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 Message Boards » » The Massive T-Dubber's Music Showcase Page [1]  
All American
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We have alot of musicians on TWW, and I've heard some perform, but there really hasnt been an gathering of all of us in one place.


We all use TWW at some point in time, so why not make a showcase of what we're all capable of?

So here's the deal:
Post links to your solo mp3's, songs by your band, or anything that has you doing what you do best. Give a little explanation about the piece (ie what instruments/amps/recording gear/ techniques) that are being featured.


10/13/2005 8:19:17 PM

All American
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Great idea. An opportunity to finally spread my torturous and whiney ways.

10/13/2005 8:30:54 PM

All American
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this is a piece i wrote to to highlight what can be done with harmonics on the electric bass

The intro is entirely artificial harmonics, and the rest of the song is two hand-tapped with tap harmonics being played by my right hand and the low notes tapped with my left hand

i'm using my 1985 Peavey T-40 with old D' Addario strings (45-105), into my Zoom PFX-9003 Effects Processor for compression, and straight into the 'mic' input on the back of my comp

It's one track of bass recorded with Soundforge: no edits, overdubs, or punches

10/13/2005 8:36:41 PM

All American
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I am one of the guitarists. we use Ibanez and Ernie Ball guitars and mainly Peavey5150s and Mesa Boogie dual and triple rectifiers. this is a real old recording we did ourselves in a friends basement. these songs are around 1.5 years old. we'll have new stuff up this schoolyear

great idea

10/13/2005 8:42:28 PM

All American
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awesome idea dude, good call. i don't have anything i've recorded hosted online (which will hopefully change soon so i can link it here), but i'll give a rundown of what i do so that people can contact me if they want

drums: been playing for about 8-9 years, though never had a lesson and there was about a 4 year period in there where i couldn't practice much. i play with all styles of music, rock, jazz, funk, blues, metal, ambient, whatever someone can come up with i'll try and put a fitting beat to it. i have a set of Pearl Exports in my apartment, two guitar amps and a bass amp and cabinet. i love to just jam (in this thread so far I've played with DuckSauce, which needs to happen again) and improv. eventually looking to form some semblance of a band.

vocals: i do death metal style growling vocals, if you're looking for a vocalist hit me up

guitar: played for about 2 years now, i can't really improv with it but i could be a pinch rhythm guitarist if need be. i have a Garcia classical, a Martin DXM acoustic, and a good ol' Fender Strat.

i have a mic and recording interface i use to record some of our jam sessions with, i'll try and get one hosted...

10/13/2005 9:20:04 PM

All American
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I've been drumming for about 10 years, but most of it was marching/orchestral percussion (5th in state my junior year of HS, planned on marching tenors for Cadets but didn't have the money to tour). I have a set, haven't gotten TONS of experience on it. I played in my HS jazz band, so that would be th only set style I have formal teaching in (kinda). I'm not bad, but not great. I just got my set (Tama Rockstar Custom) back to Raleigh, plan on buying new heads and cymbals soon and getting back into the swing of things again.

I can also play pretty much any exotic percussion instrument thrown at me. I am buying a Djembe probably tomorrow, and in the near future I am going to invest in some Congas, a didgeridoo, and a berimbau (pictured)

[Edited on October 13, 2005 at 10:58 PM. Reason : .]

10/13/2005 10:54:27 PM

All American
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I really need to get off my ass and record some shit ive written. And by get off my ass, i mean go buy a mic. Most of what ive written is along the lines of Melodic death metal, with a little power and thrash in the mix. But lately ive been practicing more on building up lead chops, and working more on jazz theory

10/14/2005 10:53:04 AM

All American
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yea man i really like to hear what ppl write. and id def be interested in hearing you. post it up when you get on it.

bassman..nice stuff. i FINALLY got around to listening

10/14/2005 11:08:23 AM

All American
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The Balance Factor -
vocals, guitar, and keys (wrote all lyrics and music)

Crossthread -
vocals(wrote all lyrics and music)

Blasphemour Records -
ceo (released music Skinless, Deformity, Psywarfare, Milhouse, Goatwhore, Burial Ground, etc)

10/14/2005 11:08:31 AM

All American
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I haven't done anything in about a year. I'm trying to get back into it, though.

