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 Message Boards » » question for girls... words!!! (stupid) Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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ok one of my neighbors is pretty disabled. something neurological. but i didnt make this thread to pick on him. i make it because i wonder how girls feel about guys like this.

im just gonna list couple examples so you see HOW HE DO, etc...

i get home at the same time as a mutual neighbor... who parks about 40 feet further away than i do. but the other person has boobies! he breaks his back to attempt the conversation with the female and ignores the male. yeah yea my feelings were hurt

now lets say i come home with a female friend with me, the guy will come over and say "hey" to me, then he will HUG the girl so so tightly, like seriously i worry like she might break. so he goes in for 20 second hugs, tries to smell (loudly) while he hugs chicks. if he's confident going in for the hug, he tries to kiss. even after she knows its coming and has told him no.

also, i found out this weekend that he asked out MY girl next door too!!11 after that, it comes out that he has asked out every girl on the street. .and they all have turned him town, lots have made up boyfriends, they make it clear they're not into him. but still he hugs on them and squeezes, and touches as much as they "let" him

i made the thread cause i just got home and saw him RUNNING to go catch a girl before she could get to her front door from her car so he could get one of his hugs

so i know when theres like a non-disabled pervert involved, you ladies get your restraining orders and all that. so how do you handle the brain damaged dudes that try to press up on your tits every time he sees you? STOP doesnt seem to work, "I HAVE A BF" does not seem to work, "NO KISSING" doesnt work... more direct things etc.

do you get the guy locked up? how do you girls handle it, i guess everyone has a "Johnny" around somewhere... i mean its so wild it makes ME uncomfortable as a witness, but dude does not have much brain connecting! he seems like a really nice guy (OR IS IT A PLAY) but this has to become an issue at some point!

6/24/2008 6:26:07 PM

balls deep
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6/24/2008 6:27:48 PM

All American
11299 Posts
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You need to order a hooker over to his house.

6/24/2008 6:31:25 PM

All American
10570 Posts
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ive never been turned town

6/24/2008 6:32:02 PM

All American
170946 Posts
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OH SHIT thats right, emce met him. he's real. he loves cornholio. and he loves boobs, until he meets the girl whos gonna get him locked up on rape

6/24/2008 6:32:45 PM

All American
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6/24/2008 6:34:13 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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Wait, your neighbor is Brian Peppers?

6/24/2008 6:34:18 PM

All American
8972 Posts
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You should step in and save the day...then YOU score the coug.

6/24/2008 6:34:46 PM

2940 Posts
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so where do you live? there's this girl i've been wanting off my dick for awhile. i'll see if this perv can help me a little.

6/24/2008 6:35:15 PM

147487 Posts
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haha i find it highly amusing how much kiljadn has been posting about me lately

6/24/2008 6:36:24 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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yeah, I met him

Honestly, when I shook his hand, it was VERY uncomfortable. He was squeezing extremely hard, and kept shaking for about 15 seconds.....

whatever....I'm a guy....I can deal with it

but I would hate to imagine how hard he's hugging those women, considering how hard he was shaking my hand. Blah blah blah women are equal to men blah blah blah women can be tough too blah blah blah.

WOMEN ARE GENERALLY MORE FRAGILE THAN MEN. He's going to end up hurting someone, and then something bad is going to happen to him

6/24/2008 6:37:14 PM

All American
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this is very funny and has happened to me

i just avoid them if they make me uncomfortable... lol running across the parking lot???

i try to show them my 6'5'' 230lb b/f (now ex b/f so i have no kryptonite for these creeps any longer) but that generally stops the physical contact

6/24/2008 6:42:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You should step in and save the day...then YOU score the coug."

thats the thing, there's nothing in it for me.

no, kidding....

that's the thing... it really doesn't SEEM like anyone is being hurt, i mean he's spreading love... but then again, what evil bitch won't hug the "retarded" guy?

i dont think this man would hurt a fly, i bet he'd probably jump in front of a car to save someone and knock em out of the way

but im worried that one of LENNY'S scenes out of Of Mice and Men is gonna happen

6/24/2008 6:42:32 PM

All American
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by the way, do i pass the grammar chck by underlining the book?

