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 Message Boards » » Side business in Charlotte (home automation) Page [1]  
All American
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I'm thinking about trying to get into this market. Figured I could do it on the side on an evening or 2 and a weekend day. Do you think there'd be much interest. Starting out I could zone the air conditioning in houses in my neighborhood since almost all of the houses are 2 story with a single ac/heat unit. Hell I automate buildings including the microsoft building and Herst towers for 40 hours a week so I'm sure a little residential HVAC and lighting wouldn't be so bad.

Does anyone else share the interest? Might you or someone you know like to zone your air conditioning and heat?

11/14/2005 10:29:55 PM

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explain home automation?

11/14/2005 11:26:11 PM

All American
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Quote :

A Basic Definition
For some it may be something as simple as remote or automatic control of a few lights. For others, security may be the central application. Still others may choose to install advanced controllers or use voice recognition. As a very basic definition, we tend to refer to home automation as anything that gives you remote or automatic control of things around the home.

Adding home automation to an existing home is surprisingly affordable and simple. Our average product costs less than $40 and requires no new wires!

We at Smarthome think that home automation should be what you want it to be. Whatever your "MVP" automation project might be, we're confident that using it will make life around the home more convenient, safe and fun!

What Can I Control?
Probably the most popular control category and a great way to get involved with home automation. Starter kits begin at $10 or so and are plug-and-play easy to install. Dim fixtures you could never dim before, control them from anywhere in the house (or world via the Internet).

Security Systems & Access Control
Have your home call you and/or loved ones if there is an alert status. You can save money on security monitoring services or even monitor for non-traditional security events like water in the laundry room or basement. Additionally, Smarthome products include devices which will allow you to unlock the front door to let friends in or close the garage door from your office via the web.

Home Theater & Entertainment
Just imagine replacing that pile of remotes with just one controller. Now, imagine not having to know all 10 steps to starting up your home theater - just press the HBO icon and your home automation products/system will do the rest. Built-in speakers are especially popular with homeowners as they provide beautiful sound throughout the house while adding no clutter whatsoever.

Phone Systems
Phone systems which are usually used for small business applications are surprisingly convenient in the home. With caller ID and a home automation controller you can even screen your calls for only those you wish to cause your phone to ring. Voice control software turns every phone in your home into a remote controller.

Remote control thermostats allow you to adjust the temperature from bed at night or even from a cell phone while on your way home (or to your 2nd home!). They can even trigger a notice to you if the temperature gets too low (freezing pipes) or too high (pets, plants, etc.).

Have your sprinklers turn on only when it's dry. Some of our customers even turn the sprinklers on when there's motion in the yard at unwanted times - imagine someone trying to explain the wet clothes to the police!

Home automation can be accomplished using various types of connectivity. What's great is that many of today's home automation products need no new wires - so they are perfect to retrofit into an existing home. If you are building new, or doing a major remodel, please consider adding networking, audio, video and control wiring while it is easy and relatively inexpensive, later on you'll be happy you did.

and Anything Else You Can Imagine
... (Well almost anyway).

How Can I Control Them?
Remote control
Remote control gives you the convenience of controlling lighting, appliances, security systems and consumer electronics from wherever you happen to be at the time like your couch, car or even in your bed. There are several different "methods" of controlling devices remotely. Below we highlight the pluses and minuses of each.

X10-compatible products are the most popular home automation products because of their low cost and ease of installation, especially into existing homes. To learn more about X10, click here.

Taking advantage of X10’s convenience and popularity, Smarthome has created INSTEON technology, which combines powerline with RF remote technology for maximum coverage and reliability while still maintaining the low cost users have come to expect from Smarthome products. INSTEON-enabled products work with legacy X10 products but require no additional noise filters or phase couplers since each installed INSTEON device acts as a repeater. To learn more about INSTEON, click here.

Automatic Control
Automatic control adds even more convenience by making things happen automatically, without any effort being necessary. Examples include having your lights turn on at dusk and off at your desired time, having your whole home theater turn on and tune to the desired station after one press of a button on your remote.

What are the Benefits of Home Automation?

Home automation makes life more convenient, safe and fun!

We've all gotten used to controlling our TV from the couch, just wait until you are able to dim the lights as well. Imagine adjusting the temperature from your bed or controlling the volume of your wholehouse audio system from any room. Or, can you imagine the wall/ceiling heater in your bathroom coming on automatically 5 minutes before your alarm clock goes off (only when it's chilly) so that it is warm when you enter. Many Smarthome products also save energy -- we'll all agree that's a nice convenience.

We're all used to opening the garage door from the car, but you'll be surprised how much safer you'll feel coming home to a lit home and even turning on more lights from your keyfob remote upon your arrival. With a couple of basic products you can have your whole house light up like Fort Knox when there is motion detected at any corner of your house. Imagine your house sending you an email if there is motion where there shouldn't be any motion. Or, you can have your security system call you if there is an alarm, which might include your typical security alarm or even a low or high temperature or water in the laundry room or basement.

High tech products for the home are fun to use and share with others. Whether viewing visitors at your front door on your TV or tuning your stereo by using voice recognition, you'll find it surprisingly enjoyable. And, when it comes to impressing the friends, you'll be happy to show off your newfound applications.

11/15/2005 7:23:53 AM

All American
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There are already a couple of companies that are allied with some of the rich-person-house builders - such as these guys:

Innovative Systems
(704) 847-7708
9129 Monroe Rd
Charlotte, NC 28270

It's possible to establish a small independent home networking/AV practice, I've done it, but it is with a known network of clientelle, and only grows every now and then through references. It's peanuts compared to my real job, but an extra couple hundred bucks here and there is nice.

11/15/2005 7:41:49 AM

All American
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AudioAdvice does it as well though we stick to strictly entertainment sources. TV, theaters, sound systems. They use Crestron and Lutron equipment for controls mainly when dealing with automation.

11/15/2005 8:05:29 AM

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