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Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"I have difficulty associating with those who are stuck in the matrix"


12/6/2005 11:50:16 AM

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More MSM response to Professor Steven E. Jones. Check out this hit piece.

Quote :
"Jonesing on conspiracy theories

By Bill Steigerwald
Sunday, November 20, 2005

You can drive yourself nuts with conspiracy theories.

Many of our fellow Americans already have. Just go to the nearest PC and start googling. The Oklahoma City bombing. TWA Flight 800. The 9/11 terror attacks.

Was Timothy McVeigh actually in cahoots with Iraqis? Were scores of credible witnesses just having simultaneous hallucinations in 1996 when they saw something streaking toward TWA Flight 800? Or were they all really watching a shoulder-fired Stinger missile shot by some al-Qaida type?

Who knows what really happened? How can a good citizen ever find out the truth or anything close to it? Even with the wonders of the Internet, it's somewhere between hopeless and impossible.

Look what happens when you read the academic paper questioning the official version of the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings that Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones recently posted at

Jones is an honest-to-goodness scientist whose specialties are metal-catalyzed fusion, solar energy and something called archaeometry. The 9,000-word abstract, part of a 2006 book called "The Hidden History of 9/11/2001," asks, "Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Collapse?"

Hint: The correct answer is not because two airliners slammed into the buildings and started infernos that softened their steel superstructures and caused them to pancake.

Based on the laws of physics, the virtual indestructibility of steel-framed buildings and the suspiciously fast way WTC towers 1, 2 and especially 7 collapsed, Jones asserts they could only have been brought down the same way Three Rivers Stadium was -- by pre-positioned explosives.

Now, that's a conspiracy!

Professor Jones really did his science homework. He supplies links to slow-motion video of collapsing buildings, discuses their well-engineered innards at length and doggedly critiques the official explanation. Jones isn't the first to make this shocking/unbelievable claim (see But it's hard to imagine anyone making it clearer.

His most impressive argument: The mysterious way that WTC 7 -- a 47-story, steel-framed monolith that suffered almost no serious structural or fire damage -- dropped with symmetric precision neatly into its own footprint seven hours after the attacks.

You don't have to be a physicist to see that WTC 7's graceful, 6.6-second demise deserves a perfect 10 in the controlled-demolition event. It's also interesting to know that no steel-framed building in history ever totally collapsed from a fire until 9/11/2001, when three did in about eight hours.

Like any good conspiracy-monger, Jones raises lots of good but unanswerable questions and supplies few answers.
He doesn't pretend to know who'd actually do such a terrible thing, or how they managed to pre-place all those explosives without being caught. He doesn't finger the Conspiracy Industry's usual suspects -- the CIA, the Jews, the Michigan Militia, the neocons -- but says it probably wasn't Muslims.

Jones, who wasn't returning calls Wednesday evening, asks only that his hypothesis be investigated scientifically by a truly independent body. That completely rules out the U.S. government -- which is just as well.

No matter how obvious, simple or logical it sounds, you should never completely believe the official version. And given our federal government's sorry track record on truth-telling, that's the only rational thing a good citizen should do."

Well, at least he made a good point in the last paragraph. But the article is still a smear against Jones and other 9/11 skeptics.

From the article:

Quote :
"Like any good conspiracy-monger, Jones raises lots of good but unanswerable questions and supplies few answers."

1. "conspiracy-monger"? LOL. Childish smear tactics 101. That's mighty persuasive.
2. "Supplies few answers"? The author of this hit piece doesn't do much of anything to attempt to refute the argument that explosives brought down the towers (he even alludes that WTC 7's collapse was the result of a controlled demolition), but "calls out" Jones for not fingering the specific persons who placed the explosives. Wow. That's impressive logic. I guess since he didn't name the culprits, there were no explosives in the towers and they collapsed due to fire just like the good 'ol guvmint said. Case closed. Back to bear and football.

[Edited on December 6, 2005 at 12:20 PM. Reason : `]

12/6/2005 12:15:10 PM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"You can drive yourself nuts with conspiracy theories."

12/6/2005 12:20:05 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
""conspiracy-monger"? LOL. Childish smear tactics 101. That's mighty persuasive."

Sounds accurate to the rest of us.

