no chance of parole?

8/21/2013 10:32:12 AM

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A military judge today sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison. In addition, his rank is being reduced, and he will forfeit all pay and benefits and be dishonorably discharged.

He would probably be eligible for parole after he served one-third or 10 years of his sentence, whichever is longer.

[Edited on August 21, 2013 at 11:02 AM. Reason : sdf]

8/21/2013 11:00:35 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Wow that seems pretty light

8/21/2013 11:48:36 AM

8379 Posts
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Light considering what some motherfuckers have been calling for.

Still heavy in the grand scheme of things.

8/21/2013 11:53:01 AM

All American
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FORT MEADE, Md. -- Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesday for releasing 700,000 documents about the United States' worldwide diplomacy and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Manning was a 25-year-old Army private first class at the time of his arrest. He saw himself as an idealist acting to end the wars, and said in online chats with hacker Adrian Lamo that he was particularly concerned about the abuse of detainees in Iraq. No political or military higher-ups have ever been prosecuted for detainee abuse or torture in Iraq, Afghanistan or at Guantanamo Bay.

"One of the serious problems with Manning's case is that it sets a chilling precedent, that people who leak information ... can be prosecuted this aggressively as a deterrent to that conduct," said Andrea Prasow, senior counterterrorism counsel and advocate in Human Rights Watch's U.S. Program. "Shouldn't we be deterring people who commit torture?"

Here are some of the individuals who have been involved since 9/11 in detainee abuse and torture, and potential war crimes, and have never been prosecuted.

George W. Bush
George W. Bush was president when the U.S. invaded Iraq based on faulty intelligence, tortured terror prisoners and conducted extraordinary renditions around the world.

"Enhanced interrogation," a Bush administration euphemism for torture, was approved at the highest level. A "principals committee" composed of Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, CIA Director George Tenet and Attorney General John Ashcroft signed off on the methods.

"There are solid grounds to investigate Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Tenet for authorizing torture and war crimes," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, when the group released a report called "Getting Away With Torture" in 2011.

Dick Cheney
As Bush's vice president, Cheney pushed the nation over to the "dark side," as he called it, in the war on terror.

The U.S. used extraordinary renditions to swoop up terror suspects and send them to repressive regimes in places like Syria and Libya for torture. Cheney was the key driver in producing the faulty intelligence that led the U.S. into war in Iraq. And he steadfastly defended the CIA's use of water-boarding and other torture tactics on U.S. prisoners.

Cheney "fears being tried as a war criminal," according to Colin Powell's former chief of staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, but he never has been.

Donald Rumsfeld

One of the planners of the Iraq War, Rumsfeld steadfastly maintained while Defense Secretary under Bush that U.S. soldiers did not have an obligation to stop torture being used by their Iraqi counterparts. He also approved of "stripping prisoners naked, hooding them, exposing prisoners to extremes of heat and cold, and slamming them up against walls" at Guantanamo.

While deployed to Iraq, Manning discovered that Iraqi soldiers had arrested members of a political group for producing a pamphlet called "Where Did the Money Go?" decrying corruption in the cabinet of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

"‘i immediately took that information and *ran* to the officer to explain what was going on," Manning wrote in the chat logs. "he didn’t want to hear any of it … he told me to shut up and explain how we could assist the FPs in finding *MORE* detainees."...

[Edited on August 21, 2013 at 12:26 PM. Reason : .]

8/21/2013 12:26:29 PM

Forgetful Jones
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should've given him a Nobel Peace Prize like Obama

8/21/2013 12:40:30 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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if he hadn't been indiscriminate in what he leaked and wasn't completely ignorant of some of the information he blasted out, i could see this being too harsh

but given he wasn't whistle-blowing and instead just throwing shit at a wall to see what stuck, i think 35 with all likelihood he can serve just 7 for it, I'd say he got off light

8/21/2013 8:13:04 PM

All American
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Chelsea Manning is the greatest shero of our generation.

8/22/2013 11:30:39 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"i think 35 with all likelihood he can serve just 7 for it"

What leads you to believe he'll only serve 7?

8/22/2013 11:55:26 AM

All American
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8/22/2013 11:59:06 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"What leads you to believe he'll only serve 7?"

Time already served, I imagine.

8/22/2013 12:11:19 PM

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