blackJak71 All American 740 Posts user info edit post |
Figured this was as good of a place to ask this so I can keep the bullshit answers to a minimum. I've got an old GE clothes dryer that rumbles and screeches with a metal on metal sound. Thinking its something in the motor or in the bearings for the drum. Ive got plenty of experience at fixing things, just never messed with any dryers, and dont have a lot of time to mess with it right now. Anyone have any suggestions or know of anyone that knows how to fix 'em and would be willing to come out and take a look at it? Thanks 9/6/2005 10:27:50 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
My advice: Junk it and buy a used one offa here.
My guess is the rollers that the drum sits on...bearings are shot. You do know you can go to GE's website and check out exploded views of appliances. You just need your model number.
That's how I figured out the tranny failure on my wife's old GE machine. I bought a new transmission for it (over a hundred bucks) because we couldn't afford a new washer...but for the pain in the ass it was, I should have just picked up a used washer from somebody in the Classified section or out of the paper. As luck would have it, my mother in law gave us a Whirlpool set when she got her front loaders. Off to Good Will with the others... 9/6/2005 10:34:12 PM
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
just junk it, not worth it. you can even find new ones on sale for ~100 from time to time. not worth the hassle. 9/6/2005 10:48:51 PM
whtmike2k All American 2504 Posts user info edit post |
its the bearings definitely. had it happen to my old one, but the landlord had it fixed (it was their dryer). i know my dad has replaced em before, but i seem to remember it being a pretty big task for him. unless you really feel ballsy, or if you can get some damn good instructions online, i'd leave it alone. or just call a repairman and ask how much it would cost, then weigh your options. might as well get him to replace all the bearings (i think there's 3, but if even 1 goes bad its a terrible sound) while he's in there. good luck 9/6/2005 11:58:15 PM
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
put a turbo on that bitch, and use some good wheel bearings, skf or timkin, dont forget to clean the NGR valve
where you at baonest? 9/8/2005 12:07:24 AM
blackJak71 All American 740 Posts user info edit post |
got into it, looks like its gone, so with that in mind wheres a place thatll take it off my hands 9/8/2005 10:00:28 PM
beethead All American 6513 Posts user info edit post |
i had a similar problem. just had to replace the rollers that supported the drum.
take it apart, it will be obvious what the problem is. i think i fixed mine for $20 and about an hour of work, replacing both rollers and the belt as a preventative measure 9/9/2005 1:46:31 AM
Grapehead All American 19676 Posts user info edit post |
dude my landlord found us some offbrand dryer when ours blew up. brand new it was like $60 cheap bastard. 9/9/2005 9:33:28 AM
blackJak71 All American 740 Posts user info edit post |
hook a brother up 9/9/2005 11:18:48 PM
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
hahahaha, we have a roper washing machine at my place, i thought they only made lawn mowers, and shitty ones at that 9/10/2005 8:40:19 AM