RattlerRyan All American 8660 Posts user info edit post |
At athletic events I call us NC State, but besides that, I generally refer to our school as NCSU. I suppose the fact that they took this off of Tuffy's hat reflects that the university is moving away from calling us NCSU, but does anyone else still think of us as that? 5/3/2006 7:58:54 PM
ZiP All American 18939 Posts user info edit post |
I always say "NC State," but realize that being somewhat far from North Carolina that might sound dumb, I've gotta remember to say the full "North Carolina State"
-ZiP!- 5/3/2006 8:02:58 PM
brownie27 All American 3030 Posts user info edit post |
1) on my resume it says ncsu 2) in north carolina i say i go State 3) when I am at sporting events i say N C state ncstate!!! you know what im talking about 4) when i am out of NC and people ask where i went to school i say i went to nc state or north carolina state
[Edited on May 3, 2006 at 8:43 PM. Reason : forgot about the 4] 5/3/2006 8:42:30 PM
RattlerRyan All American 8660 Posts user info edit post |
^you summed that up quite nicely 5/3/2006 8:58:57 PM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
i actually say ncsu most of the time and then immediately add "nc state"...sometimes i have to go further. it generally isnt that important. 5/3/2006 9:31:46 PM
Wxwolf Veteran 173 Posts user info edit post |
What I really hate is the stupid "NCST" label that ESPN has started using for our games, argh! 5/3/2006 9:57:42 PM
Wintermute All American 1171 Posts user info edit post |
The last three talks I gave at Los Alamos or here in California I was introduced as, "Wintermute from UNC will now talk about the good work he as been doing on blah blah blah".
Outside of the South East NCSU doesn't exist. 5/4/2006 2:33:01 AM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
I'm surprised that they used your TWW name. "And now, an academic paper by wintermute" 5/4/2006 2:38:00 AM
RattlerRyan All American 8660 Posts user info edit post |
that would be funny and maybe kinda cool if I were introduced at a herp conference as RattlerRyan 5/4/2006 3:51:59 AM
ZiP All American 18939 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Outside of the South East NCSU doesn't exist." |
this is true
-ZiP!- 5/4/2006 8:51:28 AM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
ppl still ask 90% of the time "UNC right?" when talking to me in FL 5/4/2006 10:36:35 AM
bigTHEW All American 7330 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "What I really hate is the stupid "NCST" label that ESPN has started using for our games, argh!" |
That is because NC State's marketing department request them and other media outlet to use that as our four letter identifier, so when people read it they think NC STate not NCSU. 5/5/2006 2:11:07 PM
RattlerRyan All American 8660 Posts user info edit post |
I never knew that, there ya go. 5/5/2006 2:34:44 PM
Crazywade All American 4918 Posts user info edit post |
Most people I have met outside of the South East (Chicago, L.A., Kansas, Alaska) knew about NC State because of the recent football (Rivers years) and because of ACC 5/5/2006 2:58:33 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
i always say "North Carolina State University" no matter what context. 5/6/2006 1:27:37 AM
ssjamind All American 30102 Posts user info edit post |
i say i went to Git Er Dun College 5/9/2006 1:08:55 AM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
a guy giving me a haircut once asked me what school i went to. i told him ncsu & it just confused him. so i had to spell it out for him. ncsu is the shortest way to write it, so as ive been here i've shifted more and more to saying it too since i'm getting more used it. 5/9/2006 7:54:12 PM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
my grandparents, parents, and older relatives all call it state college. just like it says on the big smoke stack on campus. i find myself saying state college sometimes as well. 5/11/2006 2:27:59 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i never put university on it
i'd assume most would already know that so i just say north carolina state 5/11/2006 3:16:31 AM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/ 5/11/2006 9:05:14 AM