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supple anteater
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I just want to see where tww or at least us soapboxers are in terms of representation.

The picture from above should be helpful, but if you are somewhere on the line it might be hard to tell. In that case this is a really useful tool:

You can just zoom in on NC until where you see where you live, or do a search by zip or address (this tool works for people outside of NC too).

District 1
Rep. Butterfield, George [D]

District 2
Rep. Etheridge, Bob [D]

District 3
Rep. Jones, Walter [R]

District 4
Rep. Price, David [D]

District 5
Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R]

District 6
Rep. Coble, Howard [R]

District 7
Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D]

District 8
Rep. Kissell, Larry [D]

District 9
Rep. Myrick, Sue [R]

District 10
Rep. Mchenry, Patrick [R]

District 11
Rep. Shuler, Heath [D]

District 12
Rep. Watt, Melvin [D]

District 13
Rep. Miller, Bradley [D]

I'm guessing most of us are district 2, 4, or 13 which make up the triangle area.

Let's have like a 10 post moratorium on soap box arguing, lets get a little data first with simple responses, and then we can hash it out if there is anything that needs hashing. You can simply copy & paste the info & say "I'm in..." beforehand. I'll start:

I'm in District 4
Rep. Price, David [D]

9/2/2009 11:46:46 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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(David Price)

9/2/2009 11:56:24 PM

All American
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GK Butterfield says fuck you all

9/3/2009 12:00:13 AM

All American
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David Price.

And I just can't stop staring at the ridiculousness of the lines for Districts 1 and 3.

I mean, you can start at one point in District 3, drive 2 hours west across pure District 1....and be back in District 3.

Or, do the same thing a little farther south, and you get to exit and re-enter your district....and then exit and re-enter your district.....then exit and re-enter your district.....and then exit and re-enter your district again. Good grief.

[Edited on September 3, 2009 at 2:54 AM. Reason : a]

9/3/2009 2:48:26 AM

10008 Posts
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Ginny Brown-Waite from District 5

the only republican (maybe the only representative) to be absent for the stimulus vote

9/3/2009 5:07:31 AM

All American
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I'm in District 4
Rep. Price, David [D]

9/3/2009 6:31:28 AM

All American
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Mike McIntyre

9/3/2009 7:45:02 AM

All American
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Brad Miller. Had to zoom in on that map several times, as it would appear I live but a few blocks from one of those insane boundaries.

9/3/2009 8:06:42 AM

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District 5
Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R]


9/3/2009 8:23:05 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"And I just can't stop staring at the ridiculousness of the lines for Districts 1 and 3."

Still there is no district quite like district 12 in NC.

9/3/2009 9:03:29 AM

10517 Posts
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Bob Goodlatte, Virginia 6th

The 2nd guy to sign on to the birther bill.


9/3/2009 4:22:43 PM

All American
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10th district
Rep. Patrick McHenry (insert carlface)

9/3/2009 4:39:26 PM

All American
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this district shit is retarded

9/3/2009 4:40:16 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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lol @ district 12

9/4/2009 12:23:06 AM

supple anteater
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Yeah, she's a death paneler.

This one also got her in hot water recently:

[Edited on September 4, 2009 at 12:25 AM. Reason : .]

9/4/2009 12:24:36 AM

All American
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Howard Coble checking in.

Not really sure how I feel about that.

9/4/2009 12:59:21 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Still there is no district quite like district 12 in NC."

LOL. I didn't even see it! And I looked at the map quite a while....

9/4/2009 1:04:24 AM

All American
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yeah, fuck, i'm in #12... stuck right in the middle too.

9/4/2009 10:46:09 AM

All American
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WA District 7 Represent!

US Rep : Jim McDermott

US Sen : Patty Murray
US Sen : Maria Cantwell

woo hoo. we putting the "omg" in Comgress.

[Edited on September 4, 2009 at 11:14 AM. Reason : ]

9/4/2009 11:11:55 AM

All American
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Brad Miller.

I've been happier.

9/4/2009 11:15:43 AM

All American
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I only work in that gerrymandered district 12.


9/4/2009 11:27:26 AM

supple anteater
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^^he's not so terrible though. He's a democrat with the background of having been in the state senate & house, but certainly not the most liberal democrat in US congress from this state.

Quote :
"Brad was elected to the North Carolina Senate in 1996, where he served six years. As a member of the North Carolina Senate, Brad introduced legislation to expand North Carolina's domestic violence law; to reduce air pollution from cars and trucks; to freeze new or expanded hog lagoons; to limit the influence of political patronage in state government hiring; and to protect consumers from dishonest automobile mechanics by prohibiting garages from charging for work not authorized by the consumer. As a Judiciary Committee chairman, Brad helped guide into law legislation to address "Driving While Black," or racial profiling.

