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Just watch this video (video can be watched online here):


Note: The evidence is overwhelming and the evidence contained in this video is not the only evidence.

...More to come

Resources on the coming police state in America:

More videos: PrisonPlanet's video archive (videos can be downloaded and watched online):

[Edited on March 2, 2004 at 2:01 AM. Reason : ..]

3/2/2004 1:33:17 AM

All American
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protect my 3rd amendment right

3/2/2004 1:35:28 AM

39171 Posts
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Quote :
"...More to come"

please no

3/2/2004 1:35:28 AM

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i'd like to subscribe to your magazine

who do i write the check out to?

3/2/2004 1:40:38 AM

All American
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I LOVE ALEX JONES - he's my hero.

a bit nuts, but my hero.

if you've ever seen the movie "waking life," he's the guy screaming in the police car.

3/2/2004 1:53:46 AM

All American
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^ i listened for a bit until it got annoying. Too many assumptions. And yeah, his a nut.

3/2/2004 2:05:04 AM

All American
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i was hoping this would be about a sequel to the eddie murphy movie

3/2/2004 5:38:48 AM

All American
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it will happen, it's all part of things to come

3/2/2004 6:07:12 AM

1337 b4k4
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Alex Jones is a freaking nut who decided that the government was tracking him with RFID chips in $20 bills and microvaved (and destroyed) a stack of $20 bill, total value of $1,000. He then tried to pass off the fac tthat the bills burned in the microwave (suprise!) as proof that the government had installed RFID chips in the money. And he developed this theory when his wallet full of $20s set off a security device at those pinicles of modern and cutting edge security, a truck stop. He also seems to think that cash has never been traceable before. In short, he's a moron.

3/2/2004 9:37:29 AM

All American
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Yay, a new salisbury thread! Meaningless quotes and banter in a fresh new package!

Anyone wanna guess how far this one gets? I think it'll die somewhere in the 10s.

3/2/2004 9:40:24 AM

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Quote :
"Alex Jones is a freaking nut who decided that the government was tracking him with RFID chips in $20 bills and microvaved (and destroyed) a stack of $20 bill, total value of $1,000. He then tried to pass off the fac tthat the bills burned in the microwave (suprise!) as proof that the government had installed RFID chips in the money. And he developed this theory when his wallet full of $20s set off a security device at those pinicles of modern and cutting edge security, a truck stop. He also seems to think that cash has never been traceable before. In short, he's a moron.

--1337 b4k4"

The link you provided shows that two persons named "Dave and Denise" are the ones who microwaved the $20 bills, had their bills set off a security device, and made the statement that cash has never before been traceable....NOT Alex Jones.

Who is the moron here?

[Edited on March 2, 2004 at 10:11 AM. Reason : ..]

3/2/2004 9:53:45 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Who is the moron here?"

Do we really need to answer that?

3/2/2004 10:04:45 AM

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As for the trite and moronic undeserved "nut" accusations flying around...

Who is the real "nut"? who dares to speak the truth even when the truth is unpopular or "out of the mainstream"? Hardly. The real nuts are the ones who have looked at the facts and realize that something is deeply wrong with our government and country and pretend as if everything is ok.

3/2/2004 10:08:42 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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^^^ Alex Jones posted it without any comentary. The only reasonable conclusion we can come to then is that he supports the letter and the conclusions drawn in it fully. Ergo, he's a moron.

[Edited on March 2, 2004 at 10:38 AM. Reason : adfadfa]

3/2/2004 10:38:20 AM

All American
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The nut is the one who fails to acknowledge the legit evidence before them (or at least answer sincere questions) and still clings to unfounded/debunked beliefs and thoughts of conspiracy, hate, and mistrust.

3/2/2004 10:45:54 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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^ Gee, that sounds familiar. Hmmm, I wish I could think of who I know that does that all the time. I swear I'm just horrible with names.......

oh yeah, salisburyboy

3/2/2004 11:11:42 AM

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No, it sounds a lot like socialists and those who support the official government story on 9/11 (among others)...

