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1310 Posts
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Quote :
"Oppose Libyan revolution?"

dude it is ron paul, he is about as noninterventionalist as you can get

2/2/2012 4:44:05 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Being non-interventionist has nothing to do with being for or against Libyan revolution. He's opposed to U.S. military backed Libyan revolution.

2/2/2012 5:36:16 PM

1310 Posts
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which is why he got a 1

2/2/2012 5:37:29 PM

Garage Mod
12301 Posts
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Quote :
"Here is an interesting tool I found the other day that compares the republican candidates and Obama. I aligned with Paul, then Gingrich."

i got Paul, Obama, Romney/Santorum tie

2/2/2012 5:47:41 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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^^So the default position is that for anything goes on, the U.S. military should be involved? This is why we can't have nice things.

2/2/2012 5:50:52 PM

1310 Posts
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I'm not disagreeing with what you posted ^, I just find it absurd you can't grasp why Paul is a 1 on that particular question.

2/2/2012 5:53:22 PM

All American
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Krugman does a pretty masterful job of shredding Romney here.

Quote :
"So Mr. Romney’s position seems to be that we need not worry about the poor thanks to programs that he insists, falsely, don’t actually help the needy, and which he intends, in any case, to destroy."

I really can't understand why any conservative would be optimistic about Romney's chances. Before the primary ever began and the economic recovery anemic, people thought he was an extremely weak candidate with little hope of beating Obama in the GE. The conventional wisdom back then was that a stronger candidate would emerge from the primary and take the nomination.

Well, that didn't happen, and instead Romney was "tested" against quite possibly the worst field in history. His favorability ratings have dropped the more he's had to speak in public. He's been exposed as basically a figurehead for the business behavior that the entire country turned against during the financial crisis. He has no charisma and commits gaff after gaff after gaff. The cornerstone of the GOP's attack is Obamacare, yet Romney was basically it's father.

Obama couldn't have created a better GOP candidate to run against in a lab. Besides all that, the economy is showing real progress which almost makes the election moot regardless of who the candidate is. It gets even worse when you start looking at Romney's chances in individual states. He's already behind in Ohio and Florida. To win, he basically needs to win Michigan or Pennsylvania, which is an almost laughable proposition. Someone show me a realistic electoral map that has Romney winning. Here's one that has him winning every red state Obama turned in 2008, Ohio, and Florida. He still loses.

Given current economic trends, how exactly does Romney have a chance?

2/3/2012 1:48:24 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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nice map-

keep dreaming.

2/3/2012 1:54:27 PM

All American
25822 Posts
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yall crazy conservatives, Mitt is so fake...he is such a bad pretender to care (Bill Clinton is the champ)....he comes across so fake it is sad....this is the best yall can do? He isnt a conservative, he is a moderate and Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare....he will repeal it, yeah

He is almost a RINO.

[Edited on February 3, 2012 at 5:52 PM. Reason : w]

2/3/2012 5:51:23 PM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
" GOP contender Rick Santorum had a heated exchange with a mother and her sick young son Wednesday, arguing that drug companies were entitled to charge whatever the market demanded for life-saving therapies.
Santorum, himself the father of a child with a rare genetic disorder, compared buying drugs to buying an iPad, and said demand would determine the cost of medical therapies.
“People have no problem paying $900 for an iPad,” Santorum said, “but paying $900 for a drug they have a problem with — it keeps you alive. Why? Because you’ve been conditioned to think health care is something you can get without having to pay for it.”
The mother said the boy was on the drug Abilify, used to treat schizophrenia, and that, on paper, its costs would exceed $1 million each year.
Santorum said drugs take years to develop and cost millions of dollars to produce, and manufacturers need to turn a profit or they would stop developing new drugs."

1. iPads don't cost $900.
2. Not everybody owns an iPad.
3. Those that do don't buy a new one once a month.
4. Rick Santorum is a cunt.

2/3/2012 7:17:01 PM

1310 Posts
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Quote :
"yall crazy conservatives, Mitt is so fake...he is such a bad pretender to care (Bill Clinton is the champ)....he comes across so fake it is sad....this is the best yall can do? He isnt a conservative, he is a moderate and Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare....he will repeal it, yeah

He is almost a RINO."

I'm trying not to get too worked up by a post on tww. But between bragging about Clintons "pretending" ability, or mocking the GOP like they are happy this is their best candidate... or the fact that in 2008 with the winds at their back, 47% voted for the other guy... I just do not like this post. It reeks of overconfidence.

2/4/2012 1:38:20 PM

All American
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^^ what he pointed out is technically correct, but also explains why we (humans) formed in to governed societies. We realized that these big tasks require lots of resources, and we use gov. to help socialize these resources so they are accessible my more people.

