Maugan All American 18178 Posts user info edit post |
wtf is wrong with people today? 9/16/2005 6:42:07 PM
dmidkiff All American 3324 Posts user info edit post |
why in god's name is there an aftermarket tach on an automatic? 
[Edited on September 16, 2005 at 6:45 PM. Reason : .] 9/16/2005 6:44:42 PM
JT3bucky All American 23313 Posts user info edit post |
[dirt] 9/16/2005 6:53:14 PM
eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
This thread has already been done:
/message_topic.aspx?topic=350241 9/16/2005 7:03:47 PM
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "This body was fabricated from 20 ga.sheet metal ( all custom work done professionally). There is NO fiberglass." |
that's actually pretty impressive.
Quote : | "why in god's name is there an aftermarket tach on an automatic?" |
are you serious? granted, that thing doesn't really need one but many auto cars do... 9/16/2005 7:47:37 PM
optmusprimer All American 30318 Posts user info edit post |
every car should have a tach. 9/16/2005 7:52:27 PM
underPSI tillerman 14088 Posts user info edit post |
car looks like shit but ya gotta give it up to the body work. 9/16/2005 7:57:28 PM
Weeeees All American 23730 Posts user info edit post |
almost 117k views now
[Edited on September 16, 2005 at 8:01 PM. Reason : worst ebay view/bid ratio ever] 9/16/2005 8:00:58 PM
Incognegro Suspended 4172 Posts user info edit post |
holy fucking rice 9/16/2005 8:41:58 PM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ya gotta give it up to the body work" |
No you don't have to give it up to that. A nasty turd and a beautiful turd are still fucking shit.
[Edited on September 16, 2005 at 8:47 PM. Reason : ] 9/16/2005 8:46:16 PM
optmusprimer All American 30318 Posts user info edit post |
when you can hand build something as complex as the side of that car from scratch (its not some funny named mail order bodykit) then you have the right to call it a turd. 9/16/2005 8:55:14 PM
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
exactly. that's some truly amazing metal working skills if it really has no glass or bondo in it, even if it is a ona gay car. 9/16/2005 9:01:19 PM
underPSI tillerman 14088 Posts user info edit post |
^my point exactly. 9/16/2005 9:03:50 PM
Incognegro Suspended 4172 Posts user info edit post |
so next I suppose you fairies will start complementing the needlework of the outfits in a gay pride march or something 9/16/2005 9:17:23 PM
jnpaul All American 9807 Posts user info edit post |
Damn that thing is sexy. 9/16/2005 9:19:08 PM
Pyro Suspended 4836 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "when you can hand build something as complex as the side of that car from scratch (its not some funny named mail order bodykit) then you have the right to call it a turd." |
9/16/2005 9:37:33 PM
scrager All American 9481 Posts user info edit post |
i totally want a fuel door in my roof with an an24 or whatever size hose that is running down the back window!
i'm sure it has bondo atleast to make a smooth finish.
i bet being made out of sheet metal makes that bitch heavy.
and i don't know which is more sad. that the prices is over 8 grand or that there are 27 bids to put it over 8 grand
[Edited on September 16, 2005 at 9:42 PM. Reason : .] 9/16/2005 9:41:32 PM
optmusprimer All American 30318 Posts user info edit post |
theres nothing wrong with a little bondo. 9/16/2005 10:19:06 PM
gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |
WTF fuel door in the roof???????????  9/16/2005 10:59:20 PM
EhSteve All American 7240 Posts user info edit post |
They only finished half of the car.
Interior and engine compartment still look like shit. 9/16/2005 11:52:09 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Every car has some sort of filler as a finish coat before paint. 9/17/2005 12:02:02 AM
FreeBird All American 1569 Posts user info edit post |

9/17/2005 12:49:33 AM
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
^^  9/17/2005 12:15:58 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
It's funny how the high bid keeps dropping. First it was $8500, then yesterday it was $8300 and now it's $8199. I can see it now:
Dumbass: "Hey check out this phat ride I'm the high bidder for on eBay. Can you believe how low the reserve is? I'll bet I'll score mad chicks with this."
All his friends: "You are the biggest tool alive"
Dumbass: *retracts bid* 9/18/2005 9:45:10 AM
sparky Garage Mod 12301 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "This body was fabricated from 20 ga.sheet metal ( all custom work done professionally). There is NO fiberglass" |
i.e heavy as fuck....really, i wonder how much that thing weighs 9/18/2005 11:27:35 AM
SandSanta All American 22435 Posts user info edit post |
It's actuallynot that bad. I'd change the exhaust and drop a more powerfull motor in there and then do a complete rework of the interior.
Oh, and paint it something other then hideous blue. 9/18/2005 12:15:17 PM
Quinn All American 16417 Posts user info edit post |
yeah the plate at an angle is  9/18/2005 4:08:10 PM
E30turbo Suspended 1520 Posts user info edit post |
check the bid history, its just some fake names/friends he has bidding up the price.
welcome to ebay. 9/19/2005 2:14:44 PM