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All American
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Totally wrong. I will post my success stories no matter your reaction.

My goal is to show you can look good despite living like a clownshow

12/17/2013 5:15:35 AM

All American
25609 Posts
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does face even lift?

12/17/2013 10:01:37 PM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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But you haven't shown us anything. So you have yet to accomplish your goal.

12/17/2013 10:09:57 PM

11583 Posts
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face is funny

12/17/2013 10:42:48 PM

180 Posts
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face used to have a picture of his bod in his photo gallery. It's no longer there. I'm sure settledown could find it for us, though.

12/17/2013 10:53:06 PM

All American
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Went to the gym with 13 inch biceps, came back with 14 inchers .

13 3/4 inches 30 minutes after finishing workout.

Now at 13 3/8 inches 1 hour after finishing workout.

12/18/2013 8:44:39 AM

All American
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^ you have too much time on your hands.

As for face, regardless if his crap is true or not, it is entertaining and helps keep this thread alive.

12/18/2013 9:06:10 AM

Garage Mod
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So i just want to chime in here. With my latest progress...

No progress....hahahaha....but I've also been able to maintain which is better then usual for this time of year. I haven't been tracking my calories but I've been eating clean and I usually have a good idea of if I'm over my goal caloric intake or not, just based on past experience. Exercise has been irregular but I try to get a work out in when I can. I also joined up for 20 Muay Thai classes so that should be an interesting workout. Anyway all said and done I'm pleased with where I am right now but definitely plan to kick it into high gear in the new year. Going to Domincan Republic in March and want to have a stellar body by then. Here are some current pics taken yesterday. Will post progress staring in January...

12/18/2013 9:43:54 AM

All American
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^^ contrary to what you might think, measuring biceps does NOT take hours, not even several minutes, and does NOT require an advanced degree.


So I just measured my right bicep now, 9 hours after finishing my workout, and it is 13 1/8 inches exactly. Before the workout -- for more than a year -- it was 13 inches on the dot. Obviously, the pump is not there 9 hours after a workout, so that 1/8 inches, is that muscle growth, water, or a combination of both?

Will check tomorrow and see what it is.

12/18/2013 4:55:03 PM

All American
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^ Like I said too much time on your hands.

You've been working out for what two weeks? Stop worrying about an 1/8 inch in arm growth and focus on hitting the gym and eating lots of protein if you want to grow. Honestly do a gauge R&R on your tape measurements of your arm and I am pretty sure 1/8 inch will fall out of the level of significance.

12/18/2013 5:43:03 PM

All American
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Haha not worried, just curious is all.

Definitely focusing on the gym and on eating a load of protein. In fact, every time I am walking back fom the gym, I mentally go over my next workout -- which is 2 days away -- and get all excited about the exercises and how much weight I will be doing. Been dreaming about deadlifts all day, which I will do on Friday

I LOVE deadlifts!

12/18/2013 6:11:31 PM

All American
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What do you guys do as far as alcohol choices while being body conscious? I'm leaning towards vodka and flavored perrier but looking for other viable options.

12/18/2013 6:12:38 PM

All American
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I have got a pound packet of ISOPURE ZERO CARB protein supplement. It is nearly all protein (ion exchange whey and micro filtered whey).

WHEN is the best time to have it?

A) after my workout? (Within 30 min?)
B) before sleeping, on the day of the workout?
C) the next day morning?
D) next day midday?
E) next day before sleeping?

Or some other time?

12/18/2013 6:19:03 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I puked my guts out on the side of the road the last time that I had one of those.

12/18/2013 7:00:32 PM

All American
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12/18/2013 10:08:00 PM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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Bought a Jawbone Up as a Christmas gift to myself. This is day two and so far I love it. The food tracker is annoying, but I think I can sync it with MyFitnessPal - I just need to figure out how to do that.

12/19/2013 4:48:08 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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Quote :
"I have got a pound packet of ISOPURE ZERO CARB protein supplement. "

that stuff is awesome. i've used that post workout, but i dunno if that's the best time for it or not.