It's strange that if Santorum took things just 1 logical step more, he might have figured this out.

2/4/2012 1:43:59 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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You have to be fucked in the head to think that drug prices are the free market at work. 900 dollar pills are purely a result of government.

2/4/2012 2:59:51 PM

All American
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So what you're saying is that the drug companies can make the same drugs and do the same research they do now, but with less money than they are making now?

2/4/2012 3:04:24 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Yes. They're making a killing due to intellectual property. That's how they get away with making 5,000 dollar heart pills that could be manufactured and designed cheaply. They happened to be the first ones to get a patent approved, and they get to charge whatever the want for X number of years.

2/4/2012 3:16:51 PM

All American
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If you own a drug company that has a cure for a disease that only 10 people in the world have and one of those 10 people is able to give you $10m for it and the other 9 are only able to give you $500k for it each, which option do you choose? If you are a company motivated by profit, there is only one choice regardless of the fact that it's possible to save everyone's life. Same concept applied to real life, only on a larger scale.

Although I have HUGE issues with the patent system as well.

[Edited on February 4, 2012 at 3:54 PM. Reason : ]

2/4/2012 3:54:21 PM

supple anteater
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2/4/2012 4:14:22 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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lame. anne richard already used it

2/4/2012 4:48:35 PM

All American
4328 Posts
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yeh dumb cartoon

2/4/2012 7:54:59 PM

All American
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crazy...that Las Vegas mogul puts $10M in a SuperPAC for Gingrich and he doesn't even have a functioning staff/HQ in Nevada...we'll see what he says at his "press conference"

2/4/2012 9:26:00 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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WRAL is getting pretty mormony-focused with their article on Romney's victory tonight:

Quote :
"Conservatives, Mormons help Romney win Nevada

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney rode his best performance yet among conservatives and overwhelming backing from Mormons to his emphatic victory Saturday in Nevada's Republican presidential contest, according to preliminary results of a poll of voters entering the caucuses."

Quote :
"One in 4 voters Saturday was Mormon, Romney's religion, and 9 in 10 of them backed him."

Quote :
"Underscoring Romney's reliance on Mormons, they provided him with more than 4 in 10 of his votes on Saturday. Each of his rivals received less than 1 in 10 of their votes from Mormons."

Quote :
"Gingrich and Texas Rep. Ron Paul each took about 1 in 4 of Saturday's non-Mormon voters."

2/4/2012 10:47:58 PM

All American
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The Mormons have been breeding like crazy. It was only a matter of time before they became a small political force in some states.

2/5/2012 1:33:22 AM

All American
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Mormons are the new black.

2/5/2012 1:42:21 AM

1310 Posts
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^^^i disagree with your characterization of WRAL.

2/5/2012 11:38:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
""Look, I'm glad the economy is starting to recover but I think it's because of what Republican governors are doing in their states. Not because of the president," McDonnell said on CNN's State of the Union.


[Edited on February 5, 2012 at 1:58 PM. Reason : :]

2/5/2012 1:57:49 PM

All American
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I don't think you can necessarily say the recovery was due to Obama, but considering they been saying his policies are doom, they will look really dumb trying to explain a non doom realty, kind of like the hyper inflation nuts.

Romney strategy has been to repeat lies over and over though, which works really well with people. I hope the Obama people are thinking of ways to counter this.

2/5/2012 2:09:17 PM

434 Posts
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What is this "recovery" you speak of? Is it bc the unemployment rate is down to 8.3% due to the massaging of numbers? What about the underemployed who took a part time job? What about those who have exceeded their unemployment benefits and still dont have a job? What about those who have stopped looking for a job?

Call me pessimistic, but unless Europe can get their debt crisis solved and our congress can settle on a budget that reduces spending and debt, we are still fucked. 4 years in a row of a trillion+ deficit is not sustainable, and the market will not recover until their is a sentiment that this is being solved.

2/5/2012 2:41:11 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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^^ can't be serious.

If anything things are much much worse than even Romney says

2/6/2012 12:43:11 AM

All American
4852 Posts
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Quote :
"""Look, I'm glad the economy is starting to recover but I think it's because of what Republican governors are doing in their states. Not because of the president," McDonnell said on CNN's State of the Union."

Lol, meanwhile:

Quote :
"What is this "recovery" you speak of? Is it bc the unemployment rate is down to 8.3% due to the massaging of numbers? What about the underemployed who took a part time job? What about those who have exceeded their unemployment benefits and still dont have a job? What about those who have stopped looking for a job?"

The answer to every single one of your questions is: All of those categories are seeing some degree of recovery, yes.

