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Cheapest place to get about a 3in. body lift for my 1990 Jeep Cherokee?

9/26/2005 3:12:43 PM

All American
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9/26/2005 3:18:44 PM

wear sumthin tight
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dont waste your time

9/26/2005 3:19:12 PM

All American
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impossible. your jeep does not have body on frame construction. it is a unibody, like a pinto.

9/26/2005 3:30:43 PM

New Recruit
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well what can I do to it then? i just don't think I have enough money for a suspension lift

9/26/2005 3:52:13 PM

All American
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You can pour gasoline on it and set it ablaze. That seems to be a popular one with the kids these days.

9/26/2005 3:56:59 PM

All American
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stone could help with that body lift

9/26/2005 4:30:25 PM

All American
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buy this

he only wnats 5k for it

9/26/2005 4:33:57 PM

15861 Posts
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extended shackles or flipping the axles would be the cheapest things short of a full suspension kit

9/26/2005 5:21:03 PM

All American
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you don't want a 3" body lift.

it will look like SHIT.

it's a poser move, and everyone will know it, because it looks so obviously stupid.

it's a waste of money, because other than the clearance from bigger tires (which will cost you a substantial amount of money), you don't get any benefit from it.

save your money--do it once and do it right.

9/26/2005 5:44:42 PM

soup du hier
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God i hate people who don't even know what they're doing before they try and do it...

ok before you hurt anyone stop, go to jeeps unlimited use search and then read.
there are a few people on that forum that own shops and know what they are doing.

learn what you can and can't do to your vehicle

9/26/2005 5:56:54 PM

All American
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oh nevermind, i thought it said wrangler.

[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 6:08 PM. Reason : 3" bodylift is a horrible idea in general, though.]

9/26/2005 6:08:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"stone could help with that body lift


mattjm321 can help u with a blow job. he does great work!

9/26/2005 6:25:17 PM

soup du hier
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they're are some body lifted cherokees though...... a few dumbasses have mounted the unibods on a k5 blazer frame

but yes duke you're also right... even if you could body lift it you dont want the bolts that hold your body on to your frame to be that long... its a huge increase in stress and will probably snap the mounts in a wreck.

9/26/2005 7:32:26 PM

All American
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[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 7:39 PM. Reason : seriously, get a 2" budget boost for like $200]

9/26/2005 7:35:57 PM

soup du hier
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9/26/2005 7:43:18 PM

Starting Lineup
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Yea there are a couple ways to get around 2" of lift in a cherokee for round the $200 range, I can also install it for you real cheap if your interested send me a pm. I have done 5 suspension lifts, 3 body lifts and custom fabrication ie: swapping in new axles, drivetrain, etc.

9/26/2005 7:45:10 PM

All American
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do a 2.5 inch budget boost, spacers and blocks for a cheap lift. but you can still only fit 31" tires comfortably, although i'd fit 32's and trim

9/26/2005 8:09:21 PM

NCSU 1887
All American
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^ exactly

9/26/2005 8:12:49 PM

soup du hier
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don't do blocks... it will kill your springs ....
shackles & aal are much better ways.

btw... i'm w/ jrraw23 in experience by the sounds of it...

[Edited on September 26, 2005 at 8:30 PM. Reason : .]

9/26/2005 8:29:14 PM

15861 Posts
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Quote :
"... even if you could body lift it you dont want the bolts that hold your body on to your frame to be that long... its a huge increase in stress and will probably snap the mounts in a wreck."

i put a 3" body lift on my silverado, along with a nigger rigged 1.5" front torsion bar crank up and 1" rear blocks to clear 35's, got rear ended at 70 mph on 95, crushed my rear bumper all the way into the wheel well, and guess what, no damage to any of the lift blocks or bolts, in fact the cross supports under the bed were twisted and the bolts came right out straight as an arrow, so try that on someone else who cant afford a $2,500 suspension lift to talk them out of doing anything to their vehicle just because you think it isnt hardcore enough

9/26/2005 8:35:57 PM

All American
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So you're lifting it just for looks, huh? lol

9/26/2005 8:56:43 PM

313 Posts
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daystar makes a 2-3 in. spacer that goes on top of the coil springs, for the back, you could just go with a 2-3 in block (which ever gives you the desired look). you could probably do this for around $200

9/26/2005 10:16:54 PM

All American
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body lift =

9/26/2005 11:08:07 PM

All American
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alee =

9/26/2005 11:13:07 PM

All American
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why the fuck all u bastards hatin on a body lift. its cheap and it fits bigger tires, sounds like a pretty good fucking deal to me. no you cant do it to your jeep, but on vehicles you can do it theres not a damn thing wrong with doing it.