Quote :
"The nut is the one who fails to acknowledge the legit evidence before them (or at least answer sincere questions) and still clings to unfounded/debunked beliefs and thoughts of conspiracy, hate, and mistrust


a few examples...

"debunked beliefs":

a)that 19 muslim fanatics connected to an extremist muslim group operating out of caves in Afghanistan pulled off the most sophisticated terrorist attack in history on 9-11-01
b)that socialism is desireable (making all people equally poor/enslaved...except the elitists of course) (note also....tried and failed in Soviet Union, etc.)

note: hate itself is not matters what you hate. For instance, hatred of injustice/evil is a virtue.

"thoughts of (unjustified) hate":

a) hatred of the, not caring that they are murdered
b) hatred of, disdain for His, against murder (abortion), homosexual behavior, etc.

[Edited on March 2, 2004 at 12:35 PM. Reason : ..]

3/2/2004 12:07:29 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"The nut is the one who fails to acknowledge the legit evidence before them (or at least answer sincere questions) and still clings to unfounded/debunked beliefs and thoughts of conspiracy, hate, and mistrust


"thoughts of conspiracy":

Last time I checked, conspiracies were a fact of life. Conspiracies have occured throughout history. We have laws today against conspiracy to commit murder, etc. Governments have been involved in conspiracies. But you still choose to deny these obvious facts, right?...conspiracies don't occur, right?....only "nuts" believe conspiracies occur, right?. The eilitists have conditioned us through their controlled media to believe these lies...and a lot of people eat it up.

"thoughts of mistrust":

I wasn't aware that mistrust was always a bad thing. How about if a person is proven to be a liar and intent on oppressing you? Would it be wrong to "mistrust" that person? Of course NOT.

It is rather foolish to blindly trust our politicians and government leaders...especially in the case of anyone who has studied history or even "followed politics" for a while. Blind obediance or trust is NOT "patriotism" and is no virtue. It is not "unpatriotic" to question our government leaders or our government and to hold them accountable for what they say and do. Just the opposite.

[Edited on March 2, 2004 at 12:35 PM. Reason : ..]

3/2/2004 12:15:26 PM

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"Eternal vigilence is the price of liberty."

--Wendell Phillips

3/2/2004 12:37:44 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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"Eternal ignorance is the price of blindly trusting what you read online"


3/2/2004 12:56:12 PM

All American
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THis guy was so full of shit it wasnt funny, you cant see conspiracy every where. Some of those areticles he was holding up i looked up and they didnt say shit about the stuff he made them sound like they said. especially that one about hiding your children in secret places if we go to code red. SO MUCH CRAP

3/2/2004 1:00:33 PM

292 Posts
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Quote :
"note: hate itself is not matters what you hate."

How about hating anyone and everyone who isn't you? Is that bad? 'Cause that's a trend I seem to notice with you.

3/2/2004 1:09:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Who is the real "nut"? who dares to speak the truth even when the truth is unpopular or "out of the mainstream"? Hardly. The real nuts are the ones who have looked at the facts and realize that something is deeply wrong with our government and country and pretend as if everything is ok."

salisbury, u dont surprise me at all, ur so freakin predicatable its not funny. first off, alex jones is so far from the truth he cant even see the truth anymore. he makes up this bullshit so that people like you will take him to be God and all knowing. i personally think you'd bear his children if you could. and how is it that he, of all people, knows the "truth" and not world-wide media corporations, or other world-wide governments. salisbury, once again, you have provided no proof or evidence of anything. you post a few quotes from craptacular alex jones site, some links and that's it. you have absolutely nothing substantiated. get off ur high horse and just stop, stop for all humanity.

3/2/2004 1:11:11 PM

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A great video on the police state that is coming to America:



Quote :

[Edited on March 3, 2004 at 2:51 PM. Reason : ..]