Also, how are you so sure about this massaging of numbers? Where are you getting your correct numbers that you're comparing with? Conservatives seem to respond to the original numbers as massaged, and every revision as just further massaging, regardless of the content. Unless the numbers look bad, then there's no accusations of massaging. I'm just curious where you guys are getting your "real" numbers, or if you simply accuse the government of "massaging" any time the numbers don't fit your narrative, regardless of whatever proof or lack thereof you have to support that accusation.

[Edited on February 7, 2012 at 2:00 PM. Reason : .]

2/7/2012 1:55:08 PM

All American
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More "massaged" numbers for you folks to mull over.

Quote :
"There were 3.4 million job openings on the last business day of December, up from 3.1 million in November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.
Although the number of job openings remained below the 4.4 million openings when the recession began in December 2007, the number of job openings has increased 39 percent since the end of the recession in June 2009."

Quote :
"The consumer is beginning to take on debt for the first time in the recovery. Credit outstanding rose $19.3 billion in December following November's breakthrough gain of $20.4 billion. Both months saw significant gains for revolving credit, up $2.8 billion in December following November's $5.6 billion surge. Up until now, consumers had been limiting their credit card usage. "

2/7/2012 3:54:08 PM

1310 Posts
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looks like my man santorum is going to have a good night. remember, romney is too perfect, and the 3rd wife can't be the first lady.

2/7/2012 9:41:38 PM

The E Man
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HTF do missouri decides who gets their delegates? This is crazy. They should all be going to ricky with +50%

2/7/2012 10:34:55 PM

The E Man
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Look how extreme America has become. Obama is the new Bush and Romney is the new Mccain. Everyone has shifted to the right.

2/8/2012 12:00:28 AM

All American
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Missouri has a caucus later to determine delegates.

2/8/2012 1:27:23 AM

All American
5523 Posts
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^^ yea they even said last night that in Minnesota Romney ran as the more conservative alternative to McCain and now Santorum is running as the more conservative Romney..

so McCain -> Romney -> Santorum.

2/8/2012 9:29:49 AM

1919 Posts
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IMO, The GOP is falling apart.

I think over the next decade, to be successful, the GOP needs to shift more towards libertarian policy and away from Christian fundamentalism.

2/8/2012 9:36:29 AM

Garage Mod
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^ i can only hope so

2/8/2012 10:01:10 AM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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I'd doubt it. See who you are up against:

2/8/2012 10:31:20 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Many of these people supporting Santorum believe that they have been anointed by God to bring about the end times and spread His will using government force. They will not be easy to marginalize because they are delusional and highly motivated.

2/8/2012 11:06:16 AM

All American
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Just to put things in perspective, Santorum has now won more states than Romney while spending $30 million less.

2/8/2012 11:12:02 AM

All American
9053 Posts
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I can hear the "four more years" chants getting louder and louder

2/8/2012 4:00:07 PM

All American
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It's not even about Obama getting a second term, it's about whether the GOP should get a first.

2/8/2012 4:35:01 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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honestly, at this point, I think the GOP has Obama as their candidate, because the rest of that trainwreck is sad

2/8/2012 5:12:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
" The Republican Party's socially conservative base, conflicted for months over which presidential candidate to back, is increasingly coalescing behind Rick Santorum in a shift that some observers say may energize his bid and slow Mitt Romney's momentum"


It'll be sad if he somehow manages to win, but i don't think anyone here is a Santorum supporter that I can think of... TSB will never be the same...

2/9/2012 12:46:04 AM

1310 Posts
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I think he is the strongest republican candidate, personally.

2/9/2012 12:54:41 AM

All American
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Because he has the smallest record to attack. If he actually won, Obama would win in such a landslide that the Republican Party would crumble in days after the election. That might even be the event that causes the end of the world in 2012. It would be that epic.

2/9/2012 6:32:44 AM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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if Santorum wins, the ass-kicking he will take from Obama and the resulting landslide just might be enough to kick the GOP in the pants hard enough to stop courting the religious right nutjobs and actually return to its small-gov't roots

2/9/2012 8:16:01 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I don't know enough about politics to answer this, but how much did the Democrat Party restructure itself after the 1984 election when they only managed to win one state

2/9/2012 8:33:26 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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a lot. It's helped ushered in an age of neo-liberalism. It's why Clinton courted Robert Rubin and brought in the Wall Street era of the Democratic party. They kept talking left but started walking to the right when it came to big business.

Remember, 90s era Democrats endorsed NAFTA, and helped remove Glass-Steagal.

Matt Taibbi on the modern left:

[Edited on February 9, 2012 at 9:17 AM. Reason : ]

2/9/2012 9:10:35 AM

1310 Posts
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obama v romney
obama v santorum
obama v gingrich

out of those, santorum comes the closest to beating obama

2/9/2012 3:24:21 PM

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