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9434 Posts
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The ADL acquiesces to the fact that the majority of the most powerful people in Hollywood are Jews, but still says that the idea that Jews control Hollywood is a "conspiracy theory" made by "teh evil anti-Semites."

Quote :
"Alleged Jewish 'Control' of the American Motion Picture Industry


In an essay headed "Who Says Jews Control Hollywood?" published in the February/March 1995 issue of Midstream magazine, Steven G. Kellman, a professor at the University of Texas in San Antonio, wrote: "Boosters and antisemites agree: Jews have been prominent and predominant in all phases of the [motion picture] business: production, distribution and exhibition." He noted that, at the time, "Of the 100 most powerful people in the industry according to a recent survey by Premiere, most, including the top 12, are Jewish," but observed, "Though individual Jews control Hollywood, Jewishness does not." In fact, Hollywood studios are publicly owned corporations and motion pictures are made by the efforts of individual men and women, some of whom are Jewish, many of whom are not.

While statistics and studies on the subject are not readily available, the Anti-Defamation League believes that the recitation of numbers and percentages is not the answer to the false charges of Jewish "control" of the motion picture industry, or, indeed, of similar accusations involving the media, banking, finance and other businesses. Reliance on statistics alone plays into the hands of anti-Semites. Generally, Jews involve themselves in non-religious and non-political activity as individuals, not as Jews. ADL takes the position that the number of Jews involved in a particular field bears no relationship to "Jewish power" or "Jewish control" of that industry. ADL does not accept the notion that Jews in any field act in concert with other Jews similarly situated simply because they happen to be Jewish. To believe otherwise is to accept a conspiracy theory that is the anti-Semites' stock-in-trade and relegates Jews to a kind of second-class citizenship. "

You got to read this garbage. What a weak article. "The anti-Semites....the anti-Semites." Everything is a fabrication of the "anti-Semites." LOL.

Did you note this one:

Quote :
"Reliance on statistics alone plays into the hands of anti-Semites."


[Edited on November 28, 2005 at 2:49 PM. Reason : `]

11/28/2005 2:44:13 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"For surely if Christ were alive today the ADL would discount any truth in his words and label him anti-semitic for the powerful things he said about Jews. I don't know why we dumb goyim never seem to get it. Jews are beyond truth. If the truth makes Jews look bad we are to reject it and side with the 'fact' that it is only an antisemitic lie against Jews."

Jesus was an anti-Semite!

11/28/2005 3:02:30 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"My 8th-grade grandson told me this morning that they are currently getting a HUGE DOSE of holyhoax doctrine in their school (with much emphasis on Anne Frank). One of his teachers even stated that she believes that MORE than 6 mil jooz perished (I wonder if THAT would be grounds for imprisonment--since she is questioning the accuracy of the official version? LOL).

If this scene is being repeated in most public schools, it becomes even MORE evident that the heebs are sweating it."


11/28/2005 3:09:16 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"The ADL has two patented phrases.

1. Shocked and outraged.

2. Stunned and saddened."

The ADL uses the same old tired rhetoric in all of its drivel. Let me add...

3. "canard" (from what I've seen, they just love this word)
4. "reminiscent of classic anti-Semitic propaganda" (when referring to past criticism it's always "classic" and "reminiscent")
5. "anti-Semite" (this is their #1 favorite word of course)
6. "bigots/bigoted" (a good word for demonizing their opponents)

Quote :
""Some things are true even though they never happened"

Elie Weisel"

[Edited on November 28, 2005 at 4:02 PM. Reason : `]

11/28/2005 3:54:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I'm still waiting for you t refute all of this:

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

11/29/2005 8:28:02 PM

9434 Posts
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A look into WW2 leaders and their bloodlines

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Eisenhower all had Jewish blood.

11/30/2005 9:09:53 AM

10517 Posts
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he cant, he knows hes full of shit

11/30/2005 10:22:14 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I'm still waiting for you to refute all of this:

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Eisenhower all had Jewish blood."

So? During the millions of years 5000 years that man has existed there has been plenty of interbreeding. Who knows, you could have jewish blood too!

12/1/2005 6:03:40 AM

31803 Posts
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i need salisbury's first and last name and birth date

got some mormon's gonna do a family history to find the jew(s) in his woodpile

12/1/2005 10:40:22 AM

10517 Posts
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this entire belief in a jewish agenda comes from one central idea: that in the late 19th century, leaders of Judaism came together to compose the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".

Too bad this was proven to be a 1921

I didnt even realize that you believed that thing was true until now, that makes this shit all the more laughable.

