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"Australia plans law to gag parents in child terror cases

Sat Oct 22, 2:31 AM ET

SYDNEY (AFP) - Proposed legislation in Australia would make it a crime for one parent to tell the other that their child had been detained under anti-terror laws, a report says.

If a youth aged between 16 and 18 was detained, one parent would be informed and allowed to visit for two hours daily during the detention, which could last for two weeks without charge, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

But if the chosen parent was the father, for example, and he told the mother where the child was, he could be jailed for up to five years.

The opposition Labor Party's spokesman for homeland security, Arch Bevis, scorned the proposal.

"The idea that one parent could see their child and then somehow be fined or imprisoned for telling the other parent is absurd.""

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"Anti-war Protesters May Face 7 Years In Jail Under Australian Patriot Act

Melbourne Herald Sun | October 31 2005

ANTI-war demonstrators could be jailed for seven years under the Federal Government's proposed anti-terror laws, a doctors' body said today.

As the Commonwealth and states negotiate on a final draft of the laws, the Australian Medical Association for the Prevention of War has urged them not to be pressured into supporting the Bill in its present form.

Association vice-president Gillian Deakin said everyone supported strong counter-terrorism laws.

"But we must make sure we are not panicked or bullied into hasty or extreme laws that surrender the basic human rights of all Australians," Dr Deakin said.

"A section of the proposed laws would make it an offence for any Australian to 'urge support' for any organisation that the Australian Defence Force happens to be fighting.

"This means that ... the anti-Iraq war protests could be illegal and all Australians liable for seven-year jail (terms) for expressing opposition to actions of the Australian Defence Force."

Dr Deakin said Australians did not want the country to turn into a police state.

They may be going too far too fast with this latest batch of freedom killing legislation. They're going to let the cat out of the bag. Incrementalism is their preferred tactic to destroying freedom. Is this a sign that they are getting desperate?

11/1/2005 4:45:18 PM

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11/1/2005 4:52:58 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"They may be going too far too fast with this latest batch of freedom killing legislation. They're going to let the cat out of the bag. Incrementalism is their preferred tactic to destroying freedom. Is this a sign that they are getting desperate?"

Do you ever pause midsentence and ask yourself "What the fuck am I typing?"

11/1/2005 6:31:41 PM

All American
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Nothing he posts makes sense. Here is a translation of his post:

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[Edited on November 1, 2005 at 6:35 PM. Reason : ]

11/1/2005 6:34:55 PM

All American
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OK, wordy bullshit aside, that is fucked up if that legislation passes.

With that, the legislation probably won't pass. Somebody's got to speak out, otherwise there's a bunch of spineless bitchhats in that country.

11/1/2005 7:49:28 PM

All American
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If you read half the shit that doesn't get passed by any legislature with more people than 10 you would cry

11/1/2005 8:40:12 PM

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More insanity from Australia's proposed "anti-terror" legislation: gag orders on the press from reporting who is arrested by the government.

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"Read all about it - soon it will be a crime

By Tom Allard
October 28, 2005


Bilal Daye and ASIO director-general Paul O'Sullivan have got at least one thing in common - they both went to school at Randwick's Marcellin college.

But for that footnote in their CVs, there is little to compare the two men. One is the head of Australia's domestic spy agency, the other was raided twice by federal authorities, suspected of being a terrorist. On Tuesday, Mr Daye will take Mr O'Sullivan and the Commonwealth Government to the District Court, seeking damages of up to $750,000 for a bungled swoop by ASIO agents and heavily armed police on his Mascot home.

It is a story that anyone interested in the subject should read now. Under the proposed anti-terrorism laws, stories like Mr Daye's could not be told.

For Mr Daye, it is an opportunity to seek redress for an incident that he says badly traumatised himself, his family and sullied his reputation in the community. It is also a cautionary tale about how intelligence on terrorism suspects can be wrong, and how security authorities can make the most elementary mistakes.

By coincidence, the case will be heard on the day the Federal Government had slated to introduce legislation for new anti-terrorism measures, including control orders and preventive detention based only on intelligence, as well as the secrecy provisions which could ban such stories being reported."

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"Journalists, artists battle Australian anti-terror laws

Oct. 31, 2005

Leading Australian artists and journalists are banding together to fight new anti-terrorism measures called "the greatest threat to publication imposed by the government in the history of the Commonwealth."

They say proposed new sedition provisions will infringe freedom of speech and that provisions for "preventive detention" could be abused.

Urging disaffection against the government and urging disaffection against the sovereign could be seen as sedition under some interpretations of the draft law.

