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john kruk
All American
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i want to post this on Prick Pride so bad, but they'd ban my brand new screen name in a heartbeat who is it?

I have to go with Sendek

4/8/2006 10:48:29 AM

All American
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I would have to go with....only a handful of people can reply to this thread because they actually cared about State basketball when Valvano was coach.

4/8/2006 10:59:09 AM

john kruk
All American
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oh, you don't have to know Valvano in order to not like him

it's quite acceptable to dislike him

let it out....

4/8/2006 11:00:19 AM

All American
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I was a fan of Sendek. I will take 5 straight trips to the Big Dance over not making the NIT next year.

4/8/2006 11:03:43 AM

Pi Master
All American
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Ok, this has gone far enough

I liked Herb and all... but Valvano takes this one hands down

4/8/2006 11:04:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i want to post this on Prick Pride so bad, but they'd ban my brand new screen name in a heartbeat"

That's because you'd be "slandering" a guy who ran a dirty program and almost got the school pwnt by the NCAA.

But Valvano won a title, so that makes him untouchable in the minds of a lot of State fans.

4/8/2006 11:05:19 AM

Pi Master
All American
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Except that the NCAA investigator said, in a letter to Valvano, that he thought he was a great man who ran a clean, classy program, and that he would send his kids to play for him in a heartbeat.

4/8/2006 11:10:24 AM

john kruk
All American
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this thread needed to be made

the fanbase is like the Red Sea right now

we need to settle this pressing issue before things get really out of hand

4/8/2006 11:12:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Except that the NCAA investigator said, in a letter to Valvano, that he thought he was a great man who ran a clean, classy program, and that he would send his kids to play for him in a heartbeat."

Oh right, I forgot--once Valvano passed away, he became a saint and therefore untouchable.

How silly of me.

4/8/2006 11:13:40 AM

Pi Master
All American
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Right, because he sent the letter through a Ouija board... what the hell are you talking about?

4/8/2006 11:15:18 AM

All American
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Anyone > Herb

4/8/2006 11:28:14 AM

john kruk
All American
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yo, you're a fucking moron

and/or an Asian

[Edited on April 8, 2006 at 11:29 AM. Reason : ,]

4/8/2006 11:29:38 AM

All American
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nah...I'm white

Just not a Herb guy

4/8/2006 11:32:51 AM

john kruk
All American
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so you're saying that the man who lucked his way into a title, but recruited/cheated his way into fucking the university for a decade to follow is better than the man who helped bring the program back to respectibility? not to mention that Herb did it in a clean manner

4/8/2006 11:34:43 AM

All American
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For personality, I can't help but love V, for consistant coaching, I can't help but love Herb.

I respect and like any man who will commit himself to this university.

4/8/2006 11:36:28 AM

All American
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Herb was good... i liked him as a coach... i liked consistent tournament appearances, although i would have liked a breakout year or two... hell, even an NIT title would have helped his chances with the NC State "faithful"...

Valvano was fun, he knew how to win, but has been unfortunately maligned as a coach because of the baseless accusations of a man who could barely write...

although, to be fair, Valvano didn't have to take over after the Les Robinson years...

4/8/2006 11:38:34 AM

All American
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Worst thread ever.

4/8/2006 11:45:41 AM

john kruk
All American
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how is it a bad thread?

i think it's very valid to discuss the legacies of two former coaches

especially since one coach is a "legend" and the other is still fresh in our memory

4/8/2006 11:48:27 AM

All American
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Herb didn't win the big dance. Herb got swept by the "Big Four" twice and never got a winning record against Wake, Duke, or UNC in a season in all 10 years.

Les did a better job against NC teams, except for against Wake.

I love Sendek, I think he is a GOOD coach, but he is no Jimmy V.

No comparison. If you were a Pack fan during the Jimmy V days, you'd understand.

[Edited on April 8, 2006 at 12:07 PM. Reason : .]

4/8/2006 12:05:00 PM

john kruk
All American
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i volunteer at his tournament

that's all

4/8/2006 12:13:53 PM

All American
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I wasn't an NC State fan when Valvano was coaching. So no reply.

4/8/2006 12:36:48 PM

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^if u have no reply then maybe the "reply to subject" button is not for u ?
Jim Valvano hands down....yes when u die of cancer and during your battle inspire people to fight to live and leave of legacy of a charity that raises lots of money to combat the disease then yes you're a little exempt from being disliked - or at least people who dislike you automatically look like schmucks.