12/1/2005 3:40:16 PM

All American
557 Posts
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these threads are terrible. these people are a wonderful group of guys who have done all kinds of great things for all kinds of people. personally, id trust them over the current government when it comes to leading this country. and why all the hatred for the zionists? my family has been zionist for as long as i remember, most people in our synagogue were.

12/5/2005 12:19:04 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Too bad this was proven to be a 1921"

Wrong. They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine. All the real evidence shows that. If you have not actually read the Protocols, I strongly urge you to do so, even if you only read a portion of the document. The document is absolutely amazing: in it's overall plan and design, insight into human nature, psychology, and motivations, etc.

The most remarkable thing about the Protocols is that the plan that is layed out in the Protocols has been implemented and achieved. So, history has shown the Protocols to be a real and genuine plan. The only question is who actually wrote them. The strongest evidence of who the real authors are would be who has implemented the plan layed out in the Protocols. Using that rationale, all the evidence points back again to "the elders of Zion" elite Zionist "Jews." They are the ones who dominate and control international finance, and the press and media in the western world (as layed out in the Protocols themselves).

Finally, what is interesting about the denials issued from Jewish organizations is that they often claim that the Protocols are a "forgery." Well, the definition of a forgery is "a copy that is represented as the original."

12/5/2005 8:32:04 AM

All American
5550 Posts
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Quote :
"Wrong. They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine. All the real evidence shows that. If you have not actually read the Protocols, I strongly urge you to do so, even if you only read a portion of the document. The document is absolutely amazing: in it's overall plan and design, insight into human nature, psychology, and motivations, etc."

We had a lengthy discussion on this in one of my cooler history classes. The Protocols are not real. The only evidence you have is that they're "amazing."

[Edited on December 5, 2005 at 9:09 AM. Reason : .]

12/5/2005 9:06:25 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"We had a lengthy discussion on this in one of my cooler history classes. The Protocols are not real."

OMG! A "discussion" history class!! And it was "lengthy"?! Oh, no! The ULTIMATE proof! CASE CLOSED!!

Did you also have discussions in class proving the Warren Commission Report was true and that the government is telling the 100% truth on the Kennedy assassination? What about Oklahoma City? It was McVeigh's truck bomb alone wasn't it? There weren't any bombs in the Murrah building were there? And 9/11...did you have any discussions about how the government is telling the truth and isn't covering up anything about 9/11? What about the Holocaust? Did you have any discussions about how the stories of soap and lamp shades made from Jews were true?

12/5/2005 9:27:58 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

Can you provide this proof?

12/5/2005 10:29:13 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"The Detail

By Dr. Robert Faurisson
The Journal for Historical Review Date: March/April 1998 Issue: Volume 17, number 2, Page 19

Robert Faurisson is Europe's leading Holocaust revisionist scholar. He was educated at the Paris Sorbonne, and served as a professor at the University of Lyon in France from 1974 until 1990.


On the subject of the Nazi gas chambers, Jean-Marie Le Pen recently stated: "If you take a thousand-page book on the Second World War, the concentration camps occupy two pages and the gas chambers ten or fifteen lines, and that's called a detail."


Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill's The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found."

Quote :
"World Famous Prof Questions The Holocaust

Richard Lynn
Professor Emeritus,
University of Ulster

I've checked out Churchill's Second World War and the statement is quite correct - not a single mention of Nazi "gas chambers," a "genocide" of the Jews, or of "six million" Jewish victims of the war.

This is astonishing. How can it be explained?

Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi "gas chambers," a "genocide" of the Jews, or of "six million" Jewish victims of the war.

Richard Lynn
Professor Emeritus,
University of Ulster "

[Edited on December 5, 2005 at 12:30 PM. Reason : `]

12/5/2005 12:26:32 PM

All American
5550 Posts
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12/5/2005 12:39:12 PM

10517 Posts
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so a couple of "" articles refutes almost a century's worth of history and research that says the Protocols were bullshit. Theres no use arguing with you...I'm just gonna assume now you really are a moron or youre a neo-nazi trying to cover up his ties. theres no use arguing w/ you.

^i posted that already

and where is this "real" evidence? im guessing its either in super secret files or a crazy blog, right?

[Edited on December 5, 2005 at 12:46 PM. Reason : .]

12/5/2005 12:39:30 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Wow. If a book doesn't mention something, then that something doesn't exist. Impressive logic.

Can you please provide your proof regarding the Protocols?

