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 Message Boards » » I'm starting to collect quite a few parts !!! Page [1]  

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I have as you can see:

Three turbos, a new air intake, oil lines, in-line fuel pump, fuel pressure guage, BOV, misc bolts, misc gaskets, misc washers, and more.

This is coming along nicely.

3/14/2006 5:37:00 PM

All American
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so what nigga jbaz has quite a few bike and he not any better off

3/14/2006 5:38:24 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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are you gonna stick that panel intake directly into a turbo inlet?

3/14/2006 5:44:04 PM

All American
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Arospeed? - to each his own.

how bout some real FMIC? not that intake filter thing

3/14/2006 5:49:15 PM

All American
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he should snag a used intercooler from a saab or something.

[Edited on March 14, 2006 at 6:35 PM. Reason : or an srt, volvo, etc.]

3/14/2006 6:34:45 PM

All American
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my RR is in pieces now. Bout to drop the engine and transmission. Bike is so light now.

3/14/2006 7:20:12 PM

All American
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What exactly are you doing?

3/14/2006 7:36:56 PM

All American
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tri turbo lol

3/14/2006 7:39:29 PM

All American
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Just fuckin with ya. Better get it done now or you're going to hear about it for the rest of your wolfweb life.

3/14/2006 7:50:48 PM


10410 Posts
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I am going to use the best two of the three turbos, and re-sell the third.

occamsrezr- I am twin turboing the maxima. I am using dual K03S turbos off of VWs. This is a learning project and an attempt to have fun. I have no fears/ cares of blowing the turbos of the maxima to pieces.

smoothcrim- Yes, the panel intake will lead direstly to the turbo inlets

nightkid86- Arospeed is just the brand, it is going to be modified to fit what I need. It was cheap to obtain, and easily modified to do what I need. It is not going to be a FMIC (that doesn't take a genious to figure out). There needs to be a filter doesnt' there?

SaabTurbo- I won't need an intercooler (most likely) because of the remote mount set-up.

Skack- I have every intention of finishing this. I have spent too much not to. I know that if this isn't done, I will loose any credibility that I have in the garage.
Besides, I need to post video of this when it is done, or at least it blowing up.

I have almost everything I need. I have found a 300zx fuel rail and 370cc injectors for free (I think). I need longer oil lines, all of the exhause/ intake piping, an inline oil pump, and misc wiring and I could be done. I want to find a wideband O2 for less that $200 for tuning, and I will be set. I want to find a good WAI to help with knock and keep timing where it is supposed to be.

[Edited on March 14, 2006 at 9:31 PM. Reason : .]

[Edited on March 14, 2006 at 9:32 PM. Reason : can't type]

3/14/2006 9:28:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"It is not going to be a FMIC (that doesn't take a genious to figure out). There needs to be a filter doesnt' there?

I realized that

3/14/2006 9:46:25 PM

All American
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have you spent your $700 budget yet?

3/15/2006 10:37:55 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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wait... you're going to run TWO remote mount turbos?? on extremely small exhaust housings at that?? if this is the case, I'd actually be prepared for a loss in performance

3/15/2006 10:56:38 AM

All American
1956 Posts
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it just gets better.....

3/15/2006 11:20:25 AM

All American
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remote mount sucks anyway

3/15/2006 11:37:08 AM

All American
1956 Posts
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sweet intercooler.

3/15/2006 11:51:00 AM


10410 Posts
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Scottyc- retard, I already stated that that isn't taking the place of an intercooler, nor is it going to even be really seen.

smoothcrim- there should only be a benifit from having the two turbos. Splitting it will be benificial with the small exhaust housing.

beethead- I have spent around $500 so far.

[Edited on March 15, 2006 at 1:56 PM. Reason : .]

3/15/2006 1:54:32 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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distance from exhaust to turbo is exponentially proportional to the temp of the exhaust charge, and directly related to power and spool. by adding the surface area of that much plumbing and the restriction of an exhaust housing meant for an off idle spool on a 1.8L you're giving yourself a huge wall of back pressure that will only slow spool and hurt top end. all that said, it'd still be neat to see as inefficient as it may be.

[Edited on March 15, 2006 at 2:04 PM. Reason : .]

3/15/2006 2:03:39 PM


10410 Posts
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Yeah, this is a good description.

To be more specific, the turbocharger's shaft power is the exhaust mass flow rate times the change in enthalpy (heat energy) across the turbine times the adiabatic efficiency of the turbine. So, as you can imagine, the higher the temperature, the higher the enthalpy. So, if you have the turbo close to the engine, you can make a smaller manifold. The smaller manifold will have a smaller surface area, so will tranfer less heat out of the exhaust stream to the environment. This means that the exhaust gas hitting the turbo is higher temperature, thus higher enthalpy.
Lag will be slightly increased due to the extra length, though not as much as many people would contend. If the piston engine wasn't a pulsed flow, there probably wouldn't be any increase in lag, but since it is....

The longer pipes will yield a larger pressure drop in both the hot side and cold side. This larger pressure drop in the exhaust side further reduces the enthalpy entering the turbine. On the cold side, it requires more boost to be produced at the turbo to get the same manifold pressure.

If the turbo is hanging out near the rear axle like it is on the Camaro kit, it just seems like it's more vulnerable to destruction from road debris.

Long oil lines. Plus, you won't be able to gravity drain the oil back to the engine if it's mounted far away, so you end up with a reservoir and pump to oil back to the engine.

3/15/2006 2:31:46 PM

All American
1956 Posts
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sweet intercooler

3/15/2006 3:04:06 PM

14088 Posts
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throw that arospeed shit in the garbage and just use dual cone filters.

3/15/2006 4:03:38 PM

All American
1149 Posts
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Quote :
"throw that arospeed shit in the garbage and just use dual cone filters"

Yes, it does kinda belong in JC Whitney or Pep BoyZ.

other than the arospeed crap though it looks pretty nice

3/15/2006 4:27:26 PM

All American
1956 Posts
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what looks nice, two stock turbo chargers or the oil lines?

3/15/2006 6:58:06 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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waiting for vid of you blowing up the maxima. Just get some explosives and blow it up manuall, then call it a day.

but seriously, would be kinda intersting to see you follow through on your project and work.

3/15/2006 7:17:31 PM

All American
18302 Posts
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definately video the first startup. good or bad, itll be sweet

3/15/2006 9:56:36 PM

448 Posts
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200 for tuning...what are you tuning with?

3/15/2006 11:04:09 PM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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my guess would be an safc or he lucked out and found an emanage

3/15/2006 11:07:06 PM

All American
6513 Posts
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^^ more like 200 for piping...

3/16/2006 10:29:14 AM

All American
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3/16/2006 10:46:33 AM

 Message Boards » The Garage » I'm starting to collect quite a few parts !!! Page [1]  
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