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 Message Boards » » Hardware problems Page [1]  
All American
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Weird problem here...

Today I replaced the heatsink/fan on the processor to a quieter, higher quality version (was using the stock hs/fan). Power up the PC and let it run for a while so that I can monitor the CPU temps. Everything checks out fine. I burn a full DVD with no problems. I leave the computer alone for about 3 hours.

Come back to turn it on and no picture on the monitor. Restart the computer and it boots fine (hear the Windows music at startup) but still no video. Shut down the computer, reseat the video card. Boots up and I get video. Go into BIOS to check temps, everything looks good (can't check GPU temp though).

Boot into Windows and notice a few pixel trash fragments during the Windows loading screen. After Windows loads, a warning icon appears in the task bar saying that my video settings are set on low. It looks normal so I check them and everything is the same as always. Then the signal dies and the video is gone. PC is still running, so I shut it down.

Now after letting it sit for about 10 minutes, when I reboot, I get no beep codes and don't hear the Windows boot up music...

Any ideas? I'm thinking either the PSU is too old and not pumping out enough juice. Possibly the mobo could be malfunctioning, but I wouldn't see why as the only thing I've changed was the CPU heatsink/fan. I didn't flex the board or anything weird like that. The video card could be dieing, but if so I'd think I'd hear beep codes.

Any insight is appreciated.

8/16/2005 11:29:13 PM

All American
1451 Posts
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It does indeed sound like a freak incident with your vid card. I doubt it had anything to do with your HSF replacement. Get another card from someone and try it for a while. That should allow you to make a more educated assessment.

8/16/2005 11:43:30 PM

All American
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yeah it could be a number of things.

First thing I would try is swapping video cards and power supplies to see what if one of those is the problem. (which more than likely, you're right it is)

Most likely this has nothing to do with your having changed the heasink.

8/16/2005 11:45:57 PM

All American
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I have an extra AGP card lying around I can try this evening. Don't have time until I get home from work, but I'll pop it in then and see what happens.

8/17/2005 8:08:20 AM

All American
12297 Posts
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yeah, definatly agree with it being video related. my guess is it's just a fluke that it happened after a new HSF was installed.

8/17/2005 9:31:41 AM

All American
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Yup, twas the video card. Was running a GF4 Ti4600, had to switch to an old GF4 MX440. Not a big deal, my wife mainly uses her PC for email/internet, but I did have it set up as a secondary gaming rig for when a friend would come over.

8/17/2005 6:41:32 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Hardware problems Page [1]  
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