So we can assume that Bill Steigerwald is a part of the NWO?

12/6/2005 12:21:52 PM

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salisbury on mardi gras

12/6/2005 12:27:04 PM

9434 Posts
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I missed this gem the first time I read the article:

Quote :
"Like any good conspiracy-monger, Jones raises lots of good but unanswerable questions and supplies few answers"

"unanswerable" questions? Exactly what is "unanswerable"? We can't find out exactly what caused the towers to collapse? We can never know if there were, in fact, explosives in the twin towers and WTC 7 or if they collapsed due to explosives?

Why are the questions "unanswerable"? Is there no evidence? Has the evidence been destroyed? Are we too stupid to be able to find the answer? OR, is he manipulating us into believing we can never know the answer, when in fact we CAN know the answer?

Since, we "can never know the answer" to these questions (as he suggests), where does that leave us? Are we just to believe the government's story since we're too stupid to find out the answer by ourselves?

Ok. I give up. We can never know the answer. Guess I'll just have to believe whatever the government says.

12/6/2005 12:29:12 PM

All American
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no no...youo continue to believe everything that prisonplanet says...please...its more entertaining for us...

12/6/2005 12:32:56 PM

Mr. Joshua
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If the questions are indeed answerable, why haven't you been able to prove a single thing in 39 pages?

12/6/2005 12:38:47 PM

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12/6/2005 12:41:26 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Why would the global elite allow a film like the Matrix to come out? It only gave fuel to the tin foil hatters and gave them catch phrases.

12/6/2005 12:44:49 PM

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VIDEO: Professor Steven E. Jones on MSNBC with Tucker Carlson regarding explosives in the WTC*wingover

12/6/2005 2:27:59 PM

All American
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^ a fucking crock of shit.

that "professor" is a sack of shit.

Quote :
"There is a Hypothesis....Two hypotheses...ummm, what we actually have here, is three hypotheses."

yeah.....he sounds credible.

12/6/2005 2:33:44 PM

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More eyewitness testimony of explosions just before the collapse.

Here's the testimony of Daniel Rivera (Paramedic, EMS) from the 9/11 emergency personnel tapes released in August:

Quote :
""It was a frigging noise. At first I thought it was -- do you ever see professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear "Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop" That's exactly what -- because I thought it was that. When I heard that frigging noise, that's when I saw the building coming down.""

See page 9 of PDF file for above quote.

[Edited on December 6, 2005 at 2:53 PM. Reason : `]

12/6/2005 2:52:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"At first I thought it was"

Quote :
"That's exactly what -- because I thought it was that"

[Edited on December 6, 2005 at 2:57 PM. Reason : .]

12/6/2005 2:56:50 PM

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12/6/2005 5:04:03 PM

All American
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I personally never realized that paramedics were experts on demolitions.

I think i'm more convinced than I was before that there is NO conspiracy theory with the WTC. None of Salisburyboy's whacko ideas make any sense, and all of his links have holes in them.

[Edited on December 6, 2005 at 5:12 PM. Reason : d]

12/6/2005 5:06:59 PM

All American
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Even if there isn't, the government took the opportunity to pass fascist legislation which is being (and will continue to be) used to slowly erode our freedoms away. They fed on the fear of the people, and declared anyone who spoke out against the acts was obviously a terriorist sympathizer and wanted America to fail. Nearly all of the Senators/Congressmen on Capital Hill are guilty of treason along with all of the members of the executive branch.

12/6/2005 6:55:23 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^ Do you even know what fascism is?

12/6/2005 6:57:12 PM

All American
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Of course I do or I wouldn't have used the term

12/6/2005 7:06:15 PM

All American
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o no not our freedoms

12/6/2005 7:26:50 PM

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12/8/2005 10:00:22 AM

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Village Voice Asks Ten Big Questions About 9/11:,murphy,70685,6.html

Quote :
"Open and Shut

Four years later, we still have ten big questions

by Jarrett Murphy
December 5th, 2005


6. Why did 7 WTC fall?


7. How did the twin towers fall?

Many FDNY personnel who saw the south tower collapse reported explosions at the lower levels as the top began collapsing. These reports, as well as "squibs" of smoke seen on video of the collapses, have led to theories that the towers were brought down in controlled explosions.
NIST dismisses these notions, claiming that the puffs of smoke were the result of air being forced down by the top of the tower collapsing.