9/27/2005 2:04:20 AM

All American
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fucking amazing

Quote :
"Yea there are a couple ways to get around 2" of lift in a cherokee for round the $200 range, I can also install it for you real cheap if your interested send me a pm. I have done 5 suspension lifts, 3 body lifts and custom fabrication ie: swapping in new axles, drivetrain, etc."
====He's certified custom fabrication...wooo hooo

Quote :
"do a 2.5 inch budget boost, spacers and blocks for a cheap lift. but you can still only fit 31" tires comfortably, although i'd fit 32's and trim"

ooh thats right, you have to make it completely useless as far as any articulation goes....but wait, i forgot that making the car work better in places that articulation is required was no longer the point of a lift

Quote :
"don't do blocks... it will kill your springs ...."

you talk like you know don't. how does a block change at all how a spring sits??? it doesn't it just increases the gap between it and the axel. perhaps you were thinking of axel wrap? that is a problem that plagues the north carolina off road scene when all the poser faggots make their annual assfuck parade down to uwharrie and get a little mud on their cars and take pictures of their car with a wheel flexing on a rock ...really, theres not shit to worry about since i garuntee that it won't be used the way all of the posers or magazines imitate driving 4x4's, mainly because who the fuck lifts anything like that to that little degree to offroad to the point it would matter? might see a gravel road or a cow pasture, maybe even a little uwharrie

Quote :
"no damage to any of the lift blocks or bolts"

probably because the body got hit and not your axel

and for the record...body lifts are fine for a little more clearance....ive seen someone with a 4 inch suspension and 2 inch body lift on his tj do shit ya'll would cream/shit your pants over...maybe not stone or bbr but all of you other no knowledge mall cruising fucks
its not about having the biggest most badass jeep, its about having something functional, knowledge, and knowing how to drive

(p.s.--hellas a roof rack and a hi-lift don't make you a better driver)

[Edited on September 27, 2005 at 7:48 AM. Reason : worthless]

9/27/2005 7:44:55 AM

4172 Posts
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you're just angry that he'll look every bit as hardcore a jeep fag as you do for so much less

you're both gay though

if you want to go off-roading, buy a fucking quad, when your shit doesn't require a 6' wide path you can leave the trail to go around the mud puddle all you jeep fags just dig deeper by getting stuck

then you run home and eBay some new tires like your jeep isn't the problem in the first place

9/27/2005 8:15:54 AM

All American
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^^ at least I can spell axle

9/27/2005 8:17:09 AM

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[Edited on September 27, 2005 at 8:19 AM. Reason : *]

9/27/2005 8:19:20 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if you want to go off-roading, buy a fucking quad, when your shit doesn't require a 6' wide path you can leave the trail to go around the mud puddle all you jeep fags just dig deeper by getting stuck

quads are the the problem on most trails. people on them have respect for the land and will ride off trail when ever they feel like it.

Quote :
"you can leave the trail"

exactly. its fucksticks like you that will get places closed down because you cant stay on trail. the trails were built for trucks not quads. people on quads need to learn this and respect the trucks on the trail. its obvious you have no idea about respect for the trail.

9/27/2005 8:26:31 AM

All American
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Quote :
"don't do blocks... it will kill your springs"


9/27/2005 8:28:15 AM

4172 Posts
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I don't ride on faggot fucking trails, I hit the 10,000 acres of wilderness 30 seconds down the road from my back fucking yard. Fucking jeep faggots, suburbanite escapism, get a fucking grip, or smoke some pot if you really need to escape, I don't know any potheads blowing that much on their escapism.