12/19/2013 5:43:11 PM

All American
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I like some carbs post workout, it is arguably the best time to have them. I am lazy so I usually just throw in some dextrose with my powder.

12/19/2013 6:41:39 PM

35382 Posts
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Quote :
"Bought a Jawbone Up as a Christmas gift to myself. This is day two and so far I love it. The food tracker is annoying, but I think I can sync it with MyFitnessPal - I just need to figure out how to do that. "

i have had once since early summer - it's great for tracking steps and sleep. i never really used it for food because it was a pain in the ass. i stopped wearing it for a while because i was starting to get a little obsessive with it and considering some other issues i have going on, it was only making me more depressed (like the fact that i just don't sleep anymore).

12/19/2013 8:33:38 PM

mainly potato
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Just about to start the third trimester and I now weigh as much as I did in my engagement pictures in April 2012. It is a little disheartening looking at the scale but I feel pretty good looking in the mirror. I sometimes need help remembering that this is all necessary and I am doing the best I can. I find out Monday if I was able to keep from getting gestational diabetes.

A couple engagement photo shots, not the best, but they show my face and body the best. April 2012. 177 pounds.

And me a couple days ago at 177 pounds.

12/20/2013 10:06:09 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"Bought a Jawbone Up as a Christmas gift to myself. This is day two and so far I love it. The food tracker is annoying, but I think I can sync it with MyFitnessPal - I just need to figure out how to do that.

That thing looks interesting. In regards to the food there a good food tracker? I find keeping track of your food annoying and too time consuming in the first place. I rarely eat anything straight out of a package with a bar code in the first place, so I feel like these things are pretty inaccurate.

And you're in really good shape to begin with, so why do you feel you need something like the Jawbone UP? Serious question, because I've contemplated apps and things like this. This particular device looks like it makes keeping up with stuff a lot easier. I'm also interested to see about the sleep thing, because my sleep patterns are all over the place.

12/20/2013 10:47:09 AM

All American
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This video is awesome, I love it, and want to watch it again and again.

Shows snippets of various athletes from different sports training in their own specific ways, mostly resistance, agility, and speed training.

Some crazy training methods there!

12/20/2013 11:07:51 PM

1919 Posts
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*Spoiler Alert* If you aren't a pro athlete, you shouldn't train like one. Most of these promo videos with high level athletes doing cool looking shit are riddled with poor form and sub optimal exercises.

12/22/2013 7:44:48 AM

All American
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Took home a 23 yo that weighed 110 by showing her nudes at the bar. Bodybuild 4 lyfe RIP GIRLFRIEND

12/22/2013 12:26:33 PM

All American
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So basically you are telling us you did 110 lb bench press, pfffft... weakling!

12/22/2013 1:02:57 PM

11149 Posts
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I think I might try Intermittent Fasting and skip breakfast when school starts. I'm planning to restrict eating between the hours of noon and 8. Are there any women on here who have tried it?

12/28/2013 1:20:02 PM

All American
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^ what exactly does IF do? Spare muscle? Burn fat? Decreased cravings? I want to do it too, but I go to the gym at 2 pm, so I would have to eat from 12 pm to 8pm? But I will get hungry after 8. Also, if I am trying to build muscle, isn't it better to go to sleep with some protein in my body? I sleep at 3 am, and I won't be eating till noon, so that means going without food from 8 pm till noon, and if I have worked out from 2 till 3:30 pm, I don't see how that's good for my muscle growth?

12/28/2013 2:22:38 PM

mainly potato
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You shouldn't eat after 8pm anyway. I'm betting everyone who fasts gets hungr when they aren't supposed to eat. Gotta have that will power.

I don't like the idea of fasting. I prefer the French method of basically grazing all day. Just have to make sure I keep a lot of tasty and healthy things on hand or I end up grazing on my husband's work snacks like chips and cookies.

[Edited on December 28, 2013 at 3:02 PM. Reason : .]

