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All American
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Yeah, CNN has been more than a bit over the top with this the last couple of days. Clinton News Network indeed. They've been even worse than MSNBC the last few weeks.

6/7/2016 2:51:03 AM

26632 Posts
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The party has even told the media not to count delegates until the convention

6/7/2016 4:48:53 AM

50084 Posts
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Did CNN even call it or just report what dumb AP said.

I see no reason for them to have done that before today other than the "look at us, we were first" factor..

If all Bernie supporters were Reddit-like such as Earl no one could stand them. Thankfully they aren't..

6/7/2016 8:10:45 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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So when is Hillary going to jail again?

6/7/2016 8:26:41 AM

All American
10671 Posts
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^july 25th is prob the deadline

6/7/2016 9:11:06 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"lol cnn going hard with the size 72 font CLINCHED as a last minute effort to supress the vote in california."

too bad california doesn't just engage in good ole fashioned actual voter suppression by holding a caucus instead of a primary, right?

6/7/2016 9:28:17 AM

All American
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the will of the people

6/7/2016 5:05:29 PM

26632 Posts
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popular vote totals for primaries are meaningless

6/7/2016 5:27:59 PM

All American
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Bernie lost no matter how you want to count votes/delegates. Sorry he's not as popular or electable as you deluded yourself into believing.

[Edited on June 7, 2016 at 5:34 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2016 5:33:27 PM

26632 Posts
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That's not why he is losing, but looking at total votes in a primary is absolutely meaningless

And Clinton hasn't won yet, a lot can still happen, remember that RFK was assassinated in June in California

6/7/2016 6:17:25 PM

All American
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6/7/2016 6:18:47 PM

All American
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such a troll

6/7/2016 6:24:18 PM

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6/7/2016 6:39:56 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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You guys act like this is sports rooting against a team because their fans are annoying. This is not sports. This is too serious for that petty stuff.

6/7/2016 7:16:24 PM

All American
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It only seems like sports because a bunch of people are complaining about the rules and being poor sports about the current political process which has essentially been the same for years. We tried to tell you it was over months ago, but you wouldn't listen.

6/7/2016 7:29:05 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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No we knew it was over months ago and that was the problem. It was over years ago. We know its been this wat for a very long time and thats also why we are so passionate.

6/7/2016 8:00:21 PM

All American
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LOL whatever man. You said the bottom was falling out for Clinton after Bernie won a few inconsequential states in a row. You and other Bernie Babies worshiped him and refused to listen to any logic. Time to wake the fuck up and get with program.

6/7/2016 8:07:36 PM

The E Man
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The bottom DID fall out for clinton. She might not even beat tru p now and should beat him by 25.

6/7/2016 9:17:29 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Bernie Bros, Bernie Bots, Bernie Babies... you sound like an adolescent.

6/7/2016 11:28:50 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Somebody hasn't seen tonight's results.

[Edited on June 7, 2016 at 11:30 PM. Reason : ^^]

6/7/2016 11:29:02 PM

All American
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^^ you sound like a Bernie Baby

6/7/2016 11:30:06 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
" after Bernie tied a few inconsequential states in a row"


6/7/2016 11:31:35 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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when urite, URITE.

6/7/2016 11:34:47 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Seriously, it's not a good look.

6/7/2016 11:41:56 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"hat's not why he is losing, but looking at total votes in a primary is absolutely meaningless

And Clinton hasn't won yet, a lot can still happen, remember that RFK was assassinated in June in California

these are words from a rapid Bernie supporter, and you're calling me an adolescent for using a term coined for people exactly like him? k

If someone could post some type of crying Jordan meme for Bernie, I'd call it a night for TSB.

[Edited on June 7, 2016 at 11:51 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2016 11:47:18 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"popular vote totals for primaries are meaningless"

not when delegates are awarded proportionally, you ignorant fuck

6/7/2016 11:51:35 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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I don't see what your point is, other than the fact that Hillary Clinton made a statement, similar to the second sentence you quoted, about Barack Obama in 2008.

My point was that your childish name-calling isn't going to attract any fence-sitters to Hillary Clinton's candidacy.

[Edited on June 7, 2016 at 11:55 PM. Reason : ]

6/7/2016 11:53:03 PM

All American
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to be fair, the only childish name calling i'm doing should apply to earl and dtownral. those bastards have it coming.

6/7/2016 11:55:17 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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only a bernie bro would not vote for clinton because of something said on a fucking internet forum


[Edited on June 7, 2016 at 11:57 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2016 11:56:31 PM

play so hard
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Nice to see Guth and Earl morphing into the same user ITT.

6/7/2016 11:59:01 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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OK. As promised, I'm done with TWW for tonight. Far more entertainment going on Twitter anyway:

[Edited on June 8, 2016 at 12:05 AM. Reason : .]

6/8/2016 12:04:24 AM

play so hard
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6/8/2016 12:20:43 AM

All American
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Oof, Bernie got frogstomped in NJ. Didn't see that big a margin of victory for Clinton coming. Pretty good day for Clinton overall. Still don't like the media's coverage and the "oh she's won already" stuff that was on every station on Monday, but I doubt very much that it would have mattered.

She's going in pretty weak overall, but she's got a legit claim on the nomination now. Bernie should have been more aggressive from the outset. Those early big losses really cost him.

6/8/2016 12:29:51 AM

All American
38980 Posts
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pretty hilarious that the excuse for a rabid base not showing up to vote for their favorite candidate is the AP calling the primary for Clinton the night before California

and given who she's going up against in the general, I don't think she's going in weak at all

[Edited on June 8, 2016 at 12:39 AM. Reason : .]