9/27/2005 8:31:38 AM

All American
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^ u suck at life. go ahead and end it.

9/27/2005 8:38:52 AM

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naw man, I'll just get 32" mud tires, that'll make the pain go away, and I'll look cool too, nevermind that horrendous noise I make on the freeway

9/27/2005 8:40:04 AM

4172 Posts
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earlier today I saw this bitch in some dude's jeep sitting quite unladylike

she had the chunkiest thighs I have ever seen that much of

you jeep fags snag some fine bitches

9/27/2005 8:41:47 AM

All American
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you got picked on alot when you were younger, didnt you?

9/27/2005 9:08:45 AM

All American
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you got picked on alot when you were younger, didnt you?

9/27/2005 9:09:29 AM

All American
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haha taylor... that's just funny to me... gotta love those double posts...

9/27/2005 10:25:05 AM

All American
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haha damn shit hell

9/27/2005 10:51:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"flipping the axles "

what the hell are you talking about?
Quote :
"I have done 5 suspension lifts, 3 body lifts and custom fabrication ie: swapping in new axles, drivetrain, etc."

oh please, don't come on this site spewing that shit...

9/27/2005 1:05:13 PM

All American
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same bullshit on nc4x4 from him to

9/27/2005 4:14:40 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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9/27/2005 4:17:47 PM

325 Posts
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if i flip my axles wont i end up going backwards?

9/27/2005 5:17:24 PM

325 Posts
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dammit, i only flipped the rear one, now when i try to go 4 wheeling i go nowhere and do a big burnout that seemingly doesnt stop/\

9/27/2005 11:41:06 PM

All American
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Quote :

don't you remember? got put in your place a few weeks shut up with your damn know it all tone of voice that you use to try and sound better than someone else because it is obvious more every time you talk how big of a fucking idiot you are....i could call you a dumbass for spending time on a computer...its just a bunch of plastic and circuits and shit...whats so awesome about that huh?...different strokes for different folks, we really do not give a fuck about you and your quad or your "10,000" acres you can ride it on. gtfo faggot.

[Edited on September 28, 2005 at 12:59 AM. Reason : ]

9/28/2005 12:51:06 AM

All American
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a cheap lift you could get from V8 ZJ front springs(93-98 Grand Cherokee springs) or Carquest HD front coils, and then add 1.75" coilspacers...........the Carquest should give you just a little more lift

for the rear, quadratec sells new HD rear leaf packs that'll give you about an inch, and you could add a Teraflex shackle. Or you could add leafs from s10 or dakota packs that'll be a really cheap lift....

9/28/2005 7:38:03 PM

All American
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a suspension lift is your only option, whether it be a budget boost, or a springs, shocks, and possibly new control arms, etc. it up to you. no one has addressed WHAT you will be using it for. so tell us and that will help us help you.

if it's just for driving do a budget boost to get more clearance and 31s. if you are actually going to wheel it you could do the budget boost, lock ur diffs and have fun or lift it more and get bigger tires. you seem to not know that much about jeeps or lifting them so let me spell it out for you

3 inch usually fits 31s, 32s if you trim. you can fit 33s with the RE 4.5 kit with trimming. 6 inch kits are 33s and no trimming. 8 inch kits are 35s and no trimming. if you wheel of course you might need to trim on any of these kits due to rubbing offroad. once you get up the 6+ inches of lift you will need a slip yoke eliminator for your rear driveshaft, and also a cv shaft in the rear. if you're to that point you might want to regear your axles.

basically we need more information but i tried to give you some of the basics.

PS - unibodies cannot be lifted with a body lift due to the body being WELDED to the frame.

- and for whoever said "flipping the axle" i'm guessing you meant springing it over, or putting new spring perches on top of the axle tube, but that won't work bc cherokees are sprung over stock.

9/28/2005 9:53:52 PM

All American
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dang where did all the smarties come from?

9/28/2005 9:54:46 PM

All American
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duuuuuuuuh reid, dont you know aaaaaaaanything?

tww4x4ers are the kewlest!!

9/28/2005 10:14:49 PM

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