In 2002, Brad was elected to Congress to represent a new district gained by North Carolina after the 2000 Census. As a member of the Financial Services Committee, Brad has quickly become a leader in protecting vulnerable consumers from unconscionable practices by the financial services industry. He is lead sponsor of legislation to protect consumers from predatory mortgage lending practices, legislation supported by a broad coalition of consumer and civil rights organizations.

Brad has been a leader for working Americans caught in a painful economic transition.Brad founded the Community College Caucus in the House to rally support for the important role of community colleges in adult education and job training.

As a member of the Science Committee, Brad has been a leader in supporting basic research. He is the lead sponsor of legislation to help research universities obtain patents and prepare business plans for commercial uses for the product of their research. "

My general impression of his perception is that no one thinks he's the best, and no one thinks he's the worst, but he's decent. He seems like a nice enough guy to me... now that I think about it I think Rep. Etheridge is the only triangle area US congressman I haven't encountered in person.

9/4/2009 11:44:20 AM

All American
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^Yeah, that's a pretty good description. A whole lotta 'meh'.

9/4/2009 11:57:07 AM

All American
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District 4

9/5/2009 4:41:31 PM

All American
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lol @ district 12

9/6/2009 3:38:29 AM

All American
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9/6/2009 12:17:28 PM

All American
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District 13.

9/6/2009 10:34:52 PM

All American
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Maine district 1.

Rep. Pingree, Chellie [D]

Sen. Collins, Susan [R]
Sen. Snowe, Olympia [R]

9/6/2009 10:51:13 PM

All American
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Democracy is so fucked up. Hell, they pick the damn streets they want to be in their district.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:39 AM. Reason : Goddamn gerrymandering gentrifying crooked ass lying fucking politiicians way too drunk here]

9/7/2009 12:36:13 AM

supple anteater
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1 & 3 & to a lesser extend 2 have some strange long extensions that don't seem to make any sense, I tried looking at highways, population centers like Greenville, but they just hack them all to pieces. I can't see simply by looking what, if any, theoretical justification explains those long extensions... and 12 is basically just one long extension with no base area (maybe I should be trying to read up on it instead). Most of the non-eastern NC districts at least seems to make sense except for 12 and for where 12 cuts into other districts.

Texas has some pretty messed up spots, Wyoming looks to be the simplest,

9/7/2009 2:07:39 AM

Mangy Wolf
All American
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Well you see, they have to give certain districts enough blacks to ensure that a black person wins the primary and general election. Because there is no way a white person can fairly represent a black. But in doing so, they can't take enough blacks from other districts to harm the Democrats, because that would keep the white liberals out of power.

9/7/2009 10:25:03 AM

All American
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^^ 13, 4, and 2 do that as well - they pretty much carve up Raleigh arbitrarily. That is, 4 is a "mostly" sensible district, but it is bordered by some nonsense by 13 and 2.

9/7/2009 12:29:11 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I think there's got to be a better way to elect representatives/divide districts than the current method. Whoever is running the state legislature can basically change the lines as they see fit, for purely political reasons if they like.

I'd rather see something like a statewide election for each representative position, preferably using proportional representation.

9/7/2009 12:43:16 PM

not dnl
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if my calculations correct, david price is my kaplan

9/7/2009 1:57:17 PM

supple anteater
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^^^I noticed looking at state capitals & big cities across the US that many of them are cut up much worse than that. I don't know if it is in trying to represent different areas, as in one person represents past the belt line & one person represents downtown, or in larger cities just different neighborhoods that have different interests, or if its more than ever legislator wants a piece of the capital, or it may be that large population centers have to divided up in a certain way to give individual citizens a better citizen to representative ratio?

9/7/2009 2:30:42 PM

All American
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I find it difficult to believe, however, that this is the most geometrically contiguous way to normalize representative:population ratios. If anything, its smacks of drawing upon particular neighborhoods - carving up the city to draw in favorable concentrations of voters and neglect those "less" so.

9/7/2009 2:46:54 PM

All American
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Democrats trade black neighborhoods like baseball cards.

9/7/2009 3:04:56 PM

supple anteater
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Republicans do it too, and have made national news for doing it in Texas, but not so much in NC. For better or worse NC belongs to the democratic party on the state level. I agree gerrymandering is bad regardless of who is doing it.

It should be interesting to see if the districts change much after the upcoming census.

