Some guy named Jamie Batzer friended me. I didn't look at it until today and the only info on his profile is that he's only there to promote his "I Love Zasette" page.!/pages/I-Love-Zasette/128446253848780Looks like he might kill himself.
6/11/2010 3:45:25 PM
[Edited on June 11, 2010 at 3:47 PM. Reason : girl needs to get a restraining order or consider changing her number]
6/11/2010 3:47:00 PM
6/11/2010 3:49:46 PM
6/11/2010 3:50:51 PM
yeah, I'm pretty sure TWW is going to bully this individual until they kill them self.nice going Mr. Joshua. The blood is going to be on your hands buddy. WRAL will be called. And this thread is going to be the epicenter of the destruction.Shame on you. I want no part of this.
6/11/2010 3:50:54 PM
Next time can we please call the local NBC affiliate instead? I feel like we give WRAL way too much free business.]
6/11/2010 3:53:19 PM
6/11/2010 3:54:49 PM
yeah, you're right. WRAL is pretty terrible.
6/11/2010 3:54:50 PM
6/11/2010 3:59:38 PM
That girl must be an absolute freak in the sack or suck a mean dick, because she isn't attractive enough to warrant any obsessing at all, let alone this epic level. And I speak as a man with low standards who is prone to obsessing.
6/11/2010 4:00:24 PM
LOL it's been 2 hours and no one has replied.. ahaha If he IS still alive Im sure no one caring might push him over..DO IT DO IT DO IT!
6/11/2010 4:02:08 PM
6/11/2010 4:05:04 PM
ahaha That's even better.. I thought it was today.. Didn't notice it was June 7. No one gives a shit if he offs himself. ahahahaha He's probably dead or very sad that no one has responded.Maybe its all a stupid hoax.
6/11/2010 4:06:37 PM
Yeah, I couldn't find anything on the guy via google.
6/11/2010 4:08:00 PM
i always just assume this stuff is a viral marketing attempt these days
6/11/2010 4:10:42 PM
hopefully he's dead by now
6/11/2010 4:12:41 PM
If he's dead then his Farmville is going to shit.The bank will probably foreclose.
6/11/2010 4:15:51 PM
lol look at this guy
6/11/2010 4:39:09 PM
I friended him briefly to see if any other info popped is
6/11/2010 7:15:16 PM
He's dead.
6/12/2010 12:18:09 PM
6/12/2010 12:32:42 PM
its been done
6/12/2010 1:21:40 PM
the fuck is going on here
6/12/2010 2:01:04 PM
Just came in to post thatI'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.
6/12/2010 2:02:48 PM
6/12/2010 2:07:55 PM
i hope he isn't dead.but if he killed himself on June 7, then the handful of people who wished him a happy birthday on June 13 are really bad friends.
6/17/2010 12:28:36 AM
i hope someone is dead as fuck
6/17/2010 1:13:08 AM
I hate watching self destructive people self destruct.
6/17/2010 1:13:50 AM
damn that guy has some serious issues. what a douche. on a side note, a friend of a friend just committed suicide because his girlfriend dumped him, by hanging himself on her front porch that'll show her.
6/17/2010 5:36:15 AM
He wasn't black was he? Might get way more awkward if he was
6/17/2010 6:37:16 AM
One of my friends shot himself in the head after his girlfriend told him she didn't give a fuck about him. He went to Duke and died 2 days later. She then ran up a $500 cell phone bill on his phone and expected his Mom to pay for it.
6/17/2010 7:09:15 AM
first world problems
6/17/2010 7:10:00 AM
6/17/2010 8:13:31 AM
he dead?
7/9/2010 1:45:19 PM
hehe. on some strippers facebook page:
7/10/2010 8:07:53 PM
facebook just wrote on all my friends walls about getting a free phone. thanks. assholes.
7/10/2010 8:48:04 PM
free phones are overpriced
7/10/2010 10:12:10 PM
I'm pretty sure that guy is dead.Anyway, this is funny, and the airplane/treadmill thread is too old to bttt
8/20/2010 7:12:35 PM
sounds like a winner
8/20/2010 7:14:40 PM
^^ Holy shit that made me Lolller
8/20/2010 7:19:14 PM
funny fucking people in that facebook thread
8/20/2010 7:20:37 PM
I bet that chick is easy to fool into bed with you....Might add her as a friend
8/20/2010 7:22:37 PM
I would but i don't know her last name
8/20/2010 7:39:13 PM
Facebook thread bump.Why can I not get the Facebook chat thing to work on the facebook page? It always opens up a popout window and when I click pop-in it just closes.WTF am I doing wrong? Everyone elses works fine. Help me.
8/24/2010 12:32:47 PM
I click on this thread, read the first post, and then think I'm going to scroll down to the bottom and read a news article about this guy committing suicide...
8/24/2010 12:46:06 PM