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 Jokes » Sven and Ole got together...
Sven and Ole went into the garbage hauling business. All they had for a truck was Sven's 1949 Ford pick-up with the grain sides on it.

They had just filled it to the top and started out for the dump, when they were stopped by the police. The officer said that garbage was blowing off the top of their load and if they didn't find a way to hold it down, he was going to give them a ticket.

So, Ole climbed up on top and lay down spread eagled on top of the garbage.

As they drove along, they passed under a bridge. Two Swedes standing on the bridge saw this sight and one of them remarked, "Vell, vould you look at dat! Somebody threw away a perfectly good Norwegian."

submitted by Arab13 on Wednesday, August 9 at 1:35 PM

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