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All American
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I'm ready to see Jim wreck some shit. He's been aching to unleash some aggression for a while.

9/21/2010 1:45:06 PM

El Nachó
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So apparently last week they forgot to mention the biggest line of defense they have against the marauders. When Tick removes his shirt he can blind them with the whitest skin on the planet.

That guy is a genius.

9/22/2010 5:55:39 AM

All American
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Tick was one pale dude that's for sure. i think it definitively shows the directors/producers brought him in specifically to help the colonists when they needed it badly and he wasn't always there in the compound like he said he was. even George is a pale guy but he isnt as pale as he was when he started, they all have been out in the sun a lot whereas Tick looks like he's never seen daylight.

and one thing i was disappointed with was after all the effort to make that water cannon, they didn't even use it once against the marauders during the fight. as for after the fight, sucks about Amber and Michael getting the toss from the experiment so close to the end. that really took me by surprise; why not let them finish out so close to the end? but that new house looks like it was specifically built for them lol. esp comparing it to what else was around in that fishing village or whatever they called it.

but next week is the season finale already which sucks. i wish they had more episodes than they do, esp knowing that so much gets cut and edited and never seen.

9/22/2010 7:50:30 AM

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i wish they had a few more episodes esp. raiding the training camp.
but this season is also becoming hokey to me so on the other hand im a little ready for it to be over.

i liked how they got amber and mike with the disease but i didnt like how they contracted it.
just some dude popping out of the bushes like that.

9/23/2010 12:40:57 PM

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Sorry for the long post, got bored and did a lot of digging around on the Internet

Quote :
"and tell me why everyone huddled around those damn phones they gotta got their worlds rocked i honestly thought they were being setup at that moment but I guess the producers showed mercy"

Tick immediately said that he was going to go up top and be on watch...which says 2 things. 1, that he already knew he didn't have any family in the video, and 2, that he was probably added way too late in order to get relatives to respond.

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"I think Sally is a lesbian based on the ipod videos


mainly because she didnt have an SO"

I wouldn't put too much on that. Also, in her online bio it says that she grew up in the school of hard knocks and started and currently runs her own car repair shop (actually she co-runs it with her sister). You have to be pretty butch to do that (being a man-controlled field) so I thought she seemed largely feminist, which could point towards a general disdain of men. Her interactions with Reno seem like she's attracted to him, as she smiles a ton, flirts, and always is shown helping him out. Especially when Becca got kidnapped, she seemed to turn it up a notch around Reno. Don't want to get into that aspect of the show, but she seems much more tom boy to me.

From her autoshop's website:

Quote :
"Client Comfort....
The girls exhibit a sense of absolute-comfortableness when dealing with women clients; who sometimes get that "uneasy" feeling when dealing with some male-mechanics.With the repair industry more likely then not, 99.99% male dominated, some women "just accept" their bill without question....the same goes for some men too! Sally & Sheila, friendly and somewhat nurturing, welcome questions (if any), and will freely explain away any doubts. "We want our customers to be happy and know that we are here for them""

I found Tick's blog, and he states that he learns about leaving "for 2 months" on April 8th 2010.

Quote :
"I will be out of town for two months, which I will explain later when I get back. In the meantime I have put together a 2 month training cycle"

His last post was on April 12th.

He 'returns' on May 29th...When did filming for this show take place?

Quote :
"I just spent 2 months in the south. Part of that was just living and doing work there and the last part of that was in a survival mode. Where I ate what I found in the woods. There is a survival concept to eat whatever you find.


Two weeks before I left for the bayou I began eating gluten again, [confirms it was Louisiana]"

I bet...he initially was there as a survival expert, maybe even someone to be one of the commentators, and was originally there to give feedback to the producers and what not. Then later the crew was all "fuck these people are going to die...hey wait, Tick, you can do this, get in there."

I also found the behind the scenes videos with Tick on The Colony website featuring his solo adventure

In the video that first came up he kills a snake and tells the cameraman "That was a pretty fast find, right? One of the reasons that in this part of the world you should not be hungry" and in general talks shit about the colonists. His videos don't seem to go back that far.