6/8/2016 12:38:20 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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A buddy ofine worked phones for bernie and tried to call supporterd to remind them to go vote today and most of the people didnt realize the primary was still happening since hillary was already the nominee. A lot of people even thought it was hillary vs trump today. Cant blame them really.

6/8/2016 12:51:35 AM

All American
3494 Posts
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Wait wait wait, the major news media puts out a story the day before the biggest primary election that one candidate already won, thus giving the other one's supporters a reason not to vote?


The story was generated by the Clinton campaign and pushed to the media last week.

But remember, it's the Democratic Party.

You know, like, democracy?

6/8/2016 1:19:26 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
"A buddy ofine worked phones for bernie and tried to call supporterd to remind them to go vote today and most of the people didnt realize the primary was still happening since hillary was already the nominee. A lot of people even thought it was hillary vs trump today. Cant blame them really."

Yeah, you absolutely can blame them. It's probably for the best that people this fucking stupid didn't get out and vote.

I honestly have very little pity, sympathy, or empathy for people like that. Every year I'm more and more convinced that we should be making it harder to vote, not easier.

6/8/2016 1:38:43 AM

50084 Posts
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How fucking far removed from the process does one have to be to think that it was Clinton versus Trump in CA. I'm surprised those people remember they need to breathe let alone vote.

6/8/2016 8:07:21 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Quote :
"only a bernie bro would not vote for clinton because of something said on a fucking internet forum"

In addition to the various other reasons why someone may not want to vote for her, it could possibly be the difference between someone holding their nose at the ballot box and skipping the presidential portion of their ballot altogether.

UJustWait84 already stated that he voted for Hillary over Bernie in the California primary because of his impression of Bernie Supporters' online behavior. It's not going to be the sole factor in someone's decision, but it could be a factor.

[Edited on June 8, 2016 at 8:43 AM. Reason : ]

6/8/2016 8:42:46 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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i love the blaming of the AP.

the bernie folks have been turning out be the 10's of thousands for rallies. he brags about the millions of small donations that have funded his campaign. for better or worse, they are by far the most...passionate...supporters I've come across this election.

and then they decide to stay home because of a newspaper story? foh.

furthermore, the argument you're making against the AP calling it the day before is an argument against freedom of press. the AP had confirmed that there were enough delegates to put clinton past the mark. to not run the story would be journalistic malfeasance. you're essentially saying that they should spike a story for the benefit of sanders, which is completely bullshit.

6/8/2016 9:04:29 AM

26632 Posts
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6/8/2016 9:05:14 AM

All American
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^^ yep. pretty hilarious that the Bernie mantra of "don't believe the mainstream media" was huge motivator all throughout the primaries, yet suddenly, on the day that it probably mattered the most, the mantra supposedly didn't mean anything and Sanders supporters finally faced the music and didn't bother to show up to the polls.

furthermore, there were other important things to vote for on the ballot yesterday (at least in CA), so people should have still gone to the polls anyway to vote if they really cared about politics.

the reality is that a lot of Bernie Bros are not only delusional, they're stupid and lazy too. Earl's personal anecdote is a perfect reflection of this.

[Edited on June 8, 2016 at 10:36 AM. Reason : .]

6/8/2016 10:29:10 AM

8379 Posts
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haha wow dude. kicking it up a notch today.

6/8/2016 10:45:09 AM

26632 Posts
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6/8/2016 10:46:24 AM

All American
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from 538:

Quote :
"Clinton’s victory was larger than most public pollsters anticipated. Why? It’s not entirely clear, though it’s not because Sanders’s voters didn’t come out to vote once news organizations called Clinton the presumptive nominee on Monday night. In fact, it seems pollsters missed Clinton’s large early voting advantage. The illustrious Field Poll, for instance, had Clinton ahead by only 7 percentage points among those who had cast a ballot by late May, which was clearly too low. A large exit poll of voters who had cast their ballot by mail as of June 4, conducted by Sextant Strategies & Research, had her up only 12 percentage points, which again was far too low.

What is clear is that Clinton did very well across the state. She is leading in all the major population centers, including Alameda County (Oakland), Los Angeles County, Orange County (Anaheim), Sacramento County, San Diego County, San Francisco County and Santa Clara County (San Jose and Silicon Valley). Clinton’s advantage in all those places was about 10 percentage points or greater. The few counties where Sanders was ahead had much smaller populations."

oh wait, they're part of the big, bad, corporate media too. even though they've successfully called pretty much every single contest. haha

6/8/2016 10:53:42 AM

50084 Posts
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FWIW the only person you're arguing with is a noted troll. Earl is the only conspiracy moron on here who is losing his mind.

6/8/2016 10:56:53 AM

All American
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I'd throw dtownral in there too given the fact that he's clinging the hope for an assignation attempt

6/8/2016 11:03:46 AM

8379 Posts
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that was a joke based on Hillary's own comments in 2008

6/8/2016 11:08:38 AM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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The way the party leadership has acted through this cluster has made me ashamed to be a member of this party.

I would never vote for Trump, but Hillary will have to work for my vote. The Democratic Party will also have to work to keep my affiliation. The first step will have to be the removal of Debbie Wazzername.

6/8/2016 11:12:45 AM

50084 Posts
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I do find it quite funny that noted supporters of the Progressive agenda Breitbart has taken up for Bernie. Almost like they are trying to play to the emotions of a certain group of people..

6/8/2016 11:14:12 AM

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