6/24/2008 6:43:32 PM

All American
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is he really that powerful and creepy? is he a big guy? if so then i'd agree with your concern, if hes like 100lbs wet and a bit excessive with the hugs, smelling, and touching then i'd just be creeped but not worry

6/24/2008 6:44:22 PM

balls deep
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I'd say this guy is at least 280 lbs. He's not a small guy.
I think it's a case where he doesn't know his own strength, and doesn't know what social norms are appropriate.
I mean, picture a 250 lb kid trying to give you a hug to be affectionate....getting excited that he's hugging his friend, then forgetting that you're not supposed to squeeze as hard as you can

But I can't really describe him as creepy, because to me...creepy is about intent. I'm sure he doesn't intend to creep people out...but he just doesn't function on the same cognitive level as the rest of he probably just doesn't know

6/24/2008 6:47:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"is he really that powerful and creepy? is he a big guy? if so then i'd agree with your concern, if hes like 100lbs wet and a bit excessive with the hugs, smelling, and touching then i'd just be creeped but not worry"

no he's a big guy, not like fat as hell, not like super built

but i'm 6'1, 220, not TUFF but not a runt by any standards... and i'm sure he could go into a rage and beat me within inches of death.

large powerful guy, very nice and outgoing, funny etc etc etc, not shady in the least. if he Is creepy, he is unintentionally creepy. and i'm wondering how people deal with that kind of creepiness

6/24/2008 6:49:52 PM

All American
3633 Posts
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ok so he has a mental disability? i thought it was physical

im definitely going to hell for all of the bad things i was thinking


im a pretty patient person and if it is someone like that i try not to get offended and be as nice as possible, it probably means the world to him for people to reciprocate his affection

6/24/2008 6:51:39 PM

All American
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man...i dont give a rats ass if he's disabled...after a "no"and he keeps trying... i'll be beating the shit outta him.

6/24/2008 6:56:03 PM

Bee Hugger
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Quote :
"ok one of my neighbors is pretty disabled. something neurological. but i didnt make this thread to pick on him."

jackleg impresses me more and more with each post.

6/24/2008 6:56:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"by the way, do i pass the grammar chck by underlining the book?"

Does he live by himself? The best way to handle it would probably be to talk to someone who interacts with him often enough that they could explain to him, in a way that he'd understand, that he needs to be either more gentle (gentler?) or less aggressive (physically and just in general) or whatever. That way it's someone he trusts and understands and he will hopefully get what he's being told without having his feelings hurt or anything. If he's as nice a guy as you say (jumping in front of a car to save someone) then I doubt he wants to be hurting people and would probably respond well to having someone explain that he needs to be a little gentler.

6/24/2008 7:01:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"jackleg impresses me more and more with each post."

i swear im the same as i wever was!!1 you'll see at the TWW thirsty thirsday.

i always loosen the auidence up with a joke when i tell a long boring story

6/24/2008 7:01:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If he's as nice a guy as you say (jumping in front of a car to save someone) then I doubt he wants to be hurting people and would probably respond well to having someone explain that he needs to be a little gentler."

oh yeah thats the point, i don't think the guy has a mean bone in his body. he has to be followed ariybd by a circus of uncomfortable suituations.

[Edited on June 24, 2008 at 7:04 PM. Reason : also they just said "cougar" on the radio.... you down?]

6/24/2008 7:04:09 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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Quote :
" Zack: (In unison) "Hey, nice shirt!" And then poor Paul rides in with no arms and no legs on his little wheeled cart thing and the mood just drops through the floor.