I would argue that possibly his reason for being so white is that he was covered head to toe, wearing a hoodie, gloves, pants, and a hat. That would incredibly suck in a Louisiana summer though...and might just be a way for Discovery channel to say why he was so white. He's also ginger, lol

As far as the regular colonists, I found Becka's Facebook page, and it just so happens that she likes to update her profile pictures...a lot. There's a gap between March 22nd and May 30th as far as her profile pics go, which aligns fairly well with Tick...but puts him leaving nearly 3 weeks later. I could have gone through her status updates but she has about a thousand of them and I don't feel like doing that much work. Her page is fairly interesting as far as when she talks about the show.

Also, if you're interested in trying out, she mentioned to add this company on facebook for more information

Going back to Sally, I found an article that talks about her getting onto the show:

Quote :
" After several months, Dawson — who is billed by producers as a street-wise mechanic, proud to display her “school of hard knocks and busted knuckles master’s degree” — received a phone call from the talent agency about The Colony.

“I just kind of fit what they were looking for,” Dawson explained.

After some initial hesitation, she agreed to take part in the program, which began taping a few months later in April. "

Also of note:

Quote :
" A television crew drove her directly from the airport to the “decontamination zone,” that appears in the opening scenes of the show, where the seven colonists received a quick briefing on the rules, which Dawson said were few. Cast members were prohibited from causing any serious physical harm to each other, and from making any dangerous weapons.

But after their brief introduction to the reality television “experiment,” Dawson said the colonists were left to fend for themselves for the remainder of the nearly two-month taping. Most of the items the cast members used were real objects left behind after Hurricane Katrina, Dawson said, and the producers didn’t leave much else to help the cast.

“I actually went into it a little bit skeptical, thinking that we were going to be provided for a little bit more than we were,” Dawson said. “I was surprised at how little they provided for us.”"


I also feel that the fishing house was prepared just for the show. I wouldn't go as far as saying Discovery Channel built it because it looks damn expensive, but maybe they contracted someone to fix it up. No way is it in that good of condition just sitting there in the bayou. While I agree that they would be in good shape to get out of that area and away from the Militia, I don't like how they will be abandoning all of their work and supplies there (for building stuff) like the windmill. No way can they recreate the windmill in their new location. It almost seems like they did all this work, and now are just going to uproot and go to where they only need to worry about hunting in the grocery store of food at the new house.

I felt it was great to see colonists get 'killed off' but I wish it wasn't so late in the series. They could've done that a few episodes earlier and have the colonists on their toes for a long time, considering how Mike and Amber were ambushed like that. It was interesting to see that both Jim and Becka immediately responded to their deaths by saying how much they didn't like them. I take back my point earlier in that Becka didn't seem to have animosity towards Amber, because behind the scenes she evidently did.

I too wish they had more attacks on the Militia camp, but the Militia's counterattack looks hokey, photoshopped, and overall stupid as hell (the main building exploding). Regardless this raid and response should be good and entertaining.

[Edited on September 23, 2010 at 1:01 PM. Reason : sister]

[Edited on September 23, 2010 at 1:04 PM. Reason : ahhhhhhhh it makes sense now]

9/23/2010 1:00:24 PM

Dick Danger
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im sad about amber and mike i was startin to dig those two

I think becca made a fucked up comment at the wrong time about them not being part of the group and I was glad that she was the only one that held that opinion, shes still cool tho just made a retarded remark considering she had been abducted a few weeks prior

I think its fuckin stupid that VOPA just calls them and says they are done because they got the virus, they had no fuckin chance to avoid that guy he was staged in those bushes to jump out at them its real jacked up IMO, just no test, no quarantine no nothing just "boom you got the virus and youre done." hell they had recognized that the dude had virus symptoms and were taking steps as to what they should do next before they got that retarded call

this whole virus thing is something i cant deal with...its retarded, they should at least have some tangible thing that represents a virus or some simulated testing device that maybe gives some sort of percentage chance that it will read a result of "infected" because as it stands no one has taken the virus thing seriously for weeks, no one uses the VOPA tent because there was no real means to actualy contract virus or show symptoms, so why waste time on it

that was until a producer just decides to call you up and say youre done.

its stupid. Anyway, Great job to Sian on that propeller, she seems genuinely excited to do that work and i was happy for her, i could see it in her eyes. Such a shame until this point we saw very little of her relative to others

props to everyone that stood up for Amber and michael especially Deville, shows that they werent as much of the outsiders to the group as they had been portrayed by the producers and editing of the past bunch of episodes

I cant wait to seee Jim actually HURT somebody in this last episode, this dude has slowly been sliding into the realm of "this shit is actually real" lately and I think he is going to raid thesse motherfuckers like they molested his kids

hell in that last raid he was literally bout to beat the fuck out of the marauders with that stick and those guys were backin the fuck away cuz he was definitely too into it.