12/5/2005 12:45:22 PM

10517 Posts
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hey, salisburyboy, who said this?

Quote :
"They work more effectively against us than the enermy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America — The Jews."


12/5/2005 5:50:10 PM

9434 Posts
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District bans Christmas songs, but says Hanukkah songs are ok

Quote :
"December 6, 2005
World Net Daily

Religious-liberty attorneys have contacted a Wisconsin school district that consistently forbids Christian Christmas carols from being sung in music programs but finds nothing wrong with Hanukkah songs. "

12/7/2005 12:26:16 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Thats how it is with all minorities, dingus.

12/7/2005 12:27:11 PM

9434 Posts
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A letter from Henry Makow on Jewish desires for world government

Quote :
Reprinted With Permission

Dear Henry,

I'd like to relate some experiences that may be of interest to you. As an American Jew, the very idea of dealing with the principles of Zionism vs. Judaism has always made me very uncomfortable. I still have very strong connections to my family and Jewish friends. My belief is that their experience is no different than that of virtually every other sector of American life: sheer ignorance.

A friend gave me a book tonight that I'd never seen. The title "Basic Judaism" by Steinberg, was written very shortly before Israel achieved statehood from the U.N. She pointed out a passage in the book that (I'm not sure why) took me by surprise. It read (and I'm a paraphrasing because I don't have the book on me) that Jewish tradition is committed to "world peace enforced by a world goverment" and that this 'tradition' regards the sovereign nation-state as an "abomination."

The book also appeared to include many passages that would seem to be "supremacist" in nature.

I'm not exactly sure what to make of this other than my own reflections of experience from when I was younger.

At the time of the experiences that I'm going to write to you about it all seemed to be just a part of what I was doing and not necessarily out of the ordinary. That is, until now. Paranoia? I simply don't know anymore.


I have heard Rabbis in the past mention that there is not a "Coming Messiah" but rather that the anticipated "Messiah" is a future World Peace. As you and I both know, Shimon Peres has repeatedly called for Jerusalem to be the capital for the new world government and asked Kofi Anan to be the "Mayor" of this new world capital."

12/8/2005 9:30:38 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Jewish Communists: The Documentary Record

Copyright ©1999 by Michael A. Hoffman II. All Rights Reserved.

"The only two non-Jews in the communist conspiracy were Chambers and Hiss...Every other one was a Jew and it raised hell with us."

Statement of President Richard Nixon in 1971, as recorded at the White House on tape and released by the National Archives in 1999.
The reference is to Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss. (Sources: N.Y. Times, Oct. 7, 1999 and Newsweek, Oct. 18, 1999, p. 30)


On Feb. 8, 1920 a young British writer made a similar observation in the Illustrated Sunday Herald:

"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews."

The writer was Winston Churchill. Though he would later sell his soul for considerably more than thirty pieces of silver, his analysis of the authentic nature of Soviet communism remains trenchant.

Churchill expressed the crucial insight that the crimes perpetrated by Jewish communists against Germans and Russians instilled in those people a desire for retribution:

"In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed, the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.


"...The fact that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship are excepted by the Bolsheviks from their universal hostility has tended more and more to associate the Jewish race in Russia with villainies which are now being perpetrated...Needless to say, the most intense passions of revenge have been excited in the breasts of the Russian people."

Chaim Bermant, writing in the Jewish Chronicle (Aug. 30, 1991), says: "It was Communism which toppled the hated Czars, Communism which removed Jewish disabilities and proscribed anti-Semitism and Communism which, in its early days at least, opened the doors to Jewish advancement."

Political analyst Joseph Sobran points out that the revelation of this "ethnic component" of Communism contests a cherished historical lie: "...the ethnic history of Communism is likely to complicate the conventional 'lachrymose version of Jewish history,' according to which Jews are always and everywhere innocent victims of Gentile prejudice and persecution."

Lenin, whose maternal grandfather, Israel Blank, was Jewish, said that Jews made the best revolutionaries: "The clever Russian is almost always a Jew or has Jewish blood in him." (Dmitri Volkogonov, Lenin: A New Biography, p. 112). Lenin was both clever and a revolutionary. He was surely referring to himself."

[Edited on December 8, 2005 at 9:44 AM. Reason : `]

12/8/2005 9:43:50 AM

39171 Posts
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12/8/2005 9:56:08 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"The Talmudification of America

Rule by secrecy and deception.

Co-opt honest alternatives into commodified tools for talmudification.

Infiltrate all religions, political parties, corporations.
Control banking.

