This man takes his wife to the doctor when she's about to have her baby. The doctor begins to tell the couple about a new technology that allows the father to take some of the pain of child bearing so as to ease the pain for the mother.
The man and his wife agree, and as the wife is going into labor, the doctor turns on the machine. He tells the father that he will start off with 10% of the pain since this is a new experience and could be harmfull.
As the wife begins her labor, the doctor asks how the father is feeling. The father says he is fine. So the doctor turns the pain level up to 50%. Again the father says he feels nothing, so the doctor raises the level to 90%. When the father doesn't flinch, the doctor give all the pain to the father. Now the wife is having this kid with no pain whatsoever.
After the child is delivered, the doctor remarks at how strong the father must be for enduring all the pain of child birth for the wife. The couple thanks the doctor and then goes home.
When they come to their front door, the couple finds the mailman dead on the doorstep.
submitted by CrazyJ on Tuesday, August 7 at 3:10 PM