but hey, i like Jim, hes havin a tough time remembering that this is not real lol

Quote :
"I also feel that the fishing house was prepared just for the show. I wouldn't go as far as saying Discovery Channel built it because it looks damn expensive, but maybe they contracted someone to fix it up. No way is it in that good of condition just sitting there in the bayou. "

Oh i dont think it was even a question, they wante this to be found while scoutign as a goal to make a move, if you consider the amenities of the house and the prime forage location, its clear that this was meant to be found, probably much much sooner, they had crab pots set up and everything

also considering in general no state law would allow you to leave a crab pot or any nightline, jugline, etc longer than 24 hours without being checked and that there were no dead crabs and plenty of fresh ones in those pots the producers must have actively maintained those traps according to the law of the state

so in my opinion it was definitely set up to promote not settling in the compound, IMO

Quote :
"Jim and Becka immediately responded to their deaths by saying how much they didn't like them.

I dont think Jim meant it the same way becca did, Jim wasnt saying "im glad they are gone!! they werent part of our group anyway" I think Jim was siding with the other colonists, but at the sametime saying that while he didnt get along with michael, beccas still shouldnt act like they werent part of the group

i still say i didnt notice any animosity towards amber from becca, but that just shows the things you miss due to time constraints i guess

i didnt ever see anythign that would indicate jim disliked michael either, but i think im just drawing a blank on that one

[Edited on September 23, 2010 at 1:20 PM. Reason : d]

[Edited on September 23, 2010 at 1:21 PM. Reason : f]

9/23/2010 1:10:40 PM

37709 Posts
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Some other interesting stuff that doesn't make it to the show:

From Sian's facebook fan page

[Edited on September 23, 2010 at 1:39 PM. Reason : image]

^There was one episode awhile back where Jim was in a confrontation with George and Micheal defused it, but that was the only interaction I saw between the two of them. I agree though, the show didn't have anything showing animosity between either Becka and Amber or Michael and Jim.

[Edited on September 23, 2010 at 1:42 PM. Reason : ^]

9/23/2010 1:23:11 PM

Dick Danger
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whew sorry for the long post i guess im into the show

^yea George went from what i felt was the most useless to the freakin cornerstone of this group i was so wrong about him

[Edited on September 23, 2010 at 1:41 PM. Reason : g]

9/23/2010 1:40:35 PM

All American
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I'd love to be on this show if I didn't have to take two months off of work.

9/23/2010 1:56:26 PM

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I was fucking rolling at Jim the entire episode. Anyone else notice him actively making his ghillie suit while Tick was briefing everyone on the raid? And then that shit he pulled when he went into hiding, especially telling Tick "that's close enough". Due was seriously fucking crazy.

Kinda disappointed we didn't get to see any brawl or otherwise physical confrontation between the colonists and the marauders.

Sian bailing was pretty out of the blue in the context of the show...until you realize that behind the scenes (courtesy of the website) that she was fed up with cooking for everyone. Still pretty crazy of a move by her, immediately going off with VOPA.

The ending after the credits was something else too, good ol' "oh god damn it" ending

[Edited on September 29, 2010 at 12:04 AM. Reason : ljk]

9/29/2010 12:03:08 AM

All American
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^what happened at the end?? my dvr cut it out!

9/29/2010 3:21:29 AM

All American
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was disappointed with the ending overall; i was hoping it would be better than what it was. a better confrontation with the marauders in their camp (random guy spraying a fire extinguisher at no one, wtf man) and even a better showing of the marauders trashing stuff at the end before the house "exploding". i did enjoy Jim's antics tho cause he really went off the deep-end and i hope he has really adjusted back to normal life with his family after all this. i mean i can understand being hesitant and cautious of the VOPA trucks that just so happen to show up when they are leaving but he was even freaked out by Tick looking for him.. not cool. and Sian just so willingly to go with VOPA was a huge shock to me; she was all "fuck you guys, i'm outta here" when she seemed to be a big team player all throughout the season. i mean i get that it ultimately comes down to every man for himself but still, after everything she had been through with these people who became her family she just ups and goes with no hesitation. and how could you trust any government organization after the shit they pulled leaving you there? if it were me, i woulda been a lot more hesitant and questioning.

overall now that the season is over, i'm still liking season 1 the best. i liked the characters better, i liked the setting better and i liked the fabrications better; but regardless, i still enjoyed this season. the only thing i would like is more episodes. i said the same thing after S1 too. with all that footage that is filmed, they could easily have more episodes and still keep the interest from the fans. i guess we will see what season 3 brings us for next year. filming is reported to begin in the spring with the airing about the same time as it did this year, mid-summer to fall.

and i missed what was after the credits too, what happened?