3/3/2004 2:39:30 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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I've said it before, I will say it again, when you provide the video in a format that won't damage my computer, I will watch it.

3/3/2004 4:42:54 PM

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Another great video on the coming police state in America:

Alex Jones' The Masters of Terror can be watched online here:


[Edited on March 3, 2004 at 9:53 PM. Reason : ..]

3/3/2004 9:48:49 PM

All American
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3/3/2004 9:50:22 PM

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Quote :
"Foundations are in place for martial law in the US

By Ritt Goldstein
July 27 2002"

[Edited on March 3, 2004 at 11:43 PM. Reason : ..]

3/3/2004 11:38:41 PM

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Martial law plans include internment camps and military on the streets...

Quote :
"From 1982-84 Colonel Oliver North assisted FEMA in drafting its civil defence preparations. Details of these plans emerged during the 1987 Iran-Contra scandal.

They included executive orders providing for suspension of the constitution, the imposition of martial law, internment camps, and the turning over of government to the president and FEMA.

A Miami Herald article on July 5, 1987, reported that the former FEMA director Louis Guiffrida's deputy, John Brinkerhoff, handled the martial law portion of the planning. The plan was said to be similar to one Mr Giuffrida had developed earlier to combat "a national uprising by black militants". It provided for the detention "of at least 21million American Negroes"' in "assembly centres or relocation camps".

Today Mr Brinkerhoff is with the highly influential Anser Institute for Homeland Security. Following a request by the Pentagon in January that the US military be allowed the option of deploying troops on American streets, the institute in February published a paper by Mr Brinkerhoff arguing the legality of this.

He alleged that the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which has long been accepted as prohibiting such deployments, had simply been misunderstood and misapplied."

[Edited on March 3, 2004 at 11:44 PM. Reason : ..]

3/3/2004 11:44:32 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Quote :
"the lies of the mass media"


3/4/2004 12:00:34 AM

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You're arguments are pathetic.....I've responded to this argument before by you, and yet you still think you are accomplishing something by presenting this weak argument.

Of course the "mainstream media" doesn't lie ALL of the time. I've never said the media lies ALL THE TIME and in EVERY SINGE THING they report or say. You can't find a quote from me that says so.

[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 12:09 AM. Reason : ..]

3/4/2004 12:08:07 AM

1337 b4k4
All American
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So how do you know which ones are the truth and which aren't?

3/4/2004 12:08:59 AM

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Who are the "terrorists" under the new police state laws in America (ie, "Patriot Act", etc.)? According to an FBI pamphlet, it's "defenders of the U.S. Constitution" and those who "make numerous references to the U.S. Constitution"!!

I'm not making this up. See the pamphlet for yourself:

[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 12:49 PM. Reason : ..]

3/4/2004 12:43:51 PM

All American
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yeah i've posted that before. pretty scary.

3/4/2004 12:47:25 PM

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General Tommy Franks says the U.S. Constitution will likely be discarded and martial law will be administered after the next major "terrorist attack."

Quote :
"Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.

[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 12:57 PM. Reason : ..]

3/4/2004 12:55:29 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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So how do you know which ones are the truth and which aren't?

3/4/2004 1:00:51 PM

9434 Posts
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How do you know when any person is telling the truth or when they are lying?

3/4/2004 3:43:34 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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You don't, hence I trust only certain sources (those proven to be reliable or those I know personaly to be reliable) untill I am given reason to believe that they are lying.

You on the otherhand seem to randomly choose which sources are reliable and when they're reliable. So again, I ask you, how do you know which ones are the truth and which ones aren't?

3/4/2004 4:05:45 PM

292 Posts
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^^Simple, look at whether what they say supports your view of the world. If it does, they're telling the truth. If not, they're lying. That's the way it works, right salisburyboy?

[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 4:09 PM. Reason : .]

