either the i850 or the new blackberry 7100i?http://nextelonline.nextel.com/NASApp/onlinestore/en/Action/DisplayPhones?audience=INDIVIDUAL&id12=Personal_Wireless;Phones&language=EN
12/21/2005 12:09:07 AM
Can't you make a decision on your own?
12/21/2005 9:33:10 AM
i was actually trying to get feedback from anyone who had used a blackberry before and would like to know if it's worth the money. But thanks for the input and merry christmas.
12/21/2005 10:09:41 AM
that blackberry is not worth it, id go into detail but i dont care enoughget the i930
12/21/2005 10:10:59 AM
well do you need to check your email constantly throughout the day? Do you feel like paying $45 more dollars a month? Do you need a camera? Do you need a bluetooth device?
12/21/2005 10:31:16 AM