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[Edited on November 13, 2005 at 12:26 PM. Reason : i just wanted to beat Dweedles thread...]

11/13/2005 12:23:40 PM

All American
14628 Posts
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this thread is null

11/13/2005 12:26:41 PM

50085 Posts
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It's the official thread sucka.. oh shit.. i need to get to the sports bar

didn't realize it was 12:30 already.. oh well. Jets start the demolition in 3.5 hours. Brooks Bollinger in the house...

11/13/2005 12:27:47 PM

50085 Posts
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This was definitely the official thread fucknuts.

11/13/2005 4:23:19 PM

All American
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Thanks Bollinger, best player on our team today, bwahahahaha.

11/13/2005 6:54:44 PM

All American
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hehehe this threads gonna slap him in the face

11/13/2005 7:03:27 PM

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haha... just a game thread. I actually conceded defeat at 10-3

Reggie Bush said he wants to be a Jet if it was up to him though..

11/13/2005 7:04:12 PM

All American
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Is that guy in the pic crying in agony?

11/13/2005 7:04:23 PM

All American
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passing a kidney stone

11/13/2005 7:06:38 PM

All American
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i made that face when i got my ballskin caught in my zipper

11/13/2005 7:10:57 PM

All American
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ive never done that

and never will

11/13/2005 7:11:35 PM

All American
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is that dude a Jets icon or somethin?

[Edited on November 13, 2005 at 7:13 PM. Reason : ,]

11/13/2005 7:12:35 PM

All American
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he's probly just their most famous fan

like the panthers have that huge black guy with the blue troll hair

11/13/2005 7:15:25 PM

All American
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11/13/2005 7:15:54 PM

All American
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i thought yall had some dude dressed up as a panther or somethin

[Edited on November 13, 2005 at 7:16 PM. Reason : ^ yea]

11/13/2005 7:16:02 PM

All American
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when i think of new york sports fans, i picture fat ugly loud guys like that

11/13/2005 7:16:22 PM

All American
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that would be the mascot?

11/13/2005 7:16:44 PM

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When I think of Southern fans I think of.. empty seats in the playoffs (Braves)..

and taht is Fireman Ed...

11/13/2005 7:17:01 PM

All American
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when i think of mets fans

i think of empty stadiums in the playoffs

11/13/2005 7:21:36 PM

Duke is puke
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'twas a great game. just wish the fans at panthers games were more passionate.

11/13/2005 10:05:47 PM

All American
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^we're not passionate because we're waiting for something to go wrong, like a big injury or the other team rallying back or something. aside from a couple good years, its been that kind of franchise.

11/14/2005 5:53:14 AM

Tom Joad
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11/14/2005 11:42:32 AM

All American
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^^ its been that kind of franchise?

what the heck were you watching.
weve done very well right from the start and had a few bad years around 2000 2001
but other than that we've had a good franchise
alot better than most expansion teams

11/14/2005 1:32:59 PM

All American
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i was at the game and i thought it was pretty loud in there. if it was quiet, then i'd blame the score. there wasnt much to be excited about in the first half, and then the second half went from 10-3 to 30-3 in what seemed like 5 minutes

11/14/2005 1:35:07 PM

All American
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^^i was watching kerry collins quit on us in the middle of a season after leading us to a NFC Championship game berth the year before. I was watchin Rae Carruth get convicted of having someone kill his pregnant girlfriend. I was watching Fred Lane get shot in his own house in charlotte by his wife(i think his wife.) I was watching a franchise start out strong, then falter and collapse under Dom Capers, who is now showing the same pattern in Houston, and then i was watching as the world found out just how over-rated George Seifert was, and how lucky he was that he had the talent fell into in SanFran, which he didn't have here as he drove the team to the rock bottom. I watched a team, fresh from a super bowl berth, freakishly decimated by injuries during the first half of a season, heroically rally to then fall just short of the playoffs. That's what i watched. Lemme know if i missed something.

I'm not sayin i don't or didn't support the team with all my heart. I'm actually one of the most die-hard fans you'll find, i'll take a super bowl with my panthers over a national championship for State. I live and die by this team. Which is all the more reason why, while i cheer when we're up and winning, i'm always halfway holding my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop, for something bad to happen. Every time Steve Smith twists his body to throw off a tackler, I worry. Every time DeShaun takes hit after hit for the extra yard (i think he should be our feature back, but that's another discussion), i cringe. Every time Dan Morgan is slow to get up, i hold my breath. Its just what i've learned with this team, i have to guard myself against heartbreak.

and i wasn't even gonna mention the super bowl, which, while being one of the best ever, has to be in the same category as all the other stuff. I mean, how often does John Kasay kick a kickoff out of bounds? seriously? Of all the times for that to happen, it happens then? i'm still pissed about it.

[Edited on November 14, 2005 at 10:48 PM. Reason : ,,]

11/14/2005 10:39:07 PM

All American
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gg smitty

11/14/2005 11:25:21 PM

All American
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I'll just say ditto to all of that. There have been some painful times in the short history of this team. I remember being furious after Seifert finally achieved his goal of getting rid of Beuerlein so that he could place the entire team on the shoulders of Chris Weinke. Then on opening day Steve Smith ran the opening kickoff back for a touchdown, Weinke threw for 223 yards, and they upset the Vikings 24-13. I thought it was the beginning of something special, but then 16 weeks later I was sitting in an empty Ericsson Stadium watching them finish the season with a 38-6 loss to New England, getting their NFL record 15th consecutive loss.

And then came John Fox

11/14/2005 11:48:13 PM

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