pureetofu All American 2748 Posts user info edit post |
So my friend wants to try and duplicate the dress in this song.
Any ideas on what materials would be good to do it?
 8/19/2005 3:48:21 PM
JonHGuth Suspended 39171 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on August 19, 2005 at 3:55 PM. Reason : thats really long]
8/19/2005 3:49:24 PM
pureetofu All American 2748 Posts user info edit post |
Here's another link if your computer goes stupid and doesn't load Windows Media Player with the premade playlist.
 8/19/2005 3:53:16 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
JonHGuth Suspended 39171 Posts user info edit post |
i love blue man group 8/19/2005 3:56:19 PM
AntecK7 All American 7755 Posts user info edit post |
the easiers whay i could think of is leds and colored film shwon into the dress, but i doubt you would get the consistance of the bands 8/20/2005 8:21:39 AM
AntecK7 All American 7755 Posts user info edit post |
or you could run some of them light stirps (the stuff that rusn off a computers 12 volt line behind them) 8/20/2005 8:34:26 AM
Petschska All American 1182 Posts user info edit post |
I'd do translucent plastic with light strips. You would have to shape the plastic though. Also the power would be an issue because no one wants to carry around a car battery or be plugged into the wall. 8/20/2005 9:56:26 AM
philihp All American 8349 Posts user info edit post |
there's an awful lot of space under her dress. wouldn't doubt there's a battery in there. 8/20/2005 1:44:14 PM
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
^ wouldn't need a car battery, you could probably use 9 volts in series and then run the light strips in parallel. just would be iffy if you started to sweat. I'm thinking of those guys who tried to make money in vegas by predicting the roulette wheel to some extent. they carried around computers taped to their bodies and powered by 9 volt batteries. one of them was horribly burned when he got nervous and sweaty and the shit started shorting out.
[Edited on August 20, 2005 at 2:33 PM. Reason : ] 8/20/2005 2:30:24 PM
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
^it was a woman that got burnt 8/20/2005 2:46:51 PM
Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
She's no Donna Summer. 8/20/2005 2:56:08 PM
pureetofu All American 2748 Posts user info edit post |
seedless I just type it in everytime, its scary memorized.
And who doesn't love Blue Man Group JonHGuth, I just hope I get to see them live one time!
I have a strong feeling they used some sort of LEDs to power them, but then the consistancy is amazing, so your probably right its something else AntecK7.
If you look though, the plastic is fairly shaped, and she IS plugged into the wall. Petschska where can you get the plastic for cheap?
philihp that plug running under her dress hopefully is for the lights, and not her vibrator.
Charybdisjim and Aficionado I'd rather not have my friend be burned, its sad enough he's doing drag, but doing drag with electrical burns. Wait... that is funny.
No Stein, she's no Donna Summer, and she definitely doesn't do the robot.
[Edited on August 21, 2005 at 1:15 PM. Reason : Antek7 != Anteck7] 8/21/2005 1:14:54 PM
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |

8/21/2005 2:27:57 PM
ZiP All American 18939 Posts user info edit post |

8/21/2005 2:29:45 PM
Petschska All American 1182 Posts user info edit post |
you'd have to get a plastics company to do a job for you. which means $$$$. Just googles some plastics companies and ask them a quote and explain to them what you want to do. 8/21/2005 2:40:54 PM
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^it was a woman that got burnt" |
it was a couple people actually. the ORIGINAL people who did were were a couple college drop outs who formed a "company" called eudamonics. there have been some copycats and they did eventually have 30 people in the company, but the first person to test it and get burnt was not a woman. 8/21/2005 3:09:14 PM
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
well i saw the special on history or national geographic and the original people were interviewed and she was describing her wounds
whatever 8/21/2005 3:27:17 PM
JonHGuth Suspended 39171 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " I just hope I get to see them live one time! " |
its so awesome
 8/21/2005 3:30:18 PM
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
^^ yeah a couple different people have tried it. they've even had a CSI where someone tried the same thing. it was a pretty cool trick, and not really cheating according to the law at the time since it didn't alter the outcome of the game itself, but yeah. 8/21/2005 5:25:24 PM