4/8/2006 12:44:27 PM

john kruk
All American
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so you just like him because he had cancer?

4/8/2006 12:45:22 PM

All American
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it's the intangibles

4/8/2006 12:45:26 PM

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I like him because he had a passion for what he did, he had a passion for life, he could inspire people to play basketball and to live life fully. He tried to make other people lives better beause he knew what it was like to suffer and have to fight for your own life....i could go on? Why DONT you like him???

4/8/2006 12:49:17 PM

All American
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mother fucker valvano had charisma way before he had cancer....

4/8/2006 12:49:20 PM

304 Posts
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^thank u

4/8/2006 12:52:13 PM

All American
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its a question of who you like better, not disliking

as a coach, i like sendek better

as a personality, i like valvano better

4/8/2006 12:54:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I was a fan of Sendek. I will take 5 straight trips to the Big Dance over not making the NIT next year."

WTF? You don't know what the fuck is gonna happen, noone does. Stop adding this bullshit about not goin anywhere next year. If you don't want to support NC State through whatever happens then find another school to support only when you like whats going on. No one on this board had anything to do with Herb Sendek leaving other than the fact that he was insecure about his coaching because the fans didnt like that he couldnt beat UNC or Duke, or get us more than 1 sweet 16 appearance in 10 years with no higher than a 7 seed in any of his other 5 years of going to the tournament. Stop with the bullshit and just see what happens, you are already doing what you are complaining these people have done by not supporting whatever coach NC State decides to bring in next year.

4/8/2006 7:51:32 PM

All American
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To all of you denying it, it was sent to Valvano weeks after the NCAA investigations (Which found basically nothing more than players selling shoes) were concluded

Quote :
"Dear Jim,

Please excuse the handwriting but I want this to be personal and not something off a typewriter or a computer. If you have trouble reading this, I apologize, but it is the best I can do. I am writing because I have become very fond of you throughout the course of the investigation. I guess we are not good friends, but as friendly as we can become through meeting under these circumstances.

When I was first assigned this case I had no idea what you were all about. I had some knowledge of you from your TV appearances and I suspected I might encounter some smart-ass egomaniac who would try to bullshit me. Those impressions vanished after I met you and spent some time around you just listening to your philosophy about basketball, academics, life, and other things we touched on. I consider myself a fairly good judge of character after the experiences I have had here, and I have come to believe that you are one of the best people I have met in intercollegiate athletics and one of the best people I have met period. I do know the pressures you operate under, I do not know how your family has been affected by these proceedings, and I guess I can't know how you feel about your status at N.C. State because I don't walk in your shoes and finally, I know you are not stupid or crazy and will make decisions based on your good judgement.

Anyway, what all this leads up to is what I told you before in your office: you're good for intercollegiate athletics, good for N.C. State and good for the NCAA. I hope you stay at N.C. State and continue to do as you've always done and not change anything about your methods or your personality. If I had a son, I would feel honored to have you you as his coach and would encourage him to learn from you. So anyway, for what it's worth, if you are thinking about leaving N.C. State, please make that decision based on sound reasons (I know you will) and not because of some outside influence or a whim. I've grown to like you and respect you very much. I cannot say that about many people I have encountered in this job. If you decide to leave N.C. State, I know it will be because it is the best decision for you and your family, but it will be a big loss for the university, the ACC, the NCAA and the City of Raleigh.

If I can support or help you in any way, I will. You have a lot of supporters and admirers nationwide. I hope you get some comfort from them. Please hang in there as best you can.

Best personal regards,

Dave Didion
Chief Investigator, NCAA

[Edited on April 8, 2006 at 7:59 PM. Reason : ]

4/8/2006 7:56:24 PM

All American
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^ nicely done

4/8/2006 8:00:52 PM

471 Posts
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I think the decision is really easy between Sendek and Valvano. Anyone (i.e. John Kruk) that cannot recognize the difference is one stupid fuck (i.e. John Kruk).

In Jimmy V's first 9 years he took NC State to 6 NCAA tournaments. Of those 6 the team won one national championship, went to two Elite 8s, had one sweet 16 appearance, and two first round losses.

In Herb Sendek's first 10 years he took NC State to 5 NCAA tournaments. Of those 5 the team made it to one sweet 16, three rounds of 32, and had one first round loss.

Jimmy V just had it. When you watched or listened to him you just knew he wanted to win as badly as you did. He cared for NC State Basketball like Julius Hodge did. When you looked at Herb Sendek you saw nothing. He barely mustered an expression anytime he spoke and he always gave the company line. He just didnt have it, and he probably never will.