Control elite goys through masonry.

Change morality to profit order.

Degrade and debase society thus degrade, debase individuals. "

12/8/2005 10:16:54 AM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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Quote :
"Though he would later sell his soul for considerably more than thirty pieces of silver,"

12/8/2005 10:19:00 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I'm still waiting for you to refute all of this:

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

They have been proven to be a hoax. Please prove otherwise if you wish to keep playing.

12/8/2005 12:02:44 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Zionist J00ish interests force massive non-white immigration on the European nations (and America) in the attempt to weaken and destroy the white nations and peoples (via race-mixing, divide and conquer tactics, the ensuing chaos from the clash of cultures and races). In this case, you have the foundation being laid for taking away freedom of speech in the name of "respecting diversity", etc. The conflicts created by this un-natural and dangerous forcing together of clashing cultures and peoples are the pretext for advancing the Zionist NWO agenda--including cracking down on individual freedoms and conditioning people to accept world government. Forcing people of different races together also promotes the idea of a "one-world community." It weakens the idea of nation states made up of different races and peoples. It advances "a one-world community" and ultimately the acceptance of a world government.

Riots such as those in France (whether real racial riots or fueled by agent provacateurs), are the pretext for curtailing freedom and laying the foundation for a police state. Yet, the government will not say that the massive immigration is the problem. They point the blame to the white French, claiming they haven't "provided enough opportunity." The massive immigration will continue, even though the masses of the population oppose it (just as here in America where 85-90% oppose the massive illegal immigration and amnesty plans).

The Edomite j00z hate the white true Israelite peoples, and they must weaken the strong western European nations (and America), because those nations (being the most powerful nations on earth) are the biggest obstacles to world government. Haven't you wondered why it is only the western European nations and America who must accept this massive non-white immigration?

At the same time, the j00ish media demonizes whites (as "nazis", "bigots", etc.) who stand up against this immigration and take pride in their race or people. According to them, it is just fine for every other race (including the j00z) to take pride in their race and form all kinds of organizations promoting their race--except whites. China and Japan, for example, are noted for limiting immigration to their countries in order to preserve their racial heritage and identity. Where are the calls from the media saying that the Chinese and Japanese are "racist bigotted xenophobic Nazis"? Also, the j00z are noted for promoting racial purity among j00z, saying the j00z should only marry other j00z. Yet, if a white says this, well the media says that white person is a "racist" and a "Nazi.""

[Edited on December 8, 2005 at 12:43 PM. Reason : `]

12/8/2005 12:42:08 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I'm still waiting for you to refute all of this:

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

They have been proven to be a hoax. Please prove otherwise if you wish to keep playing.

12/8/2005 1:48:52 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Iran's president questions Holocaust

Thu Dec 8, 2005 12:12 PM ET
By Paul Hughes

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday expressed doubt that the Holocaust occurred and suggested Israel be moved to Europe.

His comments, reported by Iran's official IRNA news agency from a news conference he gave in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca, follow his call in October for Israel to be "wiped off the map", which sparked widespread international condemnation.

"Some European countries insist on saying that Hitler killed millions of innocent Jews in furnaces and they insist on it to the extent that if anyone proves something contrary to that they condemn that person and throw them in jail," IRNA quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.

"Although we don't accept this claim, if we suppose it is true, our question for the Europeans is: is the killing of innocent Jewish people by Hitler the reason for their support to the occupiers of Jerusalem?" he said.


Religious hardliners in Iran do not publicly deny the Holocaust occurred but say its scale has been exaggerated to justify the creation of Israel and continued Western support for it."


[Edited on December 9, 2005 at 10:29 AM. Reason : `]

12/9/2005 10:28:43 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Maybe you should move to Iran.

By the way, I'm still waiting for you to refute all of this:

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

They have been proven to be a hoax. Please prove otherwise if you wish to keep playing.

12/9/2005 11:15:56 AM

2260 Posts
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salisburyboy, i have been contracted by your enemies to eliminate you. run away, hide, dont let anyone know where you are, im on my way to your place of residence this second to end your delusions. consider it a favor.

12/9/2005 12:23:40 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Jews are adherents to one of the world's oldest major religions, called "Judaism" or "Eating Aryan Babies." There are currently about 18 million Jews worldwide, of which 90 percent live in either Florida, the Wedgwood neighborhood in Seattle, the Upper West Side of New York City (also referred to as "Jew York City" and "Hymie Town") and Bethesda/Chevy Chase in Washington, DC's Maryland suburbs. Most are involved with the Illuminati in an enormous conspiracy to spread International Faggotry.

