tomloes All American 1646 Posts user info edit post |
his browser bombs in chit chat are making my computer crash 1/29/2002 8:31:33 PM
NCSt8Babe All American 2242 Posts user info edit post |
"browser bombs"? 1/29/2002 8:41:58 PM
tomloes All American 1646 Posts user info edit post |
Sometimes it crashes, othertimes its just really slow, its annoying either way 1/29/2002 8:48:16 PM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
Chicknman had one going too. But that thread just got axed. Little bastard. 1/31/2002 11:36:04 PM
82 Suspended 1066 Posts user info edit post |
many many thanks to the moderators for giving the axe to that gay ass thread 1/31/2002 11:44:34 PM
scud All American 10804 Posts user info edit post |
yeah after that chicknman thread took about 150mb and pegged my CPU, it was about time to axe that shit. 1/31/2002 11:47:17 PM
Tayla All American 8015 Posts user info edit post |
whoa, i was wondering if i was the only one whose comp went got pissy when opening that thread.
has he been suspended? 2/1/2002 12:38:28 AM
Kev4Pack All American 25272 Posts user info edit post |
Yes he has, Tayla.  2/1/2002 12:38:59 AM
Tayla All American 8015 Posts user info edit post |
haha, they did chris a favor, that thread was pathetic and never served its purpose. 2/1/2002 12:45:54 AM
Kev4Pack All American 25272 Posts user info edit post |
Are you talking about phrozenghost or chikman?
And yes, chicknman's thread was messing up my computer as well. 2/1/2002 12:50:29 AM
gossard All American 5638 Posts user info edit post |
Chicknman's thread was moved to chit chat. 2/1/2002 12:56:19 AM
Tayla All American 8015 Posts user info edit post |
talking about chicknmn 2/1/2002 1:14:51 AM
Nrallen All American 13239 Posts user info edit post |
i am an only child born of the wild riddled to spend my time defending my land you are my only one born in the sun riddled to spend your time defending my plan dead dog on the highway median cats are growling at me i turn my lights on brighter counting through the night ride one more life for the taker chickenman one more song for the maker chickenman on the road to Athens i saw a dead deer on the highway i slipped into a desert five prairie dogs and a rabbit i was running down on queen street i saw a woman on the sidewalk she was beaten by a stranger danger danger danger one more life for the taker chickenman chicken-man chickenman hold my hand one more life forthe maker hold my hand chickenman i was on the road to Austin i met a man on the highway he sold me junk and conversation he was wise and dirty from the wather i said darkness into darkness all the carnage of my journeys makes it hard to be living he said it's a long road to be forgiven one more life for the taker chickenman chickenman chickenman hold my hand one more song for the maker chickenman chickenman chickenman hold my hand i am an only child born of the wild riddled to spend my time defending my land you are my only one born in the sun riddled to spend you time defending my plan i went looking for a car found myself beneath the stars i went looking for a girl found a man and his world chickenman chickenman chickenman hold my hand i am an only child hold my hand chickenman chickenman chickenman hold my hand
2/1/2002 1:22:13 AM