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All American
38975 Posts
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Quote :
"Well it's about damn time; this is what should have been happening for the last 3 years. At least half of America is fed up with watching our cities burn without consequence."

fuck you

2/18/2017 9:00:06 PM

50084 Posts
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Honestly, what state of delusion are you in to think that is reality? I assume everyone on here is college educated, no?

That's not to say we don't NEED to improve the inner city and rural America but to think the way to do that is by force is just all sorts of shitty and crazy.

[Edited on February 18, 2017 at 9:36 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2017 9:35:58 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Comparing protests in the US to "protests" in Syria is comical. Is our CIA going to back foreign born militants disguised as protesters in the US with financing, small arms, anti-tank devices, and satellite intelligence, while the Russians provide Trump with air support?"

Look. I know reading comprehension isn't your thing, but I was clearly comparing protests in America with protests in Syria, clowning your notion that protests here should "will be met with the full force of the state" which exactly what Syria did when they started shooting peaceful protesters.

Quote :
"America should totally address protests like Syria did"

[Edited on February 19, 2017 at 12:02 AM. Reason : in no way did i mention air strikes or whatever else you're blathering about]

[Edited on February 19, 2017 at 12:03 AM. Reason : also our cities are *still* not burning, but i guess when your guy can spew complete lies and get away with it you think you can do the same. SAD!

2/19/2017 12:01:53 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Honestly, what state of delusion are you in to think that is reality? I assume everyone on here is college educated, no?

That's not to say we don't NEED to improve the inner city and rural America but to think the way to do that is by force is just all sorts of shitty and crazy."

It would've been a slightly more intelligent argument to hyperbolically argue our cities are *burning* due to inner city violence, but no...this dude was talking about #BLM etc protests

2/19/2017 12:15:12 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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It seems pretty likely to me that the next round of protests over a police killing will be met with force from the police. I don't think that's hyperbolic. That's the trend we've been witnessing, and with this administration, I think they have been given the implicit approval to advance their tactics at crowd control.

And the sad thing is, is that there are people on this board who would genuinely get off on seeing militarized police Kent State some protesters.

2/19/2017 3:57:48 AM

All American
22925 Posts
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There are people on this board who don't even know what you're talking about when you mention Kent State.

2/19/2017 8:08:43 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Initial reports of violence against protesters in Syria indicated more dead police officers than protesters. There was nothing "peaceful" about the protests against Assad; they were militant groups not-so-covertly funded by the US and other NATO countries trying to topple their 6th Arab government in a decade. Assad was right to fight back against a foreign sponsored coup attempt.

2/19/2017 8:42:15 AM

All American
33752 Posts
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I'm just glad the authoritians are dropping any pretense of civility ,and respect for civil rights and the constitution.

2/19/2017 9:14:43 AM

All American
38975 Posts
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oh god he's pro-Assad

2/19/2017 9:59:52 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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lol I fucking knew he would do that

Quote :
"there's a 73% chance that this post will get this dude to defend Assad and call the protesters that were shot *not* peaceful"

[Edited on February 19, 2017 at 10:38 AM. Reason : message_editpost.aspx?edit=16411360]

[Edited on February 19, 2017 at 10:44 AM. Reason : but then he took it to another level. there's a special kind of crazy on display ITT folks. holy shit.]

2/19/2017 10:37:35 AM

All American
33752 Posts
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We've got our very own bowling green attack believer, this is exciting.

2/19/2017 12:44:23 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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^^^^^ I bet most people who hear "Kent State" think a swarm of armed men shooting into crowds of peaceful children.

I think all of us should revisit the Kent State shootings.

Some of the signs are already here. Violent anarchists blending in with peaceful protesters, violent acts against those sworn to protect. Now all it needs is a valid reason for the protests (and being upset your candidate lost the election is NOT a valid reason; protesting a usurpation of the Constitution by starting a war in Cambodia is).

So it looks like the protesters now are doing the same things as then.

Why no shootings yet?

Because at least the governors have learned.

2/20/2017 7:05:14 AM

All American
27946 Posts
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Here's a good article:

2/20/2017 12:25:51 PM

All American
33752 Posts
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Quote :
" Trump also said that John Bolton, the former ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, who also interviewed for the job, will serve the administration in an unspecified capacity"

Ugh, he's bringing bolton on board, I thought we were done with this guy after he was thoroughly discredited for the Iraq war involvement.

2/20/2017 3:26:07 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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Does it matter anymore? I mean could things go any further into the twilight zone at this point?

2/20/2017 3:33:43 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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Quote :
"At least half of America is fed up with watching our cities burn without consequence"

Let's deconstruct this gem of a sentence a little bit. The word "watching" is particularly telling and important, because the people who believe "our cities burn" (and who presumably are fed up with it) are most definitely the ones watching it happen. As in, from a distance. They are not the people who actually live in the cities.