[Edited on September 29, 2010 at 7:55 AM. Reason : end]

9/29/2010 7:55:12 AM

El Nachó
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There was no part of this last episode that didn't completely suck ass. The whole thing was a rotten way to end a lackluster season.

WTF was up with them having audio of someone screaming and pounding on the car when showing the VOPA SUVs leaving with Sian? Are we really supposed to believe that they came up there with 2 SUVs, only had room for 2 people, just accepted that only one wanted to go, and then for some reason started torturing Sian within 15 seconds of leaving? That whole situation just made zero sense in a realistic situation, or as a dramatic device for purposes of the show.

And the raid on the other camp was just beyond a joke. They were able to practically walk right into the middle of the other camp and take what they wanted with almost no resistance. Then when they're leaving there were explosions behind them. WTF? The outsiders rigged explosives but yet can't be bothered to put their food and gas away in a chest, or car, or anything that wasn't out in the open with no protection?

I also hated how even 10 seconds of the show was dedicated towards showing Deville being pissed off at Becka for asking him 5 times if he wanted to leave. It seemed like they could have used that time for more important things like showing Jim eating more bugs.

And it was super convenient that the outsiders waited until they had everything packed onto their boat and were all standing around waiting to pile on before they launched their attack. And I guess fuel wasn't really scarce for the outsiders since they all came with about 40 gallons of gas to blow up the colonists house. Some aspects of the show I can overlook in the name of entertainment/drama over realism, but that wasn't one of them.

For the people that were asking, after the credits they just showed the colonists riding up the bayou and seeing the fishing house. Then it showed a shocked expression on their faces and then it cut to a scene where a horde of 20-25 people came running out and gathered menacingly on the pier/shoreline.

I really hope this show gets back to basics for the next season. I'd like to see them be in a place where they're able to dig in and set up more permanent defenses and projects that aren't all focused on eventually leaving for greener pastures. Also I hope no mention of a viral outbreak is ever mentioned again. And I really hope that the producers realize that this show is on Discovery Channel and not MTV. I don't think people are tuning in to see people argue and fight about having their feelings hurt. We want to see more building and less bitching.

9/29/2010 11:15:45 AM

All American
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i would love to see a more dug-in concept too but in my mind that would require a longer experiment which may result in people really going nuts. 50 days is one thing but 70-80 is another; not sure if people would sign on for 2.5-3 months of their lives gone for the experiment/show.

i agree the show needs to get back to basics and understand people are not watching for the drama and little girl arguments but rather the building, hunting, pure survival aspect of it. DSC really has an innovative concept with this show and i feel like they are not taking full advantage of it and making it what it should be.

9/29/2010 1:27:03 PM

All American
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Watched it last night, wtf was up with the screaming sound as the VOPA cars were leaving? It was so obviously edited in there, it lasted like 5 seconds, and there was no mention of it ever again. I played it back like three times to make sure it wasn't a siren. So I guess it was supposed to imply that something bad was happening to Sian or whatever? Even if they were "killing" her or whatever, why the hell would they do it right there in the car?

Oh yeah and it was freaking hilarious when Reno was talking about how Jim went crazy, then it showed Jim catch that grasshopper and just eat it raw.

[Edited on September 30, 2010 at 9:41 AM. Reason : ]

9/30/2010 9:34:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Oh yeah and it was freaking hilarious when Reno was talking about how Jim went crazy, then it showed Jim catch that grasshopper and just eat it raw."

That sequence was worth the entire price of admission in my opinion. I've enjoyed above all else watching Jim completely devolve from a kind-hearted Jesus freak in the first couple episodes to a pissed off maniac who jumped head first off of the deep end. Him running the fuck off into the bushes when the VOPA SUVs came was the sweet, sweet icing on the cake.

You could even hear the normally mild-mannered Tick talking in the background about how he thinks the whole thing had gone to Jim's head as you see that shot of him crouched in the bushes snatching that bug and then snapping it in half.

