zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
I figured it was time to create a new thread...
My plane's done. Duke and I got the rest of what I needed yesterday. My engine was being cantankerous as hell, but with a new glowplug and a good NiCd glowplugger thingie, I got it started and dialed in. Might have been easier with an electric starter, but us cheap bastards don't play that game.
BTW, Duke's granddad runs a hobby shop behind his house, and if you do RC airplanes, he's got crazy stuff. No hobby shop around here can even come close. And prices are GREAT.
Ran outta time and didn't get to fly this weekend. But dammit, I'm READY. 9/12/2004 8:23:56 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
hmm, sounds awesome. I wouldn't mind getting back into the hobby........ 9/12/2004 8:39:45 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
yep. if anyone builds anything, i'll be glad to serve as a "hired gun" to test fly it for you. i can fly anything (except helicopters). i'll be around until 25 november.
dan, let's go fly that thing either tomorrow or wednesday. 9/12/2004 8:45:59 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
god damnit I need my cap 232 back.
[Edited on September 12, 2004 at 8:48 PM. Reason : where do you guys fly?] 9/12/2004 8:47:26 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Therein lies a good question^
I'm keeping my eyes peeled for new places...I don't have AMA anymore, and I can't really afford to join a club right now. So lookin fer free places to fly. 9/12/2004 8:53:52 PM
coronakid All American 6303 Posts user info edit post |
AMA is required due to insurance Dan, don't forget about that!!!! I still belong, but have all but quit crashing those model ones after joining EAA way back when. 9/12/2004 9:02:39 PM
underPSI tillerman 14088 Posts user info edit post |
is this hobby shop an actual business?? i used to fly alot but sold all my stuff to a friend's dad who fly regularly at a field in wake forest. 9/12/2004 9:02:53 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, it's an actual business. he's open on thursdays and fridays.
he doesn't really advertise, and it's run out of (one of) his (large) workshop buildings behind his house. for model airplane stuff, i've never seen any other hobby shop that is even in the same ballpark.
CAP 232's are sweet. i'm almost done with an Ultimate bipe...i might have to get something like a CAP or an Extra 300 or Sukhoi sometime. 9/12/2004 9:09:59 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Damn, James, I didn't know you were into planes, too...
Yer one eclectic motherfucker... 9/12/2004 9:16:52 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
I've got a complete trainer plane setup at home I'd be willing to let go for less than what I put into it a long time ago.
Got everything, the plane (never been flown), motor, radio, and groundbox with electric starter.
I think I may even have a spare radio. 9/12/2004 10:46:37 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
How 'bout you post a few prices...
Why you not do anything with? 9/12/2004 10:56:38 PM
Dumbass All American 3412 Posts user info edit post |
Hey if any of you are into this enough where you do your own Transponders I have 4 REALLY REALLY nice frequency counters(Hp 5384a's $500 online) that I'm willing to part with for a very reasonable price ($150)...
I know people are going to ask what the hell they do... they measure to 9digit accuracy what frequency is at the input. so you can tap into the antenna circuit and precisely tune your setup to an exact value with no guess work 9/12/2004 11:05:43 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
the plane's up in MD and has been sitting in my attic for years. My grandfather and I built it when I was like 12, but he'd never let me fly it unless I had someone teach me. Never got around to that, and I don't want to have to deal with buying BS insurance to fly it.
My dad bought me a trainer "put together" so I could learn without demolishing the one my grandfather and I put together, but that one lasted all of one flight when we kept it up in the air too long and the servos ran outta juice. 9/12/2004 11:20:29 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Tell ya what, Theodore...make a list of what ye have, and prices you'd like to see. Right now, I don't need another plane (read: wife will shoot me, what with the limited room we have). But I am always interested in field gear, radios, etc.
Besides, somebody else here might want the plane if you don't. 9/13/2004 2:28:45 AM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
I'll have to drive up to MD to get that done, will be ~ 2weeks 9/13/2004 9:47:25 AM
El Borracho All American 13971 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "and I don't want to have to deal with buying BS insurance to fly it." |
I don't see why you'd skip this step considering the extremely low cost and large benefits provided by the AMA.
Not to mention, you aren't gonna be able to fly at any of the local fields without it..... (I wouldn't fly just anywhere because you risk getting interference and stuff....)
[Edited on September 13, 2004 at 1:10 PM. Reason : - SaabTurbo] 9/13/2004 1:09:38 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
I fully agree with flying at a club field, and having AMA membership. At this point in time, though, that's at least 58 bucks for the membership, and average club dues around here run between $75 and $125 a year.