Dr. Thorpe: God, I've been to parties like this. Everyone there knows each other, but you don't know anyone, and you just sort of stand around nodding and not really knowing who to talk to, and then some fucking armless midget spots you and next think you know he's talking your ear off all night.

Zack: Way to bring a party down, Paul.

Dr. Thorpe: "These guys are great! This is a great party, huh? This is my friend Eric's house! He's my friend! I was at a restaurant and he helped me up the ramp! Then I sat at his table with him and his girlfriend and I talked to them for like an hour! They're so nice! I asked if I could come to his party and he said yes! I told him I needed a ride and he said he wasn't sure he could give me one but I said 'pleaaaaaaase' and he came over and picked me up!"

Zack: It's like having a party with a wounded howling dog skulking around. "Oh, that's just Old Buck, he got run over by a tractor." Meanwhile everyone is trying to talk about what was on "The Office" the night before while Old Buck licks pitifully at a compound fracture.

Dr. Thorpe: It's way worse than that when Paul cloys to you, because if you're nice to him he thinks you're his best friend and he'll always be trying to hang out, and you can't say no because he's a cripple and you're not sure if he's all there mentally. And then eventually you snap at him when he's being too annoying and your wife gets totally livid and doesn't talk to you for the rest of the night because Paul is "such a sweet, brave guy" and you're a completely insensitive monster.

Zack: And you try to explain that he just sat there across from her, rocking his wheeled cart thing back and forth like that, because he could see up her skirt. "Honey, I want you to go say you're sorry and then offer to feed him the rest of the cocktail olives."

Dr. Thorpe: I bet to this day, Paul is saying "did I ever tell you about the time I was a MODEL?" to some poor son of a bitch. But the photographer had to let him be in the photo shoot because it's the only way he could get his wife to not hate him after he told Paul to shut the fuck up the night before.

Zack: If you ever see a guy like Paul coast into a party you know, with absolute certainty, that he is really into the Lord. Nothing strengthens your faith in the almighty quite like quadruple amputation. "I only made it through this because of my Faith in Jesus and that's why the doctor says two more surgeries and he can take me off the catheter."

Dr. Thorpe: Not just the Lord, either. That's annoying enough, but guys like him have like fifteen weird hobbies that they have to tell you about. He's also an avid birdwatcher and guilt-trips some poor guy into driving him to the marsh five times a week so he can spot a Crested Warbler, and then he makes the dude write it down in his stupid little book.

Zack: And the dude looks in the book and each bird sighting is done in a different handwriting and in that tragic moment he realizes that all of Paul's hobbies exist so that he has a reason to cajole people into helping him.

Dr. Thorpe: And if the guy says "Paul, I'm kinda too busy for birdwatching this week," Paul goes "that's okay, I can claw my way up to my window and look out of it for birds. It faces a bare brick wall but I'm sure someday a bird will fly down there!"

Zack: Yeah, Paul never acts anything but happy, but he always includes little details about his life that are appallingly tragic. "Hey guys, did I ever tell you about the time I fell out of my sling in the shower and laid on the floor bleeding from my head for two days before the home health nurse found me? No? It's a great story..."

Dr. Thorpe: "If it weren't for Jesus and great friends like you guys, I might get overwhelmed by all this stuff!" And then you have to drive him sixty goddamned miles so he can go to Six Flags, and you have to wheel him around on his cart for five hours watching him grin like a bozo and make kids cry with his deformity every fifteen feet.

Zack: It's not a DE-formity it's a PRO-bably a deformity.

Dr. Thorpe: "I'm just as God made me, and proud of it! Well, God and a crippling childhood illness that left me in this state!"

Zack: "My mother said she wished the test had caught it before I was born, but I'm just happy to be here! Oh, my mom? No, she disappeared when I was seven and left me in a raincoat by the side of the road. 'ET' had just come out so I spent the next three months eating Reese's Pieces in some kid's closet dressed up like a girl. I had to eat my own waste to keep up the illusion."