NIST said the towers fell because the planes shook fireproofing loose from the steel superstructure, and the fire heated the floor-supporting trusses so much that they pulled in on support columns that were already holding more than their regular load. But NIST's computer simulation stops at the point the collapse begins, and does not document exactly how the rest of the buildings crumbled in 10 seconds. The reason for this omission could be the sheer complexity of the computations—even NIST's simplified model took weeks to run on a computer.

Conspiracy theorists aren't the only ones who dispute NIST's version: Some fire scientists also take issue with the institute's methods and conclusions. And the point isn't just historical. The lessons learned from the WTC collapse will inform decisions about the safety of other modern office towers."

So, even the left is asking why WTC 7 and the twin towers fell and is talking about the reported explosions in the twin towers. I guess it's not just "those wacko conspiracy nuts" anymore.

[Edited on December 8, 2005 at 12:05 PM. Reason : `]

12/8/2005 11:55:00 AM

Mr. Joshua
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^ The left and the right are the same thing. You said it yourself.

12/8/2005 11:59:51 AM

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Quote :
"The left and the right are the same thing. You said it yourself."

Well, to be clear...what I have said is that both the left and right (ie, the republicans and the democrats) are controlled by the Zionist elite and implement their agenda. The left and right obviously have some differences. For example, the left/democrats are in favor of abortion and gun control and big government, while the right/republicans claim to oppose those things. In reality, both parties work to implement a pro-abortion, pro-gun control, big government agenda. That's why Bush does nothing about illegal immigration, proposes amnesty for illegals, calls the minutemen "vigilantes", openly supports extending the assault weapons ban, and has jacked the national debt up 3 trillion dollars and vastly expanded the size and power of government.

But there is a difference between the controlled politicians and top party officials and the duped masses of common people who identify with the republicans and democrats. The common people who still support either party are not aware of the fact that the parties are controlled by the elite and are implementing the same big government socialist agenda.

Too many people, including those in the left and the right, are starting to question 9/11. That's why you see "alternative" media publications, even now the village voice, addressing these issues. Even they can't ignore the issue when so many people are talking about it. But this discussion is still "relegated" and confined to the alternative press, and is virtually ignored in the Zionist controlled MSM and by the politicians.

[Edited on December 8, 2005 at 12:16 PM. Reason : `]

12/8/2005 12:12:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Too many people, including those in the left and the right, are starting to question 9/11."

I'm sure that the MSM and politicians will start to care if these people can ever prove anything.

12/8/2005 12:17:57 PM

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Danish 911 website with many good video clips

Quote :
"This site will be translated into english. For now it's written in danish.
But look ahead anyway. You will find evidence in government complicity and images/videos you probably never has seen before.

12/9/2005 2:28:44 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Wow! A different website with the exact same stuff on it! I'm convinced!

12/9/2005 2:32:35 PM

All American
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12/23/2005 10:59:44 PM

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whats the point bringing this to the top now?

12/24/2005 9:11:31 AM

Starting Lineup
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What really happened September 11th: Whatever the media says happened, as what they say is what will most likely be used to write the history books. Everything else will be lost forever, except to consipiracy theorists, and the aliens, of course.

12/25/2005 12:26:36 AM

All American
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2/28/2006 8:30:02 AM

All American
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good job showing how the mods around here are.

2/28/2006 8:31:23 AM

All American
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hahaha i love this thread, this is like the 10th time ive brought it back to the top. 9 of those were from long before i was a mod. anyways... id really like to suspend you myself for being a total fucking crybaby, but i guess i'll just wait till duke gets on to take care of that.

2/28/2006 8:34:00 AM

All American
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2/28/2006 8:53:41 AM

All American
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2/28/2006 7:14:20 PM

All American
990 Posts
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can moderators go to war? is this even possible? hmmm... i wonder if hte jews would stop it?

3/1/2006 2:48:53 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^ the jews orchestrated the mod war

3/1/2006 3:13:52 PM

All American
3194 Posts
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so where are all the structural analysis and materials science studies?

lately, I've had trouble sleeping and need something to read at night.

3/1/2006 4:20:17 PM

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