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All American
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Hope he's the one that drove the Mad King crazy.

5/26/2016 8:56:00 AM

All American
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Its interesting to think how complicated Bran's story could get. I mean you could write an entire book about what he sees in the past potentially. Definitely opened up another avenue for craziness.

5/26/2016 10:17:04 AM

All American
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It's essentially like on Lost. Whatever happened, happened. Whether or not Bran has quite figured that out yet is a different story. What we may see though now is why some characters made weird decisions in the past or why some other big events happened the way they did. It could just be Bran trying to "fix" things and causing it to happen to begin with. For all we know, he could have somehow influenced Rhaegar to fall in love/kidnap Lyanna.

5/26/2016 10:44:03 AM

balls deep
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I wonder if Bran will go back in time and remember who pushed him off of that tower...

5/26/2016 10:47:51 AM

Sink the Flagship
9817 Posts
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^damn. that's so simple but I haven't seen that brought up elsewhere.

5/26/2016 10:48:55 AM

26632 Posts
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have we talked about how Sansa is pregnant yet?

5/26/2016 11:04:54 AM

All American
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Seems like a good way to bring in the ever topical abortion issue into another TV series.

5/26/2016 11:23:03 AM

All American
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^^^, ^^^^yeah but to what end? It's not like the remaining Starks need any additional reason to hate or battle the Lannisters. A vision wouldn't stand as proof for any sort of accusation against Jaime or Cersei.

5/26/2016 1:38:24 PM

All American
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Wait, is Sansa pregnant? I don't remember that.

5/26/2016 1:47:45 PM

All American
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I got that feeling when she told littlefinger she could still feel what Ramsay did to her in her body... I immediately thought she had a little Bolton growing in her

5/26/2016 1:56:57 PM

All American
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I interpreted it as physical abuse. Actually feeling pain still. Or permanent damage. But that's an interesting twist.

5/26/2016 2:03:29 PM

All American
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that's what I figured too...didn't occur to me at all that it might be a baby. Not disputing that it's a possibility though

5/26/2016 2:29:19 PM

Sink the Flagship
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yeah I pretty much thought she meant he sodomized her / did other fucked up shit that's scarred her mentally/physically.

not sure why the show needed to add that bit - didn't happen in the books.

5/26/2016 2:55:47 PM

All American
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hard to out do joffery?

5/26/2016 3:21:23 PM

The Stubby
7781 Posts
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^^ as has been stated about 8,000 times.... nobody cares what happens in the books ITT

5/26/2016 6:47:07 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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I wish the Sam Tarly storyline would just die, boooorrrriiinnnggg.

5/29/2016 10:00:30 PM

Save TWW
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Since that episode was kinda weak I'll use my post to ask people like ncsuallday to stop talking about book BS even if they don't think it will spoil anything. Weird that I knew about a "good zombie" from the thread instead of the show.

5/29/2016 11:22:17 PM

Sink the Flagship
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Fair enough. I'll resurrect the book/show thread

Good episode. Definitely a transitional one - sets up a lot of interesting things

5/30/2016 5:03:05 AM

All American
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So all of the dothraki are her blood riders, that has to be a moral boost to them

5/30/2016 10:03:57 AM

All American
1505 Posts
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Quote :
"nobody cares what happens in the books"

There wouldn't be a show without the books dawg, have some respect.

[Edited on May 30, 2016 at 10:23 AM. Reason : .]

5/30/2016 10:21:42 AM

All American
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someone refresh my memory, how did Sam get the royal escort back to the castle?
Also Im guessing Sam is going to raise an army to Jon's aid.

[Edited on May 30, 2016 at 5:16 PM. Reason : sam]

5/30/2016 5:07:16 PM

Save TWW
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They didn't get into that except that everyone knew he was coming. His mother may have sent the escort.

Oh and it wasn't royal, just his family's people, at least in assumed m

[Edited on May 30, 2016 at 6:07 PM. Reason : Aaaa]

5/30/2016 6:06:58 PM

All American
6758 Posts
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Yeah man, the Tarlys are BA in Westeros

5/30/2016 9:34:12 PM

The Stubby
7781 Posts
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thangs gettin real in the 7 kingdoms. also


[Edited on May 30, 2016 at 11:50 PM. Reason : ]

5/30/2016 11:48:32 PM

All American
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So what's Arya's plan? She dont want to be with No Face no mo?