The Jews nailed our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to a plank of wood for claiming he was the Messiah, thus triggering some 2000 years of oppression and persecution at the hands of the Christians. Hostility towards the Jews reached its zenith back in the '30s and '40s, when the Hitler fandom (called "Nazis" by some) started putting them in concentration camps. Their efforts at mass extermination, which was later dubbed the Holocaust, was eventually thwarted, thanks to the Allied League of Justice Friends.

Currently furries compare themselves to the Jews because (read: sane people) are oppressing them.

If you do not support Jews or Israel, or if you like Arabs, then you are an anti-Semite or Gentile terrorist. "

Quote :
"Useful Facts about Jews and Judaism

* Not only do the Jews control the world, but also the media, the banks, the space program, and LiveJournal's porn communities.
* The majority of the world's chubby, high maintenance girls are Jews.
* The Jews possess plenty of enemies, the most notable being:
o Adolf Hitler. To troll a journal or blog you know to be Jewish or Jewish-sympathetic, simply make a Fifty Hitler Post right off the bat (although that forgoes the standard protocol; see The Godwin Variation).
o The Jews' secondary enemy are the rightful owners of Palestine, who they conquered and who are currently subjugated in a fashion of which the Nazis would certainly approve.
* Jews belong in the ocean, though their land-based places of origin also include Israel (where they bulldoze protestors) and the Crown Heights neighborhood of New York (where they sell diamonds to raise money for more bulldozers).
* Quasidan and Simone are Jews.
* The Jews wrote some of the oldest fanfic still in existence, which is alternately called the "Old Testament" and the "Tanakh." Based on these writings, they obviously hate homosexuals. Sometimes as psychotic, violent and convoluted as a Shaw Brothers/Tarantino collaboration, the "Old Testament" AKA the Jew Testament is filled with acts of naked misogyny that would make any feminist instantly livid, as well as multiple counts of mass murder and homophobia akin to that of their future Teuton oppressors, partially redeeming this otherwise Messiah-denying lot of hooknosed bean counters. Also, unleavened bread consumption, hallucinating burning vegetation, daring HJIC Abraham to knock up some Egyptian harlot to create Israel's future "enemy"... the Jew Testament is full of hours of family-safe drama and lulz.
* Jesus, a Jew, was the first Mary Sue to be recorded in history.
* Jews have nukes. Nobody dares fuck with them. Except Palestinians, armed as they are with stones, pointy sticks and their newly-developed bulldozer repellent.
* The Holocaust is completely irrelevant. Bring this up frequently whilst in the company of Jews.
* JEWS DID WTC! 9/11 nevr 4get. This can be proven by science.
* Jewish males practise circumcision. This means they pretend to be black in order to impregnate white women.
* Jews and Israel are intertwined. You cannot hate one without hating the other.
* Jews, like Japs, write from right to left. JAPs, like Japanese girls, are very difficult to impregnate by outsiders due to severe inbreeding and antiquated, xenophobic attitudes. Hence if you find out that one of your buddies claims to have done so, forensic DNA evidence is required to receive the most coveted Bust-A-Jap-4-Jesus Millenial Award (BAJAMA)

Keeping Kosher: An Introduction for Beginners

Jews follow dietary laws given to them by their God Whose Name Must Not Be Spoken, because they've forgotten how to pronounce it (modern scholars believes it was either Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH) notice the double heh), Jehovah or Cthulhu). The kosher, or "kraut," laws are voluminous and complex, though the basics include:

1. Not eating the flesh of certain "forbidden" animals (such as pigs).
2. Not eating the flesh of other Jews. See the above for more details.
3. Ensuring that those animals that are killed for food be killed in a ritually sanctified fashion.
4. Not consuming meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables in combination with dairy products. The Jews thus despise cheeseburgers and omelettes, and accordingly both foods are outlawed in Israel.
5. Not consuming grape products, like wine, that are manufactured or touched by non-Jews.
6. Eating Aryan babies, usually at Passover and often with a delightful light sauce.
7. Avoiding Zyklon Knishes like the plague

Slurpees and Kashrut

The good news for Jews is that nearly all Slurpees are kosher! Pareve even! Except for Diet Pepsi, which is only Kosher Dairy as it has an anti-freezing sweetener derived from milk. And the Piña Colada, not Kosher at all; stay away Jew.