I also like how Sian, the teacher who, if I'm not mistaken teaches about survival/post-apocalyptic scenarios/etc (I could just be misremembering that) is the first one to jump fucking ship with the anonymous men from the government. In the words of my roommate, she was demoted to "Assistant to George" by the end, making her even more worthless than Becca. She has to be the truest example of "those who can't do teach."

9/30/2010 9:56:46 AM

Dick Danger
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well in a survival situation the goal is to be rescued....if you see a plane you flag down the fucking plane

I thought Sian's only failure in judgement was trusting the VOPA fuck ups themselves.

I think Deville went way over the line with Becca, it was not that fuckin serious i felt bad and embarrased for him draggin it out, he just had to say somethin one time.

I think Jim is the best thing for that show because he was the only one who took it seriously. If wwe had 12 or 13 people of jim's mentality with the given expertise than a lot more would have gotten done and theyd have been a lot more successful/proactive

im not gonna say anything about the ending accept that just remember this was an entertainment TV show.

The last two or three episodes hadnt been kind to Becca and completely erased the good she had been to the group in the past. I wonder what she did to make the producers edit it this way all of a sudden because they fuckin poured it on her and we all remember the last episodes more vividly than anything.

Also to back track a litte, everyone continues to reference the failed supply drop as an example of VOPA screw ups, but i feel they definitely meant for those items to be destroyed. They knew that drop wasnt going to survive thats why they put the important stuff in the metal box. I think it was supposed to get their hopes up and knock em down, they never intended to have the colonist be able to salvage anything from that drop, but they did get a few items.

I look forward to next season, they should do it in another country with less laws about what the colonists can and cannot do in the wild. I also hope that the producerskeep their dirty hands off the show as much as possible, id even go so far as to say stop calling it an experiment so you dont have an excuse to introduce so many variables.

like actually, Jonestown Africa would be a good place with respect to the Jim Jones survivors having to hide in the woods as they that compound still around? i think that would be another great and eerie setting.

the ending was horrible notbecause of the stupid hollywood stuff but because nothing got answered i mean seriously wtf happened with the colonists? i didnt see the first season did it end similarly?

[Edited on September 30, 2010 at 12:00 PM. Reason : c]

9/30/2010 11:58:49 AM

497 Posts
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I thought it was a pretty crappy ending to a decent season. I haven't seen the 1st season, so I can't really compare it.

I did get a huge kick out of Jim eating that grasshopper raw. Dude has gone crazy, like bat-shit crazy. I almost want them to do a reunion episode to see how everyone dealt with getting back to their lives. I think Jim has border-line PTSD.

And Sian jumping ship... I thought that was crappy of her. But I think in the end she knew that she was just going to go home earlier. I noticed the yelling and screaming when they showed the over head shot of the VOPA SUVs. At first I thought it was her screaming for joy, but watching it again, it was definitely some made up extra drama bullshit.

9/30/2010 12:10:13 PM

El Nachó
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^^In the first season they received a radio (tv audio?) trasmission giving them directions to a zone with other survivors and plenty of food. They finally got the Truck working and all piled on and headed off in the general direction of the safe zone. It was just as equally uneventful, IMO.

I know it would ruin the whole facade of this being "real" but I really wish they had reunion episodes after the fact like they do on Survivor, Big Brother, and the Real World (and practically every other reality TV show). I always enjoy hearing the peoples' perspective on their own shows after they've had a couple of months to contemplate things and see how things were edited. Probably my biggest complaint of both seasons is just how the show just abruptly ends out of seemingly nowhere.

^The first season was WAY better than then 2nd. If you enjoyed this, you should definitely track down the 1st season episodes and give them a watch.

9/30/2010 12:12:43 PM

All American
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Most recent season is really good but really intense.

6/6/2019 5:33:03 PM

All American
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This show has one of the best depiction of alien technology

Aliens basically have perfect aim and can instantly vaporize a human target.

6/6/2019 11:09:24 PM

All American
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^Are you talking about the same show here? This was a reality TV show from like 10 years ago on the Discovery Channel that put people in a simulated apocalypse situation and had them try to survive.

A quick Google search has turned up nothing on a third season. Nothing on the Discovery Channel website either.

6/7/2019 8:58:42 AM

All American
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^ ha you’re right. I got the wrong thread.

But the show has the same name. Whoops.

6/7/2019 11:32:11 AM

5812 Posts
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Finishing up season 3, really don’t want it to be over. Great summer show

6/9/2019 7:40:02 PM

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