JS All American 657 Posts user info edit post |
I keep hearing stories about this. What's the deal? I was hoping some of you older TWWers would know. 5/22/2006 5:51:55 PM
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit post |
there are tunnels that go from the steam plant through campus which provide heating to the buildings.
what is this deal you want to know about?
p.s. don't go into them unless you want to be arrested. 5/22/2006 6:00:07 PM
JS All American 657 Posts user info edit post |
haha I def wouldn't go in there
so did people used to go in there? where is the entrance? what's in there? why would anyone ever even want to go into a steam tunnel? 5/22/2006 6:02:55 PM
OmarBadu zidik 25083 Posts user info edit post |
i've been down there 5x - i got caught the first time b/c one of the guys in our party tripped a silent alarm (opened a door to a building - can't recall which one anymore - i want to say cox though)
it's good drunk fun
the entrance we used everytime was the grate next to the c-store outside of the free expression tunnel - kinda next to the bookstore - 2-3 lookouts - 1 guy with a saw - can go through the chain in ~20 seconds - but it makes a lot of noise
[Edited on May 22, 2006 at 6:04 PM. Reason : .] 5/22/2006 6:03:03 PM
nothing22 All American 21537 Posts user info edit post |
is there some sort of utility map for them? 5/22/2006 6:07:19 PM
OmarBadu zidik 25083 Posts user info edit post |
there is a basic one on ncsu.edu operations site - photogrob made a pretty good one though back a few years ago 5/22/2006 6:10:08 PM
Pyro Suspended 4836 Posts user info edit post |
Nothing really to see, certainly not anything worth being arrested for. Go trespass somewhere that doesn't have bored rent-a-cops just itching to make examples of you. 5/22/2006 8:48:58 PM
Grapehead All American 19676 Posts user info edit post |
is the kids corpse still there that died playing dungeons & dragons in the 80s? 5/23/2006 9:28:54 AM
VorpalRath All American 4119 Posts user info edit post |
yes. along with the chud city. 5/23/2006 1:08:43 PM
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit post |
^^kid didn't die down there
no one died down there
the D&D kids killed the dungeonmaster's parents. 5/23/2006 2:19:36 PM
sarijoul All American 14208 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Nothing really to see, certainly not anything worth being arrested for. Go trespass somewhere that doesn't have bored rent-a-cops just itching to make examples of you." |
unfortunately it's bored real cops. 5/23/2006 3:36:40 PM
V0LC0M All American 21263 Posts user info edit post |
been there once freshman year, nothing really exciting 5/23/2006 7:54:35 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
im lost, why would you want to go down there 5/23/2006 8:58:03 PM
bous All American 11215 Posts user info edit post |
b/c it's fun to explore shit when drunk? 5/24/2006 12:38:05 AM
yakuza1 Veteran 255 Posts user info edit post |
isnt there a book or tv movie about the D and D kids who killed the parents or whatever? 5/27/2006 11:32:43 AM
scottf All American 615 Posts user info edit post |
^there is both a book and made for tv movie cant remember the name of the book but it was a good read. i'll try to find it. 5/27/2006 11:36:49 AM
CPKontalonis All American 8345 Posts user info edit post |
I remember when I thought it was cool to get drunk and just walk around campus
then I grew up and started wanting to do things like have sex with girls 5/27/2006 3:54:05 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |

6/1/2006 4:16:28 AM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "then I grew up and started wanting to do things like have sex with girls" |
ahahahahahahahaha 6/1/2006 7:49:32 AM
RhoIsWar1096 All American 3857 Posts user info edit post |
i guess it'd be neat if you could get from building to building without being seen, aside from the whole getting arrested thing. if ncsu had a secret society they'd sure as hell use them  6/8/2006 1:53:38 PM
markgoal All American 15996 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if ncsu had a secret society they'd sure as hell use them " |
Right, IF! 
[Edited on June 8, 2006 at 3:31 PM. Reason : .] 6/8/2006 3:30:48 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
You used to be able to sneak into the gym at through some grates on the back side of the building. I went one time with some friends because we wanted to jump off the high dive, but some janitor looking dude came up to the window right in front of us when we lifted the grate. Iirc, they put some locks on those grates by the next time we went.
I also heard you could sneak into the Atrium via similar method, but never tested that one. 6/8/2006 4:05:54 PM
phishnlou All American 13446 Posts user info edit post |
Notre Dame has a similar setup
upon graduating, you are privileged to a few things not available to the public...a stadium/pressbox tour and a tour of the underground tunnels 6/11/2006 3:54:32 PM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
arrested, or y'know, burned from the hot steam. 6/11/2006 3:57:42 PM
nothing22 All American 21537 Posts user info edit post |
hot steam that talks with a lisp
"~you better run or i'm gonna burn your little asses~" 6/15/2006 9:39:28 AM