Since Israel is a fundamentalist and zealous nation, slurpees must undergo special tests before being deemed kosher enough for public consumption. The test involves a rabbi holding the cold slurpee goo in his ass for 80 minutes while reading the weekly haftorah. "

12/11/2005 7:02:52 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"1948 - Allies Found That No Camp Inmates Were Gassed

Circular Letter No. 31/48 Vienna,
1 Oct. 1948 10th dispatch

1. The Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its satellite camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt.

In those cases, it has been possible to prove that confessions had been extracted by tortures and that testimonies were false.

This must be taken into account when conducting investigations and interrogations with respect to war crimes.

The result of this investigation should be brought to the cognizance of former concentration camp inmates who at the time of the hearings testified on the murder of people, especially Jews, with poison gas in those concentration camps. Should they insist on their statements, charges are to be brought against them for making false statements. "

12/12/2005 10:01:21 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Please refute this. It's beginning to pile up.

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

They have been proven to be a hoax. Please prove otherwise if you wish to keep playing.

Quote :
"This is actually a website that completely refutes your denial of the gas chambers and debunks the Leuchter report. Of course, you will brush it off as propaganda and stick to your theory, despite however much evidence contradicts it.

A Holocaust survivor responds to Holocaust denial:

The testimony of Holocaust Survivor David Leitner:

And this was all on page one of a google search. The evidence is out there little buddy, are you big enough to question your own preconceptions?"

From back in the day:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it.

Seriously, Can you explain how they pulled it off? When did the memo go out to all of the jews in all of the concentration camps detailing the lie that they would all tell upon being liberated. Can you find a copy of this memo? Can you at least present a working explanation of your theory?"

Please get on that. Thanks.

12/12/2005 10:07:46 AM

10517 Posts
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Quote :
"The Jews have been expelled from nearly every nation in Europe at some point in history
( and have been opposed in nearly every nation
they have settled. Coincidence? Are all non-Jews just a bunch of "anti-Semites"? Or
could it be that there is a good reason?"

Well, Spain gave them a choice: convert or leave. Considering they were the "Catholic Empire" at the time, this was pretty common. You do know they did the same thing to Muslims in Europe back then, right? Heard of the Moores? Granada? Same thing.

12/12/2005 6:26:42 PM

9434 Posts
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Excellent article detailing Zionist attacks on the webmasters, producers, guests, and contributors to, including threatening phone calls and e-mails and death threats.

Quote :
"Zionist Terrorist Attacks On


It's time to make more of our listeners and site visitors aware of how vile, psychotic terrorist enemies of Freedom, Liberty and the American way of life continue to try to damage our program and news service.

The true nature of most Zionists who pretend to support freedom is actually one of libel, slander, character assassination, terrorism and death threats.

These arch traitors to the Bill of Rights will stop at nothing to take your freedoms away... especially if you dare to question, ever so slightly, their carefully-constructed view of 'history' and propaganda, or present even the most modest alternative viewpoint, facts or evidence contrary to their party line.

They are petrified that an open, honest investigation would be held to carefully examine the facts of history - and their plots and schemes - which would bring to light the enormity of the distance between their manipulative, suspect and terribly conflicted version of 'history' and the FACTS.


They are the enemies of all freedom-loving peoples and will strip you of your Freedom of Speech and thought - and your liberties - at their first opportunity. They will, if given the chance, imprison you if you dare criticize their dogma or challenge their viewpoints. They are at the root of evil on our planet.

Their perpetual efforts to pass so-called 'hate laws' in the Congress came close to success again this year as they continue to seek to bring America firmly under the heel of their fascist boots. Their 'hate law' measure failed in the Senate...but they will be back again next year. The very idea of imprisoning someone for his or her thoughts or beliefs is nothing less than absolute INSANITY.

Zionist agents and fanatics freely and criminally accuse their targets of being "Nazis" while they themselves utilize the very same techinques of the master Nazi propagandists to condemn, defame, personally attack, and stereotype all those they fear may oppose or question their tactics.


The horrors of Zionists and Jewish/Christian fundamentalist supremacists know few bounds. They are the very fascist thugs and felons who are de-constucting and destroying the American way of life. They are the book-burners, the camp guards and staff, and the executioners-in-waiting.


We find censorship to be anathema to the American way of life and are not afraid to read the words of Hitler, Hussein, Sharon or anyone else. We believe devoutly that Americans are mature enough and wise enough to be able to weigh issues from all sources and come to their own conclusions.

Zionists, on the other hand, are committed to mass censorship, persecution, slander, intimidation, mind control and ultimately seek a prison camp police state built upon the souls of our Founding Fathers."

