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 Message Boards » » "It was like a match lit up" Page [1]  
All American
4073 Posts
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I think i am just going to print this out so when my grand children ask me what war is like I can just hand it to them

crazy times

btw, very long read, but its worth it

[Edited on January 29, 2011 at 6:16 PM. Reason : VERY LONG]

1/29/2011 6:16:11 PM

All American
25609 Posts
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good stuff, i've been on a big nat geo/netflix iraq and afghanistan kick this week

1/29/2011 6:27:00 PM

All American
6458 Posts
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^Did you watch Restrepo? how was it? Any other netflix recommendations?

1/29/2011 8:32:06 PM

3125 Posts
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Restrepo was fantastic, I watched it after my friend who is now in that unit recommended it to me

1/29/2011 8:33:18 PM

All American
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I'll second Restrepo, it was fantastic. A buddy of mine just got back from Bahgram and said they were all watching it on base when it came out. The reporter was imbedded with them for the full tour and actually got shot once, so it is raw, gritty and real.

1/29/2011 8:43:42 PM


10410 Posts
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the read isn't that long, but it is worth it.

1/29/2011 9:06:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^Did you watch Restrepo? how was it? Any other netflix recommendations?"

indeed a good watch. i would recommend nat geo's inside the green berets. i've watched that several times over and it is all on youtube. also combat diary: lima company, about a marine reservist company that was pretty much obliterated over the course of their deployment. it is extremely gut wrenching, more in the vein of Restrepo. the history channel has a ton of clips from it on their site.

1/30/2011 4:29:16 PM

All American
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Heres a speech/presentation given by Marcus Luttrell, author of The Lone Survivor. His entire seal team was wiped out in a battle in Afghanistan making it the largest SEAL casualty in OEI/OEF. Basically it was 6 SEALs against over 200 Taliban fighters. Luttrell was shot 13 times, blown up, his legs were paralyzed and he crawled several miles to a village where he was rescued. Crazy, crazy story and he tells its very openly with all the gritty details. It's a must see for sure.

1/30/2011 5:38:20 PM

All American
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^ nice, i actually just bought that book a few weeks ago.

anyone read horse soldiers?

1/30/2011 6:05:20 PM

All American
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Haven't read that, but I just finished The Sheriff of Ramadi. It's a killer book written by an ex-Navy SEAL, who was imbedded with a SEAL team in Ramadi. The forward is even written by John McCain. The book is about how SEALS worked together with the Army and Marines in a joint task force to win over Al Anbar. It's very detailed and accurate and gives a great understanding of Iraqi culture and how we had to adjust to their customs to win them over. My buddies unit worked with this team in 2006 and they are mentioned in the book. He turned me onto it. Definitely check it out if you have a chance.

1/30/2011 6:25:05 PM

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