12/28/2013 3:01:11 PM

All American
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I have the will power to get over the hunger... From mid July till mid November, I was eating 500-1000 calories a day. That's not the problem. The problem is if I am trying to build muscle and doing lifting, is it good for my muscles to go without food for so long?

12/28/2013 3:03:16 PM

mainly potato
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Ah. Yeah. I know nothing about building muscle.

12/28/2013 3:09:06 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I don't think it's that serious for non-athletes. For the past week or so, I've been eating and drinking continuously--I think I'm going to die . But I usually stop eating around six pm and start again around noon. There was one occasion when I went to bed at a reasonable hour and did not wake up for work because I had no energy. I zoned out and took thirty minutes to brush my teeth and fell down some steps on my way in the building. So, yeah, if you set a narrow window for eating, you just need to make sure you're actually eating during it.

12/28/2013 3:10:44 PM

11149 Posts
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This link is pretty informative about IF.
It seems women and men respond differently. It's also important that you receive adequate caloric intake during feasting hours. IF is commonly coupled with keto diet or low carb, so your insulin and blood sugar doesn't drop causing you to fall down stairs.
I'm wanting to gain muscle and lose fat and it seems IF is the way to go. I'll try it out and see what happens. If I'm miserable, then I'm not going to torture myself.

12/28/2013 4:08:31 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"I have the will power to get over the hunger... From mid July till mid November, I was eating 500-1000 calories a day. That's not the problem. The problem is if I am trying to build muscle and doing lifting, is it good for my muscles to go without food for so long?"

If you're trying to put on muscle, then IF is neutral at best. At worst, you'll spin your wheels and possible get weaker.

You're already relatively small, so how is restricting your feeding window going to help you grow? That's all IF really does. It's pretty effective if you've obviously got a decent amount of muscle mass and you're trying to lose fat, but for someone that tends to not eat enough as it is, it's really a poor choice.

Quote :
"I'm wanting to gain muscle and lose fat and it seems IF is the way to go. I'll try it out and see what happens."

No one successfully does both (naturally) for any significant period of time. You might be able to gain strength and lose fat simultaneously since there's a skill/technique component to strength, but you will not put on size.

If you want to get bigger and "look like you lift", then you have to lift heavy, often, and with enough volume, food, and sleep to facilitate growth. Then you have to cut slowly and carefully if you want to be lean.

As someone that likes IF and has done it a lot, it's fine, but it's not magic. It's just a good way to restrict calories.

[Edited on December 28, 2013 at 4:22 PM. Reason : ]

12/28/2013 4:16:50 PM

11149 Posts
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I mainly want to gain strength, I should say. I don't really care if I have muscles oozing out everywhere. Job requires me to lift patients and it's a lot easier when I'm not a weakling. For exercise I've only been doing 30 day shred and don't really plan to do a lot of benching or squats until May.

12/28/2013 4:33:09 PM

All American
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Thanks d357r0y3r for explaining what IF does. I wasn't even sure what it was for, and was wondering if it somehow helped with muscle growth or something, or maybe more efficient utilization of food towards muscle growth and minimizing gaining fat.

So now I see that it is actually useful for getting lean. But that also means that calories should be reduced, right? But what if someone does IF but eats a surplus of calories and protein and lifts? Has anybody done that or is it known in bodybuilding circles what that would lead to? Just curious... don't plan doing it.


A question for the gurus here:

What would happen if I go on a paleo-style diet (only carbs from vegetables and some fruits, no grains or beans) with a surplus of calories (and obviously huge amounts of protein)?

1) gain muscle and fat at same or almost same rate as when eating a normal (with carbs) diet
2) gain muscle at same or almost same rate but fat at a much reduced rate or no fat
3) gain muscle at same or almost same rate and lost existing fat
4) gain muscle at a significantly reduced rate

12/28/2013 4:56:36 PM

All American
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Regarding the question above, needless to say, I am lifting and will continue to lift as well if I go on a paleo diet.