12/13/2005 8:46:40 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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^ Thats just silly. Blaming anonymous phone calls on "zionist terrorists"? Do you really buy all of this stuff?

By the way, please refute this. It's beginning to pile up.

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

They have been proven to be a hoax. Please prove otherwise if you wish to keep playing.

Quote :
"This is actually a website that completely refutes your denial of the gas chambers and debunks the Leuchter report. Of course, you will brush it off as propaganda and stick to your theory, despite however much evidence contradicts it.

A Holocaust survivor responds to Holocaust denial:

The testimony of Holocaust Survivor David Leitner:

And this was all on page one of a google search. The evidence is out there little buddy, are you big enough to question your own preconceptions?"

From back in the day:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it.

Seriously, Can you explain how they pulled it off? When did the memo go out to all of the jews in all of the concentration camps detailing the lie that they would all tell upon being liberated. Can you find a copy of this memo? Can you at least present a working explanation of your theory?"

Please get on that. Thanks.

12/13/2005 12:18:25 PM

9434 Posts
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OUTSTANDING article on the Zundel trial, the HolyCo$t, & the Zionist control of governments.

Quote :
"Telling The Truth In The Realm Of Lies

Exclusive to
By Michael James in Frankfurt, Germany

Those struggling to come to terms with Germany's absurd "holocaust denial" laws must first understand that they really have nothing to do with the alleged Jewish holocaust and the affirmation or refutation thereof. If that were the case, there would be no reason to use them, since the truth, being self-evident and requiring neither proof nor vast armies of supporting lawyers and judges, would stand on its own merits and win the day.


...why the hysteria and the recent police-state crackdown on professors of history, journalists and biographers? Such actions, unprecedented in any society that likes to think of itself as progressive, liberal, democratic and free, are in themselves clear evidence of blind panic and fear at the highest levels of government and among the elite who own and control the German and European mass media...


Strange things happen to people who understand this clandestine agenda and seek to expose it. Christian patriots in public life, men such as the late Juergen Moellemann, who are brave enough to voice their criticism of the state of Israel and its unremitting warmongering and continuing genocide of the Palestinian people in the illegally occupied territories have a strange habit of committing suicide without due cause or of leaving this world in bizarre accidents that defy forensic science. Then their reputations are trashed by means of scurrilous innuendos disseminated in a series of unsubstantiated newspaper revelations that cease once the damage has been caused.

I'm sure my readers in the United States and in England can think of many more fine men and women who have had their careers destroyed or their lives snuffed-out for just one brave, defiant act of courage: telling the truth in the Realm of Lies. Telling the truth, because the moment you kiss the whip of their cruel deceptions or go along to get along, comfortably partitioned from the outside world in the warmth of your living room, you are no longer free, but a slave by default, a slave by choice. Telling the truth, because it's the right thing to do. Telling the truth, because there's no other way to live.

Whoever hates genuine patriots and men of integrity, hates them with a vengeance and a bloodthirsty viciousness that goes well beyond the pathological and borders on the Satanic. The message is clear. If you love your country, your family and the cultural values that nourish and sustain the vitality and sovereignty of the society in which you live, you are a target.
If you oppose laws that penalise free-speech, you are a de facto enemy of the European Union. If you believe that citizens should have the right to discuss their history in a free and open debate and allow all sides to bring their evidence to the table in a grown-up analysis of the facts, you are a threat to the emerging European Soviet and a heretic in the church of Zionist orthodoxy. And that, my friends, is what these holocaust denial laws are all about.


A much better world is possible, and the more the Zionists move against us, the more they will eventually lose. They are their own worst enemies. Their holocaust laws are making ordinary people gasp in shock and disbelief: "What are the authorities afraid of? What are they trying to hide? What sort of a country puts a man on trial for his scientific review of statistics and recorded history and then denies him a lawyer who can provide the evidence that's been in the public domain for years?" The Zionists have been caught wallowing in their own arrogance, and the backlash is building.


They have the cleverest minds, the best weaponry and all the money they need. They own the banks, the media, the telecoms, the Christian church and the film industry. They own governments and treasuries and have their hands on all the important levers of power. They retain all the best lawyers and judges, and what they cannot win in any of the courts they own they settle with an assassin's bullet. They make who they please and break those who displease. They are the hidden hand in every act of terror. They are ruthless and vicious and their evil and mischief know no bounds.

But they have neither God in their hearts nor the truth on their lips, and therein lies their undoing.