Dont get me wrong though, I think Herb Sendek is a good coach and I didnt want to see him go. But when you start comparing him to Jimmy V is when you start making the mistakes, because there is no comparison.

4/8/2006 10:26:15 PM

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def jimmy

4/8/2006 10:27:44 PM

All American
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Herb Sendek is a tremendously kind man and a very good basketball coach.

Jim Valvano was both of those and had a "Room of Dreams".

V wins.

4/8/2006 10:30:45 PM

All American
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[Edited on April 8, 2006 at 11:09 PM. Reason : rrrrrrrrr]

4/8/2006 10:58:46 PM

All American
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This is ridiculous


4/8/2006 11:29:40 PM

All American
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jimmy v... all it takes is one title,,, and some intensity

i wouldve LOVED herb if he acted intense..... lets not talk about him though, hes gone and its ancient history already

4/8/2006 11:30:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
""I was a fan of Sendek. I will take 5 straight trips to the Big Dance over not making the NIT next year.""

the truth is we prob will be in the NIT next year but not bc Sendek is so great but bc the players we have for next year arent that great...we have lost bennerman, bethel, evtimov and maybe brackman...give the new coach 10 years and im sure he will have done more for our program than Sendek...I have no idea how any can like Sendek better than Valvano...Can you not see that Valvano won a national championship and Herb did not even win a conference championship

4/9/2006 3:05:54 AM

All American
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this thread is fucking retarded

most of you dont even remember basketball during valvano's coaching career, and of course herb looks great coming after les robinson

there is no comparison

4/9/2006 3:08:50 AM

2784 Posts
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btw jimmy v cheated

herb ran a clean progam

4/9/2006 4:28:19 AM

All American
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Everett Case and Norm Sloan also cheated...but the cheating of all three was nothing that I would be ashamed of. I mean, for fuck's sake, selling shoes and making sure a kid has something to eat are not heinous crimes. To be honest, I'd probably have given one of my vital organs to bend some rules to get the Pistol in here if I was around back then.

Perhaps a cheater is our destiny!

4/9/2006 4:50:32 AM

All American
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everett case and norm sloan cheated? Incorrect. You realize there is a difference between accidentally breaking dumb ncaa rules and intentionally trying to gain an advantage (cheating)?

4/9/2006 5:40:46 AM

All American
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^Umm we were on probation in 1973 or else we would have 3 National Championships.

Sloan didn't cheat though.

Some of you idiots are clueless.

Quote :
"I think the decision is really easy between Sendek and Valvano. Anyone (i.e. John Kruk) that cannot recognize the difference is one stupid fuck (i.e. John Kruk).

I like Sendek better.

Compare how he left us and how Jimmy V left us. When Jimmy V left, WE SUCKED ASS for 10 years because of probation. Herb left us with good talent that should compete for NCAA bids.

4/9/2006 8:17:43 AM

Thots and Prayers
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Quote :
"That's because you'd be "slandering" a guy who ran a dirty program and almost got the school pwnt by the NCAA.

But Valvano won a title, so that makes him untouchable in the minds of a lot of State fans."

Wow, there are still people that believe the lies printed by the N&O?

4/9/2006 8:20:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"But when you start comparing him to Jimmy V is when you start making the mistakes, because there is no comparison."

Quote :
"btw jimmy v cheated"

Read PackBacker's post, its only a little bit up the page...its really not that hard.

4/9/2006 8:27:47 AM

All American
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I'm glad that Kruk motherfucker is suspended

I LOVE JIMMY V!!!!!!!!!!

4/9/2006 12:15:30 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I know who I like.

4/9/2006 5:42:44 PM

All American
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My point simply was that Valvano didn't do anything worse than Case or Sloan. Sloan's violations certainly weren't of the "cheating" variety, but they were violations nonetheless. You wanna talk about cheating, let's talk about State home games always being officiated by referees hand-selected, hired, and paid by Everett Case himself.

4/9/2006 5:49:17 PM

All American
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^or lets talk about acc tournaments and dixie classics being held in reynolds

[Edited on April 9, 2006 at 5:52 PM. Reason : can we get a context, please?]

4/9/2006 5:52:33 PM

All American
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Valvano on David Letterman:

john kruk is ncstatetke, right?

[Edited on May 21, 2015 at 2:31 PM. Reason : ]

5/21/2015 2:31:05 PM

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