It's not very affordable right now. To say the least.
We used to fly at Carter-Finley years ago, but I haven't heard of anybody out there in a while...I think several factors came into play... 1. Sailplanes thermalling into controlled airspace and posing a collision hazard for light planes in the pattern... 2. Building the RBC Center and the additional daily traffic through the area 3. The staff and student parking for Wolfline and NCSU Athletics.
Airplanes do pose a threat to individuals and property, especially if flown irresponsibly. Anybody who goes out to a public place and flies a pattern plane or ducted fan or something equally ridiculous should have their head examined.
For a floater or slow trainer or park flyer, an open field far enough away from established club fields floats my boat just fine. The whole point of modern radios is rejection of second- and third- order interference (though they don't ALWAYS perform great at this)...avoiding first-order interference is the flyer's responsibility.
All having been said, I would really like to become a member in AMA again, and most likely will. I don't recommend n00bs learning any other way. A safe place to fly is worth quite a bit, and AMA insurance won't cover accidents unless they're at an AMA-sanctioned club field or on your own private property. One option is the Flying Tigers field at lake Jordan, and their membership is quite cheap (and the flight line is correspondingly crowded).
[Edited on September 13, 2004 at 1:53 PM. Reason : AMA is a good thing...I won't argue that...] 9/13/2004 1:44:51 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
I was just responding to Maugan's statement.
I've flown in different places (Other than clubs), but never anything but an electric powered aircraft or a glider....
I'm sure you'd research your site a little bit, I just didn't think AMA was "BS Insurance". 9/13/2004 1:51:04 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
AMA is absolutely NOT BS insurance. It only makes sense from a liability perspective. But it also makes the hobby a little more out of reach for some folks might be interested in trying it. 9/13/2004 1:56:47 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
well the only places I've ever flown are in the middle of corn fields in BFE maryland.
Nothing to hit except corn stalks.
And my BS comment related not to the insurance itself, but the BS of going through getting it.
[Edited on September 13, 2004 at 1:57 PM. Reason : .] 9/13/2004 1:56:58 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, I can relate. There's so much more to it than just throwing shit in the car and going flying anywhere you want. That kinda sucks.
The bad thing is, a bunch of folks have succeeded in creating yet another clique with more or less exclusive membership; if you're not a group person, it can be hard as hell to get into flying. 9/13/2004 2:07:40 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
So what you're saying is that I've got to pay $65 a year for insurance in case I run my plane into the side of someone's barn... but I'm not forced into joining a club? 9/13/2004 2:15:35 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
You're not forced into either one.
The deal is this: the clubs give you a good, relatively worry-free place to fly. AMA provides you with liability insurance in case you damage somebody else's car or house or somebody while you are flying at the club field.
You don't have to have either to fly, but it's a bitch finding a place to go, and for liability reasons, you'd be hard pressed to find a club field that doesn't require AMA membership and corresponding insurance.
My big deal is finding a place to fly until I can afford to join a club and get another AMA membership. 9/13/2004 2:39:04 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
^^In my general experience, a club and AMA membership are just about your only option in this area.
If you're a beginner, I'd STRONGLY advise that you follow this route. I know you guys aren't, but other people are reading this......
[Edited on September 13, 2004 at 3:29 PM. Reason : ] 9/13/2004 3:27:43 PM
Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
man whatever happened to a cornfield in the middle of BFE?  9/13/2004 3:32:17 PM
El Borracho All American 13971 Posts user info edit post |

[Edited on September 13, 2004 at 4:16 PM. Reason : - SaabTurbo]
9/13/2004 4:15:09 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
^^There happens to be plenty of cornfields and even more soybean fields and some cotton and tobacco fields around here...the problem is there ain't nowhere to take off and land. And I am NOT landing in 2 feet of soybeans.
I work out in rural areas (today I was near Emit; mapquest or yahoo!maps will show you where). Tons of fields but nowhere to plant my wheels. 9/13/2004 8:31:26 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
I always enjoyed the paved strip at RAMs. 9/13/2004 8:32:42 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
I've flown a coupla times out at RAMS, and it's a nice field. They're still in the same location, aren't they?