3/4/2004 4:08:05 PM

All American
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salisburyboy, you make me laugh. keep up the good work.

3/4/2004 4:52:25 PM

All American
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3/4/2004 4:56:37 PM

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In this short video, Alex Jones discusses "Homeland Security"...

...including plans to put military on the streets, the government creating files of information on U.S. citizens, use of face-scanning devices in buses and on the streets, use of thumb-scanning devices in order to buy and sell, forced vaccinations, quarantines, use of federalized checkpoints on U.S. highways (forcing you to provide hair samples as well), and much more:

Watch the video online here:


[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 10:37 PM. Reason : ..]

3/4/2004 10:24:25 PM

All American
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In this short video, Salisburyboy discusses "Conspiracies for the Imbecile"...

...including plans to put false facts into the minds of everyone, use of meaningless quotes and obviously edited sources, forced putting up with his antics, and much more:

Watch the video online here:


[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 10:39 PM. Reason : ..]

3/4/2004 10:29:16 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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aside from your link not working, the page doesn't load either and as I've said before, I want the videos in a format that won't break my computer.

3/4/2004 10:30:04 PM

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Here are a few things that should shock and alarm you.

Go to 1 hour, 17 minutes, 50 seconds into the following video (fast-forward using the buttons), 9-11: The Road to Tyranny:


Watch the police arrest a woman who had done absolutely nothing wrong at a roadside checkpoint for refusing to identify herself (this violates the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution). Also, you get to overhear the police officers talking among themselves and accuse her of being in the "klan" for having materials related to the U.S. Constitution in her car.

Next, go to exactly 1 hr, 27 minutes, 02 seconds...

There, watch a training session of police and firefighters in which the FEMA "teacher" is instructing the police and firefighters that Christians are "terrorists" and that the founding fathers were the country's "first terrorist organization"!! (direct quote... WATCH IT IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME).

In general, watch from 1 hour, 14 minutes, and 40 seconds into the film until the end for the film's focus on the police state coming to America.

[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 11:16 PM. Reason : ..]

3/4/2004 11:07:02 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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By the way , if she refuses to show ID at a checkpoint (which is her right of course) the cops can arrest her until her ID is verified. You see, if they can't verify her ID, they have no way of knowing if she can legaly drive. And they can't allow her to drive until they know she is legaly allowed.

[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 11:16 PM. Reason : adfads]

3/4/2004 11:13:35 PM

All American
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[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 11:20 PM. Reason : Article 42 Section XIII, the one the govt doesnt want you to know about. ]

3/4/2004 11:20:11 PM

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Here is the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

This plainly states that "searches" and "seizures" (arresting a person is "seizing" that person) require a WARRANT (which requires PROBABLE CAUSE and an OATH or AFFIRMATION).

Some courts have upheld random stops (ie, checkpoints) on highways, but it is clear that random stops and searches of U.S. citizens on the highway violates the Fourth Amendment because a search requires a warrant (which requires probable cause). Those court rulings are wrong. It violates the 4th Amendment to randomly stop and search people (anywhere in the U.S.) without any probable cause or reason to believe they have done anything wrong.

This woman was being requested to turn over documentation (a search) WITHOUT A WARRANT (OR EVEN ANY PROBABLE CAUSE).

[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 11:35 PM. Reason : ..]

3/4/2004 11:28:09 PM

All American
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Actually, I think the term they would use when arresting someone in that situation would be detain, not seize. When I hear "searches and seizure", that makes me think of property.

3/4/2004 11:44:18 PM

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The Fourth Amendment applies to arrests. I'm in law school, so I should know.

If you read the text of the Fourth Amendment, it says that people have the right to be secure in their "persons" from unreasonable "seizures." It clearly applies to "seizures" of "persons."

[Edited on March 4, 2004 at 11:53 PM. Reason : ..]

3/4/2004 11:49:15 PM

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