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All American
5523 Posts
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Holy shit my Facebook feed is filled with the conservative aunt liking every pro Trump anti democratic story possible.... serious damage control/panic

Saw stories on Chelsea Clinton and Michelle Obama even.

10/8/2016 10:45:00 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"Sure seems like Hillary has grabbed the election by the pussy right now."

No need to be so crass, but she's snatched some great momentum.

10/8/2016 10:56:04 AM

All American
2253 Posts
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Anyone who still defends him truly is deplorable.

10/8/2016 11:13:52 AM

All American
22931 Posts
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Quote :
"and the GOP still embraced trump"

WTF man? The GOP did NOT embrace Trump. Only until after the primary did they take their lumps and accept him, and even then many were not on board. If you mean by GOP Sean Hannity and Rush, sure. But I can tell you, they're not the GOP.

10/8/2016 11:38:47 AM

23634 Posts
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Wait a minute -

GOP = republicans = republican voters.... right?

So while you can say the GOP leadership didn't necessarily embrace him, they didn't stop him. Republican voters embraced him.

10/8/2016 11:42:43 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"Could you imagine if Obama had done it said any of the 5,345 things that Trump has been found to and the GOP response? He likely would have been impeached and their would have been not so thinly veiled racism at the minimum.

Shit, if he had two ex-wives and was not around a kid (Tiffany) basically at all he would have never won a single election.

Democrats aren't exactly perfect (and their candidate sure isn't close either) but the GOP is really going to need to do some soul searching after this debacle. How can the religious right not just be ridicules to non-existence?


If this election has taught me anything, its that obama is clean as fuck relative to every other person i've ever seen run for president.

10/8/2016 11:52:21 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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lol @rjrumfel pretending Trump isn't the GOP

10/8/2016 11:56:19 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Lol it was a lot more than Hannity and Rush embracing Trump,_2016

10/8/2016 11:58:16 AM

All American
9594 Posts
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Let's be real for a second, Hillary has been measuring drapes since June. This hasn't been about the Presidency for a while. Now it's all about down ticket races. The Senate is almost certainly flipping to the Democrats and the House is probably in play now. Conventional wisdom says Hillary winning by 7+ will flip the House and that's definitely possible right now. At some point, this has to depress GOP turnout and you can't ticket split if you don't show up.

10/8/2016 12:09:11 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
" lol @rjrumfel pretending Trump isn't the GOP"

[Edited on October 8, 2016 at 12:23 PM. Reason : And Shrike's wet dream of the house being in play]

10/8/2016 12:23:18 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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The last 24 hours in this race have been a wet dream, that's true. We're watching the GOP implode, in real time, on live TV. It's an amazing and beautiful thing

But like I said, the House being in play has nothing to do my personal exuberance. It's just math. Hillary winning nationally by +7 or more = Nancy Pelosi holding the gavel again.

[Edited on October 8, 2016 at 12:48 PM. Reason : point]

10/8/2016 12:36:50 PM

play so hard
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10/8/2016 12:43:31 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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1 party system

10/8/2016 2:22:37 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
"Holy shit my Facebook feed is filled with the conservative aunt liking every pro Trump anti democratic story possible.... serious damage control/panic

Saw stories on Chelsea Clinton and Michelle Obama even.

The best part is that I don't even feel the need to try to comment anymore, it's clear who/what trump is to most sane people.

10/8/2016 3:45:50 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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I never thought a GOP meltdown would actually happen, but it looks like it is. This is what meltdown looks like:
Quote :
" realDonaldTrump: The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly - I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! #MAGA"

10/8/2016 3:46:58 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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Quote :
"If I didn't let my #BasketOfDeporables down already w my comments on sexual assault I NEVER WILL! @realDonaldTrump "

10/8/2016 3:50:19 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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My totally baseless conspiracy theory:

This video was actually secretly released by GOP bigshots. After the first debate, they finally had to admit that Trump is hopeless, and they put out this video to give them cover to withdraw support.

The past 24 hours has been...well, not good, not when American democracy has reached the point where "Grab 'em by the pussy" has entered the lexicon, but certainly very pleasant to watch in a schadenfreude-y kind of way. Watching the GOP tear itself apart is fun. I just hope that they make some serious changes as a result of this experience.

I'm not so naive as to hope for the dream, where a moderate fiscal responsibility party spins off the religious nutjobs screaming about gays. But maybe they can take a long, hard look at their tactics over the past decade and go another direction.

Quote :
"So while you can say the GOP leadership didn't necessarily embrace him, they didn't stop him. Republican voters embraced him."

Obviously they did so to a greater extent than anybody would have liked, but let's not overreach here. Less than half of the Republican primary electorate voted for him.

10/8/2016 3:53:08 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
"Melania Trump, the nominee's wife, issued a rare statement decrying her own husband's behavior in stark terms but vouching for his broader character.