Australia's largest news organizations, Fairfax and News Ltd., are teaming up to lobby the federal government over the bill.

"The expansion of the sedition laws contemplated in this bill is the greatest threat to publication imposed by the government in the history of the Commonwealth," they wrote in a statement addressed to Prime Minister John Howard.

State and territorial governments have expressed support in principle for the proposed anti-terrorism law. Howard backed the bill as necessary in a time of international instability.

Journalists, playwrights, documentary filmmakers, political cartoonists and others who might lampoon the government or question what it does fear the proposed sedition provisions.

"My feeling is that the arts have always existed at an arm's length to government in order to articulate views which are not necessarily considered to be politically correct at the time," said film director Robert Connolly, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corp.

"I know in my own films – look at Three Dollars and The Bank, and also The Boys – and all three films have as part of their agenda to document and critique contemporary Australia.

"And I think it would be a great tragedy to have laws that in effect make the act of making those stories and telling those stories illegal."

Proposed laws 'horrific for journalists'

A group of artists and journalists met in Sydney on Sunday to talk about the dangers of the proposed law. Civil libertarians and people who oppose Australia's involvement in Iraq also have protested.

The proposed laws are "horrific for journalists," senior Fairfax journalist David Marr said.

"Firstly, there's a completely secret new regime of putting people in preventive detention — that's entirely secret," he said. "If we report it, if we report that people have gone into preventive detention, we're going to go individually to jail for five to seven years, something like that. Even if we report what happened to people in detention, we go to jail. "

Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission president John Von Doussa says the proposed counter-terrorism laws are the first step towards a police state.

The legislation gives police extraordinary powers to detain people without charge, but does not set out means by which the application of those powers can be checked or appealed, he said.

Although there have been no terrorist acts within Australia since the late 1970s, the Bali bombing in 2002 was seen as an attack against Australians. The nightclub hit was filled with Australian tourists at the time of the blast."

11/2/2005 8:17:18 AM

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Quote :
"Australia Receives Threat of Terror Attack

Nov. 2, 2005
By ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press Writer

CANBERRA, Australia - Australian authorities have received specific intelligence that terrorists are planning an attack on the country, Prime Minister John Howard said Wednesday, calling on lawmakers to increase the powers of Australia's intelligence agencies.

Howard refused to give any details of the threat, saying he did not want to jeopardize counterterror operations, but he introduced a minor amendment to counterterrorism laws in the House of Representatives on Wednesday."


And JUST when Howard was starting to get resistance on his new "anti-terror" laws. Pure coincidence I'm sure.

[Edited on November 2, 2005 at 8:40 AM. Reason : 3]

11/2/2005 8:37:58 AM

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Is anyone taking note of this? This is totally out of control. Jailing a parent for up to five years for telling their spouse that their child has been detained? Locking up anti-war protesters for 7 years? Sending journalists or others to jail for five to seven years for reporting that someone has been detained? They are trying to give the Australian government draconian powers that would remind you of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. It's so crazy, it seems like it should be straight out of 1984 or some science fiction novel. Only its real. Wake up people. The government is using the "terrorist threat" to implement a tryannical police state.

[Edited on November 2, 2005 at 12:31 PM. Reason : 3]

11/2/2005 12:25:38 PM

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Quote :
"Australian Prime Minister Plays Terror Card

Paul Joseph Watson | November 3 2005

The Australian government is under intense pressure to water down proposed draconian laws that include provisions whereby peaceful anti-war protesters could be jailed for 7 years under the language that they support the opposition of the Australian military.

The new legislation also paves the way for oversees video evidence to be used in federal courts, which is basically tantamount to a welcoming of evidence obtained under torture.

British MI5 openly embraced torture last week when they stated they will use evidence obtained by torture and treat it as reliable.

Australian Prime Minister Howard is facing an uphill battle trying to justify these draconian laws, he’s getting opposition from doctors organizations, human rights organizations, artists, musicians, TV stars.

So what do we see in the news today?

"Australia Receives Threat of Terror Attack"


So just coincidentally as he’s facing vociferous opposition to these terror laws, our useful Al-Qaeda friends pop up and help the Prime Minister push through his political agenda."

[Edited on November 3, 2005 at 8:13 AM. Reason : 1]

11/3/2005 8:13:28 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Terror swoop: More arrests likely

SYDNEY, Australia (CNN) -- Australian police expect to make more arrests as part of a counterterrorism swoop which saw 17 men held in custody Tuesday after raids in Sydney and Melbourne.

