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All American
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not really, but I want to eventually when I get this neck shit figured out.

I tried suboxone with bad results, I need to find a doc who isn't afraid to write subutex (suboxone without the puking)

5/1/2010 2:29:26 AM

13178 Posts
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Real men quit cold turkey.

5/1/2010 2:40:08 AM

All American
19599 Posts
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maybe you should try not being a bitch

5/1/2010 2:41:08 AM

All American
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always the same responses. can't you guys come up with something better?

5/1/2010 2:42:36 AM

All American
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5/1/2010 2:43:56 AM

All American
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I would if you weren't a bitch

5/1/2010 2:44:43 AM

All American
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after being on a range of opiates by Rx for 3 years stopping cold turkey sounds like a great idea!

5/1/2010 2:45:43 AM

13178 Posts
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A real man could do it.

5/1/2010 2:51:03 AM

All American
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always the same responses threads. can't you guys come up with something better?

5/1/2010 3:09:57 AM

All American
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find a single thread about me talking about methadone, please.

5/1/2010 3:16:42 AM

All American
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5/1/2010 3:17:27 AM

All American
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obviously not the current thread we are in...

5/1/2010 3:20:35 AM

All American
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you did not specify that it couldn't be the current thread

5/1/2010 3:22:26 AM

All American
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pretty obvious.

what drugs are you on tonight?

5/1/2010 3:28:23 AM

13178 Posts
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If it was so obvious, then WHY did he do it?

It wasn't clear to me that you meant another thread until you specified any other thread but this one.

5/1/2010 3:37:05 AM

All American
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so we have 2 idiots, congratz

5/1/2010 3:49:08 AM

173 Posts
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You should try this.

5/1/2010 7:11:22 AM

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my grandma is on methadone for the pain from her kidney cancer

5/1/2010 8:57:13 AM

All American
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Why are you sad about the fact that she's on methadone?

At least she's getting strong medication to ease the pain son.

5/1/2010 9:20:02 AM

All American
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BlackDog is going on about drugs again

5/1/2010 9:22:23 AM

All American
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There's honestly no point in even commenting about it anymore. It's so repetitive these days. He posts about drugs and the everyone tells him he's posting about drugs.

He knows and everyone else knows that he's posting about drugs son.

It should simply be left alone my son.

Alone my son.

5/1/2010 9:24:23 AM

All American
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I suppose you're right son. There are some things we must pass over in silence, son.

5/1/2010 9:25:00 AM

All American
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eh, I'm just here for a little slap and pickle

5/1/2010 11:50:43 AM

All American
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No one gives a fuck about you, you bullshit "pain" or your addiction to something that only a 90 pound woman would be "hooked" on.

fuck off and die. you are the worst kind of person in this world.

5/1/2010 12:09:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"or your addiction to something that only a 90 pound woman would be "hooked" on."

Out of curiosity, where are you getting this idea from? What opiates/opioids have you used?

5/1/2010 12:11:14 PM

All American
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real men have will power.

5/1/2010 12:15:19 PM

All American
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and you're a what?

5/1/2010 12:17:04 PM

All American
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I'm NOT a little bitch.

5/1/2010 12:18:44 PM

All American
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and what surgeries have you had in the last 3 years?

or hell, the last 3 days?

I know I make myself out to be a huge troll target in many of my threads, but some of them are actually serious (like this one).

Do you really think a bunch of strangers telling a stranger to get off drugs and "be a man" is going to do shit? You are just wasting your life away trying to convince random observers that I'm not "cool"; which I never was trying to be.

I post about drugs to lighten the mood of having to take them every day, you do realize after the first oh, 6 months or so it stops being fun right? It's not a god damn party every day in my head (if you don't notice by some of my posts).

5/1/2010 12:27:05 PM

All American
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best of luck to you sir

5/1/2010 12:30:45 PM

All American
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thank you

I may just go into a 2 week medical detox, methadone clinics seem like a huge hassle and some people get as addicted to them as they do the real drugs.

[Edited on May 1, 2010 at 12:36 PM. Reason : .]

5/1/2010 12:33:11 PM

All American
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damn, that sucks dude

5/1/2010 12:36:23 PM

All American
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I don't care about you doing drugs - I make fun you you for whining about your pain and "addiction" like a little bitch. I was born with JRA - have had 7 operations on my left knee and two on my right eye. I have never gotten hooked on my oxy - nor do I feel so useless and pathetic that I allow my health to define me as a person.

You choose to focus on your "pain" you choose to focus on drugs and allow it to encompass your entire life - instead of being like the rest of the world and dealing with it like a man. Is your life so empty - that this is all you have to talk about? You have a bad back, so do millions of others.

This - and this reason alone, is why you fail at life. I feel sorry for you.

Now post your heroin *.gif and go fuck yourself.

[Edited on May 1, 2010 at 12:42 PM. Reason : g]

5/1/2010 12:38:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"real men have will power."

So, you know NOTHING about opiate tolerance and physical addiction then? Just leave son, you look like a fool.