Quote :
"A question for the gurus here:

What would happen if I go on a paleo-style diet (only carbs from vegetables and some fruits, no grains or beans) with a surplus of calories (and obviously huge amounts of protein)?

1) gain muscle and fat at same or almost same rate as when eating a normal (with carbs) diet
2) gain muscle at same or almost same rate but fat at a much reduced rate or no fat
3) gain muscle at same or almost same rate and lost existing fat
4) gain muscle at a significantly reduced rate"

12/28/2013 5:27:56 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"So now I see that it is actually useful for getting lean. But that also means that calories should be reduced, right? But what if someone does IF but eats a surplus of calories and protein and lifts? Has anybody done that or is it known in bodybuilding circles what that would lead to? Just curious... don't plan doing it."

If you're trying to lose fat, then yes, you'd want a calorie deficit. You could run a surplus too if you prefer it. The shorter your feeding window is, the more food you're having to eat at a sitting. Eating 1600 calories in 6 or 8 hours is easier than eating 3000. For some folks, eating that much at once wouldn't be a good experience, so IF makes no sense in those cases.

As far as what it would lead to, the most important factor is still total calories consumed, macronutrient breakdown, and obviously how you're training. I think there's a strong argument that more frequent eating (as opposed to IF) is more effective for "bulking"; there's less potential for messing anything up or missing out on growth, I guess.

Quote :
"What would happen if I go on a paleo-style diet (only carbs from vegetables and some fruits, no grains or beans) with a surplus of calories (and obviously huge amounts of protein)?

1) gain muscle and fat at same or almost same rate as when eating a normal (with carbs) diet
2) gain muscle at same or almost same rate but fat at a much reduced rate or no fat
3) gain muscle at same or almost same rate and lost existing fat
4) gain muscle at a significantly reduced rate"

Totally depends on how much of a surplus it is. If it's something like 500 calories over, #1. If you're doing 1500 calories over (good luck doing this on paleo), then you're getting a lot more fat than muscle in that weight gain.

The fact that you'd be eating paleo is more or less irrelevant. It just means that you'll lean towards low carb, which potentially means weaker recovery (less growth). Just make sure you eat plenty of carbs (sweet potatoes & starches, fruit) if you are trying to get bigger.

12/28/2013 5:29:45 PM

All American
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12/28/2013 6:46:43 PM

1919 Posts
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Everyone: Stop spinning your wheels and wasting time analyzing fitness ad nauseum.

Here are the 8 steps to fitness success:

1. Define your main priority. (Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, or Performance).
2. Understand sweating the details doesn't matter much, if the fundamentals are in place.
3. The fundamentals:
A. Calories aligned with goals. 10-12xBody weight if you want to lose fat. 16-18 for mass gain. 14-15xBW for maintenance and performance.
B. Protein levels need to meet nitrogen balance. 1g/lb is a good rule of thumb, could do 1g/lb of lean bw and still be OK.
C. Fat intake needs to be balanced against carbs andmeet a minimum to keep optimal hormonal and physiological function. Minimum: 20% of total calories.
D. Carb intake needs to meet your activity level and sensitivity to insulin. Generally the leaner, or more active you are, the higher ratio of Carbs:Fat you can tolerate.
4. Strength training needs to be a foundation of your activity if you want to be aesthetic.
5. Results take time. Especially if you want to put on significant amounts of muscle.
6. It's easier to lose fat than it is to build muscle.
7. Learn to lift with barbells
8. get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

[Edited on December 29, 2013 at 7:11 PM. Reason : 1]

12/29/2013 7:08:58 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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I disagree with 4 and say that it depends on how you're built.

12/30/2013 1:26:23 AM

mainly potato
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The carb intake thing being relative is so true. My sister and her husband are convinced no one needs carbs at all because she is insulin resistant and says her meds didn't work so she had the gastric bypass called roux en y done and now they basically eat no carbs. But I am insulin resistant as well, but the meds work (when I am allowed to take them) and although I limit carbs the rest of the day if I dont get a good carby breakfast I won't make it more than an hour or two without getting dizzy and passing out. In my opinion every body is different and every body needs a different diet to flourish. I am not a fan of people who think the way they eat is the key to everyone's good health.