"The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me," she said. "This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world. ""

Looks like Melania is an enabler too /s

10/8/2016 3:55:27 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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Quote :
"@realDonaldTrump These crazies are just grasping at straws. I stand stronger than ever behind you knocking on doors & sharing the love!#MAGA"

That's a woman tweeter, one of several I saw who still support him even after hearing that he has sexually assaulted women.


The hell is MAGA?

10/8/2016 4:08:09 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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^Make America Great Again

Quote :
"Looks like Melania is an enabler too /s

To be fair, I'm sure he grabbed her pussy too, and she seems to have liked it.

[Edited on October 8, 2016 at 4:17 PM. Reason : .]

10/8/2016 4:16:51 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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It's been less than a week since the video was uncovered.

Quote :
""Access Hollywood" began digging into its archives for videos of Donald Trump earlier this week.

The impetus was an Associated Press story, the show's host Natalie Morales said on Friday evening, where former staff members of the show "The Apprentice" described Trump's behavior toward women, calling them "lewd" and "inappropriate."

Morales said that in the course of their reporting, "Access Hollywood" staffers looked back at the many interviews they've had with Trump and discovered the footage of Trump with then-host Billy Bush chatting on a bus about women and using vulgar language.

"We'll tell you all of the logistics so you understand the context," Morales said. "There were seven other people on the bus with Mr. Trump and Billy Bush at the time. They were with a two-person camera crew, the bus driver, an 'Access Hollywood' producer, a production assistant, Mr. Trump's security guard and his PR person. Upon arriving at our NBC lot our camera crew was let off the bus so they could record Mr. Trump getting off and meeting the soap opera star."

The show also revealed that the "Nancy" Trump is heard admitting he "moved on her and I failed," is former "Access Hollywood" host and now Entertainment Tonight host Nancy O'Dell.

But though "Access Hollywood" was preparing a segment on the unearthed video, the Washington Post altered the show's plans.

According to the Post, at 11a.m. on Friday, reporter David Fahrenthold received a phone call offering the video (the Post did not say who the source was). By 4p.m., the Post had its story up. NBC News, which is under the same parent company as "Access Hollywood," published its own version of the video and story mere minutes after the Post on Friday afternoon, having been tipped off that the newspaper had it as well when Fahrenthold called the network for comment."

10/8/2016 4:55:16 PM

5608 Posts
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Bill Clinton has raped many women and HRC has silenced them, btw hacks

10/8/2016 5:50:54 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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you have the receipts to back that up, hack?

10/8/2016 6:44:24 PM

5608 Posts
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Oddly enough, all of these media outlets that donate to Clinton, haven't reported on any of it.


10/8/2016 6:49:18 PM

All American
12511 Posts
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We get it. You don't like Clinton. You should focus on how idiotic the GOP is at getting on one page.

10/8/2016 7:29:33 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Guliani is replacing kelleyanne Conway on Fox News morning show to talk about trump.

Melt down

10/8/2016 8:06:49 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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JCE is having a meltdown.

10/8/2016 9:24:53 PM

All American
17452 Posts
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Quote :
"Lettuce keep a running tally of all the endorsements he loses over this.

So far I've got:

Congressman Jason Chaffetz
Gov. Gary Herbert
Jon Huntsman"

To add to the list: These are the ones I could find.

Senator John McCain - Arizona (Would say this one is big)
Senator John Thune - South Dakota
Senator Mark Kirk - Illinois
Senator Mike Lee - Utah
Rep. Martha Roby - Alabama
Senator Mike Crapo - Idaho
Senator Kelly Ayotte - New Hampshire
Senator Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
Senator Ben Sasse - Nebraska
Senator Shelly Capito - West Virginia
Rep Mike Coffman - Colorado
Senator Dan Sullivan - Arkansas

But Trump still has JCE so he should be good.

[Edited on October 8, 2016 at 11:41 PM. Reason : Feel free to add more. I'm sure JCE will call me a hack. ]

10/8/2016 11:40:34 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"We should be keeping track of the fuckfaces who keep their endorsements also."

I'm in favor of that. Who wants to start the list of those who reaffirmed their support after this pussy grabbing shit?

I feel like Paul Ryan is right at the top, right?

10/8/2016 11:55:15 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Schwarzenegger never endorsed but said he's not voting republican for first time ever.

10/9/2016 12:13:26 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Yeah I just want to include the GOPers who endorsed, then pulled after pussygate. Not interested in the principled ones who have always hated him.

10/9/2016 12:16:13 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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Condileeza rice just came out as never trump.

10/9/2016 1:04:24 AM

All American
2253 Posts
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The cockroaches are running but the fact remains the GOP owns this mess.

10/9/2016 7:33:39 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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there aren't enough triggered gifs on the internet to cover JCE's mental state right now

10/9/2016 9:40:27 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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This is amazing:
"So many self-righteous hypocrites. Watch their poll numbers - and elections - go down!"

Trump tweeted that earlier. He's content to take the whole party down with him.

10/9/2016 11:39:25 AM

All American
11892 Posts
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Quote :
"My totally baseless conspiracy theory:

This video was actually secretly released by GOP bigshots. After the first debate, they finally had to admit that Trump is hopeless, and they put out this video to give them cover to withdraw support.