It's a typical case of the country mice being terrified of the city, partly out of baseless prejudice and partly because as a function of how media works - if it bleeds, it leads.

Meanwhile, the people who live int he cities are mostly pretty happy and were content enough with the status quo to vote for Obama twice and various Clintons a total of three times. Speaking as a fairly new urban resident, we're all very touched by your concern for our plight, but really we're doing OK and our biggest problem is the idiot president.

And let's extend this somewhat further. The country mice are all very afraid of terrorism. But the terrorists don't attack the country. They attack the cities. And speaking as a guy who works in possibly the biggest terrorist target area in the country, I'd feel a hell of a lot safer with someone competent at the helm.

2/20/2017 8:34:17 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Also, compared to 30 years ago. Our cities are very safe.

2/20/2017 9:06:54 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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^^I live in Baltimore. My office is two miles from where the riots occurred, and I had active projects in West Baltimore high rises at that time. Your assumptions are just that- ignorant uninformed assumptions.

2/20/2017 10:28:21 PM

All American
33752 Posts
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It's ignorant and uninformed to assert the cities are burning.

[Edited on February 20, 2017 at 11:04 PM. Reason : ]

2/20/2017 11:04:19 PM

All American
38975 Posts
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2 fuckin' miles

2/20/2017 11:26:13 PM

All American
7338 Posts
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2/21/2017 12:23:03 AM

26632 Posts
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donald trump can barely read

2/21/2017 8:59:53 AM

5608 Posts
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I know the last thing team #SJW wants to do is admit their "activist" fronts are nothing more riots... but when you take up thugs and felons as martyrs, use false narratives as your slogan, and protest "oppression" that doesn't exist...

Well, then it is just a bunch of emotional, unemployed, misguided idiots giving cover to the bad apples that light CVS's on fire.

But this is the atmosphere you can expect with 8 years of the race-baiting from the divider in chief, peddling his victimhood routine.

2/21/2017 11:47:29 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Look, at this city burn to the ground! Sad!

[Edited on February 21, 2017 at 12:08 PM. Reason : wrong pic: another debate I was having about 'murican riots.]

2/21/2017 11:57:46 AM

50084 Posts
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Obama was president when an American team beat them. Therefore, he's at fault.

Also, he implemented a price floor on pumpkins that was too high so he was the cause of the Keene Pumpkin Festival riot.

Divided in chief.

[Edited on February 21, 2017 at 12:00 PM. Reason : Drake supports UK so they are basically Canadian (boo to pic change)]

2/21/2017 11:59:43 AM

5608 Posts
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But guys, some sports fans build bon fires after a team won a championship! False Equivalency! Muh NARRATIVE!

2/21/2017 12:11:18 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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one is pointless. At least we agree on that.

[Edited on February 21, 2017 at 12:12 PM. Reason : Gnnnn]

2/21/2017 12:12:05 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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So why is it when it happens after a big old sporting event it doesn't cause mass hysteria and cries of cities burning to the ground? Would poor citizens like eleusis be terrified for their lives (2 miles away) if the Ravens ever won a Super Bowl and a riot ensued?

2/21/2017 12:21:24 PM

26632 Posts
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[Edited on February 21, 2017 at 12:29 PM. Reason : size]

2/21/2017 12:29:19 PM

5608 Posts
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*SJW brain interprets criticism of politically-instigated riots only along racial longs*

"But guys look white people riot resist? too!!!!"

2/21/2017 12:37:28 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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*Bigoted Conservative brain interprets any other kind of riot not associated with sporting events as being perpetrated by black people*

2/21/2017 12:41:20 PM

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2/21/2017 12:51:19 PM

50084 Posts
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Obviously protesting because of perceived oppression is far more understandable, even when it does turn ugly, than rioting because a fucking festival ran out of pumpkins.

I'll give [user]elesius[/user] the benefit of the doubt because of his own personal situation being so close but the media often overdoes just how nefarious these "riots" are. The D.C. one was pathetically small and contained.

2/21/2017 12:53:24 PM

All American
38975 Posts
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that dude doesn't deserve even a sliver of a benefit of the doubt

2/21/2017 1:03:14 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Quote :
"Does it matter anymore? I mean could things go any further into the twilight zone at this point?"

That's how they want you to feel. Don't bother paying attention or fighting it anymore, because it is what it is and how much worse could it get?

The answer is, a lot.

2/21/2017 3:50:14 PM

5608 Posts
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If there was a riot because someone ran out of pumpkins then that is stupid too.

My point is that the pumpkin riot isn't being instigated by divisive, race-baiting leftist politicians/George Soros that rely on convincing people they are victims of racism in all circumstances.