9/7/2009 4:06:47 PM

All American
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brad miller

9/9/2009 3:00:49 PM

supple anteater
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We’ve had this thread up for just over a week now, let’s see where the tally falls, & who all represents tdub (I didn’t include out of staters simply to make the counting easier, although I still encourage them to share where they are located):

District 1: 1
District 2: 0
District 3: 0
District 4: 5
District 5: 1
District 6: 1
District 7: 1
District 8: 0
District 9: 0
District 10: 1
District 11: 1
District 12: 1
District 13: 4

To break it down into which part represents how many of us:
Republicans: 3
Democrats: 13

Not surprisingly we are represented most heavily by the representatives who represent the Raleigh/Wake County/nearby area, both with district 4 which is most of the triangle with Orange, Durham, & western Wake, & with district 2 which contains much of downtown Raleigh. District 2 contains NCSU so even if we didn’t get anyone listing themselves in that district (probably because of the number of the relative number of grad students/alumnus compared to undergrads on tdub) I still think we probably have a few tdubbers there too.

I remember reading somewhere earlier in the year that Raleigh was the fastest growing city in the United States. Any chance North Carolina will pick up a Congressional seat or two? My understanding is right now we have 13 based on our population from the 2010 census (out of the total 435 available to the whole US), but we could get more after next years census. I saw a "Constituents per Representative" chart on wikipedia which suggests population limitations per district, with the kind of numbers there Charlotte or Raleigh have to be cut up b/c they alone have a higher population than can fit into one district.

I for one would like to see NC getting more votes in congress. A higher population would also mean more federal money for the state.

9/10/2009 3:29:50 PM

Agent 0
All American
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Del. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (D)

No Senators

i proudly chose the Taxation Without Representation plates over the slogan

atleast we can vote for Pres.

^we have 13 because of the 2000 census. we stole a seat from utah to create NC-13.

Quote :
"I saw a "Constituents per Representative" chart on wikipedia which suggests population limitations per district"

districts are divided up into roughly 650,000 citizens per district. did you really not know that?

[Edited on September 10, 2009 at 4:06 PM. Reason : .]

9/10/2009 4:00:20 PM

Sup, B
53293 Posts
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Joe Wilson

9/10/2009 4:07:54 PM

supple anteater
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^^I was under the impression that they were divided up at least partially based on population, I didn't know the exact mechanics. So I guess that means Charlotte & many big cities have to be split, but not Raleigh (although Wake County still couldn't be its own district) based on population sizes from wiki.

9/10/2009 6:16:49 PM

Agent 0
All American
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its based on whatever the fuck the redistricting committee in the state legislature wants it to be, as long as it's roughly 650,000 people and doesnt violate the voting rights act.

how do you think nc 13 got drawn like it did? who was chairman of the redistricting committee when they redrew the maps after the census. ill give you a hint. he's been the congressman of nc-13 ever since.

9/10/2009 6:34:58 PM

All American
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David Price (D) - District 4

my parents are in District 2 - Walter Jones (R)

but Walter Jones used to be a Dem...and he still votes like one

9/10/2009 6:40:44 PM

10517 Posts
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Quote :
"but Walter Jones used to be a Dem...and he still votes like one"

he's my old rep...and what aside from his lack of support for the war makes you say that? he's pretty damn partial to his party aside from on that issue.

9/10/2009 8:30:33 PM

supple anteater
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Wow, you were serious.

Looks like he represents the deepest south part of South Carolina, and is in one of only two districts that don't share any boarder territory with North Carolina (although 6 at least comes close), but a lot with Georgia.

What do you make of Joe the shouter Wilson personally?

On a side note, I didn't realize that SC had less than half the the number of districts we have, so is it safe to assume they have a little less than half the population size too?

[Edited on September 11, 2009 at 12:53 AM. Reason : .]

9/11/2009 12:52:17 AM

Sup, B
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I wasn't fucking around, Supp, lol.

Personally, I think it was a dumb move on the part of Wilson, as it just makes another connection between Republicans and the rowdy town halls. I agree with what he said, because I think Obama knows this will eventually cover illegals. He just knows not to say it out loud.

As for what the peeps around here think, I can't really say. I haven't been to work in a couple days, cause I've got the flu, and my job says "stay the fuck away if u gots teh flu!!!one" Thus, I haven't spoken to people about it. I'd bet that people agree with what he said, but disagree with his outburst.

At worst, it will affect Wilson's chances in the GOP primary. I know I am supporting a different candidate, but I've been doing so for a while now. I don't think there is any way that this district will vote a Dem into the house. It barely tolerates Lindsey Graham.

9/11/2009 1:39:01 PM

supple anteater
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^How many GOPs are in that primary? And how much of a shot do the non-incumbents have?

9/11/2009 2:11:12 PM

Sup, B
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no telling what kindofa shot they have

9/11/2009 2:12:14 PM

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