Do you know many of the old RAMS members? 9/13/2004 8:41:04 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
i've flown at RAMS, but i prefer a well maintained grass strip. Fayetteville is about the best place, and Smithfield is prob a close second. maybe if i were flying really small stuff (or ducted fans/jets), i'd like the tarmac, but when a .40 sized plane is the smallest i ever fly (and usually it's .60 size up through 1/3 scale), i'll take the grass. 9/13/2004 8:49:47 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Duke makes a really good point. If you ain't got brakes, then grass will slow you down a good bit quickly. Really nice on the big'uns.
I broke a prop whacking a plane down too hard at RAMS...the prop woulda made it on grass... 9/13/2004 8:56:54 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
yep...grass slows you down more, doesn't break props or skin up wheelpants, wingtips, etc, and the ground handling is more controllable, in my opinion. 9/13/2004 9:04:08 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
Meh, I always liked the pavement cause it didn't screw up my wheelpants (And you can have a lot of fun on a paved strip guys ). 9/13/2004 11:00:01 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
awrite fags...
I'm ready to do this thing here...too windy yesterdizzle, and I gotta work today...
dustm...you got an uncle with room to fly, don't you? Interestingly enough, I'm going up hwy 39 to a job site this afternoon. I'm gonna be looking for that Geo P/U. 9/20/2004 1:08:04 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
let me know, dude. i have to go to Camp Lejeune and Maryland pretty soon, but if i'm in town, i'll help you out. 9/20/2004 3:06:11 PM
cheerwhiner All American 8302 Posts user info edit post |
some of you know that i work(ed) at Hungate's
I don't anymore
I will not defend that store
however i am personally still into R/C
Expect no knowledgeable people to work there at all now that I'm gone, I quit suckas
with that said I know RAMS is losing their space in the next year and may not re-up their lease.
I suggest all of you visit http://www.apexrchobbies.com and go into the store and talk to Bob. He is the bible of rc airplanes in a waking, talking human.
[Edited on September 20, 2004 at 9:12 PM. Reason : rams ] 9/20/2004 9:08:55 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Apex RC Hobbies is a great shop, but Johnny Johnson (Duke's granddad) makes his setup look like a gypsy oxcart in a bazaar. Nobody carries as much stock as he does.
I recommend doing business with either one. I do business with both.
For the most part, I always thought Hungate's was full of mutant faggotunschtein asshats. I still buy stuff from there on occasion because not many places carry those kinds of static models or rubber band free flight planes...I like both.
No offense, cheerwhiner...and ya did a smart thing... 9/20/2004 9:30:18 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "with that said I know RAMS is losing their space in the next year and may not re-up their lease." |
Has this not been the case for like, 4 years? 9/20/2004 9:40:06 PM
cheerwhiner All American 8302 Posts user info edit post |
none taken
i mean to make a long story short, they don't pay enough money to hire experts
also if you take the time to learn about products like i did (honestly i didn't with nitro airplanes because people really didn't ask about them, but r/c cars are my thing now and i knew shit about them before working there) you don't get paid anymore money!!!
Yes, I got paid the same ammount of money starting out knowing dick about r/c and just a little about art and plastic models..........
............ I became shift manager with a key to the store, learned how to build and fix electric and nitro r/c cars on my own initiative, taught myself the industry of plastic models, learned a little about RPG stuff, was never late (IF I'M LYING I'M DYING) and guess what
So there really is no incentive for them to learn anything either. That store is going down hill fast
I have one more day there to train another person the basics, I might haft to stay 2 weeks to fulfill the two weeks notice, but won't if my other job is secured before then.
And besides all that, its now a toy store anyway. I swear I was going to start taking action against all the kids that run into the store and SIT on stuffed animals.....................
enough was enough 9/20/2004 9:43:56 PM
cheerwhiner All American 8302 Posts user info edit post |
also they don't give employee discounts on r/c kits (radios, parts they do) so I bought my Savage 25 form Apex R/C ANYWAY
The ONLY thing that store is good for IMHO is slot car selection and plastic models, that is it. Stay clear of r/c at Hungates
for a good laugh go to the location at Triangle Town Center and ask ANYBODY a question about RC.........
I could go on and on but should shut up before I say too much, if interested PM me if you care.
Go ApexRC, I don't care for HobbyMasters
BTW, Bob at Apex is new and started the store himself, I know him personally. He financed everything by himself. He can order things he doesn't keep in stock and it is like 3 days later he has it. I go to him and I admit I went to him for parts that my store could have gotten but he was faster and honestly with an employee discount at Hungates they are overpriced enough that BOB WAS STILL CHEAPER.
