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 Message Boards » » I'm new to bit torrent, password protected rar Page [1]  
1513 Posts
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Looking to sample some new stuff on the radio to see if I want to buy. I managed to download a password protected rar file. Any idea how to get the password for it?

6/5/2006 9:24:52 PM

All American
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6/5/2006 9:25:48 PM

25069 Posts
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Quote :
"Looking to sample some new stuff on the radio to see if I want to buy."

go try this siht on your mom

6/5/2006 9:31:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Looking to sample some new stuff on the radio to see if I want to buy."


6/5/2006 9:31:37 PM

All American
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6/5/2006 9:32:19 PM

1513 Posts
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I don't have any mp3s on my computer. Everything I listen to is mostly FLAC encoded from my own collection (which is small ). It's pretty hard to believe this day in age but for me it's true. I really don't listen to music that much. I got into bittorrent for the tv shows and was seeing what kind of music was avail. I heard this stuff from Danger Mouse and Cee Loo and I kinda like it. Was wondering what the rest of the CD sounded like because I heard it is all over the place with different styles.

6/5/2006 9:35:48 PM

25069 Posts
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don't tell your sob story to us - tell it to the riaa

6/5/2006 9:39:56 PM

1513 Posts
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I'm sure you have never stolen anything in your life mr. omarbadu. Btw, are you the n00b/policies police on the board? I don't see anyone else with as much blood seeping out of their snatch as you when it comes to these types of threads. Do you have a life or is sheparding rookies a large part of it?

6/5/2006 9:45:47 PM

25069 Posts
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i don't think it could be any easier

6/5/2006 9:49:09 PM

All American
10141 Posts
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everyone one of these trolls either has had or currently has a torrent running

6/5/2006 9:52:05 PM

25069 Posts
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i got banned from the hotel i'm at a few weeks ago for p2p - can't run anymore during the week

i wouldn't come here for any help if it was needed

6/5/2006 9:53:01 PM

1513 Posts
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Well, where would you go then? I mean, I don't do this shit for a living, I don't know all the ins and outs of the underground world of stolen digital everything which you seem to be the hero about (while simultaneiously absconding me for posting this question).

6/5/2006 9:55:30 PM

25069 Posts
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well let's clear that misconception up - i am no hero

6/5/2006 9:56:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Pw :"


6/5/2006 9:59:19 PM

25069 Posts
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don't help retards like this - they need to learn how stupid they are the hard way

6/5/2006 9:59:55 PM

1513 Posts
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And what is the hard way? As best I gather, you are one of those guys that grew up spending all his time in the IRC rooms, probably still has a lot of connection there, and has a real sense of pride and accomplishment because of this, and continues to try and maintain that tight nit "afraid/hate of all newcomers" mentality that still pervades the culture. In short, you're lame, go away.

^^ Can you read German? I figured I had to register and get a password, didn't know how big/popular a site that was, was kinda hoping someone was already registered and could hook me up. Thanks guys, you're a big help!

[Edited on June 5, 2006 at 10:23 PM. Reason : big help!]

6/5/2006 10:22:57 PM

25069 Posts
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reading is hard - i'd be angry if i were in your shoes too

6/5/2006 10:24:09 PM

1513 Posts
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Translate away

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6/5/2006 10:25:41 PM

25069 Posts
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are you a complete fool?

the password is the site - - you don't ever have to go to it - you are clearly the game winner

6/5/2006 10:26:43 PM

All American
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6/5/2006 10:40:42 PM

1513 Posts
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Thanks, wasn't paying attention. Thought they were wanting me to go to the site and register and all that jazz. Seemed too easy to have it right there in the torrent info.

6/5/2006 10:45:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Well, where would you go then? I mean, I don't do this shit for a living,"

Google, and back in the day, HotBot. I think I learned about 80% of what I know about computers when I was 12-18, with almost no budget and a lot of curiosity.

Anyways, the reason you are getting trolled is you are asking for help on a public message board for doing something ILLEGAL. If you want to post "need help growing/selling pot" on the spindles around campus, feel free to ... don't expect others not to walk by and get a good laugh.