10/14/2005 11:24:56 AM

All American
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to anyone that has any experience using a PODxt, please tell me a program I can use to record directly to my computer. I know it can be done, just don't know how, getting frustrated.

10/14/2005 11:32:30 AM

James Bond
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pop punk represent!

10/14/2005 7:35:40 PM

All American
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Recorded this evening and its pretty rough, but i think the general 2 minute idea is conveyed

10/15/2005 3:43:24 AM

All American
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here's me fucking around on with my computer mic a few months back. just picked up an acousic and played to see what kind of quality i could get with just windows sound recorder and a mic. it sucks. i'm updating my equipment and i'll have shit thrown together within the next 6 months on myspace.

[Edited on October 15, 2005 at 3:57 AM. Reason : link]

10/15/2005 3:56:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
"to anyone that has any experience using a PODxt, please tell me a program I can use to record directly to my computer. I know it can be done, just don't know how, getting frustrated."

I have a PODxt and have been using Cool Edit Pro 2.0 for about 3 years. (you should be able to find a download)

But, I'm pretty sure almost any program you find would work. All you need is a 2 male 1/4" to 1 male 1/8" stereo cord. Plug in the 1/4" ends into the left and right outputs of the Pod and the 1/8" into the soundcard. Just buy 2 1/4" to 1/8" adapters and an adapter that combines the left and right 1/8" ends if you can't find one cord that does it all. I just plug this straight into a SBlive sound card in the microphone port and it works.

You may not need a new soundcard. If you can get a mic to work on your computer then you can most likely get this to work.

10/15/2005 10:00:43 AM

All American
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this is another solo bass piece i did awhile back, only this time i had a drum track behind it.It's basically just a groovy thing i came up with one night, thrown straight into the computer without practicing it as much as i should have

[Edited on October 15, 2005 at 4:13 PM. Reason : for some reason the volume of this piece is sorta low, so you mught have to turn up your speakers ]

10/15/2005 4:12:27 PM

All American
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New song called, "Better Times." I recorded today in my room, so quality's not great, but I think it's a good song...

10/20/2005 1:13:39 AM

All American
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I can do a sick sludge growl reaaaaalll low like the CODC dude. I can bang on drums ok, blast ok but not technical. SOMEBODY START A SLUDGE BAND WITH ME PLEASE!

10/20/2005 1:55:23 PM

All American
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bttt for a great song^^

10/20/2005 9:08:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"All you need is a 2 male 1/4" to 1 male 1/8" stereo cord. Plug in the 1/4" ends into the left and right outputs of the Pod and the 1/8" into the soundcard."

Is there really a need for a split cord? After all, a guitar's mono anyway...

I just use a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter on the end of a guitar cable.

10/20/2005 9:55:33 PM

2953 Posts
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this is a white guy (me) trying to rap over a 99c casio keyboard and some fruityloops SE added in, haha. i have other shitty acoustic tracks that i'm not gonna post song 2.mp3

by the way nice song bassman803 it reminds me of portrait of stacy.

[Edited on October 20, 2005 at 10:19 PM. Reason : link]

10/20/2005 10:18:38 PM

All American
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haha... thanks bassman

10/21/2005 3:02:44 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Is there really a need for a split cord? After all, a guitar's mono anyway..."

Effect boxes such as delay, chorus, etc. generally input mono and output stereo or mono. Delay always sounds a lot better in stereo

synth lead is from my Juno106 A saw waveform with some subsquare through a bandpass filter chorused all to hell to get the "supersaw"-ish JP8000 sound. Then it's got that sweet dual delay 1/4 beat right 1/8 on left.
synth pad is my micron with a wild mod matrix.
bass is just the simple boobass fruity vst, best thing ever, never agian will I need to play bass guitar.

These are just pretty short sample based tracks I played piano on the first, the second one is my attempt at covering The Bucketheads - The Bomb! by sampling chicago's street player.

10/21/2005 12:04:41 PM

All American
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dude, bassman, I could chill out to summerwanes all freakin day...

10/21/2005 12:23:04 PM

 Message Boards » Entertainment » The Massive T-Dubber's Music Showcase Page [1]  
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