5/31/2016 1:13:08 AM

All American
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Yea,all this time with the faceless men and all she can do is act and fight things in the dark. Wonder if she will ever be more than that

5/31/2016 6:01:12 AM

All American
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Never seemed like Arya was going to end up joining them. They made it fairly clear from the beginning that she never let go of who she was and had no intentions to. She was hoping they'd teach her how to be an assassin and she could learn their tricks to finish off her list.

She didn't want to kill the lady and now she knows she can't go back to the faceless man. Can't wait to see her kill that girl that has been tormenting her though.

5/31/2016 8:54:28 AM

All American
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That girl absolutely kicks her ass every time they fight though, I don't know how Arya would beat her. I guess if she doesn't know that Arya is packing that sword she could get her with a surprise stab but that seems to go against the ways of their assassin group.

5/31/2016 9:54:45 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Maybe Arya has been pool sharking her this whole time.

5/31/2016 10:03:18 AM

All American
7323 Posts
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i think it's almost certain arya is going to kill the waif. the whole extinguishing the fire scene basically says she's ready to fight in the dark aka blind.

5/31/2016 10:22:47 AM

All American
22925 Posts
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There are just too many things going on. In the books and in the show. For me to feel like I'm getting my money's worth, we really need more than 10 episodes to flesh out each character's story. If you can't touch on each character in a 1 hour time frame, then either some characters need to go or you need to extend the season by a couple of hours.

This episode didn't get any updates for Tyrion, Sansa, Littlefinger, Jon Snow (or any of the Wall), Sand Snake, among others. I just feel like they should trim it back some.

5/31/2016 11:47:00 AM

All American
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I don't know if it's a matter or having too much, or just spending too much time focusing on stuff we maybe don't care about. I felt like 25% of that episode was spent with the Tarlys...was it really necessary to fully explain that the guy we probably already know to be terrible really is terrible?

5/31/2016 1:13:52 PM

All American
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5/31/2016 1:35:51 PM

Gottfather FTL
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If every episode of the series was as eventful and action packed as episodes 2, 4, and 5 of this season, then none of those events would be spectacular anymore. I think we'll see an epic close to the season over the last few episodes, but we have to have a break to reset the stage.

I think the real problem is just how we're all spoiled by binge-watching now that it just makes it even more excruciating to wait a week between episodes after this one was largely setup. A lot of stuff happened in this one. I like the way they've done the storytelling to devote enough attention to one area within the same episode to not get confusing.

Just look at it as though the events with the Tarly's and King's Landing were going on around the same time as the events at the wall and Meeren/etc in episode 5. Would it have really been an improvement to take episodes 5 and 6 and basically shuffle up the content to devote a few minutes to every location in both episodes? I prefer the way they did it.

Yeah there is a lot going on, but I assume (hope) that by the end of the series it will all come together. ie greyjoy boats going to Dany. That storyline had been largely disconnected until mention of that.

5/31/2016 1:38:24 PM

All American
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A lot of shit went just wasn't terribly for Benjen stark fucking up some winter zombies.

But you had:

- Arya leaving the faceless crew. That's huge...because now she can start her revenge killing spree.

- Margery/Tommen/Sparrow combo. Also big...sets a lot of wheels in motion.

- Blackfish coming back. Sets up a meeting with the Lannister army...but also adds to the growing number of people against the Boltons. You'll have Jon Snow and crew, the nights of the Vale, and Riverrun all going against the Boltons.

- Frey getting back into the fight. That dude pissed off a shit ton of people. He's still trying to keep control, but I think it will backfire. Again...good for the north.

- And of course the aforementioned Benjen/Coldhands. Reaffirms that Bran is going to be a big fucking deal in this whole thing. Would also like to see him reconnect with Jon Snow...and it's great to have another Stark around.

5/31/2016 1:51:35 PM

Eyes up here ^^
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I wouldn't be surprised if all the Starks wound up back together by the end of the season. Bran definitely seems to be heading that way, and to me it seems logical that Arya would want to head to Jon/Sansa when she gets back. Especially if news becomes widespread of their siege of Winterfell.