[Edited on December 14, 2005 at 12:49 PM. Reason : `]

12/14/2005 12:47:50 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24871 Posts
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Hey, look! Another lengthy quotation that no one will read.

12/14/2005 12:48:50 PM

9434 Posts
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you'd be better for it if you read it

12/14/2005 12:49:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Why can't you refute any of this? I'll just assume that you can't.

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

They have been proven to be a hoax. Please prove otherwise if you wish to keep playing.

Quote :
"This is actually a website that completely refutes your denial of the gas chambers and debunks the Leuchter report. Of course, you will brush it off as propaganda and stick to your theory, despite however much evidence contradicts it.

A Holocaust survivor responds to Holocaust denial:

The testimony of Holocaust Survivor David Leitner:

And this was all on page one of a google search. The evidence is out there little buddy, are you big enough to question your own preconceptions?"

From back in the day:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it.

Seriously, Can you explain how they pulled it off? When did the memo go out to all of the jews in all of the concentration camps detailing the lie that they would all tell upon being liberated. Can you find a copy of this memo? Can you at least present a working explanation of your theory?"

Please get on that. Thanks.

12/14/2005 12:50:37 PM

9434 Posts
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hey troll

thanks for bringing this bttt

12/14/2005 12:59:34 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24871 Posts
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The joke's on you. It was already at the top from your previous post.

12/14/2005 1:03:05 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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^^ Yes, by all means, deflect attention away from the huge holes in your holocaust denial theory.

12/14/2005 1:08:49 PM

9434 Posts
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the continual denial tactic isn't working troll

12/14/2005 1:11:50 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Denial is exactly what you are doing. You can't defend your ideas, so you slander me. After hearing you bitch about it so much, its pretty easy to see through.

12/14/2005 1:14:18 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Woman Asks Restaurant To Remove Sign, 'Jesus Is The Reason For The Season'

December 14, 2005

RALEIGH, N.C. -- Everyone celebrates religion and holidays in their own individual ways, but currently there are questions about whether the two should be more connected. One of the latest places involved in the controversy is a McDonald's restaurant in Raleigh.

The sign at McDonald's on the corner of Falls of Neuse and Spring Forest Road reads: "Merry Christmas, Jesus is the Reason for the Season." It is a holiday message that Amanda Alpert thinks comes on a little too strongly.

"It offends me because it specifically talks about Jesus, Merry Christmas. It doesn't give credit to anyone else," Alpert said.


"I care because I'm Jewish, and the reason for the season is upsetting to me," Alpert said."

Imagine my shock that a j00 is trying to deny others freedom of speech because any reference to Christianity "offends" her. The j00z absolutely despise Christianity and Christians. They are the biggest enemies of Christians, and it's time people wake up to this fact. The j00z are NOT "god's chosen people" (unless by "god" you mean Lucifer), and are not the "best friends" of Christians. As Jesus Christ himself stated, they are the "synagogue of Satan" (see Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 if you don't believe me).

12/16/2005 9:32:48 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Why can't you refute any of this? I'll just assume that you can't.

Quote :
"The testimonies of 4 SS guards at Treblinka.

The testimonies of SS guards at Auschwitz.

The testimonies of various SS officers.

The testimony of Lt. Jack Taylor, an american POW sent to Mauthausen.

The testimony of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks.

The testimony of Dan Johnson.

The testimony of 1st. Lt. William Cowling.

The testimony of Harry J. Herder, Jr.

The testimony of Glenn Edward Belcher.

The testimony of Bruce Nickols.

The testimony of Charles V. Ferree.

The testimony of Bill Sarnoff."

Quote :
"They have not been proven to be a "hoax." The Protocols are genuine."

They have been proven to be a hoax. Please prove otherwise if you wish to keep playing.

Quote :
"This is actually a website that completely refutes your denial of the gas chambers and debunks the Leuchter report. Of course, you will brush it off as propaganda and stick to your theory, despite however much evidence contradicts it.

A Holocaust survivor responds to Holocaust denial:

The testimony of Holocaust Survivor David Leitner:

And this was all on page one of a google search. The evidence is out there little buddy, are you big enough to question your own preconceptions?"

From back in the day:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it.

Seriously, Can you explain how they pulled it off? When did the memo go out to all of the jews in all of the concentration camps detailing the lie that they would all tell upon being liberated. Can you find a copy of this memo? Can you at least present a working explanation of your theory?"

Quote :
"The j00z absolutely despise Christianity and Christians."

Can we see this proven of all jews?

Please get on that. Thanks.

12/16/2005 11:29:56 AM

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