Dr. Thorpe: "It's a funny story, I didn't learn to talk until I was fifteen because nobody ever tried to talk to me! I'm glad I have people to talk to now!"

Zack: "Now I hardly know when to stop, haha, just tell me if I'm blabbering on." And then your wife cuts you a murderous glare as you start to tell him to shut up.

Dr. Thorpe: But none of this can compare to the "people think I'm not a sexual being just because I was born a little different, but I have the same needs as anyone else" speech. That's when things really start to get awkward.

Zack: Especially if you've been lured into his house. Then he takes you to the ominously named Equipment Room. "Just like normal people, only I sit on this saddle and you can lay on your back and use the clamps to stimulate my prostate. I have no sensation in my genitals so you'll have to watch out in case I start to go to the bathroom."

Dr. Thorpe: And you say "look, I'm really not comfortable with..." and your wife glares at you and kicks you under the table.

6/24/2008 7:18:47 PM

All American
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4 of of 5 cocklookers agree!

6/24/2008 7:25:12 PM

All American
10504 Posts
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[Edited on June 24, 2008 at 7:27 PM. Reason : ^'s]

6/24/2008 7:27:09 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"You need to order a hooker over to his house.


I LIKE this idea. get the guy some BUSH.

6/24/2008 7:32:28 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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^^^^ Holy crap that's funny.

And yeah, if you can get into contact with his mother or something that might be helpful (assuming his parents are still around). Maybe there's a contact listed at the rental office?

6/24/2008 7:34:14 PM

All American
14028 Posts
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I don't know why women put up with that. I've had Special people try that crap on me before and I don't care if they're being affectionate or creepy, I don't like being touched*. I just tell people to stop touching me and that I'm contact avoidant. I think it's OK to start throwing punches after that.

*especially by hideous people I don't like like my supervisor with the lazy eye from when I worked at Target in high school

6/24/2008 7:34:19 PM

All American
18177 Posts
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Quote :
"i guess everyone has a "Johnny" around somewhere... "

6/24/2008 8:30:07 PM

All American
10803 Posts
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you live next to DnL ?

6/24/2008 8:33:30 PM

All American
1429 Posts
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this should do the trick...

It won't take more than a couple of times and he will understand.

6/24/2008 9:06:57 PM

All American
10343 Posts
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[quote]I don't know why women put up with that. I've had Special people try that crap on me before and I don't care if they're being affectionate or creepy, I don't like being touched*. I just tell people to stop touching me and that I'm contact avoidant.[quote]

also true, but depending on the extent to which he is disabled, that may not do a whole lot with him.

6/24/2008 9:13:23 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Wait, your neighbor is Brian Peppers?"


6/24/2008 11:37:18 PM

Rat Soup
All American
7669 Posts
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Quote :
"Quote :
" Zack: (In unison) "Hey, nice shirt!" And then poor Paul rides in with no arms and no legs on his little wheeled cart thing and the mood just drops through the floor.

Dr. Thorpe: God, I've been to parties like this. Everyone there knows each other, but you don't know anyone, and you just sort of stand around nodding and not really knowing who to talk to, and then some fucking armless midget spots you and next think you know he's talking your ear off all night.

Zack: Way to bring a party down, Paul.

Dr. Thorpe: "These guys are great! This is a great party, huh? This is my friend Eric's house! He's my friend! I was at a restaurant and he helped me up the ramp! Then I sat at his table with him and his girlfriend and I talked to them for like an hour! They're so nice! I asked if I could come to his party and he said yes! I told him I needed a ride and he said he wasn't sure he could give me one but I said 'pleaaaaaaase' and he came over and picked me up!"

Zack: It's like having a party with a wounded howling dog skulking around. "Oh, that's just Old Buck, he got run over by a tractor." Meanwhile everyone is trying to talk about what was on "The Office" the night before while Old Buck licks pitifully at a compound fracture.