2/21/2017 4:17:49 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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Quote :
"I live in Baltimore. My office is two miles from where the riots occurred, and I had active projects in West Baltimore high rises at that time. Your assumptions are just that- ignorant uninformed assumptions."

I, too, live in Baltimore. Haven't seen much burning, myself. Decay, certainly. Poor local government. Less so the burning.

It isn't that I deny that the riots were rough. I've no doubt they were. At the time, I was in West Africa, and got caught in riots where they burned shit. Specifically, the street I lived on. Also, the only working fire engine in the town.

But rough though Baltimore's riots were (or those in a handful of other cities), those incidents don't equate to "cities burning." And though you live in the city and I was wrong to imply that you're out in the country, observing from afar, the facts stand. The people who are fed up - and who, in part, voted for Trump as a result - don't live in the cities. The people who live in the cities voted for Clinton.

Quote :
"politically-instigated riots"

Isn't this redundant? Are their non-political riots? I've never heard of a mob just spontaneously burning down their city for no reason.

2/21/2017 8:17:11 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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Sure, there are sports related riots

2/21/2017 9:10:10 PM

26632 Posts
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apparently also pumpkin related riots

2/21/2017 10:17:28 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"“This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine""

[Edited on February 21, 2017 at 11:09 PM. Reason : @mviser]

2/21/2017 11:08:45 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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2/21/2017 11:34:34 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Since the inauguration, anti-Semitic activity sky rocketed (48 Jewish communities targeted in 26 states).

Trump failed to even mention Jews in a speech about International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Then, while standing next to the Israeli Prime Minister, Trump dodged a question about the threats by shifting to his electoral college win.

Then, when a Jewish reporter says "I don't think you're anti-Semitic, but why haven't you condemned these actions?"...Trump told him to sit down and shut up because I guess he thought the guy was calling him anti-Semitic?

Then, when Trump finally acknowledged and condemned anti-Semitism in America, the Anne Frank Center called it too little too late and that it was like "putting a band-aid on cancer," to which Spicer said they should have in fact "praised" Trump for speaking out.

I can't take much more of this.

2/22/2017 2:44:46 AM

All American
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In all honesty here, that reporter knew what he was doing, and Trump called him out on it. He tried to correlate Trump's presidency with anti-Semitism when he should have just asked him if he was gonna comment on the growing number of anti-semitic threats/attacks. Period. Done.

Having said that, I found that Trump's reaction to a black reporter merely standing up to ask a question more appalling. He immediately cut off her and tip-toed around throwing the "you people all know each other" comment at her. Maybe those two have had some beef in the past, but he basically bullied her for being black and having an "in" with the black members of congress.

2/22/2017 4:58:34 AM

50084 Posts
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To be fair, one of this top advisors is basically boys with Richard Spencer who is a proud anti-semite. And then there is Bannon.

So while it's pretty obvious Trump is not in any way one, he has a very good reason not to offend those that are politically. Just like the reason he didn't mention Quebec publicly is because it doesn't fit the narrative he pushes.

2/22/2017 7:37:13 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Since the inauguration, anti-Semitic activity sky rocketed (48 Jewish communities targeted in 26 states). "


You hacks will parrot whatever the leftist propaganda tells you huh

Don't look at the overall trends, let's take a biased snapshot and compare apples to oranges to suggest it "sky rocketed". Fake News. Sad

2/22/2017 8:56:51 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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So where's your data on the overall trends to prove that statement is incorrect?

2/22/2017 9:08:18 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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correlation causation fallacy. As much as we would all like to pin it on him, there has to be more evidence than just a trend showing that he is directly involved or somehow inspiring people to commit these acts.

2/22/2017 9:18:29 AM

5608 Posts
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I'm telling you it is biased and meaningless, not incorrect.

On an annual basis, anti-Semitic crimes spiked under Obama. I don't recall the leftist propaganda mentioning that? Because it doesn't fit a narrative, perhaps?

The leftist media taking a 2 month snapshot of a statistic that varies greatly month to month to claim Trump is associated with anti-Semitism is predictable, as is the propensity of gullible hacks to eat it up. Sad!

2/22/2017 9:24:55 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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The media is just pushing a headline to give us something to think about. People have free will and can read it and respond however they'd like. It is not as if they are directly related to any form of policy or government.

[Edited on February 22, 2017 at 9:27 AM. Reason : a]

2/22/2017 9:27:37 AM

5608 Posts
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Right, it isn't as if the press is overwhelming left leaning, it's not as if they are overwhelmingly anti-Trump. It isn't as if they have agendas and narratives to push, and it certainly isn't as if all of you are easily influenced by what they tell you.

2/22/2017 9:42:26 AM

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