Federal police raided another Sydney home Tuesday night, but no arrests were made, according to an Associated Press report.

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty told CNN that about 600 police across the nation had been involved in the crackdown.

He described the operation as a "complex matter that would take some months to work through."

Those arrested include a Muslim cleric accused of masterminding a cell dedicated to "violent jihad."

Two of the Melbourne suspects were denied bail on Wednesday.

"We believe that we've been able to significantly disrupt a proposed terrorist attack here in Australia," New South Wales Police Commissioner Ken Moroney told Australia's Channel 7 Television.

Police have confirmed one man who had been under surveillance was shot and wounded by police Tuesday morning in an outer Sydney suburb.

The man allegedly fired shots at the police and a second gun was found in a backpack he was carrying, Australia's Sky News reported. He is under police guard in hospital."

But I thought that terrorism was a creation of the Australian government? Oh let me guess, these alleged "terrorists" are actually operatives of the Australian defense service with possible connections to Mossad! (or some other ridiculous excuse that doesn't contradict your belief structure)

11/9/2005 7:58:42 PM

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Quote :
"Those arrested include a Muslim cleric accused of masterminding a cell dedicated to "violent jihad." "

Ever heard of the concept of innocent until proven guilty? For all you know, these people are COMPLETELY INNOCENT of the accusations.

It is well known now that the Australian government was recently trying to enact draconian police state legislation. And then this supposed "terrorist threat" conveniently "materializes." For all we know, the Australian government has just intentionally and knowingly arrested a bunch of innocent people and totally fabricated the charges that they were "planning terrorist actions."

Lastly, your scoffing at the idea that governments can be behind supposed "terrorist events" is either an outright lie or born out of your own ignorance. All one has to do is look at history, and it is CRYSTAL CLEAR that governments have been behind many of these supposed "terrorist events." Take 9/11, Oklahoma City, the Bali bombing, the 7/7/05 London bombings, etc. In all of these instances, mountains of evidence show government involvement, prior knowledge, and lies. And then you have the fact that the U.S. government lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the USS Maine attack, Iraq's WMD threat, and Pearl Harbor in order to justify getting involved in wars.

11/10/2005 8:33:55 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Lastly, your scoffing at the idea that governments can be behind supposed "terrorist events" is either an outright lie or born out of your own ignorance."

Scoffing at the rantings of a mentally deranged person on the internet are an outright lie? You're refusal to consider anything but what you want to believe destroys the credibility that you so desperately want.

Quote :
"For all we know, the Australian government has just intentionally and knowingly arrested a bunch of innocent people and totally fabricated the charges that they were "planning terrorist actions.""

Or for all we know, they just arrested a bunch of actual terrorists. Please provide some evidence if you are going to call a news report a lie simply because you don't want to believe it.

Quote :
"All one has to do is look at history, and it is CRYSTAL CLEAR that governments have been behind many of these supposed "terrorist events." Take 9/11, Oklahoma City, the Bali bombing, the 7/7/05 London bombings, etc. In all of these instances, mountains of evidence show government involvement, prior knowledge, and lies."

If it is so "crystal clear" why can't you prove government involvement in any of those events? All that you have ever provided has been mountains of creative interpretation followed by pure speculation. Just because says so and you believe it doesn't mean that it is true. Keep swinging, little buddy.

11/10/2005 9:00:46 PM

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Quote :
"Writers Threatened by Australian Anti-Terror Laws

by Gideon Polya
Thursday November 24, 2005


The existing Anti-Terrorism Laws provide draconian imprisonment penalties, namely 1 year (for not surrendering your passport immediately), 3 years (for intentionally associating 2 times with a person who promotes a Government-proscribed organization), 5 years (for reporting the preventative detention without charge of someone), 5 years (for not being able to prove that you do not possess an “answer” or a ”thing” demanded during interrogation), 10 years for being associated with a Government-proscribed organization) and 25 years (for leading such an organization).

The proposed Anti-Terrorism Laws provide further draconian imprisonment penalties, namely 2 years (for revealing a Document Demand Order), 5 years (for contravening Control Orders that could involve home detention, wearing a tracking device, no work, restricted associations, no telephone, no internet and no possession of specific “things”), 5 years (for revealing Preventative Detention without charge of anyone), 7 years (for broad-ranging “sedition” offences, including not being able to prove that you did not intend to assist Australia’s enemies or disturb the peace - noting that it is not possible in science to prove a negative) and life imprisonment (for donations that are thence transmitted to a Government-proscribed organization). "

11/26/2005 12:48:57 AM

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