One day little Johnny was walking around his house and walked into his sister's room. She was on the phone and was talking to a friend and said "those bitches and bastards." Jonny asked her "what are bitches and bastards?" She said, "grandma and grandpa, now get outa my room"
Johnny went to his brother's room and his brother was looking at a playboy and said "tits and asses!!!" Johnny asked him, "what are tits and asses?" His brother said, "hats and coats, now leave me alone."
Johnny then went to his parents room, where his dad was shaving. When he cut himself, he said "shit!" Johnny asked him, "daddy, what is shit?" His dad said, "shaving cream, now go help your mom in the kitchen."
So Johnny went down to the kitchen where his mom was cutting chicken for dinner. When she cut herself, she said, "fuck!" Johnny asked her "mommy, what is fuck" She answered "cutting"
Just then, the doorbell rang, and when Johnny opened the door, it was grandma and grandpa... so Johnny said "Hello you bitches and bastards. You can put your tits and asses in the closet. Dad is upstairs shaving the shit off of his face and mom is in the kitchen fucking the chicken."
submitted by aielman on Friday, November 30 at 10:18 AM