Dr. Thorpe: It's way worse than that when Paul cloys to you, because if you're nice to him he thinks you're his best friend and he'll always be trying to hang out, and you can't say no because he's a cripple and you're not sure if he's all there mentally. And then eventually you snap at him when he's being too annoying and your wife gets totally livid and doesn't talk to you for the rest of the night because Paul is "such a sweet, brave guy" and you're a completely insensitive monster.

Zack: And you try to explain that he just sat there across from her, rocking his wheeled cart thing back and forth like that, because he could see up her skirt. "Honey, I want you to go say you're sorry and then offer to feed him the rest of the cocktail olives."

Dr. Thorpe: I bet to this day, Paul is saying "did I ever tell you about the time I was a MODEL?" to some poor son of a bitch. But the photographer had to let him be in the photo shoot because it's the only way he could get his wife to not hate him after he told Paul to shut the fuck up the night before.

Zack: If you ever see a guy like Paul coast into a party you know, with absolute certainty, that he is really into the Lord. Nothing strengthens your faith in the almighty quite like quadruple amputation. "I only made it through this because of my Faith in Jesus and that's why the doctor says two more surgeries and he can take me off the catheter."

Dr. Thorpe: Not just the Lord, either. That's annoying enough, but guys like him have like fifteen weird hobbies that they have to tell you about. He's also an avid birdwatcher and guilt-trips some poor guy into driving him to the marsh five times a week so he can spot a Crested Warbler, and then he makes the dude write it down in his stupid little book.

Zack: And the dude looks in the book and each bird sighting is done in a different handwriting and in that tragic moment he realizes that all of Paul's hobbies exist so that he has a reason to cajole people into helping him.

Dr. Thorpe: And if the guy says "Paul, I'm kinda too busy for birdwatching this week," Paul goes "that's okay, I can claw my way up to my window and look out of it for birds. It faces a bare brick wall but I'm sure someday a bird will fly down there!"

Zack: Yeah, Paul never acts anything but happy, but he always includes little details about his life that are appallingly tragic. "Hey guys, did I ever tell you about the time I fell out of my sling in the shower and laid on the floor bleeding from my head for two days before the home health nurse found me? No? It's a great story..."

Dr. Thorpe: "If it weren't for Jesus and great friends like you guys, I might get overwhelmed by all this stuff!" And then you have to drive him sixty goddamned miles so he can go to Six Flags, and you have to wheel him around on his cart for five hours watching him grin like a bozo and make kids cry with his deformity every fifteen feet.

Zack: It's not a DE-formity it's a PRO-bably a deformity.

Dr. Thorpe: "I'm just as God made me, and proud of it! Well, God and a crippling childhood illness that left me in this state!"

Zack: "My mother said she wished the test had caught it before I was born, but I'm just happy to be here! Oh, my mom? No, she disappeared when I was seven and left me in a raincoat by the side of the road. 'ET' had just come out so I spent the next three months eating Reese's Pieces in some kid's closet dressed up like a girl. I had to eat my own waste to keep up the illusion."

Dr. Thorpe: "It's a funny story, I didn't learn to talk until I was fifteen because nobody ever tried to talk to me! I'm glad I have people to talk to now!"

Zack: "Now I hardly know when to stop, haha, just tell me if I'm blabbering on." And then your wife cuts you a murderous glare as you start to tell him to shut up.

Dr. Thorpe: But none of this can compare to the "people think I'm not a sexual being just because I was born a little different, but I have the same needs as anyone else" speech. That's when things really start to get awkward.

Zack: Especially if you've been lured into his house. Then he takes you to the ominously named Equipment Room. "Just like normal people, only I sit on this saddle and you can lay on your back and use the clamps to stimulate my prostate. I have no sensation in my genitals so you'll have to watch out in case I start to go to the bathroom."

