I'm not saying Colorado can win, I'm saying that you said he had a pretty decent record at Colorado.
1/26/2011 3:17:59 PM
1/26/2011 3:19:43 PM
Should have said decent resume. Tons of NBA experience and head coach at 3 D-I schools. Point is I wouldn't judge him yet. If you really think this Wake team has talent, you need to be drug tested. [Edited on January 26, 2011 at 3:21 PM. Reason : They went 7-20 in the year before Bzdelik took over][Edited on January 26, 2011 at 3:22 PM. Reason : ^He had 3 20 win seasons in 11 years and 2 NCAA appearances not exactly great]
1/26/2011 3:19:47 PM
1/26/2011 3:20:42 PM
1/26/2011 3:21:37 PM
Anyone who has watched wake play this season and thinks Bzdelik can coach his way out of a paper bag should just stop talking. sure, their players aren't as good as ours, but god damn he might run the worst system and be the worst in game coach I've ever seen. Either he just doesn't try because they suck so bad, or he's making them worse than they actually are. I've seen probably 8 wake games this year and Sidney would put him to shame. You think OUR guys jack up bad shots???? Watch wake play for 5 minutes.
1/26/2011 3:23:27 PM
1/26/2011 3:26:30 PM
1/26/2011 3:27:09 PM
wake has bad players and a bad coachtheir only guys who have any semblance of talent just constantly jack up bad shots and dont play winning basketballand bzdelik is probably the blandest coach out there so he has a 0% shot of getting those guys to do what he wants
1/26/2011 3:28:12 PM
^^^And that's exactly where Lowe failed last night IMO.Leslie added nothing, was out of control, and absolutely hurt this team. I don't care how good you were in high school, where you think you'll be drafted, or how good you think you are...if you're on my team you're going to play hard and smart. He did neither. I think any coach would have yanked him about the 3rd consecutive trip down where he took a horrible shot or turned it over. That is how you send that message to a freshman. Lowe did not.You don't want them to be afraid to screw up, but you also can't let them lose the game for you. Leslie was terrible for about a 3:00-4:00 stretch last night[Edited on January 26, 2011 at 3:33 PM. Reason : ]
1/26/2011 3:30:00 PM
I can agree with that.I just think its funny the guys saying give Lowe more time in year 5 already know for a fact that Bzdelik sucks.
1/26/2011 3:30:16 PM
Bzdelik has coached for more than five yearsYou know that right--It's also amazing that you think anyone has ever said that Lowe deserves another yearNo one has said anything other than it's too early to tellWho the fuck are you talking about[Edited on January 26, 2011 at 3:36 PM. Reason : ]
1/26/2011 3:34:32 PM
Do you have adder blocked or ignored?There are other dumbasses....AstralEngine or whatever[Edited on January 26, 2011 at 3:41 PM. Reason : people that haven't dribbled a basketball that is]
1/26/2011 3:38:44 PM
No, maybe you could show me where he said give Lowe another year.And you said guys -- plural.
1/26/2011 3:40:44 PM
1/26/2011 3:43:46 PM
Jesus son learn to read. You truly are too dumb to argue with. I DO NOT THINK BZDELIK IS A GOOD OR BAD COACHI am saying you already write him off without a full year and still can't see in year 5 that Lowe can't get it done.
1/26/2011 3:46:08 PM
You didn't answer my question. Would you be happy with a bzzzzzzzz next year? I certainly would not and most rational fans would understand that we took a step back.
1/26/2011 3:50:08 PM
1/26/2011 3:50:42 PM
1/26/2011 3:50:56 PM
1/26/2011 3:53:46 PM
Bzdelik made the NCAA tournament at Air Force......Sidney Lowe couldn't make it at Duke. They both are garbage but Lowe has been at NCSU for five years. His judgment time is over.Bzdelik is just starting, he most likely won't succeed, but crazy things happen.[Edited on January 26, 2011 at 3:57 PM. Reason : ^Might be the only coach Lowe can own][Edited on January 26, 2011 at 3:58 PM. Reason : V lol Sid's cred is over and done with need something to talk about]
1/26/2011 3:55:43 PM
Sidney Lowe Jeff Bzdelik credibility watch
1/26/2011 3:57:18 PM
1/26/2011 3:59:24 PM
Stop posting.You have nobody on your side anymore.Give it a fucking rest.You have no clue about ball. I know more and guarantee could beat you on the court. Wake losing their PG for the season hurts more Tracy missing a few games. Sorry kid.[Edited on January 26, 2011 at 4:03 PM. Reason : I didn't even compare Scott Wood just simply pointing out your stupid ass logic on stars]
1/26/2011 4:01:53 PM
1/26/2011 4:07:27 PM
1/26/2011 4:08:37 PM
I'm certainly not on Team Boozie, but I'm not sure how anyone can compare the careers of these two coaches and determine that Sidney has more credibility.