The past 24 hours has been...well, not good, not when American democracy has reached the point where "Grab 'em by the pussy" has entered the lexicon, but certainly very pleasant to watch in a schadenfreude-y kind of way. Watching the GOP tear itself apart is fun. I just hope that they make some serious changes as a result of this experience.

I'm not so naive as to hope for the dream, where a moderate fiscal responsibility party spins off the religious nutjobs screaming about gays. But maybe they can take a long, hard look at their tactics over the past decade and go another direction."

Well said, I just wish the Democrats could have gotten an outsider in there too instead of an establishment politician. And yeah, in order for the Republicans to rebound from all of this I too think they are going to have to become much more socially liberal and be very pro gay, pro abortion, pro gun reform, etc. At the same time they will need to hold onto more fiscally conservative values than the Democrats. That would be very appealing to have a president that wants to control spending, but doesn't care about a change in social norms.

10/9/2016 12:36:37 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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every republican on fb and ^ is describing gary johnson's platform as their "ideal GOP candidate". fucking idiots.

you were going to vote for trump until yesterday with all of that racist and sexist shit he said but somehow "what is aleppo?" is too much for you. Well you are just a shitty group of people and hillary was right about the bucket

[Edited on October 9, 2016 at 1:32 PM. Reason : j]

10/9/2016 1:30:59 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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I was relieved at first at Trump's collapse, but there's some really toxic statements being pushed by Trump supporters now, hope this disgusting mentalities don't catch on.

10/9/2016 2:24:46 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"This video was actually secretly released by GOP bigshots"

If that was the case they would have released it much earlier to salvage this shit show of an election cycle. Being released in October = Clinton's October surprise.

10/9/2016 4:06:04 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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til Access Hollywood is part of the Clinton media machine

10/9/2016 4:17:30 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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Can you give examples?

10/9/2016 4:18:22 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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LMAO TRUMP IS GOING FULL WWF. Hes being escorted by 4 clinton accusers. its gonna be a bloodbath tonight.

10/9/2016 7:47:30 PM

50084 Posts
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So it's pretty obvious at this point his only goal was to destroy the GOP for a generation, yes?

10/9/2016 7:48:20 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Here's a more dilligent version of the record keeping I was trying to keep ITT

10/9/2016 8:00:25 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Quote :
"And yeah, in order for the Republicans to rebound from all of this I too think they are going to have to become much more socially liberal and be very pro gay, pro abortion, pro gun reform, etc."

I just don't see that happening. My money is that the Rockefeller Republican and libertarian wings that you describe will just become Democrats, and make that party more fiscally conservative.

Also, I like how every dipshit I see defending Trump, specifically with respect to his latest comments, is a full-retard, Bible-thumping, young-Earth über-Christian. I can't wait to throw this shit in their faces next time they talk about morally bankrupt atheists and liberals.

10/9/2016 8:00:41 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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Those people just don't get it. I've already thrown it in their faces on other forums and the responses are about as predictable as you would imagine. This whole thing has been incredible.

10/9/2016 8:27:55 PM

All American
17452 Posts
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Quote :
"Congressman Jason Chaffetz
Gov. Gary Herbert
Jon Huntsman"

To add to the list: These are the ones I could find.

Senator John McCain - Arizona (Would say this one is big)
Senator John Thune - South Dakota
Senator Mark Kirk - Illinois
Senator Mike Lee - Utah
Rep. Martha Roby - Alabama
Senator Mike Crapo - Idaho
Senator Kelly Ayotte - New Hampshire
Senator Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
Senator Ben Sasse - Nebraska
Senator Shelly Capito - West Virginia
Rep Mike Coffman - Colorado
Senator Dan Sullivan - Arkansas"

Add Alabama Governor Bentley
Former Secretary Condeleezza Rice
Rep. Bradley Byrne - Alabama
Rep. Justin Amash - Michigan
Rep. Susan Collins - Maine
Rep. Barbara Comstock - Virginia
Dennis Daugaard - South Dakota Governor
Rep. Charlie Dent - Pennsylvania
Rep. Rodney Davis - Illlinois
Senator Jeff Flake - Arizona
Former Candidate Carly Fiorina
Senator Deb Fischer - Nebraska
Senator Cory Gardner - Colorado
Rep. Joe Heck - Nevada
Former Candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich
Brian Sandoval - Nevada Governor
Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

JCE care to comment on your party leaving your candidate? There are rumors that Pence is leaving the ticket???

10/9/2016 11:18:40 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Maybe it was locker room talk if your locker room was Baylor football, or Stanford swimming.

10/9/2016 11:37:49 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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^^ JCEbot is only coded to regurgitate buzzwords and talking points. Alas, critical thinking isn't available as an upgrade for bots at this time.

10/10/2016 12:06:01 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"JCE care to comment on your party leaving your candidate? "

Trump isn't my candidate.

The fact that you hacks view criticism of media bias as "PRO TRUMP" is laughable.

10/10/2016 12:37:12 AM

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