Dr. Thorpe: And you say "look, I'm really not comfortable with..." and your wife glares at you and kicks you under the table.

well somebody here frequents

6/25/2008 1:29:16 AM

6518 Posts
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6/25/2008 1:33:59 AM

76471 Posts
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Is it Asperger's, a la Wolfman?

6/25/2008 1:35:54 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11608 Posts
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this is why tasers exist

6/25/2008 2:43:50 AM

All American
1340 Posts
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this is why tasers exist

6/25/2008 8:29:42 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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If i had an excuse i would do it too. Maybe there is nothing wrong with him he just found a loophole in society where he can grope and kiss random women without it being a legal issue.

But yah its creepy.

6/25/2008 8:33:41 AM

32613 Posts
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it SHOULD still be illegal although I guess playing the sympathy card might work out for them here. most ppl i know in wheelchairs don't want ppl to feel sorry for them and would kick (ok not literally obviously) somebody's ass for some shit like that

and it's f'in creepy

6/25/2008 8:36:19 AM

soup du hier
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Yeah it actually is still illegal but usually the court will say he didn't know any better and... how big of an ass must one be to charge someone with a mental disorder of sexual harassment...

But yes its creepy... my ex works with autistic kids and forgot one of them had a sexual trigger, she wore a skirt one day and he took his pants off and humped her leg while her colleagues just laughed.

6/25/2008 8:39:10 AM

32613 Posts
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lol exact same thing happened one time in high school to a kid with autism... he was one of the "cool" ones that was actually halfway normal, was insanely good at math (and had the phone book memorized which was a bit creepy when you told him your name and he knew your address if you were in there..), was in calculus and all that with me and could handle a normal conversation most of the time

anyways.. point of the story is he got all excited one day and started whacking it in the middle of the big ass room we all went to during the break between 1st and 2nd blocks then when a teacher tried to stop him he started basically humping her leg. it went on for like 15 minutes because he was a pretty big guy and well, who wants to mess with a retard with his dick out? lol

6/25/2008 8:44:54 AM

All American
3093 Posts
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Quote :
"smell (loudly)"

Guaranteed to scare the shit out of some broads

[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 9:06 AM. Reason : .]

6/25/2008 9:05:41 AM

All American
961 Posts
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Quote :
"lol exact same thing happened one time in high school to a kid with autism... he was one of the "cool" ones that was actually halfway normal, was insanely good at math (and had the phone book memorized which was a bit creepy when you told him your name and he knew your address if you were in there..), was in calculus and all that with me and could handle a normal conversation most of the time

anyways.. point of the story is he got all excited one day and started whacking it in the middle of the big ass room we all went to during the break between 1st and 2nd blocks then when a teacher tried to stop him he started basically humping her leg. it went on for like 15 minutes because he was a pretty big guy and well, who wants to mess with a retard with his dick out? lol


6/25/2008 9:41:24 AM

All American
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6/25/2008 9:49:32 AM

All American
4923 Posts
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I was going to ask if he might be autistic. Seems like a good possibility. I honestly don't know what to do, maybe take the advice of someone above and have someone close to him try to work on it.

On another note;HOW does so much random shit seem to happen in your life?

6/25/2008 9:51:15 AM

Double Entendre
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Quote :
"found a loophole in society"

that reminds me of Donnie on Just Shoot Me. green quarter and he fell out of a tree?

I am a terrible person but I am weirded out by touchy-feely disabled people such as this guy you are talking about. I don't liked to be squeezed in really tight hugs by anyone! My breast aren't into that! People who don't know their strength also scare me!

6/25/2008 10:14:26 AM

All American
11036 Posts
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has anyone said KICK HIM IN THE FUCKING NADS? Just cause he's retarded doesn't mean he get's creepy groping privleges with all the vajayjay in town.

6/25/2008 10:17:40 AM

All American
27208 Posts
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set em up

[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 12:07 PM. Reason : ]

6/25/2008 12:01:01 PM

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