^ OH, SO you have done oxycodone son. What doses son and for how long? I'm still not convinced you know a damn thing about opiate addiction. You can be a smart ass about it, but until you actually demonstrate some knowledge in the field, you haven't a leg to stand on. Everyone's brain is different, it is hardly a simply issue for anyone who is genetically pre-disposed to addiction.

5/1/2010 12:39:25 PM

All American
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read above little wrists.

5/1/2010 12:39:48 PM

All American
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I asked you a question fool.

I could hang 235lbs off my dick in high school btw.

5/1/2010 12:42:41 PM

All American
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^^^^ lol JRA lol, son, swelling of the joints is a little different from major spinal injuries (see my gallery)

I may have to have a neck fusion done, your swollen knuckles don't mean shit to me son. Also anyone who was on opiates on a daily regimen and then tries to quit is going to have mental and physical withdrawal, NO ONE is immune to this.

The reason I talk about it a decent amount is because every day I wake up I have to convince myself to get out of bed and try to walk to the medicine cabinet. It sounds like tearing paper in my head when I move my neck around at all. I have weekly procedures being done to try and fix the problem. I would love to quit drugs tomorrow, but being in pain sort of limits that.

Also I thought this was TWW Chit Chat, since when do we have to be "men" in here?

[Edited on May 1, 2010 at 12:47 PM. Reason : /]

5/1/2010 12:46:04 PM

All American
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That's his posting gimmick. On an internet message board.

5/1/2010 12:54:13 PM

All American
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5/1/2010 12:57:51 PM

All American
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I KNEW you were going to comeback and say how much more EXTREME your pain is compared to anyone else. I knew you were going to give examples of how hard life is for you. You sound like a "very special" episode of Degrassi.

I took opiates on consistent basis - and did not have any problem quiting.

You define your life by your pain and your addictions. You allow it to control every aspect. That sir, is why you are a little bitch.

5/1/2010 12:58:27 PM

All American
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why didn't you just quote your previous post? You said nothing new, except trying to defend JRA (which is what you are complaining about me doing is defending my pain) Also note I didn't say my pain was more extreme than anyone else, I simply called JRA a pussy ass pain problem.

also why do you care so much about me being a "bitch" about my pain.

Last thing is how long were you on opiates, how much, what kind, how frequently; saying you were on them doesn't prove shit about your opiate manhood.

[Edited on May 1, 2010 at 1:01 PM. Reason : .]

5/1/2010 12:59:26 PM

All American
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one of my drummers has back problems that have him getting shots / procedures all the time, cortizine shots, all sorts of shit. it isn't fun for him* to take tons of back pain meds, either, but he does like to talk about it cause the pain he's in rules his life. I for one understand this guy and say it's fine to be in pain and talk about it.

5/1/2010 1:02:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I took opiates on consistent basis - and did not have any problem quiting. "

Nice and vague, so I'll ask you again.


As I already said as well, every brain is different. Anyone who thinks quitting is the same level of difficulty for everyone is an idiot who has no experience in the field of addiction. Go learn some shit before you start waving around your little "I took some percocet for a week and quit". So, as I said before, you're a dumb bitch, accept it and move the fuck on.

Note: I'm not supporting or saying it's wrong to discuss the shit constantly, I'm focusing on your one specific claim that everyone is able to stop using opiates as easily as you were (You have no idea how hard it is to quit when you're actually on a large dose, if you did you'd have told us your dose and duration of dose) and the assertion that everyone else is in the same amount of pain as you were and thus don't need medication is also absurd. Every brain is different and yours is exceedingly dumb.

5/1/2010 1:03:22 PM

All American
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where did I defend JRA? I told you my medical history (you asked).

I am not defined by my health, or the pills I have taken. The bottom line is millions of people deal with pain just as bad (or more intense) without bitching and crying like a little girl. Millions take pain mads responsibility without allowing themselves to become a drug (or drugz) obsessed cuntface and making it part of their persona or identity.

This is why you are a little bitch and a failure at life.

5/1/2010 1:06:47 PM

All American
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Quote :

The fact that you can't answer this is how I know you're straight up lying.

5/1/2010 1:07:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"As I already said as well, every brain is different"

I agree 100%

5/1/2010 1:07:55 PM

All American
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still waiting to hear what type of opiate, the dose and the duration that your man brain could handle so easily and quit.

5/1/2010 1:11:06 PM

All American
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He wont answer via PM either. He keeps saying oxycodone and then oxycontin, but he refuses to divulge dosage or duration. He probably wasn't even on it long enough to remember what he had. The point is that it was so minor that it wasn't even something he remembers. Anyone who has actually had a physical addiction to opiates remembers their dosage level. He's full of shit dude, in fact I am beginning to doubt that he's even taken oxycodone before.

5/1/2010 1:15:50 PM

All American
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5/1/2010 1:16:40 PM

All American
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post my PM here scarf boy.

I also did coke a few weekends in the mid 2000s - didn't get addicted. Why? Cause I have a thing called willpower and self restraint.

5/1/2010 1:18:28 PM

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