1/26/2011 4:08:47 PM
Making the NCAA Tournament in a "shit" conference is even more of an achievement.Whatever, fuck this thread, I'm out. Don't give a fuck anymore. Lowe is done.
1/26/2011 4:09:56 PM
1/26/2011 4:12:07 PM
kinda funny to me that i see more effort being put into this thread than i see being put into product on the basketball courtadder tries harder than the players do
1/26/2011 4:13:25 PM
boozie will post in here within the next 2 pages, assuming he is by his computer
1/26/2011 4:13:31 PM
Certainly not a perfect analogy, but is it more impressive for TCU to play in a BCS game, or a team from the SEC?
1/26/2011 4:17:40 PM
Want to know how bad we suck??A poster is legitametly trying to say that Lowe is credible by using the basis that he is better than Bzdelik, the coach in 12th with no ACC wins.. way to aim high
1/26/2011 4:45:07 PM
Well, we do suckHowever some of the Lowe haters are trying to say that Bzdelik is a better coachDespite us whooping that ass head to head this year, and as you said, despite Wake having zero wins and being in last placeI mean, I'm not trying to say that Lowe is credible because he is better than Bzdelik...just pointing out how...he is a better coach than Bzdelik
1/26/2011 4:52:23 PM
you guys are totally gonna jinx the game at wake now. we still could finish below them in the acc
1/26/2011 4:55:24 PM
1/26/2011 4:57:49 PM
^^^i see.. i think a case could be made for either coach personally..and ^^ has a good point.. the way we are playin now, wake could put it on us later in the year[Edited on January 26, 2011 at 4:59 PM. Reason : ]
1/26/2011 4:58:35 PM
1/26/2011 5:08:33 PM
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1/26/2011 5:15:04 PM
I remember Wake losing to all the shitty teams earlier in the year and being, "holy fuck, this could be the worst team in the history of the ACC." Then I saw them beat Iowa in the Big 10 Challenge and I was like..."maybe I was wrong, they could win a few games in the ACC and just be the worst team this year in the ACC...not the history."Then I saw that Iowa really sucks too, then we beat the shit out of Wake, and now everybody in the ACC is beating the shit out of Wake, so now I'm like, "yeah, they're definitely the worst team in the history of the ACC."So boozie is retarded and so is adder. And I have no idea why Twista is even arguing with them about why Lowe is a better coach. [Waiting]Great...that's like saying you're the smartest kid with downs syndrome. [/Waiting][Edited on January 26, 2011 at 6:12 PM. Reason : .]
1/26/2011 6:05:17 PM
Why are we talking about Wake ITT?
1/26/2011 6:08:49 PM
how do you think we got to 255 pages chief?
1/26/2011 7:07:13 PM
I like going back in these threads sometimes and usually look for where I was an idiot and along the way read what some of the other Sports Talk "stars" had to say...this gem speaks for itself:
1/26/2011 7:14:41 PM
1/26/2011 7:19:17 PM
Hey guys! Sorry I'm late to the party!!! I just logged in to say: I was right! 3 years ago!
1/26/2011 7:19:47 PM
nah, you weren't right, and you're still a douche.Yeah, we really shit the bed against Clemson, but as mentioned earlier, for the first 15 mins of the game, we played great. Same with the Miami game. It's so damn frustrating [Edited on January 26, 2011 at 7:38 PM. Reason : ]
1/26/2011 7:34:56 PM
1/26/2011 7:50:42 PM
well, the delayed "Get Lowe" audio scared the living fuck out of me...
1/26/2011 7:57:09 PM
Same here.
1/26/2011 7:58:07 PM
+1.actually it happened twice.+2.
1/26/2011 7:59:49 PM