I mean damn!
http://www.towerhobbies.com has gotten more of my money for hobby products than my own store! (well that might not be true for plastic models, which again they do have the best selection I must admit)
Once I get back into the hobby (read: once I pay off this laptop in a few months) I intend to shop exclusivley at Apex. Plus he let me sell the Savage through him too and I got my asking price for it. So i'm happy there.
I race electric r/c cars if anyone was interested, I do own a Hobbyzone Firebird Outlaw airplane but I might buy a more powerful electric plane (something around $150 RTF) in the near future.
I swear before working at hungates i didn't even care about rc. I guess that is one good thing i got out of that store.
[Edited on September 20, 2004 at 9:52 PM. Reason : hahahhahahahahha] 9/20/2004 9:49:07 PM
dustm All American 14296 Posts user info edit post |
dan, yeah he's off brown's pond rd. i dropped by dorthea dix sunday... they mowed, so its probly takeoffable now. 9/21/2004 2:10:01 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Hell, I've been by there about four times in the last two weeks. I have actually had a job in Emit (quite a bit further north).
now if somebody would just go chop them damn trees in the middle down out at Dix...
I think I will cruise by there tomorrow in the am and check it out. 9/21/2004 9:20:54 PM
gephelps All American 2369 Posts user info edit post |
there is a grass airstrip on jordan lake. I've only gone once to watch. The catch there is they lease the field from the park (forestry service maybe) and can't fly until after 5 during the week. Weekends are free game though.
When I went people were casually flying and the grass is a lot more filled in than the pictures look 9/22/2004 9:30:35 AM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
^and you gotta be a member, and have AMA membership. On that note, I've started setting aside money for that very purpose.
The cool thing about the Flying Tigers is that it's dirt cheap as far as flying clubs go. Something like 35 bucks a year to be a member. My ass would be out there during the week, though, because that place is SLAMMED on the weekends. Four and five people on the flight line is not my idea of fun.
On another note, Duke is gonna be pissed, 'cause I said he could fly my plane for its maiden flight. So anyway, I rode by Dix this morning, and that field was looking pretty inviting. Got home this evening and decided to take the plane over there and just do a coupla taxi runs. Well, I ended up mowing a lot of grass and nosing her over a bunch. Damn grass was just too tall. On the positive side, the engine is running well, and starts really easily. I've always hand propped, and this engine cranks fairly well.
I kinda got itchy and antsy; ran the plane around the parking lot a little, blasted it and took a brief hop. Well shit, says I, I just gotta do something...fuck this diddling around shit.
Went back over to the field, cranked 'er over, and took a hold of 'er, throttled up, and hand launched 'er. This plane hand launches damn easily and climbs out like a homesick angel. As a matter of fact, I can't really trim to fly fast...she wants to climb too fast. 3-channel setup can be a little mushy at times (this is my third rudder-steer plane), but this one is kinda hairy. I think I need to adjust my wing incidence a little, though the wing is level with the thrust line.
Throttled back and settled into a mush, circled the field, blipped the throttle when I needed to , and settled down pretty nicely. Plane ended up on its back all three times, as the damn grass really is too tall, and my wheels are only 2.5 inches in diameter. 9/23/2004 8:53:48 PM
dustm All American 14296 Posts user info edit post |
glad she flew without major incident man! so are you gonna add some more downthrust to counter the on-power climb? and get some bigger wheels?  9/23/2004 8:57:23 PM
dustm All American 14296 Posts user info edit post |
btw some of us other guys are gonna head out there sunday at 3ish if the weather holds up... so come on out! 9/23/2004 8:59:09 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Farkin' aye! If Beth is cool with it...Sunday is usually family day. But she might enjoy that as well.
Down thrust seems like a good idea. I have absolutely none now. My engine mount's holes are asymmetrical, and the engine is mounted sideways, so that might be a little interesting.
So you wouldn't change the wing incidence any? 9/23/2004 9:09:48 PM
dustm All American 14296 Posts user info edit post |
if its only when youve got the throttle up then downthrust is the thing to adjust. otherwise i guess incidence is the culprit. 9/23/2004 9:55:42 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
On another note, I would not be averse to hauling out my weedeater and eatin' up a swath for a runway over at Dix. Might take a little while (and you may think I am totally fucking nuts (no small suprise if you do)), but what the fuck. 9/23/2004 10:57:11 PM
dustm All American 14296 Posts user info edit post |
sounds good
hopefully we wont piss anyone off
[Edited on September 24, 2004 at 4:10 PM. Reason : d] 9/24/2004 4:10:11 PM