If you would like samples of particular music, I would recommend Most CDs on there have 30 second clips or so ... same setup as when you can a CD in an FYE (or whatever music store people shop at these days). Otherwise, quit asking for help on potentially illegal torents ... figure it out.

6/6/2006 6:29:06 AM

All American
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For future reference, you can usually type your entire question into the Google search bar and you will probably find some random forum somewhere where someone else asked the exact same question and got some answers.

6/6/2006 8:53:22 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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Quote :
"“1. Contents of on-line offer The author does not take over any guarantee for the topicality, the correctness, completeness or quality of the made available information. Liability claims against the author, who kind idealistic material on damage or refer, which was caused by the use or Nichtnutzung of the dargebotenen information and/or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information is in principle impossible, if on the part of the author no as can be prove deliberate or roughly negligent being to blame for is present. All offers are not-binding and noncommittal. The author reserves itself it expressly to change parts of the sides or the entire offer without separate announcement to supplement to delete or the publication occasionally or finally to stop. 2. References and left With direct or indirect references to stranger Internet sides (“left”), which outside of the area of responsibility of the author lies, an adhesion obligation exclusively in the case into force would step, in which the author of the contents of knowledge has and it him technically possible and reasonable would be to prevent the use in case of illegal contents. The author therefore explains expressly that at the time of the link setting the appropriate linked sides were free from illegal contents. The author does not have any influence on the current and future organization and on contents of the linked/linked sides. Therefore it dissociates itself hereby expressly from all contents of all linked /verkn üpften sides, which were changed after the link setting. This statement applies to all within the own Internet offer set left and references as well as to foreign entries in from the author furnished guest books, panels and mailing lists. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and for damage, which develops from the use or Nichtnutzung kind of such of dargebotener information, alone the offerer of the side, to which one referred, is responsible in particular that, which refers over left to the respective publication only. 3. Author and characteristic right The author is anxious to consider in all publications copyrights of the used diagrams, clay/tone documents, video sequences and texts of him provided diagrams, clay/tone documents, video sequences and texts to use or on license-free diagrams, clay/tone documents, to fall back video sequences and texts. All within the Internet offer specified and if necessary by third protected mark and registered trade marks are subject without reservation to the regulations of the valid in each case characteristic right and the possession rights of the respective registered owners. However due to the bare denomination the conclusion is not to be drawn that brand names are not protected by rights third! The copyright for published, of the author provided objects remains alone with the author of the sides. A duplication or a use of such diagrams, clay/tone documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without express agreement of the author. 4. Data security If within the Internet offer the possibility for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) exists, then giving up these data takes place on the part of the user on expressly freiwilliger basis. The recourse to and payment of all offered services actual so far technically possible and reasonable - also without indication of such data and/or under indication of anonymizated data or an alias permits. 5. Legal force of this non-liability This non-liability is to be regarded as part of the Internet offer, from which to this side one referred. If parts or individual formulations of this text of the valid legal situation should not correspond, to no more or not completely, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their contents and their validity by it. “ "

6/6/2006 10:18:17 AM

25069 Posts
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i think he's come to grips with how much he sucks now

6/6/2006 10:48:35 AM

All American
3245 Posts
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isn't trolling illegal now....

....calling George W.

[Edited on June 6, 2006 at 11:44 AM. Reason : ha]

6/6/2006 11:42:43 AM

179 Posts
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Quote :
"Looking to sample some new stuff on the radio to see if I want to buy."

You can use napster, its free:

"Listen to 2 million full-length songs up to five times for FREE."

6/6/2006 3:17:53 PM

All American
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^ a n00b with a point.....

6/6/2006 3:53:39 PM

179 Posts
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Quote :
"^ a n00b with a point....."

Hahaha Thanks.

6/6/2006 5:47:58 PM

All American
31346 Posts
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GG, very GG

6/6/2006 7:00:26 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » I'm new to bit torrent, password protected rar Page [1]  
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