5/31/2016 2:43:21 PM

35771 Posts
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Can't wait for Bran to become a tree and for Nymeria to reappear and pee on him.

5/31/2016 2:54:33 PM

All American
14181 Posts
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maybe I'm not seeing enough of Meera but she isn't striking me as cute as she was before, when I thought she was pretty much the cutest girl on the show

6/1/2016 7:35:31 PM

All American
757 Posts
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That younger actress girl. Holy cow. Those things were immaculate.

6/1/2016 8:18:17 PM

26632 Posts
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... weird

6/2/2016 6:44:09 AM

All American
15409 Posts
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I thought the coldhands reveal as benjin stark was a pretty big deal. Fans have been theorizing for yearssss who is coldhands. I thought that little 2 min scene went unscathe to the average joe.

6/2/2016 6:46:28 AM

All American
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I mean Benjin being cold hands only enhances the reasons to help Bran a bit but overall doesn't change the character much. In all honesty hes a mechanism to deliver Bran to safety and probably help the Nights King get past the wall as Bran has the mark.

I am more interested in what he has to say. Its amazing that the 3 eyed raven shared so little with Bran. Makes for a good show but I mean come on.

6/2/2016 9:03:02 AM

All American
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yeah one of the things I didn't love about the way the show handled Bran there was that it was one of the few places where it seemed like hardly anything was going on off-scene. Not sure if that makes sense. Many other places it feels like you're jumping in time and you can fill in the blanks. But Bran has been in that cave since the end of S4 right? He's in this cave for quite a long time, yet it feels like most of what he learned is what we actually witnessed as viewers.

6/2/2016 9:31:12 AM

All American
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^^^ he's not in the books. There is a page from his editor where she asks him and he definitively says No

6/2/2016 11:55:15 AM

Save TWW
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6/2/2016 12:37:34 PM

All American
43383 Posts
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Quote :
"I thought the coldhands reveal as benjin stark was a pretty big deal. Fans have been theorizing for yearssss who is coldhands. I thought that little 2 min scene went unscathe to the average joe."

I thought it was a big deal that we learned that Benjin's still alive, but what's this talk of the name Coldhands? I feel like someone that just watches the TV show would have no idea what that even means.

6/2/2016 12:52:00 PM

All American
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^^ well show fans haven't been theorizing for years that benjen is a character absent from the show and they thus wouldn't know. So his reveal in the show does absolutely jack shit for those theories, hence my reply.

6/2/2016 1:29:37 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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This last episode may have had some important setup, but it just was not satisfying. At all.

Arya's storyline has been dull as dirt all season. For the first few episodes it was just her getting beat up. Then the "play within a play," which ate up a lot of screen time. In the books I might have thought it an interesting foray into medieval-style entertainment and the different perspectives on current events. But the show just doesn't have time to waste on that kind of thing.

Probably the two most popular characters were AWOL. Danaerys, who seems near certain to be the most important character overall, gets short shrift with a tiny, sloppy segment at the end. They seem to be doing a slow buildup to the Blackfish returning in a meaningful way, but it just doesn't have the impact that they want because they've completely ignored him and the Freys for so long. Hell, I've read all the books and I'd forgotten that the Blackfish existed. Same with Benjen/Coldhands. How long has it been he was even mentioned in the show? And now he shows up and kills some zombies, which pretty much everyone has done, and we're supposed to be overawed?

Look, I'll grant that advancing the storyline is necessary, and sometimes you need to have a setup episode. But after the emotionally shattering end of Hodor, I kind of expected something a little more satisfying.

6/2/2016 4:05:37 PM

All American
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GrumpyGOP is grumpy.

Every episode cant be like last weeks. I thought Bran's flash of memories was more interesting than anything. Everything else was ho hum.

And lets get this straight, what has Arya become again? Someone who can fight in the dark? In the long night? You would think having spent so much time with Arya it would have fleshed out more.

6/2/2016 4:54:04 PM

The Stubby
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i've been hoping for benjen to show up again ever since the beginning... now he rolls up like a boss
works for me

6/2/2016 6:39:42 PM

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