12/30/2013 8:21:04 AM

All American
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Carbs are inessential. You could never eat another carb in your life and be okay.

There may be a few day adjustment period for you though. And you certainly wouldn't be able to perform well in any athletic capacity.

12/30/2013 12:03:28 PM

All American
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Finishing the holiday season about 5-6 lbs over where I would like to consistently be...and I'm okay with it....especially considering it's been about a 9-day stretch of heavy eating and drinking. Going to tighten the diet up and get on some heavy exercising this week. I have a very light workload, so it should be doable. Nice not to come out of the holidays 10 pounds in the hole.

12/30/2013 12:13:47 PM

All American
8589 Posts
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This is so good i wish it were a sticky:

Quote :
"Everyone: Stop spinning your wheels and wasting time analyzing fitness ad nauseum.

Here are the 8 steps to fitness success:

1. Define your main priority. (Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, or Performance).
2. Understand sweating the details doesn't matter much, if the fundamentals are in place.
3. The fundamentals:
A. Calories aligned with goals. 10-12xBody weight if you want to lose fat. 16-18 for mass gain. 14-15xBW for maintenance and performance.
B. Protein levels need to meet nitrogen balance. 1g/lb is a good rule of thumb, could do 1g/lb of lean bw and still be OK.
C. Fat intake needs to be balanced against carbs andmeet a minimum to keep optimal hormonal and physiological function. Minimum: 20% of total calories.
D. Carb intake needs to meet your activity level and sensitivity to insulin. Generally the leaner, or more active you are, the higher ratio of Carbs:Fat you can tolerate.
4. Strength training needs to be a foundation of your activity if you want to be aesthetic.
5. Results take time. Especially if you want to put on significant amounts of muscle.
6. It's easier to lose fat than it is to build muscle.
7. Learn to lift with barbells
8. get comfortable with being uncomfortable."

Its funny how people plan for weeks in advance of starting something or look for that short cut to immediately meet a singular goal.

self discipline and time management are eternal struggles

[Edited on December 30, 2013 at 1:03 PM. Reason : .]

12/30/2013 1:02:52 PM

All American
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Had not worked out since the 19th and got back into the gym today and it was rough. We did a 10 set max rep/cals workout consisting of man makers, ball slams, and row sprints (33 min total work broken up 45s-30s-15s at moderate weight for the mm and slams) and it was brutal. I am also fighting a head cold so I could barely breathe half the time

Not looking forward to the soreness tomorrow, but I'll be there back in the gym at 5 am. I hate taking off more than a couple days, but my back needed some rest anyway so it worked out well. Should have eaten better over the break, but it's hard to eat well when you are visiting the relatives.

12/30/2013 3:06:28 PM

All American
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Had an awesome workout just now, even though I had heartburn most of the workout

Did some things which I couldn't do 20 days ago.

Feels great!

12/31/2013 7:59:02 AM

All American
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Set two PRs today, 305 on front squat and 190 and strict overhead press. Pretty happy with both. Trainers let us pick our exercises today as a end of the year workout from a group of about 20 exercises. I had to convince them to let me do to max lifts I also did a 1000 m row for fastest time which had me on the floor for 2 min afterwards.

12/31/2013 11:29:00 AM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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Fuck yeah! I managed to keep myself from getting gestational diabeetus! My levels were at 118 and they retest at 130 so I still need to keep up my lower carb diet but I dont have to go on meds and a strict diet!

12/31/2013 1:44:43 PM

All American
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Ive really been practicing my eating. Ive added in lunch. A few cheats here and there like sausage balls and pizza.

Im ready to melt out with my delts out this winter .


12/31/2013 2:01:12 PM

All American
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2014 this way -->

1/1/2014 1:30:56 PM

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